How does the whole body vibration help? Whole body vibration provides multiple benefits to your horse. Let us look at some of the major health benefits of using this vibration therapy. 1. Increased blood and lymphatic flow that promotes quick healing through enhanced oxygenation in the tissue, toxins and metabolic waste removal and improvement in the body's self-healing properties. 2. Promoted bone remodeling. 3. Increased bone density as well as strength. 4. Increased cartilage thickness. 5. Improved and accelerated foot growth. 6. Stimulated and toned muscles. 7. Relaxed and built muscle. 8. Increased energy, improved flexibility and calm nerves. 9. Reduced muscle soreness and inflammation. 10. Enhanced mental stability.
How to use the vibrators? These full body vibrators or vibrating plates are comparatively easy to use. The plates have separate controlling options for the vibrators placed in front or back foot. The plates can be kept on any flat surface that has enough space for both the horse and the handler. Generally, a stall is the best possible place for installing a plate. It can also be installed in a small chute near the wall, where your house usually stands. In order to see the effectiveness of these vibrators, you need to make sure that your animal gets the treatment for at least 15 minutes every day. As soon as the horse get used to standing on or near these vibrators, they find it enjoyable. You might find it difficult for the first few days to train it to start enjoying the healing process. However, after awhile your horse will become habitual, and does not try to move away from it. Start the whole process with very slow vibrations, and you can increase the frequency after a few days. A sudden large frequency will make it difficult for your horse to adapt with the change. Conclusion Use a good quality vibrator to properly condition your horse. You can always take help from a horse vibrator expert to learn more about the process. VitaFloor is an experienced writer who wrote many write up related to Whole Body Vibration Training for Horses; wants to more information related to Vibration Training Equipment visit our site.