limited edition t-shirts prints by diversame artist hellen

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Diversame brand is an a-empt to make everyone approach to the genuine iden7ty of a human nature. Designer Vitaly Polyakov is open to make collabora7ons with ar7sts. Illustra7ons for the limited edi7on t-­‐shirts prints by Diversame are based on thoughts that people usually tend to conceal, but at the same 7me these thoughts belong to the ar7st’s inner world and reflect all dimensions of the contemporary reality. Vitaly believes that provoca7ve desires and flaws are not always iden7fied as something nega7ve, they can rather add charisma to the human ac7vity. So the limited edi7on t-­‐shirts prints by Diversame is an a-empt to reach out to the inner dialog and to think over one’s personal traits. Features of the Diversame t-­‐shirt design: “Propor7ons and movement of lines, designed to follow the human body lines, make the profile silhoue-e look distorted: the side seam follows the arm line in its natural posi7on (with an angle), shoulder line goes along the collarbones”.

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