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Dear sponsors and friends, first of all I would like to thank you all for the support and help you offered to the team in the last year. My name is Maria di Napoli and I am the Team Leader of SquadraCorse for the 2013/2014 season. This year I was called to lead the team, together with my colleagues, Filippo Giacomel, the Mechanical Division Leader, and Sandro Morero, the Electric & Electronic Divi-sion Leader. This newsletter is one of the news of the current season. By means of this we intend to update you about the works of the team and the improvements of the project. We want as much as possible make you part of our passions and efforts, so that we can thank you again and again for all of it, that wouldn’t be possible without your collaboration. In the following pages you will find infos about the team, its relationship with the media and some insights about our sponsors. On page 3 an introduction about the renovation of the team and its new organization can be found. You will also read about the premises for this season and what we are up to do and obtain this year. On page 4 you will read about the events we took part to in the last months and how the attention of the press is addressed to the team. On page 5 you will get some infos about three sponsors, Massola Officine Meccanica, Euren and BART srl, to whom we address our warm thanks. On page 6, eventually, you’ll find the 2014 season calendar, and some infos about the FSAE events that SquadraCorse will take part to. I hope you will enjoy the reading of this newsletter and continue supporting our dreams. Eventually, I would like to invite all of you to come and meet us this weekend: Tecno2 will host the team at its stand at the Automotoracing-Automotoretrò expo. Best regards, Maria di Napoli


The Team As it happens every year, the 2013/2014 season beginning has seen the renovation of the team composition. First, it was the yearly handover with the nomination of new Team and Division Leaders. It is interesting to highlight the confirmation, for the second year in a row, of the courageous and tenacious Sandro Morero as Electric & Electronic Division Leader. Well done Sandro and thank you so much for the strength and dedication that you reserve to the team!

Despite 2012/2013 season closed with the disappointment for not competing at our best to summer competitions, it gave us the possibility to have one whole year to improve the project, getting to 2014 competitions with lot of kilometres and many experience gained. Track tests and projects with many things to improve began. Never as before, conditions for the season were as good as now. Furthermore, we have a notable team for the preparation of stat-

Secondly, there was the recruitment of the new team members, chosen from Architecture, Design and Engineering students of Politecnico. The huge number of requests by students eager to join to the team, allowed the Team to choose the most qualified tempters. 330 were only requests between students who had already passed the first two years of the Bachelor and the Team focalized attention on them. Today around 60 students from different courses compose the new 2014 Team, they are mainly Italians but there are also many foreign students coming from China, Spain, Brazil, Nigeria, Turkey and so on. Again, SquadraCorse represent the multi-ethnic and multicultural soul of Politecnico di Torino.

ic events, made up also by, for the first time, Engineering and Management students. This year Sporting Direction has a new lifeline and started working with the greatest enthusiasm. Come on guys, good job!!


SquadraCorse & media Squadra Corse as a productive part of Politecnico di Torino is, as never before, more and more taken into account when dealing with automotive innovation. During the month of October, we took part to an episode of “Prodotto Italia”, an economic telecast broadcasted by RAI, entitled “Torino, la cità dell’auto” (Turin, the automotive city). During the telecast it was underlined the role at the forefront of Politecnico di Torino in the automotive research. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE SERVICE On the 5th of November, SquadraCorse was invited to attend “St.Petersburg-Montecarlo Electric Marathon” prize giving ceremony. St. Petersburg-Montecarlo Electric Marathon is a marathon, on board of electric cars, through the whole Europe, started from St. Petersburg October the 26th and finished November the 6th in Monte Carlo. The 5th of November they stopped in Politecnico di Torino in order to recharge bat-


teries. Repubblica TV was present and Prof. Gian Mario Pellegrino talked to their cams about electric car potentiality. It is in this field that SquadraCorse operates with the development of the electric traction of its prototype. CLICK HERE TO GO TO REPUBBLICA TV We also had the pleasure of an interview for the blog Hub09 in the month of December. This two guys came in our office really interested in discovering our world. Hub09 is a famous Italian blog that uses to bring on the Internet new tendencies and new realities, specially from Turin area. Here the link to the article http://hubblog.it/2013/12/ storie-squadracorse-tutti-in-pista-sotto-la-mole/ On the 14th of December the Team had the pleasure of organizing a charity event in favor of the “Piccoli Passi” ONLUS. Such association operates inside the Sant’Anna Hospital of Turin, for premature newborns and their families. In fact, it is important for the team fit in and conceive itself as part of the city life and be able of taking advantage of periods like Christmas time to address and give itself to the others. With great pleasure we welcomed in the beautiful background of the Sala Colonne at Castello del Valentino the presentation of the association. This was followed by a snack and the sale of Christmas biscuits. The proceeds where then given to the association and we know that it yelded to a good number of diapers for our little friends.

Sponsors Officine Meccaniche Massola - For the fouth season Squadra Corse have been supported by Officine Meccaniche Massola, based in Piossasco. The realization of a racing car prototype requires the usage of a lot of steel, aluminium and titanium components: this is the strong point of this company, famous for the high precision of its products, and able to satisfy every customer. Thanks to very skilled personnel and high technology machines Massola’s factory is able to produce mechanical pieces with amazing and complex geometries. BART - As in the past, also for 2013 season SquadraCorse has been supported by an important partner as BART s.r.l. The great availability of broaches and the high skills of operators allowed the team to realize the internal grooved profiles of some component of the transmission. We want also to underline that the work has been finished with an extreme high quality of manufac-

ture and amazing rapidity. We also want to warmly remember Mr. Alfredo Tocco, founder of the society, recently passed away, who always supported our collaboration. We are thankful to Matteo Veneziani who always was interested in our project and followed carefully our work. GLEASON - In the transmissions world the conic gear is associated to William Gleason’s name. The company founded in 1865 is nowadays one of the biggest producers of tool machines for gears in the world. SquadraCorse couldn’t hope to have a better partner than Gleason Sales Italy. This partnership has been really helpful in the project definition and in the production of the components. Designing gears, a totally new experience for the team, has been successful thank to the great support of Carlo Lanfredi. We hope to carry on in the future our collaboration at our best!


The 2014 Season During the months of January and February, SquadraCorse succeded in registering to three European FSAE competitions: FS that will be held in Silverstone, FSE Czech Republic in Hradec Králové, and Formula ATA in Varano de’ Melegari. Both the Italian and the English competitions are official FSAE competitions and SquadraCorse took part to them several times in the past. The competition in Czech Republic is, on the other hand, at its only second edition and, as any newborn event, is full of promises of new good experiences. Here the season’s calendar: 9 – 13 July, Formula Student, Silversone, England; 7 – 10 August, FSE, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic; 29 August – 1 September, Formula ATA, Varano de’ Melegari, Italy. So, save the dates and follow the Team! The team is really happy and excited for this summer’s appointments and is completely focused to do its best to be competitive with the International top teams. Go SCR go!!


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