3 minute read

Editor’s Letter

Katarina’s Letter

Wow, wow, wow! We survived 2020! Now, this year has manifested a ton of changes across the globe for nearly everyone, in good and bad ways. Society has been drastically changing in front of our eyes as the “new norm” is becoming, well, the “norm”, and many wonder where this is taking us.


Here at VIVA GLAM Magazine, we have also done a lot of restructuring, re-planning, and soul searching. Throughout this process, we discovered the importance of trying to focus on what is important and what is not, as now more than ever, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. So, we feel a responsibility to deliver inspiration and educational content for all our readers- our loyal readers and new readers alike.

While the majority of the world is shifting more towards the digital age, I must admit I love seeing that there are still many brands, more than before the pandemic, that started to value the “good old world”, such as tangible print, shooting on film, and more, which you can read about in my article “Retro Things That Are Making People Happy Again”.

So, the one good thing that I feel came out of this global hardship is that people started to value the physical world after many parts of it were taken away from us. In the years to come, I hope to see more of this, as well as the manifestation of more love, kindness, and empathy.

I wish you all health and happiness.

Love and Light,

Katarina Van Derham


It’s a tough time in the world right now (to say the least). Though we are seeing the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel with COVID-19, this pandemic is still haunting us. Our way of life has been forcibly changed, and change can be a hard pill to swallow. Since we don’t have a lot of control out there in regards to the state of the world, it’s important to notice the areas of our lives where we DO still have control- our hobbies, our homes and immediate environments, our makeup application, our fashion, and to some extent, our travel. Though we may feel helpless in the present time, we do

have many areas of our lives where we can still take the reins and sculpt the lives we want for ourselves.

Perhaps, the most important area of life we do have control over right now is our mindset. As they say in The Greatest Showman, “We can live in a world that we design”. And we can. We create the world around us down from our clothing choices, our makeup application, our home design, and even our mindset. By getting into a healthy mindset through meditation and positivity, by re-designing our homes to allow us to smile whenever we enter our spaces, to dressing up daily just to feel fashionable and on point, we can create a world we want to live in one step at a time. That way, even though we may still be stuck at home for part of the future, we’ll be stuck at home with a positive and healthy mindset.

So, let’s celebrate and continue to be happy about the little victories as we move out of quarantine. This issue of VIVA GLAM Magazine is designed to give you some inspiration for your end-of-quarantine and post-quarantine lifestyle. It’s here to help give you an escape into better times and provide inspiration for your present. It’s here to help give you beauty inspiration and fashion ideas so you can play and get creative. Travel will be opening up soon (hopefully!), and we’ll be able to step outside and eat at a restaurant again. So, let’s take some inspiration, escape from all the negative, get creative, play, and come out of quarantine shining brighter than ever.

We’re in this together!


Malorie Mackey

Managing Editor

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