L I N G C o M M U N I T Y L E A N I W O R K S N G
c T G A R D E N I N G
Guide to socially responsible services in Ciutat Vella
CSR 2011 Guide to socially responsible services in Ciutat Vella This guide reaffirms Ciutat Vella district authority’s commitment both to social responsibility in the local sphere and to businesses which, through their economic activities, undertake actions that demonstrate their social responsibility. The district authority is keen to play a leading role in this sphere, and to exercise social responsibility at the local level and through services to the district and the people who live and work here. We pursue this aim by providing information and fostering transversal cooperation between organisations, government bodies and economic players with a view to optimising training and integration into employment. In Ciutat Vella we have all the resources needed to become leaders in the concept of local social responsibility. The different neighbourhoods in the district generate considerable economic wealth and opportunities. Moreover, we are home to an invaluable social network of organisations engaged in training and in integration into employment. These organisations have a social commitment to the more vulnerable sectors of society, and are praised by the local business community and institutions due to the cohesive nature of their projects. In view of this, and with a view to joining forces and consolidating the effectiveness of the services provided, two local networks have been established in Ciutat Vella. The objective behind this Guide to socially responsible services in Ciutat Vella, whose contents are the result of consensus between the district authority and local employment networks, is to make available to companies information about the job broking services provided by the specialist social network. Firstly, the guide seeks to raise awareness and to bring the business community closer to social networks devoted to local job broking for people with social difficulties, in order to provide personalised itineraries and services that can help such people to achieve integration into employment. Secondly, it promotes and fosters employment initiatives to provide professional services to companies in different sectors that find added value in exercising social responsibility and commitment to the neighbourhood. These socially responsible services, which contribute to sustainable economic, social and environmental development in Ciutat Vella, are described in the pages that follow. Assumpta Escarp i Gibert Councillor, Ciutat Vella district
Networks of associations that provide CSR services in Ciutat Vella district
There are in Ciutat Vella some fifty associations that provide a wide range of socially responsible services. Their work is two-directional: firstly, they promote the integration into employment of individuals and groups who need new opportunities or are at risk of exclusion; and secondly, they provide professional services to companies that generate the added value entailed in social responsibility and commitment to the neighbourhood. Some of these associations also have resources to help entrepreneurs, the self-employed and small business people who opt to seek freelance work.
What do you need? Specific services for companies: 1.1. Mailing services
Associació Estel Tapia http://esteltapia.blogspot.com 934 428 498 Impulsem SCCL 934 436 583 Taller Escola Barceloneta, SCCL (TEB) 933 600 387
1.2. Laundry services
Pròxims EISL
934 315 29 55
1.3. Industrial cleaning services
Pròxims EISL 934 401 000 Taller Escola Barceloneta, SCCL (TEB)
933 600 387
1.4. Community cleaning and works services
Pròxims EISL 934 401 000 Taller Escola Barceloneta, SCCL (TEB)
933 600 387
1.5. Processing services
Associació Estel Tàpia http://esteltapia.blogspot.com 934 428 498 Taller Escola Barceloneta, SCCL (TEB) 933 600 387
1.6. Textile finishing and production of merchandising
933 290482
1.7. Merchandising services
(Design and production of professional materials, pins, trophies, accessories, jewellery, etc.) Impulsem SCCL 934 436 583
1.8 Self-employment advisory services
Barcelona Activa www.barcelonactiva.cat Creant www.creant.org 933 020 626 Impulsem SCCL 934 436 583 Servei Solidari www.serveisolidari.org 934 416 406
1.9 Catering services
Fundació Mescladís www.mescladis.org 932 955 012 Fundació Surt www.surt.org 933 428 380
1.10 Gender and equal opportunities advisory services
Fundació Surt
2.8. Processing documentation to register as integration partner companies.
933 428 380
1.11 Strategic consulting for SMEs and third-sector organisations
Creant. Economia Social i Sostenible
933 020 626
2.9. Establishment of cooperation agreements for companies interested
in exercising their corporate social responsibility.
1.12 Environmental services
Taller Escola Barceloneta, SCCL (TEB)
933 600 387
1.13 Language services. Language courses (Spanish and Catalan)
EICA, Espai d’Inclusió i Formació Casc Antic 932 684 943
1.14 Intercultural awareness services
EICA, Espai d’Inclusió i Formació Casc Antic
932 684 943
General services for companies (free): 2.1. Tailored vocational training services
Candidates are trained according to companies’ requirements in the following areas: catering, hotel, gardening, cleaning, commerce, maintenance and electricity, carpentry and geriatric and home care.
2.2. Job pool 2.3. Company recruiting practices. 2.4. Job advertising 2.5. Recruitment according to professional profile, and applicant coaching. 2.6. Consultancy in human resource management:
Processing employment vacancies, reconciliation measures and bonuses in recruitment, gender perspective (Note: these services are provided free of cost if cooperation relations are established with the company)
2.7. Legal advice on employment for self-employed people and small
Networks Associations that promote social and employment integration have formed networks in order to join forces and optimise resources to help they groups they work with in their efforts to find employment.
Xarxa Laboral del Casc Antic (Casc Antic employment network)
(Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera neighbourhoods, coordinated by Pla Comunitari del Casc Antic) 933 102 142
These networks provide advisory and management services for companies seeking to exercise their corporate social responsibility within the district. It should also be noted that some of these associations also provide resources to help entrepreneurs, self-employed people and small business people who opt to seek freelance work.
Xarxa Laboral del Raval (El Raval employment network) (Coordinated by Fundació Tot Raval) 93 442 68 68
Ciutat Vella Ciutat Vella, District One, occupies Barcelona’s old town. The district is formed by four barris, neighbourhoods, which have largely conserved their singular qualities, and where much of the city’s rich historic heritage is located.
La Barceloneta
This is the youngest of the four neighbourhoods, established in the mid-18th century to rehouse those displaced from La Ribera when the Ciutadella (citadel) was built.
El Raval
This neighbourhood, which grew up along the rural paths outside the city walls, was the cradle of the local Industrial Revolution, which began here in the 19th century.
El Gòtic
The “Gothic Quarter” is the oldest urban area in Barcelona.
Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera
These are “quarters” created by the expansion of the city in medieval times. The urban territory that Ciutat Vella occupies symbolises the “city within the city”. Today, it has adopted the model of the global city, generating opportunities and wealth, and is a window onto the world that is Barcelona. However, the district can also be the scene of tensions and conflict, as the interactions that take place here cannot be understood without fusing past heritage and present action. Ciutat Vella aims to reconcile its natural centrality, a universality of which it is proud, and the residential fabric that defines its singularity. The tourist and economic attractions of this district are the direct effect of successful policies to regenerate the district. Now, everyone wants to be here! Due to the complexity of the ecosystem that is Ciutat Vella, and to ensure its sustainability, it is vital that the institutions should work hand-in-hand with citizens, particularly those that live and work in the district. By bringing together responsible initiatives and activities, we can help to build a positive, balanced future for everyone, to the overall benefit of our district.
CSR, a concept worth bearing in mind CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. More and more companies are adopting socially responsible practices, becoming involved in the work of associations and implementing sustainable activities. CSR can be defined as a company’s commitment to the local territory and to the people who live there. It is a business management model that takes into account economic, social and environmental considerations whilst seeking to ensure transparency and safety. Companies can voluntarily contribute in many ways to the development of their local environment and to improving quality of life for the people who live in it, as well as establishing fluid communication channels and relations. However, CSR is not the exclusive prerogative of large enterprises. The commitment to CSR generates benefits for businesses of all kinds, including small and medium-sized enterprises. Many companies have seen that, besides furthering their commitment to their local environment and fostering social cohesion, the application of socially responsible actions has helped to improve their market position, making them more competitive and increasing their value in the eyes of consumers and users. All this generates added value that is finally seen in the company balance sheet. USEFUL WEBSITES: RSCat (Government of Catalonia) RSCat is an initiative aimed at promoting socially responsible practices amongst businesses in Catalonia. www.rscat.cat Projecte Ressort (Barcelona Provincial Council) The objective of this project is to raise awareness and promote corporate social responsibility practices amongst small and medium-sized enterprises. The initiative enables companies to test their level of social responsibility. www.projecteressort.net
Directory of associations La Barceloneta Taller Escola Barceloneta, sccl (TEB) Barceloneta (physical disability) Centre Especial de Treball i Centre Ocupacional (occupational therapy service) Grau i Torras, 25 - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 933 600 387 Fax: 932 764 106 teb@teb.org
El Raval AFPES, Aula de Formació Professional i Estudis Socials Riereta, 31, bxs. - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 248 086 www.usoc.cat projectes@afpes.usoc.es
Associació Sociocultural Ibn Batuta Sant Pau, 82, bxs. - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 293 054 www.ascib.net feina@ascib.net
Càritas Pl. Nova, 1 - 08002 Barcelona Tel.: 933 441 650 www.caritasbcn.org info@caritasbcn.org
Casal dels Infants per a l’acció Social als Barris Taller del Raval - Junta de Comerç, 21, bxs. - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 124 904 www.casaldelsinfants.org info@casaldelsinfants.org
Comissió Catalana d’ajuda al Refugiat Aribau, 3 - 08011 Barcelona Tel.: 933 012 539 oscar.morales@cear.es
CREANT, Economia Social i Sostenibilitat Anem per Feina Guàrdia, 11- 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 433 040 anemperfeina@pangea.org
Associació Estel Tàpia Om, 7-9 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 428 498 http://esteltapia.blogspot.com esteltapia@telefonica.net
Joaquim Costa, 62, pral. 1a - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 020 626 / 662 350 119 www.creant.org Info@creant.org
El Lloc de la Dona - Germanes Oblates Av. de les Drassanes, 27, bxs. - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 412 809 / 636 413 466 www.llocdeladona.org info@llocdeladona.org
Fundació C. O. Joan Salvador Gavina Nou de la Rambla, 39-41, bxs.- 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 426 683 www.centreobertgavina.org info@centreobertgavina.org
Fundació Escó Sant Ramon, 2, 2n 1a - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 431 332 fnesco@terra.es
Fundació Èxit Pelai, 44, 3r - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 932 319 957 www.fundacioexit.org info@fundacioexit.org
Fundació tot raval Pl. de les Caramelles, 8 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 426 868 www.totraval.org info@totraval.org
IMPULSEM SCCL Tàpies, 6 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 436 583 impulsem@terra.es
Probens Sant Rafael, 10 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 414 105 probens@probens.org
Ravaltext Sant Oleguer, 2-4 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 290 482 pilar.ravaltext@surt.org
Servei Solidari Sant Antoni Abat, 61 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 416 406 seveisolidari@serveisolidari.org
SURT – Women’s Foundation. Private Foundation Guàrdia, 14, bxs. - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 428 380 www.surt.org surt@surt.org
TEB - Ravalnet Salvadors, 6 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 934 425 867 ravalnet@ravalnet.org teb@ravalnet.org
USOC Sant Rafael, 38-42 - 08001 Barcelona Tel.: 933 298 111 http://www.usoc.es immigracio@usoc.cat
Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera Barcelona Activa – Convent de Sant Agustí Pl. de Pons i Clerch, 2, 1a pl. - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 932 684 393 www.barcelonactiva.cat convent_sant_agusti@barcelonactiva.cat
EICA, Espai d’Inclusió i Formació Casc Antic (Casc Antic space for inclusion and training) Comerç, 42, bxs. - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 932 684 943 http://eicablog.wordpress.com info@eicascantic.org mediacio@eicascantic.org
ESPAI CREA. Oficina de Creació d’Empreses de Ciutat Vella (Ciutat Vella Company Creation Office) Pl. de Pons i Clerch, 2, 1a pl. - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 010
Fundació Adsis Princesa, 19, pral. – 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 932 688 760 Fax: 932 680 343 www.fundacionadsis.org princesa@fundacionadsis.org
Fundació Casc Antic Bou de Sant Pere, 3, bxs. - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 933 107 063 fundaciocascantic@gmail.com
Fundació Comtal Forn de la Fonda, 5 - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 933 199 855 www.comtal.org aprenitreballa@comtal.org / comtal@comtal.org
Fundació Fias. Programa Prisba, EI SL Blanqueria, 5 - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 934 315 29 55 bugaderia@fundaciofias.org
Serveis Socials del Casc Antic (Casc Antic Social Services) Pl. de l’Acadèmia, s/n - 08003 Barcelona Tel.: 933 103 900 www.bcn.cat jbautista@bcn.cat
El Gòtic
Associació Gabella Bellafila, 4 - 08002 Barcelona Tel.: 933 151 508 centrecompartir@maristes.cat
AVBC. Formació i Inserció Laboral (training and integration into employment) Còdols, 16 - 08002 Barcelona Tel.: 934 124 623 irenecurt@avbc.es
www.bcn.cat/ciutatvella serveispersonescv@bcn.cat