Çrémad-Bhägavatam – Canto 6 – Chp 8: Narayana Kavaca Stotra 6.8.12
p hirivRdDYaaNMaMa SavRr+aa& NYaSTaax(iga]PaÚ" PaTaGaeNd]Pa*ïe ) draircMaaRiSaGadezucaPa‚ PaaXaaNa( dDaaNaae_íGau<aae_íbahu" )) 12 ))
oà harir vidadhyän mama sarva-rakñäà nyastäìghri-padmaù patagendra-påñöhe daräri-carmäsi-gadeñu-cäpapäçän dadhäno 'ñöa-guëo 'ñöa-bähuù
May the Lord, who assumes the body of a great fish, protect me in the water from the fierce animals that are associates of the demigod Varuëa. By expanding His illusory energy, the Lord assumed the form of the dwarf Vämana. May Vämana protect me on the land. Since the gigantic form of the Lord, Viçvarüpa, conquers the three worlds, may He protect me in the sky. 6.8.14
PaaYaaà*iSa&hae_SaurYaUQaPaair" ) ivMauÄTaae YaSYa MahaÆhaSa& idXaae ivNaeduNYaRPaTa&ê Ga>aaR" )) 14 ))
oà—O Lord; hariù—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; vidadhyät—may He bestow; mama—my; sarva-rakñäm—protection from all sides; nyasta—placed; aìghri-padmaù—whose lotus feet; patagendra-påñöhe—on the back of Garuòa, the king of all birds; dara—conchshell; ari—disc; carma—shield; asi—sword; gadä— club; iñu—arrows; cäpa—bow; päçän—ropes; dadhänaù—holding; añöa—possessing eight; guëaù—perfections; añöa—eight; bähuù—arms. The Supreme Lord, who sits on the back of the bird Garuòa, touching him with His lotus feet, holds eight weapons—the conchshell, disc, shield, sword, club, arrows, bow and ropes. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead protect me at all times with His eight arms. He is all-powerful because He fully possesses the eight mystic powers [aëimä, laghimä, etc.]. 6.8.13
Jale/zu Maa& r+aTau MaTSYaMaUiTaR‚ YaaRdaeGa<ae>Yaae vå<aSYa PaaXaaTa( ) SQale/zu MaaYaav$u=vaMaNaae_VYaaTa( i}aiv§-Ma" %e_vTau ivìæPa" )) 13 ))
jaleñu mäà rakñatu matsya-mürtir yädo-gaëebhyo varuëasya päçät sthaleñu mäyävaöu-vämano 'vyät trivikramaù khe 'vatu viçvarüpaù jaleñu—in the water; mäm—me; rakñatu—protect; matsya-mürtiù—the Supreme Lord in the form of a great fish; yädaù-gaëebhyaù—from fierce aquatic animals; varuëasya—of the demigod known as Varuëa; päçät—from the arresting rope; sthaleñu—on the land; mäyä-vaöu—the merciful form of the Lord as a dwarf; vämanaù—named Vämanadeva; avyät—may He protect; trivikramaù—Trivikrama, whose three gigantic steps took the three worlds from Bali; khe—in the sky; avatu—may the Lord protect; viçvarüpaù—the gigantic universal form.
duGaeRZv$=VYaaiJaMau%aidzu Pa[>au"
durgeñv aöavy-äji-mukhädiñu prabhuù päyän nåsiàho 'sura-yüthapäriù vimuïcato yasya mahäööa-häsaà diço vinedur nyapataàç ca garbhäù durgeñu—in places where travel is very difficult; aöavi—in the dense forest; äji-mukha-ädiñu—on the war front and so on; prabhuù—the Supreme Lord; päyät—may He protect; nåsiàhaù—Lord Nåsiàhadeva; asura-yüthapa—of Hiraëyakaçipu, the leader of the demons; ariù—the enemy; vimuïcataù— releasing; yasya—of whom; mahä-aööa-häsam—great and fearful laughing; diçaù—all the directions; vineduù—resounded through; nyapatan—fell down; ca—and; garbhäù—the embryos of the wives of the demons. May Lord Nåsiàhadeva, who appeared as the enemy of Hiraëyakaçipu, protect me in all directions. His loud laughing vibrated in all directions and caused the pregnant wives of the asuras to have miscarriages. May that Lord be kind enough to protect me in difficult places like the forest and battlefront. 6.8.15
r+aTvSaaE MaaßiNa Yajk-LPa" Svd&í\YaaeàqTaDarae vrah" ) raMaae_id]kU-$e=ZvQa ivPa[vaSae Sal/+Ma<aae_VYaad( >arTaaGa]Jaae_SMaaNa( )) 15 ))
rakñatv asau mädhvani yajïa-kalpaù sva-daàñörayonnéta-dharo varähaù rämo 'dri-küöeñv atha vipraväse salakñmaëo 'vyäd bharatägrajo 'smän
Çrémad-Bhägavatam – Canto 6 – Chp 8: Narayana Kavaca Stotra rakñatu—may the Lord protect; asau—that; mä—me; adhvani—on the street; yajïakalpaù—who is ascertained by performance of ritualistic ceremonies; svadaàñörayä—by His own tusk; unnéta—raising; dharaù—the planet earth; varähaù— Lord Boar; rämaù—Lord Räma; adri-küöeñu—on the summits of the mountains; atha—then; vipraväse—in foreign countries; sa-lakñmaëaù—with His brother Lakñmaëa; avyät—may He protect; bharata-agrajaù—the elder brother of Mahäräja Bharata; asmän—us. The Supreme indestructible Lord is ascertained through the performance of ritualistic sacrifices and is therefore known as Yajïeçvara. In His incarnation as Lord Boar, He raised the planet earth from the water at the bottom of the universe and kept it on His pointed tusks. May that Lord protect me from rogues on the street. May Paraçuräma protect me on the tops of mountains, and may the elder brother of Bharata, Lord Rämacandra, along with His brother Lakñmaëa, protect me in foreign countries. 6.8.16
MaaMauGa]DaMaaRdi%l/aTa( Pa[Maada‚ àaraYa<a" PaaTau Narê haSaaTa( ) dtaSTvYaaeGaadQa YaaeGaNaaQa"
PaaYaad( Gau<aeXa" k-iPal/" k-MaRbNDaaTa( )) 16 ))
mäm ugra-dharmäd akhilät pramädän näräyaëaù pätu naraç ca häsät dattas tv ayogäd atha yoga-näthaù päyäd guëeçaù kapilaù karma-bandhät mäm—me; ugra-dharmät—from unnecessary religious principles; akhilät—from all kinds of activities; pramädät—which are enacted in madness; näräyaëaù—Lord Näräyaëa; pätu—may He protect; naraù ca—and Nara; häsät—from unnecessary pride; dattaù—Dattätreya; tu—of course; ayogät—from the path of false yoga; atha—indeed; yoga-näthaù—the master of all mystic powers; päyät—may He protect; guëa-éçaù—the master of all spiritual qualities; kapilaù—Lord Kapila; karma-bandhät—from the bondage of fruitive activities. May Lord Näräyaëa protect me from unnecessarily following false religious systems and falling from my duties due to madness. May the Lord in His appearance as Nara protect me from unnecessary pride. May Lord Dattätreya, the master of all mystic power, protect me from falling while performing bhakti-yoga, and may Lord Kapila, the master of all good qualities, protect me from the material bondage of fruitive activities. SB 6.8.17
SaNaTku-Maarae_vTau k-aMadeva‚
ÖYaXaqzaR Maa& PaiQa devhel/NaaTa( ) devizRvYaR" PauåzacRNaaNTaraTa( kU-MaaeR hirMaa| iNarYaadXaezaTa( )) 17 ))
sanat-kumäro 'vatu kämadeväd dhayaçérñä mäà pathi deva-helanät devarñi-varyaù puruñärcanäntarät kürmo harir mäà nirayäd açeñät sanat-kumäraù—the great brahmacäré named Sanat-kumära; avatu—may he protect; käma-devät—from the hands of Cupid or lusty desire; haya-çérñä— Lord Hayagréva, the incarnation of the Lord whose head is like that of a horse; mäm—me; pathi—on the path; deva-helanät—from neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to brähmaëas, Vaiñëavas and the Supreme Lord; devarñi-varyaù—the best of the saintly sages, Närada; puruña-arcanaantarät—from the offenses in worshiping the Deity; kürmaù—Lord Kürma, the tortoise; hariù—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mäm—me; nirayät—from hell; açeñät—unlimited. May Sanat-kumära protect me from lusty desires. As I begin some auspicious activity, may Lord Hayagréva protect me from being an offender by neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to the Supreme Lord. May Devarñi Närada protect me from committing offenses in worshiping the Deity, and may Lord Kürma, the tortoise, protect me from falling to the unlimited hellish planets. 6.8.18
DaNvNTair>aRGavaNa( PaaTvPaQYaad( ÜNÜad( >aYaad*z>aae iNaiJaRTaaTMaa ) Yajê l/aek-advTaaÂNaaNTaad( bl/ae Ga<aaTa( §-aeDavXaadhqNd]" )) 18 ))
dhanvantarir bhagavän pätv apathyäd dvandväd bhayäd åñabho nirjitätmä yajïaç ca lokäd avatäj janäntäd balo gaëät krodha-vaçäd ahéndraù
Çrémad-Bhägavatam – Canto 6 – Chp 8: Narayana Kavaca Stotra dhanvantariù—the incarnation Dhanvantari, the physician; bhagavän—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; pätu—may He protect me; apathyät—from things injurious to the health, such as meat and intoxicants; dvandvät—from duality; bhayät—from fear; åñabhaù—Lord Åñabhadeva; nirjita-ätmä—who fully controlled his mind and self; yajïaù—Yajïa; ca—and; lokät—from the defamation of the populace; avatät—may He protect; jana-antät—from dangerous positions created by other people; balaù—Lord Balaräma; gaëät—from the hordes of; krodha-vaçät—the angry serpents; ahéndraù—Lord Balaräma in the form of the serpent Çeña Näga.
ritualistic action. May Kalkideva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appeared as an incarnation to protect religious principles, protect me from the dirt of the age of Kali. 6.8.20
GaaeivNd AaSa(r)vMaatave<au" ) NaaraYa<a" Pa[aõ odataXai¢-‚
MaRDYaiNdNae ivZ<aurrqNd]Paai<a" )) 20 ))
May the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Dhanvantari relieve me from undesirable eatables and protect me from physical illness. May Lord Åñabhadeva, who conquered His inner and outer senses, protect me from fear produced by the duality of heat and cold. May Yajïa protect me from defamation and harm from the populace, and may Lord Balaräma as Çeña protect me from envious serpents. 6.8.19
ÜEPaaYaNaae >aGavaNaPa[baeDaad(
buÖSTau Paaz<@Ga<aPa[MaadaTa( )
k-iLk-" k-le/" k-al/Mal/aTa( Pa[PaaTau DaMaaRvNaaYaaeåk*-TaavTaar" )) 19 ))
dvaipäyano bhagavän aprabodhäd buddhas tu päñaëòa-gaëa-pramädät kalkiù kaleù käla-malät prapätu dharmävanäyoru-kåtävatäraù dvaipäyanaù—Çréla Vyäsadeva, the giver of all Vedic knowledge; bhagavän—the most powerful incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; aprabodhät— from ignorance of the çästra; buddhaù tu—also Lord Buddha; päñaëòa-gaëa—of atheists creating disillusionment for innocent persons; pramädät—from the madness; kalkiù—Lord Kalki, the incarnation of Keçava; kaleù—of this Kali-yuga; käla-malät—from the darkness of the age; prapätu—may He protect; dharmaavanäya—for the protection of religious principles; uru—very great; kåtaavatäraù—who took an incarnation. May the Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Vyäsadeva protect me from all kinds of ignorance resulting from the absence of Vedic knowledge. May Lord Buddhadeva protect me from activities opposed to Vedic principles and from laziness that causes one to madly forget the Vedic principles of knowledge and
Maa& ke-Xavae GadYaa Pa[aTarVYaad(
mäà keçavo gadayä prätar avyäd govinda äsaìgavam ätta-veëuù näräyaëaù prähëa udätta-çaktir madhyan-dine viñëur aréndra-päëiù mäm—me; keçavaù—Lord Keçava; gadayä—by His club; prätaù—in the morning hours; avyät—may He protect; govindaù—Lord Govinda; äsaìgavam—during the second part of the day; ätta-veëuù—holding His flute; näräyaëaù—Lord Näräyaëa with four hands; prähëaù—during the third part of the day; udätta-çaktiù—controlling different types of potencies; madhyam-dine—during the fourth part of the day; viñëuù—Lord Viñëu; aréndra-päëiù—bearing the disc in His hand to kill the enemies. May Lord Keçava protect me with His club in the first portion of the day, and may Govinda, who is always engaged in playing His flute, protect me in the second portion of the day. May Lord Näräyaëa, who is equipped with all potencies, protect me in the third part of the day, and may Lord Viñëu, who carries a disc to kill His enemies, protect me in the fourth part of the day. 6.8.21
devae_Paraõe MaDauhaeGa]DaNva SaaYa& i}aDaaMaavTau MaaDavae MaaMa( ) daeze ôzqke-Xa oTaaDaRra}ae iNaXaqQa Wk-ae_vTau PaÚNaa>a" )) 21 ))
devo 'parähëe madhu-hogradhanvä säyaà tri-dhämävatu mädhavo mäm doñe håñékeça utärdha-rätre niçétha eko 'vatu padmanäbhaù
Çrémad-Bhägavatam – Canto 6 – Chp 8: Narayana Kavaca Stotra devaù—the Lord; aparähëe—in the fifth part of the day; madhu-hä—named Madhusüdana; ugra-dhanvä—bearing the very fearful bow known as Çärìga; säyam—the sixth part of the day; tri-dhämä—manifesting as the three deities Brahmä, Viñëu and Maheçvara; avatu—may He protect; mädhavaù—named Mädhava; mäm—me; doñe—during the first portion of the night; håñékeçaù—Lord Håñékeça; uta—also; ardha-rätre—during the second part of the night; niçéthe— during the third part of the night; ekaù—alone; avatu—may He protect; padmanäbhaù—Lord Padmanäbha. May Lord Madhusüdana, who carries a bow very fearful for the demons, protect me during the fifth part of the day. In the evening, may Lord Mädhava, appearing as Brahmä, Viñëu and Maheçvara, protect me, and in the beginning of night may Lord Håñékeça protect me. At the dead of night [in the second and third parts of night] may Lord Padmanäbha alone protect me. 6.8.22
é[qvTSaDaaMaaParra}a wRXa" Pa[TYaUz wRXaae_iSaDarae JaNaadRNa" ) daMaaedrae_VYaadNauSaNDYa& Pa[>aaTae
ivìeìrae >aGavaNa( k-al/MaUiTaR" )) 22 ))
çrévatsa-dhämäpara-rätra éçaù pratyüña éço 'si-dharo janärdanaù dämodaro 'vyäd anusandhyaà prabhäte viçveçvaro bhagavän käla-mürtiù çrévatsa-dhämä—the Lord, on whose chest the mark of Çrévatsa is resting; apararätre—in the fourth part of the night; éçaù—the Supreme Lord; pratyüñe—in the end of the night; éçaù—the Supreme Lord; asi-dharaù—carrying a sword in the hand; janärdanaù—Lord Janärdana; dämodaraù—Lord Dämodara; avyät—may He protect; anusandhyam—during each junction or twilight; prabhäte—in the early morning (the sixth part of the night); viçva-éçvaraù—the Lord of the whole universe; bhagavän—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; käla-mürtiù—the personification of time. May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who bears the Çrévatsa on His chest, protect me after midnight until the sky becomes pinkish. May Lord Janärdana, who carries a sword in His hand, protect me at the end of night [during the last four ghaöikäs of night]. May Lord Dämodara protect me in the early morning, and may Lord Viçveçvara protect me during the junctions of day and night.
c§&- YauGaaNTaaNal/iTaGMaNaeiMa
>a]MaTa( SaMaNTaad( >aGavTPa[Yau¢-Ma( ) dNdiGDa dNdGDYairSaENYaMaaXau k-+a& YaQaa vaTaSa%ae huTaaXa" )) 23 ))
cakraà yugäntänala-tigma-nemi bhramat samantäd bhagavat-prayuktam dandagdhi dandagdhy ari-sainyam äçu kakñaà yathä väta-sakho hutäçaù cakram—the disc of the Lord; yuga-anta—at the end of the millennium; anala—like the fire of devastation; tigma-nemi—with a sharp rim; bhramat—wandering; samantät—on all sides; bhagavat-prayuktam—being engaged by the Lord; dandagdhi dandagdhi—please burn completely, please burn completely; ari-sainyam—the army of our enemies; äçu—immediately; kakñam—dry grass; yathä—like; väta-sakhaù—the friend of the wind; hutäçaù—blazing fire. Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wandering in all the four directions, the disc of the Supreme Lord has sharp edges as destructive as the fire of devastation at the end of the millennium. As a blazing fire burns dry grass to ashes with the assistance of the breeze, may that Sudarçana cakra burn our enemies to ashes. 6.8.24
Gade_XaiNaSPaXaRNaivSfu-il/(r)e iNaiZPai<! iNaiZPa<!yiJaTaiPa[YaaiSa ) ku-ZMaa<@vENaaYak-Ya+ar+aae‚ >aUTaGa]ha&êU<aRYa cU<aRYaarqNa( )) 24 ))
gade 'çani-sparçana-visphuliìge niñpiëòhi niñpiëòhy ajita-priyäsi kuñmäëòa-vainäyaka-yakña-rakñobhüta-grahäàç cürëaya cürëayärén gade—O club in the hands of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; açani— like thunderbolts; sparçana—whose touch; visphuliìge—giving off sparks of fire; niñpiëòhi niñpiëòhi—pound to pieces, pound to pieces; ajita-priyä—very dear to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; asi—you are; kuñmäëòa—imps named Kuñmäëòas; vainäyaka—ghosts named Vainäyakas; yakña—ghosts
named Yakñas; rakñaù—ghosts named Räkñasas; bhüta—ghosts named Bhütas; grahän—and evil demons named Grahas; cürëaya—pulverize; cürëaya—pulverize; arén—my enemies. O club in the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you produce sparks of fire as powerful as thunderbolts, and you are extremely dear to the Lord. I am also His servant. Therefore kindly help me pound to pieces the evil living beings known as Kuñmäëòas, Vainäyakas, Yakñas, Räkñasas, Bhütas and Grahas. Please pulverize them. 6.8.25
Tv& YaaTauDaaNaPa[MaQaPa[eTaMaaTa*‚ iPaXaacivPa[Ga]hgaaerd*íqNa( ) dreNd] ivd]avYa k*-Z<aPaUirTaae >aqMaSvNaae_reôRdYaaiNa k-MPaYaNa( )) 25 ))
tvaà yätudhäna-pramatha-preta-mätåpiçäca-vipragraha-ghora-dåñöén darendra vidrävaya kåñëa-pürito bhéma-svano 'rer hådayäni kampayan tvam—you; yätudhäna—Räkñasas; pramatha—Pramathas; preta—Pretas; mätå— Mätäs; piçäca—Piçäcas; vipra-graha—brähmaëa ghosts; ghora-dåñöén—who have very fearful eyes; darendra—O Päïcajanya, the conchshell in the hands of the Lord; vidrävaya—drive away; kåñëa-püritaù—being filled with air from the mouth of Kåñëa; bhéma-svanaù—sounding extremely fearful; areù—of the enemy; hådayäni—the cores of the hearts; kampayan—causing to tremble. O best of conchshells, O Päïcajanya in the hands of the Lord, you are always filled with the breath of Lord Kåñëa. Therefore you create a fearful sound vibration that causes trembling in the hearts of enemies like the Räkñasas, pramatha ghosts, Pretas, Mätäs, Piçäcas and brähmaëa ghosts with fearful eyes. 6.8.26
Tv& iTaGMaDaaraiSavrairSaENYa‚ MaqXaPa[Yau¢-ae MaMa i^iNDa i^iNDa ) c+aU&iz cMaRH^TacNd] ^adYa iÜzaMagaaeNaa& hr PaaPac+auzaMa( )) 26 ))
tvaà tigma-dhäräsi-varäri-sainyam éça-prayukto mama chindhi chindhi cakñüàñi carmaï chata-candra chädaya dviñäm aghonäà hara päpa-cakñuñäm
Çrémad-Bhägavatam – Canto 6 – Chp 8: Narayana Kavaca Stotra tvam—you; tigma-dhära-asi-vara—O best of swords possessing very sharp blades; ari-sainyam—the soldiers of the enemy; éça-prayuktaù—being engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mama—my; chindhi chindhi—chop to pieces, chop to pieces; cakñüàñi—the eyes; carman—O shield; çata-candra—possessing brilliant circles like a hundred moons; chädaya—please cover; dviñäm—of those who are envious of me; aghonäm—who are completely sinful; hara—please take away; päpacakñuñäm—of those whose eyes are very sinful. O king of sharp-edged swords, you are engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Please cut the soldiers of my enemies to pieces. Please cut them to pieces! O shield marked with a hundred brilliant moonlike circles, please cover the eyes of the sinful enemies. Pluck out their sinful eyes. 6.8.27-28
Yaàae >aYa& Ga]he>Yaae_>aUTa( ke-Tau>Yaae Na*>Ya Wv c ) SarqSa*Pae>Yaae d&ií\>Yaae >aUTae>Yaae_&hae>Ya Wv c )) 27 )) SavaR<YaeTaaiNa >aGavàaMaæPaaNauk-ITaRNaaTa( ) Pa[YaaNTau Sa&+aYa& SaÛae Yae Na" é[eYa"Pa[TaqPak-a" )) 28 ))
yan no bhayaà grahebhyo 'bhüt ketubhyo nåbhya eva ca sarésåpebhyo daàñöribhyo bhütebhyo 'àhobhya eva ca sarväëy etäni bhagavannäma-rüpänukértanät prayäntu saìkñayaà sadyo ye naù çreyaù-pratépakäù yat—which; naù—our; bhayam—fear; grahebhyaù—from the Graha demons; abhüt—was; ketubhyaù—from meteors, or falling stars; nåbhyaù— from envious human beings; eva ca—also; sarésåpebhyaù—from snakes or scorpions; daàñöribhyaù—from animals with fierce teeth like tigers, wolves and boars; bhütebhyaù—from ghosts or the material elements (earth, water, fire, etc.); aàhobhyaù—from sinful activities; eva ca—as well as; sarväëi etäni—all these; bhagavat-näma-rüpa-anukértanät—by glorifying the transcendental form, name, attributes and paraphernalia of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prayäntu—let them go; saìkñayam—to complete destruction; sadyaù—immediately; ye—which; naù—our; çreyaùpratépakäù—hindrances to well-being.
May the glorification of the transcendental name, form, qualities and paraphernalia of the Supreme Personality of Godhead protect us from the influence of bad planets, meteors, envious human beings, serpents, scorpions, and animals like tigers and wolves. May it protect us from ghosts and the material elements like earth, water, fire and air, and may it also protect us from lightning and our past sins. We are always afraid of these hindrances to our auspicious life. Therefore, may they all be completely destroyed by the chanting of the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra. 6.8.29 Gaå@ae >aGavaNa( STaae}aSTaae>aX^NdaeMaYa" Pa[>au" ) r+aTvXaezk*-C^\e>Yaae ivZvKSaeNa" SvNaaMai>a" )) 29 ))
garuòo bhagavän stotrastobhaç chandomayaù prabhuù rakñatv açeña-kåcchrebhyo viñvaksenaù sva-nämabhiù garuòaù—His Holiness Garuòa, the carrier of Lord Viñëu; bhagavän—as powerful as the Supreme Personality of Godhead; stotra-stobhaù—who is glorified by selected verses and songs; chandaù-mayaù—the personified Vedas; prabhuù—the lord; rakñatu—may He protect; açeña-kåcchrebhyaù—from unlimited miseries; viñvaksenaù—Lord Viñvaksena; sva-nämabhiù—by His holy names. Lord Garuòa, the carrier of Lord Viñëu, is the most worshipable lord, for he is as powerful as the Supreme Lord Himself. He is the personified Vedas and is worshiped by selected verses. May he protect us from all dangerous conditions, and may Lord Viñvaksena, the Personality of Godhead, also protect us from all dangers by His holy names. 6.8.30 SavaRPad(>Yaae hreNaaRMaæPaYaaNaaYauDaaiNa Na" ) buÖqiNd]YaMaNa"Pa[a<aaNa( PaaNTau PaazRd>aUz<aa" )) 30 ))
sarväpadbhyo harer nämarüpa-yänäyudhäni naù buddhéndriya-manaù-präëän päntu pärñada-bhüñaëäù
Çrémad-Bhägavatam – Canto 6 – Chp 8: Narayana Kavaca Stotra sarva-äpadbhyaù—from all kinds of danger; hareù—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; näma—the holy name; rüpa—the transcendental form; yäna—the carriers; äyudhäni—and all the weapons; naù—our; buddhi—intelligence; indriya—senses; manaù—mind; präëän—life air; päntu—may they protect and maintain; pärñada-bhüñaëäù—the decorations who are personal associates. May the Supreme Personality of Godhead's holy names, His transcendental forms, His carriers and all the weapons decorating Him as personal associates protect our intelligence, senses, mind and life air from all dangers. 6.8.31 YaQaa ih >aGavaNaev vSTauTa" SadSaÀ YaTa( ) SaTYaeNaaNaeNa Na" SaveR YaaNTau NaaXaMauPad]va" )) 31 ))
yathä hi bhagavän eva vastutaù sad asac ca yat satyenänena naù sarve yäntu näçam upadraväù yathä—just as; hi—indeed; bhagavän—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; eva—undoubtedly; vastutaù—at the ultimate issue; sat— manifested; asat—unmanifested; ca—and; yat—whatever; satyena—by the truth; anena—this; naù—our; sarve—all; yäntu—let them go; näçam—to annihilation; upadraväù—disturbances. The subtle and gross cosmic manifestation is material, but nevertheless it is nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He is ultimately the cause of all causes. Cause and effect are factually one because the cause is present in the effect. Therefore the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can destroy all our dangers by any of His potent parts.
Çrémad-Bhägavatam – Canto 6 – Chp 8: Narayana Kavaca Stotra 6.8.32-33
YaQaEk-aTMYaaNau>aavaNaa& ivk-LParihTa" SvYaMa( ) >aUz<aaYauDail/(r)a:Yaa Datae Xa¢-I" SvMaaYaYaa )) 32 )) TaeNaEv SaTYaMaaNaeNa SavRjae >aGavaNa( hir" )
PaaTau SavŒ" SvæPaENaR" Sada SavR}a SavRGa" )) 33 ))
yathaikätmyänubhävänäà vikalpa-rahitaù svayam bhüñaëäyudha-liìgäkhyä dhatte çaktéù sva-mäyayä tenaiva satya-mänena sarva-jïo bhagavän hariù pätu sarvaiù svarüpair naù sadä sarvatra sarva-gaù yathä—just as; aikätmya—in terms of oneness manifested in varieties; anubhävänäm—of those thinking; vikalpa-rahitaù—the absence of difference; svayam—Himself; bhüñaëa—decorations; äyudha—weapons; liìga-äkhyäù— characteristics and different names; dhatte—possesses; çaktéù—potencies like wealth, influence, power, knowledge, beauty and renunciation; sva-mäyayä—by expanding His spiritual energy; tena eva—by that; satya-mänena—true understanding; sarvajïaù—omniscient; bhagavän—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; hariù—who can take away all the illusion of the living entities; pätu—may He protect; sarvaiù—with all; sva-rüpaiù—His forms; naù—us; sadä—always; sarvatra—everywhere; sarvagaù—who is all-pervasive. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entities, the material energy, the spiritual energy and the entire creation are all individual substances. In the ultimate analysis, however, together they constitute the supreme one, the Personality of Godhead. Therefore those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge see unity in diversity. For such advanced persons, the Lord's bodily decorations, His name, His fame, His attributes and forms and the weapons in His hand are manifestations of the strength of His potency. According to their elevated spiritual understanding, the omniscient Lord, who manifests various forms, is present everywhere. May He always protect us everywhere from all calamities.
ivid+au id+aUßRMaDa" SaMaNTaa‚
dNTabRih>aRGavaNa( NaariSa&h" ) Pa[haPaYmaçaek->aYa& SvNaeNa
SvTaeJaSaa Ga]STaSaMaSTaTaeJaa" )) 34 )) vidikñu dikñürdhvam adhaù samantäd antar bahir bhagavän närasiàhaù prahäpayaû loka-bhayaà svanena sva-tejasä grasta-samasta-tejäù vidikñu—in all corners; dikñu—in all directions (east, west, north and south); ürdhvam—above; adhaù—below; samantät—on all sides; antaù—internally; bahiù— externally; bhagavän—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; närasiàhaù—in the form of Nåsiàhadeva (half-lion and half-man); prahäpayan—completely destroying; loka-bhayam—fear created by animals, poison, weapons, water, air, fire and so on; svanena—by His roar or the vibration of His name by His devotee Prahläda Mahäräja; sva-tejasä—by His personal effulgence; grasta—covered; samasta—all other; tejäù—influences. Prahläda Mahäräja loudly chanted the holy name of Lord Nåsiàhadeva. May Lord Nåsiàhadeva, roaring for His devotee Prahläda Mahäräja, protect us from all fear of dangers created by stalwart leaders in all directions through poison, weapons, water, fire, air and so on. May the Lord cover their influence by His own transcendental influence. May Nåsiàhadeva protect us in all directions and in all corners, above, below, within and without.