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New Regional perspectives; towards vital/competitive rural areas

Prof Dr. Frans Boekema

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Tilburg University

Introduction: A real Dutchman… … however with multi regional/local identities

An Economist looks like a Weatherman: his forecast is seldom exactly right, but the analysis afterwards is often stable/reliable

Today we are facing lots of problems related to the transition from the ANALOGUE past to the DIGITAL future

The (analogue) past ďƒ a (very) local community‌

The (digital) Present and Future (Apple-eaters)ďƒ a global community

A cartoon presenting The Euro-crisis; Balancing needs full support and TRUST of all actors

Who is responsible for the Euro crisis? Countries and banks are blaming each Other ďƒ lack of TRUST

EU-sponsored projects LEDA: Local Economic Development Action ďƒ Promoting Local Iniatives

Challenges in the (near) future; * Economic/Demographic decline (shrink)? * Regional Marketing and Branding?

* How to create coalitions/new governance? * How to create transnational exchange?

The (Regional) Knowledge Economy; What can we learn from theory and from best practices?

Silicon Valley: excellent Regional performance and Branding

Economic map 1950) North; Agricultural South: Coalmining East;Textiles/Iron West; Urbanised region

2014; The Regional Economic Map has changed a lot.. 

Some sectors almost disappeared completely (Coalmining, Textiles)…

...while (complete) new sectors emerged (High Tech, Nano, ICT, etc)…

…and (some) Rural Areas transformed into Innovative Agribusiness Regions

3 (Urban) Mainports in the Netherlands;

Seaport Rotterdam

Airport Amsterdam

Brainport Eindhoven

The Dutch economy; a variety of different local economies

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All kinds of Valleys and innovative regions‌

Smart Specialisation Strategy

Some striking Examples 

  

Amsterdam; banks and financial services Eindhoven; High Tech Systems Wageningen; Food-Technology hotspot Rotterdam; Maritime Clusters ….and some Remarkable Rural Regions….

Amsterdam One of the financial centres in Europe

Eindhoven Region

‘Brainport Eindhoven’ high-technology spot in Europa

Foodvalley Wageningen A strong international Performance and Branding

Food-Valley Wageningen‌. Famous and well-known worldwide!

Food Valley with a crucial role of Wageningen University

Some examples of Dutch Rural Regional Developments: * Achterhoek (Rural/SME’s) * Veluwe (Leisure,Recreation) * Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (BioBased Economy) * Betuwe (Fruit & Horticulture) * Venlo (Bordercrossing Agribusiness)

Achterhoek region Rural area with small municipalities and traditional industries

Achterhoek Region: 8 municipalities working together

Veluwe Region Recreation, Nature and Leisure

Veluwe: Focus on Leisure/Recreation and Health


BERGEIJK 133.url

Regional Branding;

Greenport Venlo (Agribusiness)

From Borderregion Greenport VENLO‌ ...towards‌ a bordercrossing innovative Agrobusinessregion Greenport VenloNiederrhein

Borderregion Venlo/Niederrhein 2025 Agrobusiness region no. 1 Europa?

Region Parkstad (South) Limburg: Economic and Demographic decline)

Parkstad Limburg; How to deal with economic and demographic decline?

Demographic growth and decline Growth and decline; A divers pattern with many new challenges

Twente; From a former TEXTILE region Towards a succesfull NANO-tech hotspot region

ZeeuwsVlaanderen; From periheral borderregion towards backbone in the biobased sustainable economy

Bio-Valley (Dutch-Belgium borderregion)

Smart corporate coalitions (energy, raw materials, waste, hot water, biomass etc.)

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Coalitions at Bio-Valley; Towards a real sustainable regional economy

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Betuwe; a traditional Rural Area (Fruit and Horticulture region)

Challenge: How to transform into a vital rural economy?

Betuwe “Blossom Valley”  from old Fruitregion towards a sustainable and innovative AGRIBUSINESS REGION

“Betuwse Bloem� (Blossom Valley; how to construct a regional brand

april 2006

Brainstorm: 40 pragmatic Plans/Projectideas to realise sustainable Agribusiness Clusters

Entrepreneurs presenting their Businessplans for the Provincial Deputy

July 2009

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The provincial agricultural policy report “BETUWSE BLOEM”

Sustainable Mushroom Cluster Smart cooperation; . . . . .

Mushroom-companies Logical services Power plant Trade and marketing Knowledge-centres…..


The high-tech knowledge has been made available by WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY

Innovations are exposed in an innovative GREENHOUSE

Economic performance of “Betuwe Blossom�: a substantial stronger and sustainable regional development

Presenting the output; from knowledgeto know-howto profit May 2011

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May 2011; Presentation of economic results

Deputy accepts/supports the strategy TNO Bouw en Ondergrond N100-76132



With professional PR and communication

Lobby en promotion at the Department of Agriculture

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Professional publicity and PR by media ( TV, press)

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Conclusion A Professional Regional Policy and Regional branding might be very helpfull to support the succesfull development of (rural) regions and helps them to realise their ambitions in the future.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Excellent Citymarketing; Guggenheim Bilbao

World-wide promotion of Dutch Flowers (Urbi et Orbi)

Amsterdam Citymarketing; focusing on real topics and hotspots

Regional Cooperation In the Hague/ Rotterdam area

Some International topics of Amsterdam

Excellent Citymarketing Amsterdam re-opening Rijksmuseum

The (analogue) past; Potato-eaters (Vincent van Gogh)

Modern (digital) family-life Apple-eaters

Samenwerking daadwerkelijk uitvoeren in een regionaal plan

Juli 2009

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408 Municipalities are competing with each other to hold/attract ‌ . Inhabitants . Businesses . Visitors . top talents

Maritime Industries (Rotterdam Region)

A strong Dutch brand: cutflowers, bulbs and windmills

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RUHRGEBIET remarkable Regionbranding Past:dirty steel/coal


12 Provinces in the Netherlands

Dutch Government:

5 Superprovincies instead of 12

all kinds of Regional Governance Structures and Institutions

Some succesfull examples of regional Branding; * Brainport Eindhoven (High Tech) * Betuwse Bloem (horticulture) * Greenport Venlo – Niederrhein * Bio Valley (Terneuzen-Gent)

Eindhoven Region in the past: An economic monostructure dominated by 2 Multinationals (DAF-Trucks & PHILIPS)

Smartest region of the world 2011-2012

Region Venlo as a sustainable Agribusiness Region (Floriade)

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World Expo FLORIADE succesfullďƒ 2 million visitors

Health Valley Coalitions between companies, local and regional authorities, knowledgecentres, hospitals etc.

Health Valley; an (adapted) copy of Food Valley?

Betuwe; Fruit and horticulture region

The Triple Helix Approach: local autorities, entrepreneurs and Universities

Scientific Report Regional AgribusinessClusters ďƒ Biobased Economy

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Economic map (1950) North; agriculture South-Limburg: Coalmining Veluwe: Recreation Twente/Tilburg/Leiden; Textiles Betuwe;Fruit/horticult Achterhoek; Iron Industry Eindhoven; Philips

And how are the (national, regional and local) demographic developments and trends?

3x demographic growth and decline 2014-2040 Population


Labour force

Region Noord-Veluwe: cooperation of 6 municipalities

Germany as most important and strongest economy in the EU

Regions with strong coalitions of local/regional authorities, entrepreneurs and knowledgecentres/universities show a good performance

Regionbuilding implies; * creating connections, * using each others qualities, * creating win-win effects * joint strategies * focus and priorities * strong governance and....based on mutual TRUST!!

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