Joomla! Mobile Development Beginner's Guide - Tahsin Hasan DOWNLOAD HERE
This is a practical step-by-step Beginner's Guide to Joomla! mobile website building, with friendly and clear explanations enriched with screenshots for easy and quick comprehension. If you want to build and maintain your own website for mobile visitors, the Joomla! Mobile Development Beginner's Guide is perfect for you. It helps you build on the skills and knowledge you may already have on creating websites-but even if you're new to this subject, you won't have any difficulty understanding the clear and friendly instructions and explanations. You learn how to build and maintain websites for mobile devices without having to dive deep into HTML and CSS.Author: Hasan, Tahsin Publisher: Packt Publishing Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Joomla! Mobile Development Beginner's Guide Pages: 00270 (Encrypted EPUB) On Sale: 2012-06-25 SKU-13/ISBN: 9781849517089
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