Interreg IV B North Sea Project
Vital Rural Area An overview
Scope of the project and content basis To find strategies to fortify rural areas by: 1) Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by empowerment of SME’s towards new economical prospects and innovations 2) Improving the overall perception of the region by branding towards a professional exposure of regions 3) Delivering more and better services by optimizing services, towards more and better accessible services and amenities
Outcome of the project 43 ‘best practice’ project cases Fitting into one of the 7 Vital themes
The Rural Power Pack Based on the project results and scientific knowledge the Rural Power Pack was developed: • A general working method/standard for tackling rural problems commonly encountered in rural areas • Tested transnationally on its transferability to other regions • Offering tools and instruments to be used in other regions
The Rural Power Pack viewed more closely
The Rural Power Pack viewed more closely
The Rural Power Pack
Dissemination of project results Dissemination of results (2013-2014) over a web-based structure by: o appealing presentation of results (uniform project format, “story telling� form) o connecting to networks and projects throughout EU 28 o aiming for interactive growth of knowledge by sharing project results and experiences o adding results from other projects and programmes
Executive Executive phase phase July July 2013 2013 –July –July 2014 2014 Vital Rural Area Regions Themes Methodology New regions and stakeholders within Vital countries
Other EU regions, stakeholders
Extension and transformation
New themes and new partners
Adding new best practices
Improving methodology
Making Making Vital Vital legacy legacy sustainable sustainable
Thematic development towards a new period (2014-2020) Network development by linking Vital regions to other projects and programs (Observatories)
Observatories Observatories
Functioning as an ‘operating base’
Country Country pages pages
Made operational by new country pages on the Vital website Enabling network development by linking to other partners and projects
Country Country pages pages
From Vital themes to new project focus points
Healthy Ageing
From Vital themes to new project focus points: ANNO as example
Innovation in SMEs and education
From Vital themes to new project focus points: ANNO as example
Profiling and branding the region