Reference Widya Anggraini

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January5,2013 Tulungagung,EastJava Indonesia To WhomItMay Concern I *-ut working with Mr. Zivadinovic through 2009 and 2010 on the initiative for building the first Town Library in Tulungagung,EastJavaProvince,Indonesia. I met Mr' Zivadinovic in 2009 during the course Public Managementof Urban Changein TransitionalCities at the CEU in Budapest.At that time I wasworking as a Policy Analyst for the Development Agency of the Town Government in Tulungagung' Since then, I studied urban planning with more concentrationon cgmmunitydevelopmentand citizen participationat the MIT and Harvardin the USA through the Hubert H HumphreyFellowship Programfor 11 months.Just recently I havefinishedmy 4.5 monthsvisit to Uvira.DemocraticRepublicof Congo,whereI was teaching Community Developmentand Social and Economic Problemsdue to Industrializationat Universitepan African de la paix. During our coursein Budapes!I sharedmy storiesaboutthe initiative for building the lpt Jown Library in Tulungagung,the bity appropriatefor I million people. Mr. Zivadinovic offered his assistanceand within a month the Major of Tulungagung acceptedto considerthe DesignProposalfor the Town Library. Wittrin the following 3 months, I shared necessary insights on the actual social, economic and environmentalsituation in Tulungagung.My part of the agreementwas to deliver all the necessaryinformation on stakeholdersand end-ur.rr-too. During the following Pgnth-th. Design Proposalwas acceptedand the Town Governmerit gavea green light for the Preliminary Design. Finally, for the next 4 months of work and correspondence the fully integratedprocesswasconductedandthe PreliminaryDesign was delivered. Through the mutual work I experiencedthat Mr. Zivadinovicholds a greatinitiative and forward thinking and not only did he gatherexpertsfrom many disciplinesbut he was the one to offer serviceand carry forward my passionfor theiibrary through the work with his own men.To me it wasinterestingtosee howhe usedthelnformationI providedto combineit with the insightsof his tJam in orderto comefirstly to abstract idea and then to shapethe building addinglayer by Iayer.It was more than pleasantto work with Mr. Zivadinovic as he approachedthe asignment without prejudicesand with obvious intention to learn from others and starfthe project from slratch. The design processwas very fiansparentand Mr. ZivadinoviC teportea occasionallyto keep me informed on the project since I was the representativeof the Town Government. What I have noticed is tliat Ml Zivadinovii was experimentinga lot with.ttre conceptbut in the later stagesof the design he was nanowing down the solution and maintainedthe clear senseof purpose.The Preliminary iesign was acceptedby the Town Governmentandconffactfor the designwas signid

I grveMr. Zivadinovic my highestrecommendation,ashe is one of the finest partners I have been working with. His commitmentand broadnessassuredthe designto be deliveredon time with the wide rangeof aspectscovered.I found him very passionate andvery concernon details. Moreover, I strongly considerMr. Zivadinovic to be an assetin any endeavowhe undertakesas he managedto bridge the challengeof building in totally different atrnospherebetweenEuropeandAsia. I am happyto provide furfher informationif requiredconcerninghis application Yours faithftlly,

Widya Anggraini Consultantfor Child Friendly City Initiattve Tulrmgagung Phone: E-mail: Address:

+6282136012266 Jl Raya2 no. 4 Ngunut, Tulungagung Eastjava,66292 Indonesia

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