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Student Spotlight
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Tiffany Maduakolam knew in March she would likely never again put on her student scrubs. All clinicals and classes were going virtual for the remainder of the semester. She wanted to fi nd a way to mark the abrupt end to her in-person college experience, so she posted a photo of herself on Facebook with a few refl ections: “In these scrubs, I’ve watched life begin and end,” she wrote. “I’ve been called a blessing, a mother, a best friend, a companion, a godsend and a hero.” Other seniors responded with their own stories and gave us permission to share excerpts from them. READ MORE Complete refl ections from these students and others, as well as a video adaptation, can be found at nursing.uic.edu/ in-these-scrubs.
In these scrubs, I learned. I learned so much. Not only did I learn the skills of nursing practice, I learned how to be a better nurse. I learned how to comfort patients when they are scared. I learned how to listen to patients in a time of need. I learned how to support my fellow healthcare team.
LAUREN YATES, BSN ‘20 In these scrubs, I met people I will never forget. I have met patients who have made an impact on my nursing care. I have met students who have given me words of inspiration when I needed it the most. I have met faculty who have the best intentions for their students. I have survived in these scrubs. These scrubs have made a signifi cant impact on the rest of my life.
VINCENT GEBALA, BSN ‘20 The fi rst time I wore these scrubs, I was terrifi ed and afraid of what was to come. I arrived to my clinical one hour early and stood outside for at least 10 minutes wondering if I was good enough, ready enough or smart enough. When it got too cold outside, I stormed in while reciting my positive self-talk: “You got this, Tiff. You can do this.”
TIFFANY MADUAKOLAM, BSN ’20 In these scrubs, I have been able to help birth babies into the world. I have been able to walk alongside those on the road to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. I have been able to help support and cope with someone who just got diagnosed with HIV. I have cared for patients who have been shot and burned. I have learned that human beings are resilient. We are fi ghters.