Micro And Nano Mechanical Testing Of Materials And Devices
Principles and applications of indentation.- Size effects in nanoindentation.- Indentation in shape memory alloys.- Adhesive contact of solid surfaces.- nanomechanical characterization of one-dimensional nanostructures.- Deformation behavior of nanoporous metals.- Residual stress determination using nanoindentation technique.- Piezoelectric response in the contact deformation of piezoelectric materials.Mechanics of carbon nanotubes and their composites.- Microbridge tests.- Nanoscale testing of one-dimensional nanostructures.- Metrologies for mechanical response of micro- and nanoscale systems.- Mechanical characterization of low dimensional structures through on-chip tests. EAN/ISBN : 9780387787015 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer US Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Li, James C.M. - Yang, Fuqian
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