21 minute read

Amanda Rodriguez A Force to Be Reckoned With

Amanda Rodriquez,

a Force to Be Reckoned With


“Sex sells but I am also more than a body or object for sex, I am a woman. A soul. A being and a force to be reckoned with.”

By Malorie Mackey

Photos by Deja Jordan Makeup by Katarina Van Derham & MUYvette Hair by Anthony Montoya Location: European House LA

manda Rodriguez is not just another beautiful cover model. Though she is exceptionally beautiful, she is also a strong woman with passion and drive, and she is a real force to be reckoned with. We were lucky enough to sit down with Amanda to discuss her career, her transition into motherhood, and her thoughts on the deeper issues- societal issues of mental health that plague so many today. Amanda has beauty and brains, and she’s here to discuss many topics that will make you think long and hard about our current society. And if you’re going to take anything away from this interview, please remember what Amanda says at the end of it, it’s incredibly important to remember “that no one else defines your self-worth. You do.”

Who was 13-year-old Amanda? What were her interests, and where did she see herself in ten years?

I love this question! 13-year-old Amanda was a goth kid in black lipstick and combat boots. I was really into heavy metal music, and I had an obsession with vampires. Haha. I told my parents I was going to be gothic forever and that it was not just a style but a “way of life”. lol. I was introverted and enjoyed spending time on my own. I am not sure if I really knew where I saw myself in 10 years at that time. I was just going through the motions. But I did really love writing poetry, short stories and journaling my thoughts. Not sure if my writing was actually any good back then, haha (probably not), but it’s something I

still enjoy doing today! Also, some of the old music I used to listen to I still enjoy at heart.

What’s the most positive memory from your childhood?

Camping and hiking as a child with my family are some of my favorite and most positive memories I have. It was a simple time. Maybe that’s why I love being out in nature so much to this day, because it’s nostalgic and reminds me of a nice part of my childhood.

yourself that people don’t see?

Thank you! I think there is a lot about me that people don’t see on the outside because of how I carry myself or things I have accomplished. But what I would love to remind the world is that everyone has feelings and struggles of their own. Sometimes, we can’t see that by just looking at someone or how they are dressed, the photos they post on their social media. But that does not make their suffering any less real.

We noticed that you are an advocate Tell us about your journey into against bullying and for mental modeling. What brought you health. Is this something you have into modeling and how has your struggled with in the past?

journey gone? Yes, I had my share of bullying in middle I went to a photoshoot with my girlfriend school as a kid (turns out being goth doesn’t one day during my late teens. She was resonate well with the popular kids), modeling at the and I am really time and asked me if I wanted Camping and hiking as a child with outspoken about my struggles with to come along. I my family are some of my favorite and mental health. didn’t have a lot of experience most positive memories I have. I think it’s more common than modeling then. we realize, and it But seeing the outcome of the images should be normal to speak freely about really inspired me. I loved the idea of how we are feeling mentally. getting to dress up, “transform” and feel empowered in front of the lens. In your opinion, what are the best

tools to help fight depression?

I am really a firm believer of honesty. There is no-one-size-fits-all remedy So, while there have been a lot of great for everyone. Depression is a powerful moments in my modeling journey, there disease. What works for one person may have also been some disheartening and not work with another. I think the best painful experiences. Regardless, I refuse to tool and the first step is being honest let these things set me back entirely from about how you feel. Often times, there what I am passionate about! is a lot of shame, fear or embarrassment carried with depression. That is a very You seem like the epitome of a painful way to live and limits us from beautiful young woman. You’re a getting the help we need. There should cover model who seems to have be no shame in explaining to your family, it all. Are there any aspects of friends or doctor about what you’re going

through. That’s the only way to really start the right treatment plan for you! Whether that means psychotherapy, medication, or a combination. It’s all about treating it the best we can and making things more manageable for you.

Why do you think that people who tell the truth are often not believed?

I think that the judgement of society can be brutal. There are a lot of preconceived notions out there. Sometimes when speaking the truth, that very truth may shatter someone’s false idea or perception of whatever you’re speaking about. And that’s hard to accept sometimes. Sometimes the truth can be painful or disappointing. So, it’s easier for some to deny or refuse to believe.

We used to live in a society where sex sells. After the “Me Too” movement, things have changed in many ways regarding the way women are perceived. Do you feel that sex still sells? And, if so, how do you feel it is different now?

I do think sex still sells. But I think now the conversation is very conscious and more careful. Especially with the powers of social media. I think the topic has changed a bit now from “sex sells” to “sex sells but I am also more than a body or object for sex, I am a woman. A soul. A being and a force to be reckoned with!”

Your Instagram profile states that you are breaking industry beauty standards. Can you tell us what you mean by that?

The fashion industry has told us what is beautiful for many years. I am not 5’10’’, and I am not a size 00. Because of that, many would ask why I would set out to model in the first place. Yet I refuse to conform to the belief that you can only be successful or “beautiful” in this industry if you attain those cookie cutter attributes.

Do you feel more Sicilian, Puerto Rican, or American at heart?

Honestly, I’ve never really felt like I belonged to one region at heart. Although my bloodline is Puerto Rican as well as Sicilian, I was born in and live in America... I have kind of always felt like a black sheep that didn’t really belong to one culture or place because of that.

Becoming a young mother is challenging enough already. How is it for you as a model? Is it more difficult with your schedule changes and the standards the industry puts on you?

It definitely is challenging! Motherhood is a full-time job on its own. Yet I know myself and I am the best version of me when I am also working outside of motherhood. I can give the most of myself to my family when I am working, as well. It was very difficult at first because it was a huge adjustment to my schedule. Especially when I used to breastfeed in the very early days! But I have learned it’s just about adapting. I have found ways to work around these things.

Have your modeling opportunities increased or decreased after becoming a mother? Why do you think that is?

Honestly, motherhood did not impact my job opportunities as much as I thought it would. I receive the same type of booking opportunities; I think it just all boils down to what I am comfortable with and willing to do now.

What bothers you the most about today’s society?

Currently, I am really bothered by the disregard the fashion industry has towards predatory behavior. I believe not only should predators be held accountable for their inappropriate or damaging behavior but also the institutions that surround them or “protect” them. There should be serious model protection implemented in every fashion company and if that protection is violated there should be serious consequences.

What is the message you’d like to send to young aspiring models?

Always remember your worth. Stand up for yourself. Don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable! And if something does make you uncomfortable, please say something. Mental and physical health comes first. Your voice matters.

How can someone discover their self-worth? If they are feeling down, this can be hard.

That’s a great question. I have struggled with that often in my own life. Whenever I get to that point of questioning my own self-worth, I know it’s time to immediately start looking inward and focus on whatever healing needs to be done.

I think an important reminder to tell yourself is that no one else defines your self-worth. You do. So, despite any feedback you may be receiving from friends, family, workplace, or home life... That does not determine your self-worth. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in our surroundings or believe we are only what others say we are. But in reality, we are worth so much more than that.

Introducing RAMLA

Our Favorite

with Culture and Purpose

Ikram Ramla is a revolutionary mind who is focused on protecting the world and changing it little by little. She is both a world traveler and an inspired creator who crafted her own business when she founded RAMLA, a line of gorgeously artistic bags.

ach mosaic bag created by RAMLA is a piece of art that was uniquely handmade by Indian craftsmen, and they are definitely a statement piece for any look. We highly recommend you add at least one of these incredible bags to your collection if you’re looking to take your image to the next level. But, before you do, we’d love for you to hear Ikram’s inspiring story, so we sat down with her to discuss her motivations, inspirations, and what makes RAMLA so special.

Ikram, you are the CEO and Founder of RAMLA. Before we discuss your brand, we’d love to discuss your past. You grew up in Morocco. How do you feel growing up in Morocco helped pave your way and inspire you to create your brand?

My upbringing in Morocco definitely shaped my view of the world. Morocco is a wonderful place, mind you I am not without bias, but it has been throughout the years a melting pot of different civilizations and cultures. It was a major stop in the Silk Road and a bridge between Africa and the west. So, we grew up with an abundance of exotic scents, colors and flavors from all around the world. I think that definitely had a role to play either directly or indirectly when I had the idea to create my own brand.

You love to travel. What’s your favorite travel destination that you’ve visited thus far?

Hong Kong, which is hands down my favorite city in the world. There is something about HK that I am not able to explain, maybe it’s the vibe, the diversity, the unbeatable nightlife or the food. I am a big foodie, and HK is a foodie’s paradise with all the different cuisines due to the mix of ethnicities. I love cities with “vibes.” If I can spend 90% of my time walking around, observing people, and trying new food, I’m happy.

You were heavily inspired by India, as well. Can you discuss when you first visited India and how it helped to influence and develop RAMLA?

When I first visited India, I was truly

What’s the full story behind RAMLA’s creation? What led to you create the brand?

I was always animated by the desire to create something of my own. I had a

I think that definitely had a role to play either directly or indirectly when I had the idea to create my own brand.

fascinated by the people and the culture. It is a land of great diversity. In many ways, it reminded me of Morocco. There was something very familiar yet wildly exotic about the place. I wanted to find a way to bring the two cultures together, so when I came across their mosaic work, it seemed so evident. Morocco is known for its ancient mosaic, and India’s way of working this basic material got me inspired!

creative energy that needed an outlet; I just didn’t know that outlet would come as a collection of bags honoring my heritage and my journey. However, what

I knew was that I wanted to become an entrepreneur and write my own story. Following that desire and believing in myself led me to start RAMLA building block by block until it became a clear vision and a reflection of my dream and who I am. The Moroccan/Indian mix that gave birth to RAMLA came as a revelation when I discovered India with all its promise and beauty. The warm colors and originality of our designs are a testimony to these two ancient cultures, countries where exoticism joins simplicity and where contrast is as common as the most unusual pairings. Each bag is a unique piece of art handmade by Indian craftsmen using metal and mosaic stones.

What is the mission behind your brand? What do you hope to achieve by creating RAMLA?

The mission behind RAMLA is to give everyone an opportunity to express their unique personalities through stylish handmade bags at the best price possible.

What’s it like running a company and serving as a CEO?

It is not easy, and that’s an understatement. Especially because it’s a new business and you are trying to make a brand out of your vision, a vision that only you have and see. Dealing with all kinds of people and doing everything by yourself can be very challenging and exhausting most of the time, but when you see that your vision is finally coming to life, it’s very rewarding and it’s worth overcoming all the obstacles and challenges.

There are other companies that create mosaic bags. What makes RAMLA bags different and so much more unique than these other bags?

Mosaic bags have always existed; it’s one of the traditional fashion accessories in India. When I came across these bags, I fell in love with the concept and fascinating details. I used the mosaic idea, that was not very known at the time, to start making my own designs. The same parallel can be drawn with leather bags.

Each bag starts off as a roll of steel. From there, we cut the patterns for the unique models, assemble them,and recover them with the wanted materials to achieve the desired look of the bag.

A large number of brands manufacture and/or design leather bags, the key differentiator is the style, the design, the concept behind the brand. For RAMLA, I work on different designs ideas and colors. Every bag has unique detailing and is supported by the use of the best quality materials.

Each of your bags is unique and beautiful. Can you explain the full process of what goes into making one of your bags?

Each bag starts off as a roll of steel. From there, we cut the patterns for the unique models, assemble them, and recover them with the wanted materials to achieve the desired look of the bag. Each piece is individually and manually positioned into the bag. That’s what makes them unique from one bag to the next.

We absolutely love that RAMLA is a cruelty-free brand. Why did you

choose to go cruelty-free? What does this mean to you personally?

I think we are, collectively, a generation that grew up in a very different world than that of our parents because of advances in technology and the population growth the paradigm shift is substantial, so wanting to change the world is an undertone to everything we do. For me, changing and protecting the world starts by the little steps, the everyday choice, whether it is protecting animals, wildlife, or the climate.

What is RAMLA’s demographic?

RAMLA is for everyone that is open minded about fashion. We are unique and definitely stand out from the crowd, and that’s how we like it.

Is there anything else you’d like our viewers to know about yourself or your brand?

I want them to know that RAMLA is a young brand that was created and marketed through a digital media platform and that only succeeded thanks to their support and appreciation for the singularity and diversity that it stands for. And for that, I am immensely grateful and will continue to work hard for their support. I am a reflection of my brand, different, carving my own way in life and in entrepreneurship.

Ikram’s intention and passion is very clear through her words and her uniquely beautiful bags. Be sure to follow Ikram on Instagram at @Ikramla and follow the latest from RAMLA at @ramlaofficial. And be sure to get your own bag today at ramlaofficial.com.

Present Yourself in the Best Way Possible with MARÍN TAILOR

You may not know this, but the main secret to being perfectly presentable at all times is wearing immaculately tailored clothing. Because of this, it is absolutely crucial that you have a tailor on your speed dial for all your new articles of clothing. Lucky for you, MARÍN TAILOR is conveniently here in Los Angeles, Calfornia, and they are the best of the best.


is a family-owned business, which is a dynamic that many can look forward to. In our experiences, we’ve found that a familyrun business can easily be more honest, true, and skilled than those big-chain retailers. The VIVA GLAM team was lucky enough to sit down with Diego Marín to discuss all about his past, his inspirations, and the future of MARÍN TAILOR.

Diego, can you tell us what it’s like working with your family? What are the benefits of getting to work with your family and sharing a passion for tailoring with your family members?

It is great working with family. There’s always going to be differences, but at the end of the day, we are all working together to take care of our brand, which is our last name, Marín. My father started the tailor business, and I came in a few years after. I made adjustments to take it to a new level and modernize the businesses. I was very lucky to have my younger brother, Alex Marín, join the family business nine years ago. He has been a very big support and very innovative to make the business what it is today. Each of us brings something to the table which results in a solid team and business.

You mentioned that your father inspired you to get into this industry. Can you tell us how you founded MARÍN TAILOR with your father’s help?

It all starts with someone, and in my case, it was my father. My father has been a tailor since the age of 9 back in Michoacan,

Mexico. Every year when I was on school vacation, up until high school, he would take me to his tailor shop to help him out. At that age, all you want to do is have fun and hang out with your friends. On the

way to and from his shop, I would get the same talk every day of how it was very important to either get an education or learn a trade. He would always tell me that it’s better to work for myself than to work for someone else. After I graduated high school, I had other plans and worked regular minimum-wage jobs. After seeing my first paycheck working graveyard, I was so disappointed and

When I finally decided to start my own business, nothing was going to stop me from working hard and making it work. It took years for the business to flourish and to become what it is today.

tried to figure out how people survive with this income. Every payday, I would hear my dad’s voice in my head, “You either get an education or you learn a trade”. It would play over and over in my head. I do think prior jobs prepared me for what was soon to be my future. When I finally decided to start my own business, nothing was going to stop me from working hard and making it work. It took years for the business to flourish and to become what it is today. I give credit to my father, mother and my brother who joined me a couple of years ago.

What were your aspirations before you found your love for tailoring?

I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life; I especially didn’t think I’d be a tailor. I come from a family of entrepreneurs, so I always enjoyed selling products to others. My dad had his business, and my mother had her full-time job, but they always had a side hustle. I was inspired by how they could make something out of nothing.

What are the most common requests you provide for your customers?

The most common requests from customers are suit alterations, women’s

questions. A great tailor will listen to what you are looking for and will suggest I don’t think many people ideas and will never do adjustments that understand the importance of you don’t want. Many old-school tailors having their suits and dresses do not understand that times change, custom-fitted to their bodies. Can trends and people change. As a tailor, you explain the importance of you have to be up-to-date with what is in having your clothing fit correctly? and listen to your customers and deliver. You can buy a very non-expensive suit, With all that said, I think a man in a suit and with the right alterations, that suit is a trend that will never go away. A suit can look like a custom or designer suit. is like your armor to go out in the world You can buy a $5,000 suit, but if you and handle business. don’t tailor that suit, it can look Many old-school tailors do not How did the like a simple offthe-rack suit. Just understand that times change, trends 2020 pandemic affect your because you buy and people change. business? a designer suit As a tailor, you have to be up-to-date What did you does not mean it’s going to be with what is in and listen to your have to do to adapt to the right fit. A customers and deliver. With all that the changing tailored suit, dress, or any other garment looks a said, I think a man in a suit is a trend that will never go away. times? The pandemic did affect our hundred times business since a better with alterations. Once you put lot of people are working from home now; on your tailored garment, you feel more we now do online zoom consultations confident and you get a swag to your and go to homes for pickups while taking walk. the right safety measures.

What do you think is the most stylish look for a man? Can you provide us with a few important styling tips?

A tip for any man out there is to get everything tailored. No matter the size or shape of the person, if you tailor your dress shirts, jeans, or even t-shirts, yes t shirts, so that your clothes don’t look oversized and sloppy, that actually changes the way you feel. A lot of people don’t even know what a tailor is or have no idea what a tailor can do. Do research, call different tailors, and ask

What are your aspirations and goals for MARÍN TAILOR in 2021?

Our aspirations and goals for 2021 are to meet our clients’ needs and be the onestop shop for men’s and women’s wear.

I hope you are as inspired as we are by Diego’s passion for tailoring. Be sure to go out and get your suit (or any outfit for that matter) tailored to perfection so you can take on the world and handle your business with dignity and class in 2021. Be sure to keep up with MARÍN TAILOR by following them on Instagram at @marintailor.

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