Vivasan marketing plan engl

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1. How to Achieve Success

• If you want to be a successful VIVASAN sales-representative, you'll have to read and understand the pages that follow. • If you need some explanations, direct your questions to your sponsor or to the VIVASAN administration itself. • When you cleared out everything for yourself, when you studied the Marketing Plan and worked intensively with it, your success in our company is guaranteed.

Ask yourself a question: "Why did I register with the VIVASAN Company?" If your answer is: "I registered with the VIVASAN Company to get its wonderful products at reduced price", you may stop reading, because your only desire is to be our client and not your financial well being with VIVASAN. But if your answer is: "I registered with the VIVASAN Company to become a professional businessman in this field, to make a carrier and to achieve financial success", then read the following pages carefully, because this will be your first step to success. It's very simple: in order to get a financial success in a business, one must dominate its fundamentals. VIVASAN Marketing Plan will become your starting point for a successful business with VIVASAN. That'se why I repeat it once again: "You must not only read this book, but try and understand the VIVASAN Marketing Plan, which is natural: to gain money, one must know how to do it.

Having read and understood the VIVASAN Marketing Plan, you will know for certain how to achieve success. We guarantee you this!




2. What is VIVASAN?

VIVASAN IS the general representative of some famous Swiss producers of wholefood harmless to the human health. Thanks to its longstanding experience, state-of-the-arte technologies and excellency of Swiss quality, VIVASAN represents these products with dignity in East Europe, CIS, Baltic States, Asia and Russia. The success of our company is based, in a great deal, on the fact that we sell products produced only from the natural vegetable raw materials that are medicinal herbs. Medicinal herbs are the basis of our medicinal creams, body and hair care substances, elite face care, essential oils, food supplements, etc. Our laboratories in Switzerland are working on new ecologically pure products. Our closest links with major specialists all over the World permit us to use the state-of-the-art technologies and the latest scientific solutions in the field of medicinal cosmetology and healthy eating, which is a guarantee that only the highest quality products go to the market. The efforts we made were not in vain. They are the keystone of our success, of the success of the VIVASAN Company. In only a few years our small company with just a dozen of employees has grown into a powerful and successful enterprise with branches in East Europe, Asia, Baltic States, CIS and Russia with an enormous number of active independent representatives (about 100 000). The history and the experience of our company confirm our stability, guaranteed by the success of our representations in other cities and countries. Although the laws and requirements vary from country to country, all our representations sell the same products by the same price according to the same Marketing Plan. The philosophic unity of the Company is another guarantee of our success. Since VIVASAN products are sold only directly to the consumer, we manage to maintain a relatively low price at the international market, which makes us successful in our work with different sections of the population. You will be able to see by yourself how successful and well coordinated our Company is to discover a great lot of unused possibilities and methods of achieving success.

VIVASAN is not only ecologically pure products! VIVASAN is not only a successful business! VIVASAN is not only your health! VIVASAN is a company with a lot of future!




3. VIVASAN philosophy Business philosophy is one of the success factors of any company. Business philosophy does not only mean marketing plan and the choice of products. Another important aspect is the so called "company code of honor", that is how it interacts with others, how it speaks with the clients, how it sells, how it organizes its life to meat its objectives and aims. The VIVASAN philosophy - "HEALTH, BEAUTY AND WELL BEING" – implies that VIVASAN is an exclusive mark of a constant concern about health, beauty and well being of everyone. One of the most important elements of this company philosophy is the quality of the products. Our slogan is: "To our client, best quality and the best service only!"

VIVASAN vouches for its quality! • Only the best and the most valuable and genetically not modified raw materials are used in VIVASAN products. • VIVASAN products are fabricated by the most up-to-date technologies and a lot of them, with a unique know-how. • VIVASAN products are ecologically pure and are notable for its fine quality. • VIVASAN products are not tested on animals. VIVASAN philosophy "Health, Beauty and Well Being" helps us to keep high the quality of the product. There is no doubt, indeed, that the future belongs to such natural, ecologically clean and high quality products that give us health, beauty, well being and success.

The secret of our success lies in our individual approach to every client! The quality and the originality of our products attract more and more clients to VIVASAN. Since direct sales mean the quickest reaction to the requests of the client, the lowest prices and the most intensive communication with the consumer, personal consultations become more and more important. They permit to discover an individual approach to every client, to explain to him in detail the nature and the effect of the product and to help choose an individual purchase. VIVASAN representatives offer a unique service quality to their clients: • personal service any time at home or office

Taking care of health and well being of the people, we, together with you, serve a good cause. VIVASAN Company with its slogan "Health, Joy and Success, New Life with VIVASAN" leads us by this road with confidence!

• free of charge individual consultations about the properties and usage of the products • current information about VIVASAN new products

VIVASAN products come to your house e become your best friends!



VIVASAN The VIVASAN Company, as one of the



successful sells



network products

Network Marketing

through independent representatives that mount their own business and their own sales network.

Network (multilevel) marketing is an effective method of sales when the product goes directly to the ultimate consumer, leaving aside numerous mediators.

The VIVASAN Company plays the role of a business partner that takes care




development of the products line,

More and more people opt for this kind of business. The latest researches show that about 25 million people all over the world work professionally in network and multilevel companies, that is full time. What attracts all these people?

packing, shipment and storing of goods.




information materials and promote presentations, seminars and training of our representatives.

Advantages of network marketing • Highly profitable business with minimum investments. • Minimum publicity and other costs. • Enormous sales network and a progressive sales percentage. • Minimum risk with unlimited revenue. • Freedom, simplicity and generosity of the business. • Possibility of a family business and work mix. • Personal growth and constant expansion of contacts. VIVASAN does not need carrier agents, wholesale dealers and other intermediaries, and, at the same time, maintains relatively low the prices of the products of such a high quality. The eventual revenue of the mediators becomes the income of our representatives. Working with VIVASAN, any person has a possibility to make a successful business because of the following reasons: 1.

Any person may become company's representative irrespective of his age, profession, sex and previous work experience. 2. You won't need any start-up capital (differently from the traditional business). 3. Your working day depends only on you and your objectives.


You may take part in numerous training initiatives of the company, constantly improving yourself.


You have a possibility of creating your own consumers' organization and being rewarded for its activity. 6. At the same time, your possibilities of making money and carrier are unlimited. 7. You gain hundreds of new friends and know hundreds of like-minded people.


You will get a great moral satisfaction, because you help others to improve their health and to raise their quality of life.

VIVASAN network marketing is a unique possibility for ordinary people to achieve and extraordinary effect.




5. The most important notions of

market price = Distributor's price + 40% of the commission

the VIVASAN marketing

MP = DP x 1,4

1. PURCHASING OR DISTRIBUTOR'S PRICE (DP) – the price by which you, as a Distributor, buy VIVASAN Company products. 2. MARKET PRICE (MP) – the price by which you sell the products to your

clients. The market price in the VIVASAN Company is 40% higher than the distributor's price.

trade profit = market price Distributor's price

TP = MP - DP

3. TRADE PROFIT (TP) OR SALE COMMISSION is the difference between the price by which you sell the products to your clients (market price - MP) and the price by which you buy them from the VIVASAN Company (Distributor's price – DP). Your trade profit will be equal to 40% of the Distributor's price. 4. NET TURNOVER is the total amount of products bought from the VIVASAN Company during a month (gross turnover) divided by DF (design factor)*.

NET TURNOVER = GROSS TURNOVER : DF 5. BULK DISCOUNT (BD) Besides normal sale commission (trade profit – TP) your will have an additional bonus from the Company in the form of BULK DISCOUNT (BD). Bulk Discount is your monthly remuneration, expressed in % to the net turnover of your structure, including your personal turnover for a calendar month. The BD % depends on the turnover of your structure, including your personal turnover, and has seven levels. The highest BD=21% is the 7th level where the turnover = $6,000 net and more. (See Table №1). Table № 1. Bulk discount

Level 7

Personal and group turnover for calendar month 6,000 and more более

6 5 4 3 2 1

3,300 – 5,999 1,900 – 3,299 1,000 – 1,899 600 - 999 200 - 599 50 - 199

Bulk discount (BD) % 21 19 14 12,5 10 6 4

Notes: * Design factor is used to consider taxes





services. Russia's DF=1.3, in other countries it will be different, according to their taxes.

The bulk discount is paid to every Distributor during the month, following that of the sale, according to the scheme used by the Company.

Tips for the future: Study carefully all the information about the product. Try not to miss conferences and presentations, make questions to your sponsor, take your sponsor to the first presentation of the product, he will help you and you will feel yourself more comfortable. Try and form a circle of constant clients. This will be the basis of your future material well being, as it is almost improbable that your get success with one sporadic sell.




The BD from 4% to 12% inclusive is paid in the form of the VIVASAN Company products at your choice; more than 12.5%, in cash. The above Bulk Discount Table is the most important constituent of our Marketing Plan. The Bulk Discount Table regulates your revenue if you have your own structure. The larger your structure, the larger your bulk discount. While calculating your personal BD, all your personal sales and all sales of your structure for the whole of the month are taken into consideration. Please, study carefully the following examples in order to understand how to work with this table.

Example Nยบ 1 You've just registered with the VIVASAN Company. Having carefully studied the products, you may start selling. Let's suppose that this month you've bought $100 of products. You have the right to sell these products by $140 (100x1.4). PURCHASE AND SALE operation gives you your trade profit:

140 - 100 = $40 However, this is not all. Look at the BD table. The medium column shows your monthly net group-personal turnover. The right column, the Bulk Discount in %. In the example Nยบ 1, you've bought $100 of products. Your net turnover will be $100 minus DF* (DF for Russia = 1.3). Namely:

100 : 1.3 = $76.92 According to the table, your net turnover BD will be somewhere between $50 and $199, that is the 1st BD level. At this level, your BD = 4% of your net turnover. This will be:

76.92 ั 0.04 = $3.08 This BD (up to 12.5%) is paid in the form of the VIVASAN Company products. This means that your Bulk Discount will be credited to you when you make your order next month. ** Your total revenue this month will be:

40 + 3.08 = $43.08

And this is only for an order of $100. Not a bad revenue, isn't it?

Notes: *Let me just remind you that the DF for the VIVASAN representatives that plan operations not in Russia may be different. **Turnovers and Bulk Discounts are calculated for a whole month. That is why Bulk Discount for a current calendar month is paid in the beginning of the following calendar month.




6. Your road to success with VIVASAN Your personal success with VIVASAN does not depend only on your personal sales volume, but also on how actively you attract new representatives and create your own structure. If you are sociable and mix well, if you attract and motivate actively new VIVASAN members, your revenue will grow considerably. In other words, there are two ways to get successful with VIVASAN: 1. Sales of products with a detailed consultation of clients. For this, your get compensated not only by your sales commission, but also by the Bulk Discount as well. The more clients buy from you, the larger will be your turnover and more money you'll get. 2. Attracting new people to our company, or building your own structure. The more people you register, the larger will be your structure, which will, in the long run, bring you more money. Your may choose any of these two roads to success, the one which is closer to you. But if you use both possibilities to get financial well being that the VIVASAN Company offers, your will achieve success much quicker.

What will be your steps to financial success with VIVASAN? To encourage VIVASAN representatives and stimulate their work, our Company has worked out its own VIVASAN Staircase to Success that has 12 steps.

VIVASAN Staircase to Success You decide by yourself what step you want to achieve and work for it. However, it will be the VIVASAN Company that will decide what degree to attribute to you by the results of your activity. Naturally, the higher you get, the better is your financial situation, but, at the same time, your responsibilities also grow. With each new step, you raise the level of your life. At the top of the staircase, your duty will be only to direct others and to get revenue that you always dreamt about.

V.I.P. Director 3rd Rank V.I.P. Director 2nd Rank V.I.P. Director 1st Rank Director-General Director





5 4

Consultant Grade 2 Consultant Grade 1



Partner Grade 2 Partner Grade 1



Manager-General Manager


3 2




7. VIVASAN Success Staircase Qualification Steps 1 step


This is only a registered or already active VIVASAN representative, which does not meat the requirements that are necessary to get the qualification of the VIVASAN Consultant Grade 1.

2 step


Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN Consultant Grade 1 if he meets the following requirements: 1. Personal net turnover = at least $60 per month. 2. Group-personal net turnover = some 6% BD.

3 step


Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN Consultant Grade 2 if he meets the following requirements: 1. Personal net turnover = at least $60 per month. 2. Group-personal net turnover = some 10 -12.5 % BD.

4 step


Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN Partner Grade 1 if he meets the following requirements: 1. Personal net turnover = at least $60 per month. 2. Group-personal net turnover = some 14 % BD.

5 step


Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN Partner Grade 2 if he meets the following requirements: 1. Personal net turnover = at least $60 per month. 2. Group-personal net turnover = some 19 -21 % BD.

6 step


Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN manager if he meets the following requirements:


• two groups from his structure simultaneously have the maximum Bulk Discount of 21% during at least 3 months in a calendar year.

3 months per year

* VIVASAN Consultant and VIVASAN Partner qualifications (2-5 grades) must be confirmed monthly, that is they have to confirm that they meet the two above requirements every month.




7 step VIVASAN MANAGER-GENERAL Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN ManagerGeneral if he meets the following requirements: • four groups from his structure simultaneously have the maximum Bulk Discount of 21% during at least 6 months in a calendar year. 8 step


Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN Director if he meets the following requirements: • five groups from his structure simultaneously have the maximum Bulk Discount of 21% during at least 6 months in a calendar year. 9 step


Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN DirectorGeneral if he meets the following requirements: • six groups from his structure simultaneously have the maximum Bulk Discount of 21% during at least 6 months in a calendar year.



Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 1ST Rank if he meets the following requirements: • twelve groups from his structure simultaneously have the maximum Bulk Discount of 21% during at least 6 months in a calendar year. 11 step VIVASAN V.I.P. DIRECTOR 2nd RANK Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 2nd Rank if he meets the following requirements: • sixteen groups from his structure simultaneously have the maximum Bulk Discount of 21% during at least 8 months in a calendar year. 12 step VIVASAN V.I.P. DIRECTOR 3rd RANK Any VIVASAN representative automatically becomes VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 3rd Rank if he meets the following requirements: • twenty groups from his structure simultaneously have the maximum Bulk Discount of 21% during at least 12 months in a calendar year.




8. VIVASAN premiums and bonuses VIVASAN PREMIUMS

m o n t h s


The VIVASAN Company has a special system of premiums and bonuses to motivate and encourage its representatives, namely:

1.Starting Premium 2.Group Premium 3.Developed Structure Premium These premiums are meant only for the VIVASAN representatives with qualifications between 2 and 5 steps of the Success Staircase, that is from Consultant Grade 1 to Partner Grade 2, inclusive. To get these premiums, one must meet monthly the following requirements (see Table Nยบ 2): Table Nยบ 2, Starting Premium, Group Premium and Developed Structure Premium Qualification

Personel net turnover

BD in %

Starting premium in % 1st line

VIVASANConsultant Grade 1




VIVASANConsultant Grade 2



VIVASANPartner Grade 1


VIVASANPartner Grade 2


Group premium in % 2nd line

Developed structure premium in % 3rd line

Forms of payment



VIVASAN products*




VIVASAN products*





VIVASAN products*






1. The Starting Premium is calculated on the basis of the personal net turnover of all the members of the first line of your structure (see Table) The right to get the Starting

2. The Group Premium is calculated on the basis of the personal net turnover of all

Premium, Group Premium and

the members of the second line of your structure (see Table)

Developed Structure Premium

3. The Developed Structure Premium is calculated on the basis of the personal


net turnover of all the members of the third line of your structure (see Table)





month. If you do not meet one of




example, your personal net turnover is less than $60), you

These calculations may look too complicated to you, but don't be afraid. All the calculations will be done by the computer. What is important is that you get the principle of the calculations!

are not entitled to the premium for the current month.

* Notes: The premiums that are distributed in the form of the VIVASAN products are not included in the net turnover, that is they are not taken into consideration in the calculation of the BD and premiums for the next month.




Example Nº 2 Suppose, you want more professional activity with the VIVASAN Company, that is you want to be a leader and create your own structure.


Let's suppose that you already have created your own structure with 13 persons (together with you), with personal net turnover of $300 per month each, having every member of the structure bought $300xDF products. In Russia, where the DF=1.3, it will be necessary to buy 300x1.3=$390 products. In other regions, that will depend on the DF. Let us remind you once again that net turnover is the purchase amount per month (or gross turnover) divided by DF.

NT=GT/DF The trade profit will be (for Russia): 390х1.4 – 390= $156

Question №1: What is the net turnover of your structure and yourself and what will be the BD? Answer: The general net turnover of the structure will be:

300 х 13 = $3,900. According to Table Nº 1 of the BDs, you and your structure occupy the 6th level (net turnover =$3,300-5,999), that gives you the right to BD =19%.

Question Nº2: How will the group BD be distributed between the members of your structure and what will be your personal BD?

Answer: Let's see the first line of your structure. Members of the first line of the structure

Net turnover $

BD %



1st nd


1,500 (sum of the turnovers of members 2+5+6+9+10 of the group)



1,500 (sum of turnovers of members 3+7+8+11+12 of the group)





Your personal BD will be calculated in the following way: • your personal turnover = 300х19=$57 • BD that you'll receive from the turnover of the 1st member of the strucuture = (19%-6%)х300 = $39 • BD that you'll receive from the turnover of the 2nd member of the structure = (19%-12,5%)х1500 = $97.5 • BD that you'll receive from the turnover of the 3rd member of the structure = (19%-12,5%)х1500 = $97.5 • BD that you'll receive from the turnover of the 4th member of the structure = (19%-6%)х300= $97.5 All in all, your personal BD will be: 57+39+9757+39+97,5+97,5+39= $330 This BD will be paid to you in cash, because the general turnover of your structure makes 19%.




Question Nº3: What will be your qualification with such results? Answer: If you take note of Table Nº2, you'll see that you have already done everything that is necessary to get the qualification VIVASAN-Partner Grade 2 and have the right to get the Stating Premium = 4%, Group Premium = 3% and Developed Structure Premium = 2%. Your first line consists of four members, each one having a monthly net turnover = $300. This means that your Starting Premium will be: 4 х 300 х 4% = $48 In your second line, you also have four members with a personal net turnover = $300 each. This means that your Group Premium will be: 4 х 300 х 3% = $36 In your third line, you also have four members with a personal net turnover = $300 each. This means that your Developed Structure Premium will be: 4 х 300 х 2% = 24 $ Thus, as VIVASAN-Partner Grade 2 you'll get the premium in cash: 48 +36+24 = $108

Question Nº4: What will be you bulk revenue for the month?

Answer: 1. Traid profit


2. Bulk discount


3. Premiums

$108 Total: $594

$594 for a relatively simple job? Where else will you be able to get such money?

And, please, don't forget, that this is just the beginning. The VIVASAN leader goes further increasing its structure. And how much will you gain with a structure of 13 members, or 2 or 4 times more? Or if some of the members of your structure get the right to a BD of 21%?





VIVASAN Bonus Manager Bonus Development Bonus V.I.P. Bonus

These bonuses are available for the leaders with a qualification of Partner Grade 2 and higher. As a leader of a structure, you have the right to these bonuses if your first line has one or several groups with the BD = 21%.

Option Nº 1. Suppose you are the only leader in your structure with the right to these bonuses. In such a case, the bonuses will be paid in the following way:

1. VIVASAN Bonus = 4% or 1.5% а). You have the right to VIVASAN Bonus – 4% if at least one of the groups of your structure gets the maximum discount = 21%, while the general net turnover of the other groups of your structure constitutes at least 30% of the turnover of the stronger 21% group (but not less than $6,000 per month). In such a case, the VIVASAN bonus = 4% of the group (or groups) turnover with the BD = 21%. b). If the general group net turnover is less than 30% of the turnover of the 21% group, but is not less than $6,000, you'll receive the VIVASAN bonus = 1.5% of the group turnover of the 21% group.

2. Manager Bonus You have the right to Manager Bonus if at least two groups of your structure received the maximum BD = 21% during at least three calendar months per year and if the general net turnover of the weaker 21% group + other groups was not less than 30% of the turnover of the stronger 21% group. Manager Bonus = 1% of the turnover of the groups that managed the maximum Bulk Discount = 21%

3. Development Bonus You have the right to Development Bonus if at least two groups of your structure received the maximum BD = 21% during at least three calendar months per year and if the general net turnover of the weaker 21% group + other groups was not less than 30% of the turnover of the stronger 21% group. Development Bonus = 1% of the turnover of the groups that managed the maximum Bulk Discount = 21%

4. V.I.P. Bonus = 1% You have the right to the V.I.P. Bonus if you are at least V.I.P. Director 2nd or 3rd Rank and the general net turnover of the weaker 21% groups + other groups is not less than 30% of the turnover of the stronger 21% group. V.I.P. bonus = 1% of the turnover of the groups that managed the maximum Bulk Discount = 21%.



VIVASAN What will be your General Bonus if you meet all the necessary requirements of the above bonuses?

General Bonus:


1. If you have two or several groups with BD=21% and the general turnover of the weaker 21% groups + other groups is less than 30% of the turnover of the stronger 21% group, your General Bonus will be of 6% of the turnover of all 21% groups (VIVASAN Bonus=4%+Manager Bonus=1%+Development Bonus=1%). For V.I.P. Directors 2nd and 3rd Ranks the General Bonus=7% (VIVASAN Bonus= 4%+Manager Bonus=1%+Development Bonus=1%+V.I.P. Bonus=1%). 2. If you have two or several groups with BD=21% and the general turnover of the weaker 21% groups + other groups is less than 30% of the turnover of the stronger 21% group, your VIVASAN Bonus will be of 1.5% of the turnover of the stronger 21% group and your General Bonus=6% of the turnover of the other 21% groups (VIVASAN Bonus=4%+Manager Bonus=1%+Development Bonus=1%).

Option Nº 2. Suppose there are other leaders in your structure with the right to these bonuses. In such a case, all the calculations are based on Table Nº3. Table №3. General Bonus in % (VIVASAN Bonus, Manager Bonus+Development Bonus+V.I.P. Bonus)

Number of 21% groups in one line of the structure Bonus lines




Example Nº 3 Suppose you have the following structure: It contains five lines. Five VIVASAN managers of this structure (VM 1, VM 2, VM 3, VM 4, VM5) have the right to bonuses. • VM 2 is on the 1st line of the structure, which is, at the same time, the first bonus line. • VM 3 and VM 4 are on the 2nd line of the structure – 2nd bonus line. • VM 5 is on the 4th line of the structure, which is the third bonus line. Since there are three groups with 21% BD, the bonus will be calculated on the basis of the numbers of column 3 of the above table. The bonuses are calculated in the following way: • The turnover of VM 5 is $12,000. Your bonuses from his turnover will be: 12,000х5% =$600 • The turnover of VM 3 is $12,000. The turnover of VM 4 is $21,000. Your bonuses from the VM3 and VM 4 turnovers will be: VM3 turnover x 6%+(VM4 turnover-VM5 turnover)x6%, that is: 12,000х6% + (21,000-12,000)х6% =$1,260: • The turnover of VM 2 is $37,000. Your bonuses from his turnover will be: (VM2 turnover - VM3 turnover – VM4 turnover)x6%, that is: (37,000 – 12,000 – 21,000) х6% =$240 • Besides, you receive bonuses from the two other members of the group G1 and G2 of the first 21% BD line, that is: 6,000(G 1)х6% +10,000(G 2)х6%=$960

All in all, your General Bonus will be: 600+1,260+240+960=$3,060

Disbalance: The disbalance appears when the turnover of your strongest 21% group of the first line is more than 70% of the general turnover of your structure.

The more 21% groups you'll have in the first line of your structure, more bonus percent you will receive from the inside of your structure, the bigger will be your General Bonus.

In such a case, your bonuses are calculated according to Table Nº3 and the recalculation factor below (the values of the Table are multiplied by the recalculation factor).

Turnover of your strongest 21% group of the first line

Recalculation factor

More than 70% of the general turnover of the structure


More than 85% of the general turnover of the structure


More than 95% of the general turnover of the structure


The recalculation factor is used to calculate bonuses from your strongest 21% group turnover. The bonuses from the turnover of other groups are calculated without this factor.




9. Useful tips for the beginners

As you have already noticed, you may gain money through direct sales of the VIVASAN products, on the one hand, and through the construction of your own structure, on the other. But what should this structure look like? In the beginning of the construction, it is very important that the first line is as large as possible, for example, 15-20 members. If your first line is large, your second and third lines will be even larger, which is very important for the Stating Premium, Group Premium and Development Premium. If you build your structure as in Example Nยบ1, you will guarantee yourself several months of a stable financial success and will launch solid foundations for the future. In such a case, your only goal will be to achieve and maintain the maximum 21% Bulk Discount. However important u\is to build a structure, it is not less important to motivate the people to work intensively. It is easy to register dozens of people, among which,though, only a few will work diligently. How can you make people work? In the first place, you must train the members of your structure constantly, promoting seminars and presentations about how and to whom to sell products, about their qualities, and explaining to them how to build their own structure and how to motivate the people. In the second place, you must be an example to the other members of the structure: you must admire the products, be active and flexible, you must dominate with enthusiasm new regions, etc. And your structure will follow your example.

The success of your structure is your success!!!




10. Steps of the VIVASAN Success Staircase Let's see what bonuses you will get on each step of the VIVASAN Success Staircase

1 step VIVASAN DISTRIBUTOR You've just registered with the VIVASAN Company as VIVASAN Distributor. You are on the first step of the VIVASAN Success Staircase, and a long way upstairs waits for you. Suppose you've managed maximum results at this first stage.

What payments and bonuses are in store for you in such a case?

Net turnovers Personal and group-personal net turnover $

Compensations and bonuses Trade profit %

Bulk discount %

Less then 50






BD will be paid to you in the form of the VIVASAN products at your choice

YOUR OBJECTIVES: • Construction of your own structure • Increase of sales • Getting the VIVASAN Consultant Grade 1 qualification




2 step VIVASAN CONSULTANT GRADE 1 Your have already built your own structure that is active and successful. Your receive the right to be called VIVASAN Consultant Grade 1, that is you have achieved certain results to get that qualification, namely: •

personal net turnover = at least $60 per month.

group-personal net turnover – some 6% BD.

Now you have the right to additional Starting Premium – 2% from the personal net turnover of the members of your first line. Starting from this stage, you begin to receive VIVASAN decorations.

What do you get as VIVASAN Consultant Grade 1?

Net turnover BD and premiums

Compensations and bonuses

are given in the form of Personal Group-persothe VIVASAN products turnover $ nal turnover $ at your choice. min. 60


Trade profit % 40

Bulk Starting discount% Premium % 6


VIVASAN distinctions

«VIVASAN Consultant» badge

BD will be paid to you in the form of the VIVASAN products at your choice


Expansion of your own structure Increase of sales Confirmation of the VIVASAN Consultant Grade 1 qualification Getting the VIVASAN Consultant Grade 2 qualification





You are an active VIVASAN representative with a strong and gradually growing structure and a stable success. You've met two requirements to become VIVASAN Consultant Grade 2: • personal net turnover = at least $60 per month. • group-personal net turnover = some 10-12.5% BD. Your Starting Premium has increased up to 4%, and you now have the right to Group Premium = 2% of the personal net turnover of your second line members.

What do you get as VIVASAN Consultant Grade 2? Net turnovers Personal


turnover $ turnover $

Compensations and bonuses Trade profit Bulk %


discount % premium



premium % distinctions


min. 60



10 – 12.5



«VIVASAN Consultant» badge

BD and premiums are paid in the form of the VIVASAN products at your choice.


Expansion of your own structure Increase of sales Confirmation of the VIVASAN Consultant Grade 2 qualification Getting the VIVASAN Partner Grade 1 qualification




4 step VIVASAN PARTNER GRADE 1 With your now really vast and successful structure, you've passed to a new category, VIVASAN Partner Grade 1 with the following results: • •

personal net turnover = at least $60 per month. group-personal net turnover = some 14% BD.

Your Starting Premium continues at the same level, but your Group Premium has grown up to 3%.

What do you get as VIVASAN Partner Grade 1?

Net turnovers All premiums are paid to Compensations and bonuses

you in the form of the TP % BD % Group-personal Starting Group VIVASAN VIVASAN products turnover $ turnover $ premium % premium % idistinctions at your choice, min.60 1,900-3,299 14 4 3 «VIVASAN – and the BD, in cash. 40 Personal

Partner» badge

All premiums are paid to you in the form of the VIVASAN products at your choice, and the BD, in cash.


Consolidation and expansion of your own structure Increase of sales Confirmation of the VIVASAN Partner Grade 1 qualification Getting the VIVASAN partner Grade 2 qualification





Reaching the 5th step of the VIVASAN Success Staircase, you become VIVASAN Partner Grade 2 with some additional rights and obligations. Your • personal net turnover = at least $60 • group-personal net turnover = some 19-21% BD. Besides the Starting Premium of 4% and Group Premium of 3%, you have the right to Developed Structure Premium – 2% of the personal net turnover of the members of your third line. Besides, you have the right to make training sessions with your structure in the VIVASAN offices. If at least one of your groups achieved BD = 21%, and the total net turnover of other members of the structure is at least $6,000, instead of the Starting, Group and Developed Structure Premiums you'll receive VIVASAN Bonus – 4% or 1.5% of the turnover of the group that has reached the 21% BD (see chapter "VIVASAN Company Bonuses")

What to you get as VIVASAN Partner Grade 2? Net turnovers Net


turnover $

turnover $



Compensations and bonuses TP %


BD %










premium %






VIVASAN distinctions

«VIVASANPartner» badge

1 group – from $6,000, other 40 groups together – from $6,000, not less than 30% of the turnover of the 21% group






40 1 group – from $6,000, and other groups together – from $6,000, not less than 30% of the turnover of the 21% group






All bonuses are paid in cash

YOUR OBJECTIVES: • Consolidation and expansion of your own structure • Increase of sales • Confirmation of the VIVASAN Partner Grade 2 qualification • Getting the VIVASAN Manager qualification VIVASAN



6 step VIVASAN MANAGER Now your category is absolutely different, it's the category of the VIVASAN leaders. The step of this category is the VIVASAN Manager. You now have a really vast and successful structure, having met the following condition: two groups of your structure simultaneously have the highest BD = 21% for at least three months per calendar year. As VIVASAN Manager you receive the following bonuses: • • •

VIVASAN Bonus Manager Bonus Development Bonus

Option Nº 1. If you are the only one in your structure to have reached the VIVASAN Manager level, your bonuses will have the following values: • VIVASAN Bonus = 4% or 1.5% • Manager Bonus – 1% • Development Bonus – 1%

What do you get as VIVASAN Manager? Results of your work Min. number

Min. number of

of 21%

months per year

BD groups

with 21 %BD





Compensations and bonuses Turnovers

general turnover of the weaker 21% groups + other groups not less than 30% of the turnover of the stronger group general turnover of the weaker 21% group + other groups not less than 30% of the turnover of the stronger group

TP %








Bonus %

Bonus %

Bonus %





"VIVASAN Manager"



1.5 of the turnover 1 of turnover of the stronger of the other 21% group + 4 of 21% groups the turnover of the 21% groups.

1 of turnover of the other 21% groups

Option Nº 2. If your structure has other leaders, that may pretend these bonuses besides you, they will be calculated according to Table 14 and examples (pags. 14-15).

All bonuses are paid in cash

YOUR OBJECTIVES: • Expansion of your own structure • Increase of sales • Getting the VIVASAN Manager-General qualification VIVASAN



7 step VIVASAN MANAGER-GENERAL You are VIVASAN Manager-General, which means that you meet the following requirements: • four groups of your structure simultaneously have the highest BD = 21% for at least six months per calendar year. As VIVASAN Manager-General you have all compensations and bonuses that the VIVASAN Manager is entitled to: • Manager-General Premium prior year base - $1,000 (paid at the end of the year) • VIVASAN Manager-General badge

YOUR OBJECTIVES: • Expansion of your own structure • Consolidation of the closest structure line • Getting the VIVASAN Director qualification

All bonuses are paid in cash

8 step VIVASAN DIRECTOR You now belong to the highest category, VIVASAN Directors, which means that you meet the following requirements: • five groups of your structure simultaneously have the highest BD = 21% for at least six months per calendar year. As VIVASAN Director, you have all compensations and bonuses that VIVASAN Manager is entitled to, as well as: • VIVASAN Director Premium prior year base - $2,500 (paid at the end of the year) • VIVASAN Director badge

All bonuses are paid in cash

YOUR OBJECTIVES: • Expansion of your own structure • Consolidation of the closest structure line • Getting the VIVASAN Director-General qualification




9 step VIVASAN DIRECTOR-GENERAL You are VIVASAN Director-General, which means is you meet the following requirements: six groups of your structure simultaneously have the highest BD = 21% for at least six months per calendar year. As VIVASAN Director-General, you have all compensations and bonuses that the VIVASAN Manager is entitled to, and more: bonuses are paid • VIVASAN Director-General Premium prior year base - $3,000 in cash (paid at the end of the year)

• VIVASAN Director-General badge YOUR OBJECTIVES: • Motivation of your own structure • Consolidation of the closest structure lines • Getting VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 1ST Rank qualification

All bonuses are paid in cash

10 step VIVASAN V.I.P. DIRECTOR 1ST RANK You are VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 1st Rank, which means that you meet the following requirements: twelve groups of your structure simultaneously have the highest BD = 21% for at least six months per calendar year. As VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 1st Rank, you have all compensations and bonuses that the VIVASAN Manager is entitled, as well as: • VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 1st Rank Premium prior year base - $10,000 (paid at the end of the year) • VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 1ST Rank badge All bonuses are paid in cash


Successful management of your own structure Getting VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 2nd Rank qualification




11 Step VIVASAN V.I.P. DIRECTOR 2nd RANK You are VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 2nd Rank, which means that you meet the following requirements: sixteen groups of your structure simultaneously have the highest BD = 21% for at least eight months per calendar year.

As VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 2nd Rank, you have all compensations and bonuses that the VIVASAN Manager is entitled to, as well as: • VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 2nd Rank Premium prior year base - $15,000 (paid at the end of the year) • VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 2nd Rank badge

All bonuses are paid in cash


Successful management of your own structure and getting VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 3rd Rank qualification

Step 12 VIVASAN V.I.P. DIRECTOR 3rd RANK Congratulations! You are at the top of the VIVASAN staircase! You are VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 3rd Rank, which means: You managed to fulfill the following conditions: • twenty groups of your structure simultaneously have the highest BD = 21% for twelve months per calendar year. As VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 3rd Rank, you have all compensations and bonuses that the VIVASAN Manager is entitled to, as well as: • VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 3rd Rank Premium prior year base - $20,000 (paid at the end of the year) • VIVASAN V.I.P. Director 3rd Rank badge

All bonuses are paid in cash


Successful management of your own structure




11. VIVASAN Representatives Charter 11.1 VIVASAN Representatives Code of Rules

All VIVASAN Representatives must strictly follow the rules below: 1. Observe undeviatingly all the rules reflected in the present VIVASAN Marketing Plan and other Company literature, following not only the letter but also the spirit of the VIVASAN Company. 2. Partners 2nd Grade, Managers and Directors must not only follow the general rules, but also strictly fulfill the special rules for Partners 2nd Grade, Managers and Directors reflected in the VIVASAN Representatives Code. 3. Treat the clients and other people that you meet in your quality of the representative in the way you would like to be treated yourself. 4. Presenting VIVASAN products to your clients and inviting them to be VIVASAN representatives, be frank and sincere about everything as regards the VIVASAN Company products. 5. Be polite and extremely accurate while receiving orders from and serving your clients. Listen carefully to reclamations against VIVASAN products. 6. Meet all the highest requirements of decency and responsibility in business. 7. Never use VIVASAN net for distribution and advertising of other companies' products. 8. Never sell VIVASAN products to consumers by prices lower than the market price recommended by the VIVASAN Company. 9. As an independent representative, strictly observe all the laws of your country.




11.2 VIVASAN Company registration conditions 1. To become a VIVASAN representative, the candidate will need a

recommendation of an already registered VIVASAN representative (sponsor). This means that the candidate must be necessarily accompanied by his Sponsor while registering in the VIVASAN office. In some special cases, VIVASAN will attribute a potential VIVASAN representative to an existing structure or register him directly under the VIVASAN Company. 2. VIVASAN Company feels itself free to refuse to register or to rewrite the candidate without any explanations. 3. The potential VIVASAN representative must be older than 16. 4. VIVASAN representative may at any time refuse his membership in VIVASAN and break his agreement with the VIVASAN Company, informing previously in written form his Sponsor and the Company's management 5. VIVASAN representative may be registered only as a private person. 6. A married couple whishing to be VIVASAN representatives will be registered with one number ("Family Contract"). 7. The husband/wife of the acting VIVASAN representative will join him/her with the same or with a separate number, but directly under the VIVASAN Company. 8. Former VIVASAN representatives may be readmitted only after twelve months after quitting their membership.

11.3 Registration order 1. Fill in the VIVASAN Representative Registration Form and buy the

Starting Set. Passport and Sponsor are indispensable during the registration. 2. During the registration, you'll receive you personal registration number

that will be introduced into the computer and you VIVASAN Representative Card (visiting card) that will also serve as a permit to enter VIVASAN offices. You must always have this card with you, while visiting VIVASAN offices. 3. If the eventual VIVASAN representative gives false information about himself during the registration, and if it comes out, he will be expelled from the VIVASAN Company members. All new VIVASAN representatives are to attend the lectures on VIVASAN products and marketing!




11.4. Order payment conditions. 1. To make an order, you must present yourself in a VIVASAN office and to fill in the Order Form. You may fill in the Order Form Beforehand. 2. The products ordered must be paid immediately in the office after ordering. 3. Form of payment – 100% prepayment. 4. Way of payment, only cash in the cash desk of VIVASAN offices. .5. All orders received in VIVASAN offices before 19.00 of the last working day of the month will be considered as done in this current month and, consequently will be included in the sales volume of the current month. Be careful in checking all items of your order and the bill. All reclamations as to the completeness of your order and quality of the products are only attended to during the delivery of the products.

11.5. VIVASAN discounts and premiums payments. 1. Monthly payments (BD, premiums and bonuses) are paid to all qualified VIVASAN representatives during the month following the one they are referred to, as of 10th of the current month. All compensations are cancelled after three months. 2. BD up to 12.5% inclusive is paid in the form of the VIVASAN products at your option and is taken into consideration during the calculation of the BD of the following month. 3. BD of more than 12.5% is paid in cash in national currency at the VIVASAN Company rate. 4. The premiums, paid in the form of the VIVASAN products, are not taken into consideration during the calculation of the next month BD. 5. Ex-married couples that worked on the basis of the family contract receive their BD, bonuses and premiums in equal parts. (50/50). If former husband or wife or both file complaints against the VIVASAN Company because of his/her part in the compensations, the VIVASAN Company has the right to stop the payment until former husband and wife adjust their disputes and take a joint decision about their share holding. If such a decision is not taken within three months since the beginning of the referred payments, they are cancelled. \

VIVASAN Company reserves the right to retain or stop the payment of BD, bonuses or premiums to any VIVASAN representative who breaks the VIVASAN Representatives Code.




11.6 VIVASAN membership conditions


1. VIVASAN representatives must guide themselves, in their activities, by the code of the Marketing Plan. All the alterations and additions to this code are published in informative notices or in special brochures of the Company and make its integral part. 2. No VIVASAN representative has the right to get registered twice in different structures without, first, stopping his actual VIVASAN membership. Otherwise, his own structure will pass to his Sponsor. 3. A VIVASAN representative may only change his structure membership in special cases and with permission of the VIVASAN Company leadership. 4. A personal structure (or a separate group) may only be passed from one VIVASAN representative to another by the leadership of the VIVASAN Company. 5. A VIVASAN representative may only pass his membership to a relative. The request must be presented in a written form to a VIVASAN office. A VIVASAN representative that passed his membership may only be reregistered after twelve months. If a Partner Grade 2 or higher, who passed his membership to a relative, assumed another form of net marketing, his relative, who benefited from his structure, will not receive from the VIVASAN Company any form of compensation (BD, premiums or bonuses). 6. In case of death of a VIVASAN representative of a Manager level or higher, his membership is subject to the right of succession. To inherit the membership, one must present an attested testament naming the successor and a written application, addressed to the VIVASAN Company, not later than two months after the death. If no document is presented during this period, the membership is cancelled. If in twelve months the new Sponsor, who inherited the structure, does not begin to fulfill his obligations stated in the VIVASAN Marketing Plan, the VIVASAN Company will stop paying him any compensation (BD, premiums and bonuses).

The VIVASAN Company reserves an exclusive right to cancel its agreement with any VIVASAN representative and stop immediately his membership if he violates the rules of the Code of the Representative or deliberately gives false information about himself in the Registration Form. The VIVASAN representative, who quits, looses automatically all his privileges and structure.

11.7 VIVASAN Representatives General Rules 1. A VIVASAN representative does not have the right to use the VIVASAN net to sell or advertise any product other than that of the VIVASAN Company. 2. A VIVASAN representative is responsible for all the information about the quality, usage and composition of the VIVASAN products that he passes to his clients. He must always guide himself by the information that is contained in the packing of the products and in the VIVASAN literature. In case of an incorrect interpretation of the information, the VIVASAN representative is responsible for the consequences and the damaged caused.



VIVASAN 3. In no case shall the VIVASAN representative have the right to gain over to his structure candidates already recruited by other VIVASAN representatives. 4. The VIVASAN representative should not interpret this agreement of cooperation (Registration Form) with the VIVASAN Company as his Labor Contract. He does not have the right to act and to undertake obligations in the name of the VIVASAN Company. 5. The VIVASAN representative must act within the laws, codes and rules that regulate his business and membership in the VIVASAN Company and avoid compromising himself and the VIVASAN Company in the opinion of his clients and society. 6. If a VIVASAN representative becomes a Sponsor (creates his own structure), he assumes an obligation to make trainings on the VIVASAN products and marketing, to constantly help the members of his structure, to direct them, to maintain them always informed about the general meetings, lectures and seminars, about new products, etc., and to make the members of his structure observe the Code of the VIVASAN Representatives. 7. If a VIVASAN representative does not make personal purchases during six months, VIVASAN will have the right to cancel his membership in the Company. At that, his structure will pass to his Sponsor. 8. Neglected the above rules, the VIVASAN Company will have the right to cancel the representative's membership.

11.8. Rights and Duties of Partners Grade 2, Managers and Directors 1. All VIVASAN representatives with the qualification higher than step 5 (Partners Grade 2, Managers and Directors) have the right to make the training of their structure in the VIVASAN offices (provided there is space available). 2. All VIVASAN representatives with the qualification higher than step 5 (Partners Grade 2, Managers and Directors) undertake the following obligations: •

not to cooperate with other companies that use the method of direct sales or net marketing.

not to recruit other VIVASAN representatives, whatever their status, nor to cooperate with other companies that use the method of direct sales or net marketing.

train regularly (at least, twice a month) the members of their structure (classes on products and marketing) in the VIVASAN offices in Moscow or in other regions.

be responsible for the regional stockpile of their structure against security of their Bulk Discount and premiums received from the VIVASAN Company. If the representative refuses to give his guarantees and to be responsible for the regional stockpile, the turnover, received from the sales of the products from this stockpile, will not be taken into consideration in the calculation of the monthly BD and premiums of the VIVASAN leader who refused to give his guarantees.

3. A strict observation of the above obligations is a condition sine qua non of the Registration Form. 4. The VIVASAN leader that refuses to abide to the rules of the Marketing Plan or infringes some of its items will loose all the compensations stated in the Marketing Plan. If a VIVASAN representative infringes the Marketing Plan items during three months, the VIVASAN Company will have the right to cancel his membership.




11.9. Other rules and principles 1. VIVASAN policy does not divide the country in territories or regions with exclusive rights of some of the VIVASAN representatives. Every VIVASAN representative has the right to do his business in any region of the country he feels himself comfortable in. VIVASAN representatives do not have the right to pass, sell or present the territory of their business. 2. The name of the Company and its trade mark and logotypes VIVASAN, JUST and NAHRIN should not be used for advertising or other similar objectives without a written permission of the VIVASAN Company.

11.10.VIVASAN products quality assurance 1. VIVASAN products cannot do any harm if used properly and according to the instructions. 2. In case some client comes to contend that some VIVASAN product has caused an allergic reaction or some other by-result, the VIVASAN Company undertakes to replace the product by an equivalent one against the medical certificate confirming that exactly this product caused the by-results. 3. In case of some factory defect, which will be recognized as such by the VIVASAN Company, it undertakes to replace it by an equal product. 4. The products spoilt as a result of an incorrect usage or carelessness of the client will not be replaced. 5. All VIVASAN products are insured and certified according to the norms and standards of the country producer and the country where it is being sold, which is a warranty for the VIVASAN representative and for the Company itself. Such type of insurance covers all the eventual losses in case of injury or damage caused by a low-quality product. 6. Incorrect or careless usage of the product is not covered by the insurance. 7. The insurance does not cover the VIVASAN representative in case of an incorrect presentation of the product, replacement of the label or the packing or incorrect information about the product, which caused the damage.

11.11.VIVASAN trade packing 1. The VIVASAN Company is an officially registered trade mark. 2. The VIVASAN Company does not authorize the repacking of its products. VIVASAN, JUST and NAHRIN products may only be sold in its official manufacturer's packing. 3. The VIVASAN Company authorizes its representatives to use VIVASAN trade mark only to distribute the product manufactured and packed by the VIVASAN manufactures. 4. No bar code is provided at the packing of the product distributed by the net marketing system.

11.12. VIVASAN printed materials All VIVASAN printed materials are the property of the Company and are copyright reserved. Any reference, reprinting and copying are authorized only with a written permission of the Company.




CONTENTS Introduction 1. How to Achieve Success 2. What is VIVASAN? 3. VIVASAN philosophy 4. VIVASAN Network Marketing 5. The Most Important Notions of the VIVASAN Marketing 6. Your Road to Success with VIVASAN 7. VIVASAN Success Staircase Qualification Steps 8. VIVASAN Premiums and Bonuses 9. Useful Tips for the Beginners 10. Steps of the VIVASAN Success Staircase 11. VIVASAN Representatives Charter 11.1VIVASAN Representatives Code of Rules 11.2 VIVASAN Company Registration Conditions 11.3 Registration Order 11.4 Order Payment Conditions 11.5 VIVASAN Discounts and Premiums Payments 11.6 VIVASAN Membership Conditions 11.7 VIVASAN Representatives General Rules 11.8 Rights and Duties of Partners Grade 2, Managers and Directors 11.9 Other Rules and Principles 11.10 VIVASAN Products Quality Assurance 11.11 VIVASAN Trade Packing 11.12 VIVASAN Printed Materials


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