Tracking Properties Crexi – Login: Password : Strudel1 Search properties for sale and click on the more filters option
Select the desired filters for your search. For this query select the following Boxes • Property Type: Retail • State: Texas • Listing Timeline: 7 days o Select the listing timeline based on the last time that Crexi was checked • Tenancy: Single and Multi
Select a newly entered property
This will pull up the property
Before we move forward Open REA and search for the property
Once the property is up in REA, download the OM from Crexi
Download and save the OM into the properties by zip folder
Once it is saved drag the downloaded file into the attachments in REA
Make sure to designate the file as an OM so that the agents know what the attachment contains. In REA input the date that it hit the market and create a new note with the pricing information, and select the “for sale� icon.
To find the date that the property market look at the listing added date on Crexi.
To find the pricing information, NOI, and Cap rate refer to the OM
Entering properties into iSTRIVE Using the information from REA and the OM we fill out the iSTRIVE information.
You can get the majority of the information for the first section from the executive summary page of the OM
For Tenants go to the Rent Roll Page of the OM (Usually towards the end of the packages)
Enter the national tenants into the tenants category in iSTRIVE. Note: There are also general tenants you can input for local tenants such as – Church, Nail Salon, Hair Salon, Vapor Store, Fitness Studio
Next we add the Seller, Listing Agent, and Listing Agent’s Firm. Refer to REA for the owner, and the OM for the Listing Agent Owner:
Listing Agent and Firm:
Enter this into iSTRIVE
We then add the property financials into iSTRIVE. We have already input a lot of the information into the note in REA, but it is entered here too.
Also be sure to check the actual income and expense page in the OM to make sure that the NOI on the offering summary matches the NOI on the income and expense page.
The income and expense page is also where you can find the base rent number to enter into iSTRIVE as well.
The next piece of information that we have to add is the occupancy of the property. For this you can find it on the property information page of the OM
Input this into iSTRIVE
The final thing to do in iSTRIVE is to attach the OM. In order to do this we must first save it into Arc Fusion Username: marketing Password: Brazilian9 Drag the downloaded OM into the files in Arc Fusion
Once it is in Arc Fusion it will appear like this
Next highlight the text in the right corner under details and paste it into the “Media Kit� field in iSTRIVE under Website
Hit the submit button, and it will create the in the market comp.
Email Email: Password: Winter2019 When you have the email pulled up, scroll to the bottom to where it says “E-Signature Attachments�
This will bring up the CA that must be filled in.
Below is the information needed to fill in. It may ask you to log in. If that is the case the login is : and the password is Strudel_1
Once you have executed the electronic CA you must wait to be granted access. This typically takes anywhere from an hour to a day.
The email granting you access will look similar to this. Click on the OM to open and download.
Now save the OM in properties by zip.
Open REA and find the property
Drag the OM into the attachments in REA
Make a note in REA with all the pricing information, add the date that it hit the market, and check the “for sale� icon
Entering properties into iSTRIVE Using the information from REA and the OM we fill out the iSTRIVE information.
You can get the majority of the information from the Property Dashboard page in the OM
For this OM we can get the tenant list from the Property Dashboard page, but sometimes you have to scroll down to the rent roll to find the tenant list. Fill out the tenants in iStrive
Next we add the Seller, Listing Agent, and Listing Agent’s Firm. Refer to REA for the owner, and the OM for the Listing Agent Owner:
Listing Agent:
Enter this information into iSTRIVE
We then add the property financials into iSTRIVE. We have already input a lot of the information into the note in REA, but it is entered here too. Find the Potential base rent and double check the NOI in the income and expense page of the OM
The final thing to do in iSTRIVE is to attach the OM. In order to do this we must first save it into Arc Fusion Username: marketing Password: Brazilian9 Drag the downloaded OM into the files in Arc Fusion
Once it is in Arc Fusion it will appear like this
Next highlight the text in the right corner under details and paste it into the “Media Kit� field in iSTRIVE under Website
Hit the submit button, and it will create the in the market comp.
Entering Properties from Broker’s Website Go to the broker’s website to view their current listings
Click on the “Download Offering Memorandum” button on the property page
Enter in the email into the box –
Enter in all of the required information to continue
Click on the download document and files to access the OM
Save the OM in the net lease storage folder
Now we need to find the property in REA. Find the address in the OM.
Save the OM as an attachment in REA
In REA input the date that it hit the market and create a new note with the pricing information, lease type, remaining term, and select the “for sale� icon.
Entering properties into iSTRIVE Using the information from REA and the OM we fill out the iSTRIVE information.
You can get the majority of the information from the Pricing Details page in the OM
Enter in the Owner and Listing Agent information
Now we need to fill in the pricing information
The final thing to do in iSTRIVE is to attach the OM. In order to do this we must first save it into Arc Fusion Username: marketing Password: Brazilian9 Drag the downloaded OM into the files in Arc Fusion
Once it is in Arc Fusion it will appear like this
Next highlight the text in the right corner under details and paste it into the “Media Kit� field in iSTRIVE under Website
Hit the submit button, and it will create the in the market comp.