Days of
G r a c e THE BLOG IN
Days of Grace The Blog in Print Days of Grace the blog-in-print is just that; a collection of posts by the faith filled Woman of God, Vivian Bell. Vivian has a passion for people and considers it her mission to bring joy everywhere she goes. Vivian truly believes that every single one of us, is fearfully and wonderfully made and plans on making sure we all know it! We want to warn you, that once you start reading, you’ll not only read this book until the end, but you will find yourself hungry for more. But don’t worry we’ve got you covered there as well. Head on over to and subscribe to Days of Grace the Blog. You’ll always receive a fresh and encouraging word. Ready to be inspired? Well then, turn the page…..
Vivian Bell B.C.B.C. Author
Currently 25,000 people worldwide have read Days of Grace – The Blog since I began to post. I am honored to have been chosen by GOD to share HIS inspired word with the world each day. It is my prayer that you are encouraged to be the best version of yourself and that you are moved to encourage others to do the same. Humbly yours,
Vivian Bell
faithful! I know it's hard when you're in the storm. I just want to remind you that our GOD can calm every storm in your life. Stay focused...we're going to the other side. #ImPrayingForYou #IBelieveHISWord4MyLife #DontYouDareStopNow #KeepOnBelieving #W
Mark 4:35 ESV On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, "Let us go across to the other side." So often we are like the disciples were in this particular instance in the bible. The disciples forgot that before they set sail, that JESUS said to them...let us go across to the other side. HE was letting them know, it's me and you and we're going to make it to the other side. HE didn't say let's set sail and see what happens. HE didn't say let's see how far we'll get. HE said. Let us cross to the other side. There is joy on the other side of your trial. There is provision, grace, mercy,'s all on the other side of this storm. The storm comes to detour you. So, I ask you... Will you give up and die in this storm? Or will you continue to trust the GOD that speaks to the storm and stay in the boat? Day by day my faith in HIM increases. Not because I'm so wonderful, but because HE is so
Ephesians 6:10-11 ESV Finally, be strong in the LORD and in the strength of HIS might. Put on the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. I was reminded by a dear friend this morning to make sure I'm dressed before I leave. She left a voicemail message for me with the above scripture. It blessed my soul. You know how you find those little reminders in your lunch box or in this case, my voicemail, and it's just the word you need at just the right time. Well, I'll say to you, get dressed! This is war! The enemy is not a fair fighter. he will use whomever and whatever he can to get you off course. Sometimes, it's not even about you. he wants you to stop praying for the person GOD has assigned you to pray for. The enemy will bring destruction in any way that he can. So be vigilant and stay suited up. The beautiful thing for us, is that this war was already won by JESUS thousands of years ago and the armor we wear, it's GOD's. Which means it is indestructible. Trust GOD and trust HIS plan. Put on the full armor and stand. That's our only job in this battle is to stand. So today, I
choose to stand on the word of GOD and not man's. I choose to trust GOD in spite of my circumstances. Today, I choose to walk in the power and dominion given to me by heaven. Will you join me! #GetDressed #ArmorOfGOD #HEisVindicator #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith
matures. In the wait things line up to perfection; past anything that we can understand. The moment we let go of our need to know, is when we can rest in the arms of HE who knows all and who works all things out for our good. Trust GOD and wait on HIM. Trust HIS understanding, HIS wisdom and HIS knowledge and rest in the peace of HIS promises. #WaitingExpectantly #WalkingOnWaterFaith Jeremiah 1:5 ESV "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."
Philippians 4:7 ESV And the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS. I am often asked the question, "How do I know that this is the right thing to do?" MY answer is usually this, "Don't move until GOD gives you peace about it." You see before these words in the scriptures, GOD tells us to be anxious for nothing. Then to pray, supplicate and give thanks. Yet, we often miss what follows which is HIS peace. It says HIS peace passes our understanding. You see, there are going to be times in your life where you don't know. You won 't understand, you'll even look crazy to others around you. Yet, all of this may have to take place before HIS peace comes. Not because the decision you're about to make is the wrong one. It may be or it may be the right decision for a different time. GOD does all things well. We often think HE is late, but the truth is, we are just impatient. Thus, the reason for the wait. You see in the wait our faith grows and our patience
You wanna know who you are? Your clue is in the desires of your heart. Before you were born GOD knew you. HE placed talents and gifts on the inside of you. You may think that it's okay to settle in and just take whatever life brings. But I am here to tell you that you are wrong. There are others on this earth whose destiny is tied into every decision you make. You may believe that no one cares, or no one is looking at little ole' you. Well, again you're wrong. Your future grandchildren are depending on you. You can sit and just mossy through life. Or you can leave a legacy in this earth. Don't be moved by your current circumstances. GOD already has greatness ahead of you. The question now is, will you have the courage to go and get it? GOD often gives us a word about our lives when it seems most unlikely for those things to happen. This is not because GOD is crazy, and HE doesn't know or see your situation. HE is not asking you to figure out how to pay for the small business startup. HE's only asking you at this point to believe HIM enough to make the business
plan. Are you hungry for what's on the inside of you? If you are, then get up and walk out the vision GOD has given you. I promise you that if you believe HIM enough to get up and make the small step HE's asking you to take by faith, that HE'll take care of the rest and open doors you'd never imagine could be open to you. Trust GOD and remain at peace. HE is faithful and will take care of you. I'm praying for you! #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Psalm 56:8 NLT You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded everyone in your book. I want you to know that this blog and the time it arrived in your email box or across your social media feed is not a happenstance. It is for you. The LORD wants you to know that HE loves you and that HE heard your cry. HE knows that you are "feeling" weak and that you want to end it all and just give up. It may be that you want to end your life, end a marriage or just plain ole stop believing. Yet, I am here on assignment to tell you to hold on! GOD has collected every last one of your tears in a jar. HE is not far from you. Call HIS
name! Just say JESUS!! HE is with you. HE is concerned for you and HE is going to take care of this thing that you are facing. You have got to hold on. Too many other lives will be affected by the decision you make in this moment. Do not allow a temporary situation, cause you to make a permanent decision. Be still, wait on the LORD and be of good courage. HE had already taken care of you before you even knew you needed HIM to! I love you and I'm praying for you. Yes, you! In HIS Love and by HIS direction! #HoldOn #KeepOnBelieving #NoWeapon #YouAreAlreadyVictorious #YouWillWin #GODkeepsAllOfHISpromises
Job 1:20 & 22 ESV Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. v.22- In all this Job did not sin or charge GOD with wrong. Dig In! I heard those two words so clearly last night. Before I could begin my prayer to GOD and ask HIM for my next move. HE said, "Dig In!" "Plant your feet even deeper in my word. Stay praising and praying. Stay focused and dig in." Then this morning HE took me to the story of Job. There is a verse in between verse 20 & 22 (Yes, I know; you knew that. Of course, 21 is that number.) Yet GOD reminded me of
something as I read verse 21 today. You see Job said in verse 21: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." I struggled with that verse in my younger years. Not because I did not understand that we should continue to praise GOD in the hard times. It's the way I've chosen to also live. Yet, not until I grew up in the spirit did I realize that verse 22 was not out of place. For it says that Job did not charge GOD wrongly, although he stated GOD took away everything HE had given to Job. The LORD showed me that HE and HE alone was all that Job knew. Job knew that GOD was the provider of all things, the keeper of all things and GOD of all things. So, to Job if the things that GOD gave him were now gone, dead or utterly destroyed, then that must be GOD also. So, Job chose to trust GOD and praise HIM yet the more! I want to remind you to let GOD be all that you know. Nothing and no one are on the same level as GOD. Don't look at what others would call a misfortune and get off course. Praise GOD when you have everything and when you've lost everything. Praise GOD when you feel like it and when you don't. Don't stop fighting, working and believing GOD to fulfill every promise and to bring all of your dreams to pass. HE will do it! Do you believe this? If so, then prove it! Dig in and work for that thing like you never have before. Wake up early, go to bed late. Whatever it takes. Just dig in! I'm gonna keep on believing GOD. Others disbelief in the miracles that are about to occur in my life won't phase or move me. For the only belief that matters in this case is my own and I won't stop believing. I'm gonna keep on praising, keep on believing and keep on pressing.
Be encouraged today and know that I am praying for you! (And to the person who just read that and said, "She doesn't even know me, so how is she praying for me." Know that I am specifically petitioning GOD for you. May this week bring Miracles, Signs and Wonders that will dispel all your doubts and fears in JESUS name!) #HEsAllIKnow #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Psalm 27:14 ESV Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD. When you don't know what to do next, or it seems like GOD is not giving you your next step, then wait. Wait on the LORD to speak! HE made you a promise and our GOD doesn't lie. HE will keep HIS word. We often get anxious and we begin to make moves and then we become angry because they did not work out (or "appear" to have not worked out) in this season. Yet we fail to accept that we moved without GOD's direction. I've found that when
GOD is directing my moves that there is an unexplainable peace that I have. Even when everything around me seems to be in disarray, my heart is at rest. This morning during devotion, my son and I discussed this very thing and the LORD said this: "Sometimes the wait is not even about you." HE went on to reveal that sometimes the wait is to strengthen you and to build your character. Yet in other times it is because the person, or thing that is needed to perfect this blessing are not currently in place. GOD will not give us a half-packed pie. This means that because GOD has a plan for us, and HE knows the end from the beginning that HE also knows where everything is that is needed for HIS promises to manifest and HE is not going to give you anything less than HIS perfection. Don't be angry with GOD when things don't happen on your timetable. Be glad that we serve a GOD who is the FATHER of time, who knows all things and who is not moved by our tantrums. For if HE was, HE would not be GOD and we would be a people most lost. The question at this point is what do you really want? Do you want what only you can provide for yourself? Or do you want what GOD has planned for you since before you were in your mother's womb? I'm choosing HIS plan! #IllWait #IStillBelieve #WalkingOnWaterFaith
2 Kings 5:20-27 New International Version (NIV) 20 Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said to himself, “My master was too easy on Naaman, this Aramean, by not accepting from him what he brought. As surely as the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him.” 21 So Gehazi hurried after Naaman. When Naaman saw him running toward him, he got down from the chariot to meet him. “Is everything all right?” he asked. 22 “Everything is all right,” Gehazi answered. “My master sent me to say, ‘Two young men from the company of the prophets have just come to me from the hill country of Ephraim. Please give them a talent[a] of silver and two sets of clothing.’”23 “By all means, take two talents,” said Naaman. He urged Gehazi to accept them, and then tied up the two talents of silver in two bags, with two sets of clothing. He gave them to two of his servants, and they carried them ahead of Gehazi. 24 When Gehazi came to the hill, he took the things from the servants and put them away in the house. He sent the men away and they left.25 When he went in and stood before his master, Elisha asked him, “Where have you been, Gehazi?” “Your servant didn’t go anywhere,” Gehazi answered. 26 But Elisha said to him, “Was not my spirit with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to take money or to accept clothes—or olive groves and vineyards, or flocks and herds, or male and female slaves? 27 Naaman’s leprosy will cling to you and to your descendants forever.” Then Gehazi went from Elisha’s presence and his skin was leprous—it had become as white as snow. I remember as a little girl often walking away after being kind to someone and feeling like I was stupid for being so kind. Not because I didn't want to be. But because I was hurt by
their actions and it seemed like everyone who was mean and who lied and did bad things always appeared to be winning. They seemed to be the ones that everyone respected and flocked to. Sometimes I would even rehearse in my mind what I would say the next day when they were mean to me. Or how I would defend myself against them for betraying me; for telling my secrets. Yet, every single time, all I could find to do in my heart was to just be kind. What I know today is that had I chosen to be like everyone else, I would not be posting this blog today. I would not be who I am in JESUS had I allowed regret to follow my kindness. I say this humbly and in obedience to the LORD who told me that it was necessary to share this with you. So often we look at how things appear. To you the other women may appear to be winning because they boss their husbands around and are mean to their spouses. Yet, they drive the latest luxury car and they live in the gated community. While you are humbly serving and covering your husband in prayer, while he appears to be running in the opposite direction of GOD and your family. Or perhaps the guy on your job who is always rude and taking from others seems to be the only one advancing while you remain kind and humble and in the same place you were five years ago. Yet, I must say to you, continue to allow GOD to heal your heart. Continue to love those who speak ill of you and who treat you badly. Continue to let GOD's love be seen through you every day. Never regret being kind to anyone. For the one who rights all wrongs keeps accurate records and HE is the rewarder, way-maker and provider. HE knows your struggles and HE sees your pain. Not one thing you endure for the kingdom of GOD will ever go unrewarded. Let GOD be GOD and you keep being the light HE has called you to be. ' I know you may say this is all unfair. Yet, in due time, those will also be the words spoken
when the LORD raises you up and blesses you in the presence of your enemies. Remember GOD did not promise us that life would be fair. In fact, HE has promised the opposite. HE has promised to favor us (HIS children) and to bless us abundantly. Be at peace. Love others and above all be obedient when GOD instructs you to bless a person. It may just be that single act of obedience that will release your greatest blessing. #BeKind #BeObedient #TrustGOD #UnshakableFaith #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on HIM because HE cares for you. Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to GOD.
In the last week I've had numerous individuals tell me that they do not know what to do next. That they are at the end of their rope. That it seems too much to bear and they just don't know what their next move is. This is one time that I wish that I did not understand personally what they felt. But I've been doing this long enough to know, that before I speak a word, I've got to live that word. So, with great joy I shared with each of them what GOD told me: Be still and trust me. When it seems like the world is upside down and you're holding it and all of its weights on your shoulder, be not discouraged. There is one who is greater, whose shoulders are wider and stronger who only wants you to surrender it all to HIM. Not only can HE bear it, but HE will work all things out for your good. Remember we are here to glorify HIM. I know that it does not always feel good, but I promise you that it will always work out for your good! I've made a decision to trust GOD. To rest in HIS word and the promises that HE has made for my life. I'm not moving off HIS word. I shall see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living!! Sometime the waiting feels like it's going to kill us and you're right it does just that . It kills our flesh. It kills our anxiety and those places where doubt attacks our faith. It kills all that will keep us from being all that HE has called us to be. Don't fight GOD on this transformation. Let HIM do a new work in you; I am! #PraisingMyWayThrough #IStillBelieve #NoWeapon #HISwordIsTruth #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Matthew 7:7-8 AMP Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds and to him who keeps on knocking, it will be opened. The word of GOD tells us to keep on asking. So why do we stop? Why do we after some time decide that we will take our dreams, tuck them in our back pockets and accept life as it is? Beware of distractions in this season. For they lead to discouragement. For at first we are distracted, (usually right after the LORD gives us a word or a promise). Then soon follows discouragement due to the fact that we "allowed" ourselves to become distracted. This thought itself is a trick of the enemy. For if it was just that we lacked the strength to sustain the vision, the LORD would have never given us the vision and the enemy would never have to send his cunning distractions in the first place. So, a distraction should not end in selfcondemnation (again a tool of the enemy) it should end in us being aware that we/our vision/hope/future is under attack and that we need to be more vigilant.
Should we not stop this train at the distraction or the feeling of discouragement, it will soon lead to procrastination and stagnation. None of which move us forward. It ultimately ends in us lacking the courage to ask again for the thing we know that GOD has promised to give us. Then we're back to dreams tucked in our back pockets and us meandering through this life. Yet, this is neither acceptable nor is it the will of GOD for our lives. As we keep asking our faith grows. That dream is sparked again, and we start working. We get out of bed at 3 a.m. when we are awakened and we pray, write, whatever we're called to do, we do it! Don't stop asking, seeking or knocking. I have decided that in this season of my life I am going to get everything that belongs to me! I want all my stuff back!!! (in my Kalyx Bulgrin voice). I want everything stolen from me, everything I gave up on and left. I want all the stuff my ancestors should have gotten, but they stopped short of. I want everything and I do mean everything! Not because I am greedy, but because I serve a big GOD who has made me big promises and I have faith big enough to believe that if I ask, according to HIS word HE will deliver!!!! So, in JESUS name, I'm asking, believing and receiving!!! #DontStop! #KeepOnBelieving #KeepOnAsking #KeepOnSeeking #KeepOnKnocking #StayFocused #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Lamentations 3:24-25 ESV "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in HIM." The LORD is good to those who wait for HIM, to the soul who seeks HIM. Sometimes the hardest thing to do, it appears, is to wait. Yet, I would like to offer another perspective. If you took your car in for an oil change. The oil change was all you could afford. It was all you had both time and money for. Yet, the owner of the shop comes out and says, "If you can give 12 hours of your time, when you leave with your car, I will have given you four new tires, an oil change, a tune-up, an alignment, a new paint job and new tinted windows." Would you find the 12 hours to wait on the owner to finish with your car? Well, then why is it so hard for us to wait on GOD? We go into this knowing several things: That the end will work out for "our" good. That we are already victorious. That none who trust in HIM will be put to shame. We have absolute guarantees! Yet, we find ourselves fearful and full of doubt. Today, I suggest that we decide to be okay with the wait. Let's change our perspective and attitude. These are the two things that can make waiting difficult. Let's decide today that no matter what
happens or how long it takes we're gonna wait on GOD. I know that saying those words are often the hardest. Yet, I've found that the moment I truly surrender to HIS timetable, is when I see HIM move so suddenly and turn everything around in my favor. I pray today you'll choose to be okay in the wait. We're gonna wait anyway, we might as well do it with a great attitude and the ultimate praise on our lips to GOD! HALLELUJAH! #IllWait #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IStillBelieve #Suddenly
1 Corinthians 2:9-13 ESV But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what GOD has prepared for those who love HIM' - these things GOD has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of GOD. For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of GOD except the Spirit of GOD. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from GOD, that we might understand the things freely given us by GOD. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. My prayer this morning is to articulate this word that is in my spirit in a way that every last person reading it will not only understand it, but will grab hold to it and never let it go!
This scripture is often used to encourage us to hope for greatness; to believe GOD for things we cannot see. For the word tells us that no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, and no one can imagine the great things that GOD has for us. This always lights my fire. Yet, as we read on in this scripture there is so much more. Let’s see if I can explain. Do you know how at times it seems as though everything around you is being blocked or the answer that you receive is always a "No"? It may seem that no matter which way you look something is going wrong, breaking down and falling apart. Or even if you've had a few good days it doesn't seem to last as long as you'd like. Yet, no matter how many No's you run up against, there is something deep inside of you that won't let you give up. Even when everyone around you seems to have stopped believing with you and in you; you just keep on going. Well, that's what the other verses in this passage is explaining. You see, what GOD has for us, we cannot even begin to imagine. Our mindset is so small compared to HIS. However, because the Spirit searches even the thoughts of GOD and HIS Spirit lives on the inside of us, our Spirit is made aware of things our minds cannot even begin to comprehend. Thus, it is the Spirit that remains strong and that continues to fuel our fire to believe GOD for HIS promises to us. I understand that you continue to hear "NO!" at every turn. But I want you to focus on what you know about GOD. You see the LORD revealed this to me. You are hearing N-O, but when you K-N-O-W you don't worry. You see in the middle of the word "know" is the word "no". "K" represents knowledge; the knowledge of GOD and HIS plans for your life. The "W" represents wisdom; the wisdom that GOD gives us to operate, to create wealth
and to move in this life. HE said to me that the K and the W box in and restrain the N and the O. So for every "no" you receive when I (GOD) has given you a yes; then arrest that "no" with the Knowledge you have of me, my word and my promises and receive my wisdom and remain in expectation of me to work all things out for your good! I'm waiting on HIM. I believe HIS word and my heart will remain in expectation of HIM to bring to pass every promise that HE has made to me! #KeepOnBelieving #IKNOW #WalkingOnWaterFaith
arm and was a good husband and father. Yet, he always had this desire for more. His missed opportunity lingered over him. I don't remember all of the movie, but what stuck out this morning about the movie are these words: "If you build it, they will come." You see this man saw a vision of an old famous baseball player in his field. And at some point the words were spoken to him, "If you build it they will come." So, the man believed, and he began to build a baseball field right in the midst of his property. No one understood what he was doing, because no one could see the visions of those who stood in his field except for him. Yet, he kept on building the field; bleachers and all! The word for you today, is "If you build it, they will come!" GOD has given us all visions that have sparked our spirits to believe and to work hard to bring about the things HE has told us HE would do in and through us. Yet, at times we allow the voices of others (or the enemy in the first person), tell us that we cannot do it. The enemy of your soul will use those closest to you at times to do his work. Yet, I say to you, it does not matter who believes in you and what you are doing. The only question is; Do you believe the GOD who made you the promise and gave you the vision? If so, then pick up your shovel and dig in. Build it! Do your part and watch HIM bless you in amazing ways!
Hebrews 11:6 ESV And without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM. I was reminded this morning of a movie that came out many years ago. It was called the Field of Dreams. As I remember there was a man who I believe at some point was hurt and no longer able to play baseball. He worked his
Be encouraged today and keep on building. Keep on Believing! #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Romans 5:8 ESV But GOD shows HIS love for us in that while we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us.
understand (for as much as any human can) GOD's love for me, I have never been the same. It drew me in to HIM. It made me seek HIM and want to be more and more like HIM every day. I will never be perfect as HE is, but I'm sure gonna love. I'm gonna love til it hurts and then I'm gonna love past the hurt, for as many times as it takes. For if I choose the other route my soul could not bear the thought of those who would be lost that may have been saved had I just chose to love anyway. Be the face of GOD today and love, love, love...
Sometimes we as humans "get in our feelings". We may have had our hearts broken or been betrayed or just plain treated unfairly. Maybe, we are sour because we're lonely or it seems like everyone around us is getting blessed but us. So, we decide that we'll wait to love anyone else. We make the decision that we are not taking any friendship applications. We decide we'll wait until someone comes along who will love us first before we even consider allowing someone else to get close to us. We begin to keep score and monitor responses. We find every reason we can to not go first. Yet, I must ask... Where would you be if HE (GOD) had waited for you? What if HE had waited for you to love HIM first before HE shed HIS blood for your sins? What if HE loved you until..... you know, until you made HIM mad or hurt HIS feelings? Man, I would be most lost, without hope and in an awful state. Decide today to have a heart like GOD's. Decide today to love in spite of. To be forgiving and to bless even those who mistreat us. I know it's not fair. I know it hurts and sometimes it takes every ounce of your being to press past the hurt, but I want to encourage you to do it anyway. Love changes things. The love of GOD changed my life. The moment I began to really
#ImALover&AWarrior #LoveNeverFails #LoveIsEternal #LoveIsStrongerThanDeath #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Hebrews 11:6 ESV And without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM. As I lay awake in bed this morning I just wanted to bask in the peace of GOD. I just wanted to lay in HIS presence. I could not bring myself to say a lot. I actually asked HIM to quiet my spirit and to speak to me. I made a decision to lay right there and just listen. I wouldn't move until HE spoke. GOD knows our thoughts and our desires. HE knew the question that my heart needed answers to, and HE gave it to me in three words: It's Your Faith.
The word tells us that without faith it is impossible to please GOD. So, what would be the best place for an attack? Yep, you guessed it your faith. For the enemy it is not about the "thing" it appears he's after. See, that's part of the distraction; the trick. We get so focused on the thing that appears to be the test, and we begin to focus on protecting that thing. Missing all along that the thing the enemy really wants to take is your faith to believe GOD and to take HIM at HIS word. For if we can take an invisible GOD at HIS word, we'll continue to seek HIM, and HE'll continue to reward us. As HE continues to reward us, we'll continue to believe HIM yet the more. Which will lead to more seeking of HIM, finding HIM and being rewarded by HIM and on and on the cycle goes. The only thing that remains for the enemy to do, is to attack the thing that we're focused on in hopes to shake our faith. If he can get a foot in, he'll do it, and then he'll question your identity in CHRIST. he'll send whatever he can to distract you. he'll kill, steal and destroy. The only question remains is will you still hold on to your faith when he is finished? The enemy's strategy is no different than it was in the day of Job. The enemy reached out his hands and touched everything he could, from Job's children and all his possessions, to the love of his life telling him to curse GOD and die. There is one thing that has also not changed. The enemy can do only so much and when the test has ended, and you've held fast to your faith. The reward will be greater than anything you could have ever imagined. #MovingForward #HoldingFastToMyFaith #IStillBelieve #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Genesis 1:3 ESV And GOD said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Isaiah 55:11 ESV so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. Sometimes in life we arrive in a place where the promises of GOD seem to be only words. When we believe GOD and the promises HE has spoken to us, yet what we see and what we feel does not even closely resemble what HE has spoken; it can often be hard for us to continue to believe HIS word. Yet, I ask you today; whose report will you believe. Yes, I know your bank account looks crazy, your spouse and children are behaving as though they were born on another planet or have been possessed by some demonic force. I know it hurts while you're working for someone else and holding on to a promise that GOD gave you to bless your business. Maybe, your baby's room is still empty. Not because it lacks furniture and toys, but because your womb is still barren. I know the pain all too well of having a vision and promise from GOD and every time you think it is going to finally come
together, only to have it "appear to fall apart". But what I know, (down in my knower) is that I've been here before. I've been right in the face of death and danger and GOD has never failed me. What I know is that GOD cannot lie and that HIS word does not return to HIM unfulfilled. What I know is that HE spoke this world into existence. I know that HE said (spoken word) "Let there be light." and the very same sun still hangs and lights this universe thousands of years later. Whatever promise GOD has made to you, it was already done the moment HE spoke it. It is for an appointed time. Our GOD keeps all of HIS appointments. I want to encourage you today, to keep believing GOD, HE will not fail you and you are so much closer to your sudden breakthrough than you know. Don't stop now! #KeepOnBelieving #IStillBelieve #ItsAlreadyDone #WalkingOnWaterFaith
answers to. Yet, it came to me this morning as I was reminded of all the things I didn't have answers for, that this is the perfect situation to be in. It's perfect because I don't know, and I don't have to know. The only thing that I need to know without a shadow of a doubt is that GOD is working all things out for my good! I have to know this deep down in my knower (in my Pastor Ballestero voice). I know that GOD is faithful. I also know that I've been here before. I have had situations where it was down to the wire, yet GOD had not given me any instructions yet. If you were to ask me what I was going to do, I would tell you I don't know, but I'm not worried. In every situation, right at the last moment, the LORD unveils a miracle that was so worth waiting for. You see, GOD and I have history. From where I stand, HE's my sure thing and I am going to trust HIM with my life, every aspect of it. Praying today that you won't be stressed out by all of the "what if's" and "maybe's" in your life. But that you will grab hold to your faith and hide the word of GOD in your heart so that when you are tempted to find answers that only GOD can provide; that you will rest in full assurance that HE will provide! #TheJoyOfTheLORDisMyStrength #IBelieveLikeNeverBefore #GODisFaithful #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Proverbs 3:5 ESV Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. So often we are stressed, worried and anxious about the things that we don't have the
Isaiah 49:23 AMP "Kings will be your attendants, and their princesses your nurses. They will bow down to you with their faces to the earth and lick the dust of your feet; and you shall know [with an understanding based on personal experience] that I am the LORD ; for they shall not be put to shame who wait and hope expectantly for ME. Today is Memorial day and many reflect on their loved ones. The things they've done, the things they've said and the times we've spent with them. I am eternally grateful to those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. I pray this day for those who have lost spouses, children and loved ones for this cause. I pray today your memories are only those that are fond and that your heart receives comfort and peace from our Heavenly FATHER. I also would like to remind us of the things that GOD has done for us and the promises that HE has made to us. As you spend this day remembering; remember JESUS CHRIST and HIS sacrifices. Remember what HIS sacrifice did for you and where it has placed you. You have dominion over all things and GOD will work all things out for your good. This day I pray that you will be encouraged. In spite of your current situation and what it may look like knowing that GOD has made you promises and will keep HIS word. Remember HIM and all that HE has already done for you. Remember how HE has showed up for you in past times when it seemed like all was lost. Remember when HE's heard your prayers and healed your loved ones. Remember HIM and praise HIM today! #ThankfulForTheSacrifice #Prayers4FamiliesWhoHaveLost #Thankful2GOD4Peace
Hebrews 11:6 ESV And without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that He rewards those who seek HIM. Ephesians 6:16 ESV In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; "It's your faith!" These are words the LORD spoke to me recently. I shared with you the importance of us holding fast to our faith and how faith is what is needed to please GOD. Yet, this weekend I received a revelation. Not that it was not there all along. Not that I had not read or even taught from this scripture before. Yet, as I sat in services on Sunday and the preacher delivered the word, Ephesians 6:16 practically jumped out of the page at me. Then these words....Faith is the key! It is the key to pleasing GOD, and it is the key to destroying the enemy of our souls. The word of GOD tells us that our faith will extinguish all of the darts (weapons, plots, ploys, plans, etc.) of the enemy. Not some of them, but all of
them. So, by faith, speak the word of GOD over your life. Your faith is counted unto you as righteousness, just as the men and women of old. By faith, continue to walk according to GOD's direction. By faith pack the boxes, complete the business plan, purchase the website. Whatever GOD has told you to do, do it. Even if HIS instructions are to be still. Then be still. When we are still, HE's moving. It often takes more faith to be still, than it does to make a move. Whatever GOD is calling you to have faith for, trust HIM and believe! Take HIM at HIS word. HE won't fail you! #IveGotTheKey #ItsAlreadyMine #Miracles #ThisIsMySeason #IllHaveAllHEpromisedMe #WalkingOnWaterFaith
right now in this moment. I pray that you will come before the throne of grace boldly asking our Heavenly FATHER to bless you and believing it is already done. I challenge you to have a "right now" kind of faith. Not that you are before GOD as if HE is your genie rubbing the lamp and getting all of your wishes. But that you are before GOD with all of your faith secured in knowing that not only does HE want to bless you, but that HE will bless you beyond anything you can ask or begin to think and that HE'll do it right now for you. Take away the "someday" mentality, because the trouble about someday, is that someday usually never comes. So, I'm declaring that in this day, right here, right now that we will see miracles, signs and wonders. That we will see GOD bless us to overflow. I believe HIS word and I wait expectantly for HIM to keep it! #WalkingOnWaterFaith #NoWeapon #JustBelieve #NeverGiveUp #ItsNotOver
Mark 29:11 ESV And JESUS said to him, "If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes." ALL THINGS!!!! Nothing is too hard for GOD. So, no matter what you're facing today. Be it a major disaster or an interview for a new position. There is nothing that is too hard for GOD. The question today is, what is it that is hard for you to believe GOD for? Whatever that "thing" is, that too is included in "All things". I pray for you today that your faith will rise up on the inside of you. That you will believe GOD to perform miracles in your life this day, even
Romans 4:20-24 ESV No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of GOD, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to GOD, fully convinced that GOD was able to do what HE had promised. That is why his faith was "counted
to him as righteousness." But the words “it was counted to him" were not written for his sake alone, but for ours also. It will be counted to us who believe in HIM who raised from the dead JESUS our LORD. Righteousness/righteous- acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from guilt or sin; morally right or justifiable. We all know that not one of us can say that we are righteous without JESUS. Yet, the word tells us that our faith is counted to us as righteousness. Faith! Yes, the belief in GOD. Faith; the thing that causes you to see in the spirit and praise in advance for something that has not yet manifested in the physical. FAITH!!!
What are you saying about your business? Are you talking about the amount of sales you don't have? Or are you speaking abundance in the face of despair and poverty. What are you saying about your marriage? Your children? Change the way you speak. Do not concern yourself about others accepting or understanding this change. Their understanding and acceptance are not required. The only thing that is required is your belief. So put some action behind that belief today! Believe GOD's word. Speak GOD's word and Expect GOD's word to manifest. I'm praying for you! #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IStillBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife
Hold fast to your faith people of GOD for you are so much closer to your breakthrough than you think! #FaithingIt (InMyCoraJakesColemanVoice) #WalkingOnWaterFaith #HoldOn #Closer #ItsAlreadyDone!
Proverbs 18:21 ESV Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Do you believe the word of GOD? Check yourself! Check what you are saying. Check the things you do and how you respond to situations. Especially situations that "appear to be" opposite of what GOD has spoken. Consider the words that you speak, they just may be the very thing that is killing your dreams.
Matthew 11:12 ESV From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. It is time for you to fight! The LORD has given you a promise, and you've fought hell to hold on to it. Yet, in this season you are "feeling" tired. You are wondering if this is even worth it anymore. You thought at some point the fight
would end. Yet, most of us fail to realize that the reward of winning one fight is another fight on a different level. For everything you endure, KNOW that GOD has entrusted you with it. HE knows what HE put on the inside of you. It is time for you to stand up and fight! Fight in the spirit! Use the weapons that GOD has given to you. Open your mouth and speak the word of GOD over your marriage, family, ministry, businesses, dreams and visions. Stand up and declare that darkness must cease; that the enemy must go! Whatever you do in this season, don't let giving up be an option! I am praying for you!
that feelings are subject to change and are deceptive at best. Believe GOD. Take HIM at HIS word and don't waiver. Praise HIM and remain at peace. HE has worked all things out for your good! #IStillBelieve #WalkingOnWaterFaith #UnshakeableFaith
In HIS Love and by HIS direction! #WalkingOnWaterFaith
John 11:14-15 ESV Then Jesus told them plainly, "Lazarus has died, and for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him."
Isaiah 26:3 ESV You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Lazarus died and was placed in a tomb for others to believe. Sounds crazy right? But have you ever considered that the thing GOD promised you, that appears to have died, may just be taking place so that others around you may believe that GOD is real?
It all comes down to one question, do we trust GOD? I know it seems so much more complex than that. I know what it feels like to be facing a situation with no answers. Yet, again, I must stand and ask the question, do you trust GOD? If your answer is yes, then stay focused on HIM. Trust in HIM and HIS word and praise even when you don't have the answers. Praise HIM past your current feelings. Remembering
I know you're thinking could we not have skipped all of this. Could the LORD have not just spoken to that person and they believed? For some, it takes more than that. For some it's going to take your continued praise to GOD while they watch the thing HE promised you to be buried. Perhaps your undying faith is what will encourage someone around you to say to GOD, "Show yourself to
me!". So often in the midst of what feels like the worst trial in our lives, we wonder LORD, what have I done. Or perhaps you have asked the LORD Why didn't you come before now? Perhaps you too will say, LORD, I sent for you...I told you (like Mary and Martha) that this situation was bad, yet you lingered and now it is dead! But I've come to tell you today, that if GOD gave you a word HE's going to keep it! If HE told you this will be the outcome, you better believe, that will be the outcome. Don't become discouraged because it appears to not be working (because it's not going the way you envisioned). Just hold on, before you know it, JESUS will be calling that thing forward and just like Lazarus, it will get out of the grave and live again! #IStillBelieve #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ItsMySeason
2 Kings 6:16-17 ESV He said, "Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see." So, the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
I initially entitled this blog, "See clearly!", but then I realized that even when we can't see clearly, it doesn't change our Heavenly reality. You see in this particular instance; the enemy's army had come and surrounded the place where Elisha and his servant was. They had come to find Elisha because his prophecy had brought about their defeat. The servant of Elisha awoke and went out and there he found their enemy surrounding them. Somewhat in a panic, he came back to the Man of GOD and said, what are we going to do, they are surrounding us! Elisha calmly advised him to not worry for those who were with them were greater in number than those that were with their enemy. Then Elisha prayed and asked the LORD to open the servant's eyes. You're possibly wondering; could he not see, since he was the one who came to tell Elisha about the army outside? The answer is both yes and no. He could see, but only in the physical realm. Elisha could see with both his physical and spiritual eyes, so he asked the LORD to allow his servant to do the same. So, GOD did just that. When the servant looked again, he saw the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire. The chariots were there the whole time. Today, I ask that your eyes will be opened, right in the middle of your situation. That you will see that GOD has been with you the whole time. I know when you immediately assess the situation, it appears that you're out numbered. I know it looks like there is no way out. I know that you've combed over every single option for an escape plan and nothing at all can seem to come in time to save you or to change your situation in the least. Yet, I encourage you to look again. Yet, I pray that your eyes will be opened and that you will see that GOD has been with you "in" your situation the whole time.
every word spoken from HIS mouth is truth. We are so often, quick to believe that when we are in a tough situation that GOD must be really far from us. Yet, GOD is not moved by what "appears to be" a bad situation. HE is GOD!!! HE has promised to be with us to the end of the world. Your current situation is no surprise to GOD. HE has already prepared a way of escape for you. Ahead of you is your door, your provision and your salvation. Rest in knowing that no matter what you may face in this day, that GOD is greater than it and has you surrounded!
Grab hold to the words that GOD has spoken about you and to you and know that in the moment HE spoke them, they were already done! Dare to believe HIM and praise HIM right now as though you are already walking in that promise; for soon you shall be! #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IStillBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #NoWeapon
#LetUsSeeLORD #TrustGOD #WalkingOnWaterFaith #GODisGreater #FaithOverFear #FaithingIt
Habakkuk 2:3 ESV For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end - it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. As I awake this morning the LORD began to take me over what is similar to a movie reel. How HE spoke certain things to me, and how certain things I asked for are and have already come to pass in the physical. HE reminded me of this word this morning. (Habakkuk 2:3) The visions (dreams/promises) GOD has given to you, will come to pass. The word says it best, "it will not lie"! GOD cannot lie; HE is truth. Therefore,
Job 1:8 ESV And the LORD said to satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears GOD and turns away from evil? I was reminded today by a dear friend, to count it all joy when it seems like everything is going wrong in your life. Not because any of us want hard times, but because GOD has asked the enemy... Have you tried my servant_____________ (insert your name). I want to encourage you to praise GOD right in the middle of your storm. Praise HIM in the midnight hour, when it seems to be the darkest in your life. I know that this seems to be the opposite of what most would think to do initially. Yet, I want to encourage you to think
outside the box. I want to remind you that GOD has not changed, nor has HIS power! Just because you may be going through something in this season, doesn't mean that GOD has walked away from you. Instead HE is standing back with pride, because HE knows that you are coming out on the other side victorious. HE is smiling because HE knows that this is just another opportunity to remind the enemy that he is powerless and defeated. GOD is smiling because it delights HIM to bless you and when you come out on the other side like Job did, HE's gonna give you double for your trouble. Stay focused, stay encouraged and continue to praise the one and only true GOD in Heaven. I promise you; HE won't fail you. I know it seems like it's all coming down to the last second. I know what you see isn't lining up with what HE promised. Yet, I encourage you to be encouraged by that alone. For our GOD cannot lie and HE has promised to never let those be put to shame who wait on HIM. So, know that what you're looking at must change and come in alignment with what our GOD has spoken.
Matthew 6:33 NLT HE will give you all you need from day to day if you live for HIM and make the Kingdom of GOD your primary concern. GOD did not tell us to perform our own miracles. I mean, really. They wouldn't be miracles if we could do it ourselves. It would just be ordinary day to day tasks. But GOD knew that we would face things in life that we could not do on our own. So, HE told us to be about HIS kingdom and if we are about HIS kingdom, HE would take care of all our needs. What is it that you need today? What is it that you're doing for the kingdom? Who are you praying for? Whose life are you speaking abundance over? Yes, I know your need is dyer, but so is the need for the lost soul to find GOD. Will they see HIM in you today? IJS #WalkingOnWaterFaith #MiraclesInRoute #IStillBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife
I'm praying for you and I am praising in advance for all the miracles, signs and wonders that will take place, even now! #TotallyConvinced #IStillBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #MiraclesAreUnfoldingNow #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Have you found yourself frustrated? Are you stressing trying to figure out how GOD is going to get you out of this mess you're in? Are you asking yourself, LORD why? Well, GOD is not moved by any questions we ask HIM. HE is not going to rain fire down from Heaven to consume you because you question HIM. However, I'd like to suggest that you stop trying to trace HIM?
do the work that only HE can do. I'm choosing the latter. #ImGonnaWatchHIMwork #HeartFullOfExpectation #IDontKnowHowButIKnowHIM #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Of course, we seek the LORD, we want HIS presence in every one of our situations. We should daily be seeking to draw closer to HIM. However, HE has told us that our ways are not HIS ways, for HIS thoughts are higher than ours. So, then why are we attempting to figure out the what's and why's? I know, I know, I know. Sometimes, we just want answers. Sometimes it seems like all sides are closing in on us and we have no answer or way out within our own power. Yet, I suggest that this is the perfect place to be. Yes, I do know personally what it's like to be surrounded on every side with what appears to be no way out. But what I also KNOW is that my GOD is faithful. What I KNOW with my whole soul, is that I belong to the One and Only true GOD. What I KNOW is that failure is impossible for HIM. What I KNOW is that I am on this earth to give HIM Glory, and HIM not showing up and delivering HIS child, does not bring HIM any glory. What I KNOW is that I am the apple of HIS eye. What I KNOW is that HE is a keeper of HIS word. What I KNOW is that HE knew I would be here in this very moment before I got here and that HE has made provisions for this very moment before the foundations of the earth. What I KNOW is that I could spend time trying to trace HIM and become frustrated because I cannot. Or I can keep my hands busy doing the work HE has called me to do and wait expectantly for HIM to
Proverbs 18:21 ESV Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. This morning I found myself reaching out to a few close friends and prayer partners asking for prayer this morning. As I sent the text request GOD quickly took me to this scripture. HE gave me the word balance. We often speak one way while actually feeling another. Your feelings do not count, because they are subject to change. HE had me reflect over the words that were being tossed around in my mind at that moment. HE said pay attention to the things that come after the words I AM. HE went on to say. I live inside of you, and when you find thoughts that begin with I AM, but end in the opposite of what I actually AM, that is the enemy of your soul speaking to you in the first person. The enemy is trying to convince you that you are something that you are not. If you listen to him, and you begin to focus on what
you feel, or the thoughts being spoken to your spirit by the enemy you will operate from a place of fear and not faith. Remember that faith is what pleases me and what extinguishes all of his fiery darts. Speak both life out of your mouth and to yourself! For GOD has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind! I know you may be thinking that it's easier to say than to do. I am here to tell you, that in and of itself is proof that it's not GOD who is speaking to your spirit at this time. Yes, you may be in a situation that is unfavorable, hard, seeming as though the cards are stacked against you. Yet, the truth of the matter is that GOD has promised to never leave nor forsake you. The truth is that GOD has said HE will be with you always, even until the end of the world. Truth is, that those who wait on the LORD will never be put to shame. Truth is, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Truth is that GOD has prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Truth is GOD is for you and when GOD is for you, that is always more than the world against you. Stay encouraged people of GOD! Stay focused and continue to speak life. Try the spirit and if it does not line up with GOD's words, operate in your GOD given power and authority and destroy it with the power given to you by Heaven! #IStillBelieve #WalkingOnWaterFaith #NoWeapon #SpeakingLife #EatingFruit
Job 1:8 ESV And the LORD said to satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears GOD and turns away from evil? This morning when GOD led me to this word in the bible, I knew there was going to be something different about reading this book today. I have read the bible, heard it preached or read to me nearly my whole life. Yet, my soul marvels always when GOD takes me deeper into HIS word and shows me things I've never seen or perhaps never viewed in a certain way before. As I turned to the book of Job, GOD said these words...."When I trust you......" Of course those words excite most of us as we consider the fact that GOD might trust us in a trial or just in general. Boy, does that sound noteworthy! For most it brings about encouragement. Yet, we cannot miss the whole picture and we must always seek the purpose of anything that transpires in our lives. GOD is all knowing and does nothing without purpose. All things will ultimately work for the good of those who are called to HIS purpose. GOD will always get the ultimate praise. Most of us consider Job as GOD's proof that GOD always wins. I agree. Yet, this morning I saw something different. When the LORD asked satan what he was doing (where are you coming from..) satan answered from going back and forth on the earth. The enemy
of our soul was seeking whom he may devour. Have you ever considered that GOD offered Job up as a distraction and not a sacrifice? Have you considered that what you are enduring is for the salvation of another? GOD knew that Job would trust HIM until the end. GOD knew that even in Job's weak moments when he would ask GOD "Why", that in the end Job would still believe and honor HIM. Perhaps his friends, or even someone else on the earth was next on the enemy's list. Yet, GOD being GOD and knowing all things, knew that he or she was not ready to endure the attack or storms that would come about. So, instead of allowing the enemy to destroy them; GOD gave the enemy a distraction while GOD increased the faith of another. Remember that everything GOD does has a purpose. Do not despise a temporary circumstance. GOD has not turned you over to the enemy. Just as with Job GOD will never leave you nor forsake you. GOD places limits on the enemy of your soul and because HE is GOD everything has to line up with HIS will. So, know that this thing you're going through has an end date. It has had one since the beginning! Stay focused and live purposefully for GOD. It may just be that you're saving not only the life of someone else, but their very soul as you endure this trial with grace. Let the world see GOD in you! #BeAWillingVessel #IDontLikeItButIllDoIt #LifeAintFairNeitherIsFavor #Favored #WalkingOnWaterFaith
1 Kings 19:11-13 ESV And he said, "Go out and stand on the mount before the LORD." And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" I want to remind you this morning to not miss your opportunity to shout or praise GOD, because you missed HIM. I'll explain. Sometimes we are so busy with our minds set on how we think GOD is going to bless us or what package our miracle needs to come in, that when it comes we often overlook it because of our preconceived notions about what GOD needs to do and how HE needs to do it. Some other things that stood out to me as I read this story again this morning. One being
the age-old question most of you have had, and that is how did Elijah run from Jezebel after he had so many great victories and knew that GOD was with him? I mean he had called fire down from Heaven. Most of us probably believe that we would've never been afraid after that right? Well, GOD showed me something else in this story this morning. Do you remember when GOD asked Elijah what are you doing here, and Elijah began to tell GOD how he was the only one left among GOD's people who would stand up. It wasn't true, but not because Elijah was lying or making excuses. He literally believed it. Fear had for a brief moment brought about confusion. So, if there is confusion, we know who was at play right? Yes, the enemy; the author of confusion. So, in Elijah's confusion and fear he ran. But the best part about this story that holds true for all of us.......Is that GOD came to get Elijah (Vivian, insert your name here.) GOD came and shined forth the truth to him. GOD strengthened him and restored him. Don't be moved when you have moments that test you or bring you to a place where you run and hide. It happens to the best of us. Just don't stay in the cave. When truth comes to find you, walk in the truth and come out of that cave and complete your mission just as Elijah did! GOD knows best. Stay focused. Listen. Pay attention. May your discernment be keen and your praise be earth shattering! #ISeeYouLORD #OnlyYou #MiraclesAreForReal #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Hebrews 11:11 ESV By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered HIM faithful who had promised. Audacity - the willingness to take bold risks; boldness; daring, fearlessness, bravery, courage, heroism. It took a lot for Sarah to believe that she could have a child. Everything other than GOD was telling her no. No, you are too old. No, your husband is even older. No, it's too late. Yet, because she considered GOD to be faithful, she believed and received the power to not only conceive, but to deliver the promise child. Many are facing challenges. Everything seems to be saying No! It appears that perhaps you are running out of time. Maybe it is that the people that are supposed to line up to bring about the situation appear distracted, delayed or even derailed. Yet, I must encourage you to keep your eyes on the LORD. To consider HIM faithful. Trust GOD to keep all of HIS promises. HE will not fail you! I am praying that you will stand boldly on HIS word. I am praying that when HE calls you to do something that makes no sense, that you will not lean to your own understanding, but fearlessly walk out HIS instructions. I pray that you will step into this next season with full
assurance that GOD is going to perform everything that HE has promised! #ImPrayingForYou #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IStillBelieve
HE told Moses that your enemy will look at you and think you are lost. It will look as though you are going to become their slaves again. The enemy is going to believe that you are without protection and will pursue you. The LORD even allowed their enemy to get so close that only a pillar of cloud separated them. Today, it is imperative that you understand something. When GOD directs you to do a thing. No matter how crazy it may seem. No matter how little you seem to understand it; do it. Even when it leads to you standing in front of a sea and it appears that your enemy is closing in on you. Don't be moved by what you see. Just continue to follow the instructions of the LORD. Remember HIS promises!
Exodus 14:1-4 ESV Then the LORD said to Moses, "Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Baal-zephon; you shall encamp facing it, by the sea. For Pharaoh will say of the people of Israel, "They are wandering in the land; the wilderness has shut them in.' And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." And they did so. I woke up this morning and the LORD said this to me.... "At the Red Sea." HE seemed to put an emphasis on the word "at". So, I go to Exodus 14 to find something I am positive I read before, but somehow it did not stick. As I began to read this chapter again, I realized that GOD did not open the Red Sea the minute the children of Israel arrived at it. HE told them to camp there in front of it.
Our GOD has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. I know that you may be fearful right now. I understand. Past this faith, I'm human. Yet, today, I am going to allow my faith to override my human logic. Today, I'm going to draw strength from my well of testimonies and tell you this: v. 13-14 ......."Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which HE will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." #KeepOnBelieving #StandStill #RedSeaFaith #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IStillBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife
reservation to praise HIM and to trust HIM. For there have been so many times that this was all that I had, yet it was all that I needed. So, I say to you.....Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt HIS name together! #ContinualPraise #BecauseIUnderstand #HEsAlwaysWithUs #WalkingOnWaterFaith Psalm 34:1-3 ESV I will bless the LORD at all times; HIS praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt HIS name together! No matter what it is you're facing today, I want to encourage you to give GOD praise. I know that you may not always feel like it, because you may feel like you're drowning, and GOD has not heard you. Yet, I want to remind you that HE is in the midst of your situation and no matter what it looks like, that GOD is always worthy of our praise. Praising HIM and declaring HIS word over my life is what keeps me in the times when it is hard to believe. Or it's just hard to press through. When I began to declare HIS word over my life and give HIM praise; my focus shifts from my problem to my creator. So often when I am sharing I get the words "You just don't understand." I wish at times this was true. I wish that I could be void of the heartbreak, the fears and the trials. Yet, what I know is that without them GOD could not trust me. HE could not trust me to minister to others week in and week out. At some point I would become dependent on my own knowledge and abilities. Yet, because I have a well of testimonies to draw from, I can tell you without
John 8:35-36 ESV The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So, if the SON sets you free, you will be free indeed. Do you know who you are? So often we forget who we are and the position that HE placed us in. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are HIS children; we are in HIS house. We are forever kept by HIS grace and love. We have a favor that rests on us. GOD has set us free forever. Today we celebrate the day that our country became free. The freedom we walk in, in this land is indeed a blessing as so many other countries only dream of such freedom. Sometimes we forget just how free we are because it just becomes a way of life that we soon begin to take for granted. So, we don't say thank you for being able to wake up in the morning and to go to work without armed
guards and military personnel surrounding our workplace. Nor do we celebrate being able to choose what we eat and the clothes we wear. I want to remind you today to celebrate those freedoms, but even more so to celebrate the freedom you have in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. HE made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live free from oppression, condemnation, guilt, sin and anything else the enemy of our souls could muster up. HIS blood (red) blew (blue) away our sins leaving us white as snow in HIS eyes. Remember who you are today! Remember that HE has already set you free from the things that attempt to bind you. Do not return to them, from this day forward. Walk in your freedom. Thank you to all who have served in our military to ensure that we remain a free country. Freedom is never free. It costs those who stand up to defend it. I thank you for your service. To the families who have lost loved ones who fought for our freedom, know that my prayers are with you always and that I'm standing up for you and fighting for your freedom in the spirit. #FreeIndeed #BoughtWithHisBlood #HISRedTurnedMeWhiteAndMadeTheDevilBlue #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Revelation 12:10-11 ESV And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our GOD and the authority of his CHRIST have come; for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our GOD. And they have conquered him by the blood of the LAMB and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. My heart has been in a place as I've watched the people of GOD under attack in every area of their lives. Most coming to a place where they are questioning their call, gifts and talents from GOD. Many believing that maybe, just maybe, I should be quiet right now, because my life is a mess. Many say, "My life isn't perfect." Yet, I stand today to remind you that this is just the reason you were called. GOD does not call the perfect, HE perfects the called. The accuser of the brothers is busy. Yet, he is weak and already defeated. In spite of what it looks like in your life, what you feel and even what you see; open your mouth and speak of the goodness of our GOD! HE has made you promises that HE is sure to keep. Just as HE has before. Open your mouth and bless someone today. Choose to focus on how you can uplift someone today. Can you smile at someone or even simply say "GOD bless you!"? Whatever it is that GOD tells you to do, do it. HE has already provided for and taken care of everything you've been worrying about. I know you woke up this morning and you may still not have the answer to your problem. Yet, what I also know, is that my GOD is still alive and reigning! HE will not fail you. So put all those things in HIS hands and let HIM put HIS words in your mouth. Today, testify of HIM and HIS goodness.
#WereInThisTogether #EncourageYourSistersAndBrothers #GODisFaithful #YourMiracleIsGonnaBeRightOnTime #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IStillBelieve
Sunday he said to me. You know I tease you and your sister a lot about being GOD's favorites, but the truth is it's not that HE really favors you, but it's your faith to believe HIM that makes the difference. He said, "You just choose to have faith." GOD has promised to never leave or forsake us. HE has promised that those who wait on HIM shall never be put to shame. HE has often made us promises that only we are aware of. The question is, do we believe HIM for them?
2 Kings 7:12 ESV But Elisha said, "Hear the word of the LORD; thus, says the LORD, tomorrow about this time a seah of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria." Then the captain on whose hand the king leaned said to the man of GOD, "If the LORD HIMself should make windows in heaven, could this thing be?" But he said, "You shall see it with your own eyes, but you shall not eat of it." GOD has been really great to me. HE has given me great biological parents and HE also has given me great spiritual parents. My spiritual dad is much like my birth father in that they often do not realize just how wise they are. My spiritual dad, Pops Phebus as I like to call him. He always says to me, "You're Spoiled!" It encourages my soul. For what he means by those two words is that I am favored of GOD and that GOD takes great care of me. This past
You see in this particular story; the man of GOD gave a word from the LORD. The LORD told the people that within 24 hours I am going to turn your situation around. Tomorrow you won't be hungry. Tomorrow the entire economy is going to shift in your favor. The man who doubted, saw it come to pass (for GOD's word always will) yet he did not eat of it, because he was trampled at the gate. Don't let unbelief trample you! We read in the bible about prophets like Elijah and Elisha. They performed great miracles. Most people think, that this was just for them, in their time; in their season. You have been led to believe that there was just something so great about them and that such power is beyond your reach. Yet, I am here today to tell you that this too is a lie. For the word reads in John 14:12-14 (ESV) "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
I believe in GOD. I believe HIS word and I am going to operate in HIS power. No devil in hell or on earth will stop the fulfillment of promises in my life! Nor will they stop the healing, blessings and abundance that I'll declare over the lives of others around me. I have chosen to believe GOD; I pray today that you will also. #GreaterThings #IBelieve #The24HRturnaround #BlessingsOverflowing #WalkingOnWaterFaith
progress. For every new level GOD takes us to, pruning is involved. As the things that we are responsible for on the next level are greater. So, in order to be able to walk in a greater anointing (increase), GOD must prepare us for it. Which means often we just have to plain ole face our situation, see it for what it is and then rest in GOD knowing that HE will fix this just like HE has fixed everything else. Today, I want to encourage you to have an accountability partner. Someone who will hold you accountable for reaching your goals, making the necessary changes and adjustments and who will call you out (in love) when you need a swift kick or a little motivation. Today, I am grateful to GOD for those who are in my life in this season, because they hold my hands up which in turn allows me to hold your hands up through this daily word of encouragement. #GratefulHeart #GODisBigger #GODWillNeverChangeHISmindAboutYou #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 English Standard Version (ESV) 9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Don't be too proud to reach out for help or to say you are in need. We all need to have people in our lives that will come along side of us. For most of us, saying I need help is not easy. Not because we are prideful, but we may become pride-filled if we are not careful. Stop looking at your current circumstance in criticism. We are all a work in
Luke 6:38 ESV Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. What are you expecting? Are you a giver? Do you bless and give in obedience to GOD? When HE asks for your all, do you give it with joy and excitement? Well, today I am here to tell you, to also give it in expectation. Believe every word of GOD, including the scripture above. Whatever you give, be it time, money, talents, whatever "it" is, give with an expectation to receive in abundance. Receiving should never be our purpose for giving. Yet, when you sow expect an abundant harvest to follow. If you are not in expectation of GOD, then you should be. Our GOD delights in blessing us and showing forth HIS favor towards HIS children. I pray that in this week you will reap a supernatural harvest so big and so amazing that all who see will know that GOD is real, HE keeps HIS promises and that HE indeed delights in blessing HIS children! Be sure to give HIM all the Glory and Honor. #FaithfulGOD #ExpectantHarvest #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Job 1:20-22 ESV Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." In all this Job did not sin or charge GOD with wrong. I use to wonder as a child when I heard this story of Job how it was that he could worship GOD. I wondered what kind of man he must be, if his only thought was to praise GOD after all of this. I knew always that this was what we all should do, but I just wondered what it would take to be that person. Desiring it but feeling then like it was unattainable for anyone short of the prophets and men like Job from that era. Yet, this morning as I awoke to one more thing among many that "seem" to all be going wrong, all my soul can do is just rejoice!! All my lips can find to do this morning is to say thank you LORD! As I declared with my mouth: "LORD I know you and I know that you are a faithful GOD. LORD I know that today we will see your miracles performed in our lives....The LORD spoke and said this to me......"It's what you know.." and immediately HE took me to Job and reminded me of the questions I would ask of HIM when reading this story. One of the things that use to confuse me the most when I read this story of Job was verse 21. It is the verse when Job said.." the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away......" You see, I had read the verses before it. You know where they tell how the enemy was trying to find someone to devour. I knew that the enemy was behind this whole thing. Yet, what I did not realize in those moments is that Job only knew GOD. He knew that GOD was his provider and
the one who had given him such favor and grace. He knew that GOD was the sustainer of his life. All Job knew was GOD, thus he responded based on his knowledge of GOD and who GOD was in his life. Do you know this? Do you realize that nothing in this life happens without GOD's permission? Do you realize that where ever it is that you are right now in this moment, that GOD is in that moment with you? Do you realize that when GOD sees fit, that HE is going to put a stop to all the things that seem to be coming against you? Be at peace, children of GOD and praise HIM like HE just blessed you with your heart’s desires. For soon, very soon, there will be an end to what you are going through and your end; like Job's, will be greater than your beginning! #ContinualPraise #IStillBelieve #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith #MiraclesSignsAndWonders
Philippians 4:4-7 ESV Rejoice in the LORD always; again, I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The LORD is at hand; do not be
anxious about anything; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to GOD. And the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS. "I'm here in the middle." The words I heard so clearly from GOD as HE woke me up this morning. "Tell them, I'm here in it with them." GOD is not far from you. As children of GOD, HE lives on the inside of us. HE is ever present; always. Like the picture in today's blog. It may seem like you are surrounded. You can't see what's on the other side of all the bushes that seemed to have suddenly surrounded you. It doesn't look good. It is scary because you cannot see what is on the other side. But can you hear? Can you hear and perceive what GOD is saying and doing? You see the bushes as something to fear and GOD sees the bushes as your hedge of protection. The very thing that was meant to box you in has become your hiding place. No matter what it looks like. No matter how you may feel; rest in GOD today. You are HIS child. You have made your request known. GOD heard you and in the moment you asked believing, it was already done. So today I say rejoice! In spite of find a place somewhere down in your spirit to draw from and praise GOD like never before. For HE is still GOD! HE still sits on the throne of Heaven and rules over the affairs of man and HE is working all things out for your good. #StayTheCourse #TooCloseToGiveUp #GODisAlwaysThere #RightAtTheBrink
#YouveAlreadyWon #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Proverbs 18:21 ESV Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. You are waaaaayyyy too close to your breakthrough for you to start speaking the lies the enemy has been whispering to you!!! Don't lose focus in this season. Keep your eyes on JESUS. HE has worked all things out for you.
life. Everything in this world must line up and form what HE has spoken over your life. Don't be moved by what appears to be opposition. Nothing can by any means harm you and keep you from your destiny. So, continue to speak life, so that you may eat its fruits. Speak life over your family, finances, career, ministry, whatever it is GOD has promised you speak life to it. Speak what you know and not what you see. For we know that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. Yet, we also know that all we have to do is stand, because GOD won this war for us thousands of years ago. So today, no matter what time it is you're reading this, or what has taken place before this moment, speak life and nothing more from this moment forward! For you shall have what you speak! #SpeakingLife #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IStillBelieve #GODisFaithful #ItsMySeason #YouWillWin
I know each time you think it's going to turn around something else might seem to pop up. Well, that's how it works. All of hell is hell bent on detouring you. The enemy is scared to death of you. he continues to attack you with hopes to wear you down and make you quit. But I am here to remind you that the devil is a liar! He is the father of lies. GOD on the other hand CANNOT lie!! Every word HE speaks comes to pass. So, the things you may be facing or looking at right now may be facts, but my darling they are not truth. Truth is what GOD has spoken about your life. Just like when HE said, "Let there be light" and everything in this universe came together to form the light HE spoke into existence. You know the one that still hangs in the sky thousands of years later... So, shall it be with the promises that HE has spoken for your
1 Peter 2:9 ESV But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of HIM who called you out of darkness into HIS
marvelous light. My soul is excited today as I think of the goodness of GOD. I want to remind you who you are today. You are not common, so do not allow anyone to address you or treat you as such. Man will cause you to believe that you are only how they view you to be. Man will speak over your life and say things like... " this not the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?" (Matthew 13:55 ESV) Don't waste your time trying to convince someone of who you are. If you have to tell someone your worth, then they are too blind to hear your explanation. Just walk on. Just step out of that closed situation into the door that GOD has already opened for you. So often we wait for the open door to be seen clearly when we need to operate in faith and move when GOD tells us. Stop waiting for others to understand, believe or cheer you on. When GOD speaks, be quick to be obedient as HE directs. You are called to do uncommon things, because you are uncommon. Don't spend your time trying to fit in and be common, it will always be an uncomfortable and impossible situation for you as it is impossible for an uncommon thing to fit into a common mold. And please, don't be mad when others cannot receive you. They did not receive JESUS. HE could not perform any miracles in HIS own home town. Not because HE was ever powerless, but because of their unbelief. Shake the dirt off and walk in your calling. Don't let anything hold you back. Because just like you are not common, nor will the blessing be that GOD has prepared for you. You shall receive an uncommon, abundant, burst loose at the seams kind of miracle! HALLELUJAH!
#InPosition #ImReadyLORD #AllWillKnowThatHEisGOD #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Isaiah 54:2-3 ESV "Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities. Prepare. Prepare based on the word of GOD. Prepare based on what HE has spoken to your spirit. Not based on what you see. Or the fact that others may not seem to be overjoyed or even understand the instructions. HE did not give the instructions to them; HE gave them to you. So, get up and prepare!!! GOD knows that there are desolate places. Places where it seems the ground is dry in your life. But I pray that this day you will close your eyes and see what HE has spoken to you in the spirit and prepare for it. I know it's scary when it "looks like" you are in a desert with no way out. When you keep saying where LORD? When LORD? Why LORD? And it appears that GOD is not speaking to you or moving on your behalf. I want to encourage you today to get off alone with JESUS, quiet your mind and allow
the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the deep places of GOD. Allow HIM to reveal to you GOD's strength that lies on the inside of you. Do what GOD is telling you to do. I promise you that my soul knows that this is a season of miracles and signs and wonders like we've never seen before. I know that it feels like and even looks like the place you were before. But I promise you, you're not going to lose it this time! This is not what it looks like! You have come too far to turn around. So, stay in faith; believing and trusting GOD to fight all of your battles for you. All things will work together for your good. So, pick up that pen, compose the email, drive to the place HE is directing you and prepare, prepare, prepare.......For I see a cloud the size of a man's hand........ JESUS! HALLELUJAH LORD!! #IStillBelieve #Preparing #Obedience #FaithOverFear #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Daniel 6:16 ESV Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, "May your GOD, whom you serve continually, deliver you!" I want to tell someone today, that GOD indeed shall deliver you. There are no if , and's or but's about it. GOD is faithful. HE has never failed, and HE never will. Stay encouraged and know that there is no situation on this earth that is greater than our GOD. Daniel, like many who face hardships, did nothing wrong. All he did was serve GOD and hold fast to his integrity. He did what should have been done. Yet, he was conspired against, set up, etc. It looked like his enemies had the upper hand. Oh, I'm sure they rejoiced when they saw him get thrown into the den of lions and the stone rolled in front of the pit. They were convinced of his demise. There are people on this earth today who will conspire against you while smiling in your face. They will befriend you and have you thrown into the pit all in the same breath. Yet, I am here to tell you to not be mad or bitter. They did just what they were supposed to do; they set you up. They just were blind to the fact that it was only allowed, because GOD, HIMself is going to not only rescue you, ,but perform such a great miracle in the process that all will know that HE is GOD!! So do not fret yourself when it seems like your time is up. Don't fret when it seems like you've been thrown into the pit. Stay focused, remain faith filled! Our GOD shall deliver!
Daniel 6:21-22, 26-28 Then Daniel said to the king, "O king, live forever! My GOD sent HIS angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also, before you, O king, I have done no harm. 26-28 I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the GOD of Daniel for HE is the living GOD, enduring forever; HIS kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end. HE delivers and rescues; HE works signs and wonders in heaven and earth, HE who has saved Daniel from the power of the lions." So, this Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and the reign of Cyrus the Persian. #HEwillDeliver #ItsAsureThing #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Hebrews 11:11 ESV By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age,
since she considered him faithful who had promised. Consider - regard as, hold to be, reckon to be, view as, seen as Sarah considered GOD to be faithful. What do you consider GOD to be? Have you considered the fact that it was her belief that manifested the promise? GOD gave Sarah a word and she believed HIM. It was one of the most craziest things to believe. Okay, yes for many having a baby is just a matter of biology. Yet, for Sarah biology was the very thing that could have caused her to doubt. You see for Sarah the word says that she was past the age; meaning she was no longer able, (according to biology) to bare a child. So, it is safe to say that Sarah had already gone through menopause. And as if that alone wasn't enough, her husband was older than her. In Genesis 18, Sarah laughed to herself as she thought "After I am worn out, and my lord is old, shall I have pleasure? (ESV). Yet, the thing I love the most is that GOD knew she laughed yet the response was..."Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son." I want to tell you that it is okay, that when GOD gave you a word you laughed or perhaps considered your circumstances and saw no way for the word given to you to come to pass. Just as long as you understand like Sarah that nothing is too hard for GOD and that HE has appointed a time for your promise to manifest. Just consider HIM faithful no matter what your circumstances are telling you. Your circumstances may be a fact, but they are not the truth. Hold fast to your faith. Do not doubt. Consider
GOD to be the faithful one; the everlasting FATHER and the Prince of Peace. Believe HIS word past anything you may see, think or feel! #PrayingForYou #IConsiderGODFaithful #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ThisIsMySeason #InJustAMoment
I John 5:13-15 ESV I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of GOD that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence that we have toward HIM, that if we ask anything according to HIS will HE hears us. And if we know that HE hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of HIM. Know - comprehend, understand imply being aware of meanings. To know is to be aware of something as a fact or truth. ( It is imperative that we know; without a shadow a doubt, that GOD is for us. It is imperative that we understand our place and who we are. We have got to know the truth and the truth is that we are the children of GOD. The truth is that
GOD hears our prayers and we must KNOW that if we ask anything according to HIS will, what we have asked HIM for is already done. Do not allow yourself to be moved by what you see, what others may say or even by what you feel. The word tells us that we destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of GOD and take every thought captive to obey CHRIST. (2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV). GOD prepared us in HIS word for the times in which arguments and opinions would raise up to question what we KNOW about GOD. Take captive every thought this moment that is telling you that you're not good enough. Take captive the lie that is telling you their going to overlook you for this job. Dispel any and everything that is standing in the way of the dreams, desires and promises that GOD has made to you. Speak what GOD has said. Ask HIM for what HE has promised and do it boldly. Not arrogantly, but boldly; knowing that the end result is just as HE has said it would be. Knowing that because you are HIS and HE hears you; that it is already done! I am praying for you that in this season you will see yourself as GOD sees you. I am praying that you will stand up in the power and authority given to you by Heaven and be the men and women of GOD you've been called to be. It's your destiny! Let nothing keep you from it! #IStillBelieve #WalkingOnWaterFaith #IKnowItsAlreadyDone!
Job 8:7 ESV And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great. Don't freak out! Stop counting down the days and celebrate what is yet to come in this year. So many people reach July and then August and begin to feel defeated because you set a particular goal for yourself or you believed a certain thing would take place in your life this year and here we are and it's August 2nd and it seems to be a lost cause. Genesis 12:1 ESV Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. The unknown is often scary. Yet may I pose this theory? Perhaps it feels scary because we're focused on what we don't know instead of focusing on who we know? The who is GOD. The all-knowing, all powerful, way maker, provider and protector. Stay focused! Move as GOD directs you. HE knows where HE's leading you. Your only job is to trust HIM and be obedient! #LetGODguideYou #MoveYourFeet #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Well, I say check your perspective and not your watch. Watching the time do what it does is a waste of time. Of course, goals are important and setting time frames are a requirement. I get that. Yet, I ask you to perceive what GOD is doing. You see, as last year was coming to an end, GOD told me that 2018 was going to "BE" the year. It is the year to BEcome all that GOD has called you to be. GOD made me some specific promises for this year, and I have chosen to take HIM at HIS word. I have chosen to believe that in this eighth month of the year that I will see miracles, signs and wonders. I choose to believe that this month is just the jump start of greatness. I believe that this year is just the beginning of the rest of my blessed life. What is it that you see? Will you look at the physical realm and count down the minutes, hours and days? Or will you choose to shift your perspective and expect and prepare for abundance? #NewBeginnings #ShiftYourView #IStillBelieve #Preparing #WalkingOnWaterFaith
I have decided that I am going to take GOD at HIS word! I have decided that I am going to believe HIM and that I am going to write it all down. Step by step as HE continues to unveil it all to me. For the word tells us that this vision is for an appointed time. Will you be ready when your time comes? If not, I suggest you take action today! #TakingAction #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Habakkuk 2:2 ESV And the LORD answered me: "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. GOD has given you a vision/dream. HE has showed you where it is HE wants to take you. Now I dare you to write it down. The word says to make it plain. For me that means be specific. Write down everything you can think of that you would need to do in order to have this vision become a reality. Don't be afraid and please don't think too small. Remember that HE is able to do a thing that far exceeds anything that we could ask or even think to ask for. So, imagine this. Imagine you actually believe the word of GOD. Imagine that you believe it so much that you begin to declare and plan for crazy, enormous things to take place in your life. Then take a moment to take in the fact that the thing (Yep, that one!) that you are thinking of in this moment was minut in comparison to what GOD has planned for you.
Romans 8:18 ESV For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Today, I want to encourage you to not give up. I know that it feels and even looks like things will not work out for your good. I know it feels heavy and may seem like things are going to fail. Yet, I stand in agreement with this word that the glory that will be revealed to us will far surpass our present sufferings. Know, understand and receive in your spirit that your sufferings are never in vain and will all be to the Glory of GOD!! I'm telling you what my
soul knows. Past all the things my eyes see, and all the No's my ears may hear. My GOD's answers are yes and Amen. I'm not backing down. I'm standing on the word and promises of GOD. I'm encouraging you to do the same. What are you believing GOD for? What has HE promised you? I dare you to declare it done in your life today and to praise GOD right now in advance by faith. #PraisingMyWayThrough #IStillBelieve #IShallSeeTheGoodnessOfGOD #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Psalm 27:14 NASB Wait for the LORD. Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD. Courageous - not deterred by danger or pain; brave, fearless, valiant, heroic, lionhearted, bold, daring, audacious, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, unafraid, dauntless, gallant. Let your heart take courage! Seems like simple words. Words that many of us will come in agreement with. Words we'll shout about and say Amen to. Yet, to look a thing in the face and say; "You're lying on my GOD!" takes real
courage. You see GOD has made us promises. Many I've talked to and prayed with share how everything "seems to" be going a rye in their lives. I wish I could only listen and not know the feeling. Yet, my knowledge of the feeling is not what should encourage you today. Yet, the knowledge of GOD that we would feel this way, and then giving a word to encourage us in such times is our encouragement. When GOD has made you a promise. Let that promise be your weapon and fight everything standing in between you and that promise, in the spirit. Fight with HIS written word and the words HE has spoken to your spirit. I declare I will not be moved. I've come too far and above any of that my DADDY said it was mine, and because HE cannot lie and everything in the world (Heaven and Earth) has to line up with HIS word to bring it to pass. So, I'm gonna be courageous in the face of loss, abandonment, danger, pain, and everything else that think that it is bad enough to set itself in opposition of me and I'm going to look down at it and run it clean over!! If I must push fight and tug to get there, I'm going to Rome (in my Pastor Rorie voice!!) No shipwreck, snake or anything else is going to stop my destiny. I will have what GOD has promised me and so will my children, their children, and their children's children for a thousand generations to come, should the LORD tarry. So, you coming with me? Or are you going to just sit there? Yeah, I'm calling you out. I don't want to cross over alone. I'll go alone. Trust me, I'm going to have everything GOD has for me, but it sure would be great to watch you get yours also!
Saddle up and let's go! #ImWinningThisRace #InRome #GreaterIsMyLatter #WalkingOnWaterFaith #RunningOverAnythingInMyWay(In the spirit)
Luke 10:19 ESV Behold, I have given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. I love that GOD didn't just give us a promise of victory, but HE also gave us authority. The same authority of JESUS CHRIST lives on the inside of you and is at your disposal. You don't believe that? Well, perhaps that is your problem. If you don't believe it, you'll never operate in it.
promise you that you'll trample it under your feet! I refuse to be held back. I refuse to allow even a "no" that is cascading itself as a closed door to stop me. If my Heavenly FATHER has told me I'm walking through a door, then I'm going even if I have to conqueror all of hell to do it. For this uncircumcised Philistine will not defy the armies of my GOD (in my David slaying Goliath voice!!) Men and women of GOD put on your war clothes and fight! Stand on the word of GOD! Guard your mouth and make sure you're only speaking life. Stop allowing the bad things that "appear" to be happening to you be your focus. Everything is happening for you! For all things shall work together for your good! #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #WarClothesOn #SwordSharpened #TakingNoPrisioners #GODisMyShieldAndBuckler #GODsYesTrumpsEveryNo #WalkingOnWaterFaith
What I know is that GOD loves us too much to have left us on this earth to fight all of the evil that lurks here without weapons, power and authority. The weapon is HIS word. Read it, meditate on it and bind about your neck and declare it over your life! Let it become the very thing that you live by. The power we have is HIS and HE has given us the authority to use it. HE has placed everything under our feet and promised that nothing shall by any means harm us! I know it looks like the thing that is standing between you and your destiny looks big and scary. I tell you today go charging at it in full confidence, by the name of JESUS CHRIST and I
Matthew 21:22 KJV
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Let today be the day it all changes, because today is the day that you choose to believe the word of GOD! There is nothing that is impossible for our GOD, so do not doubt that HE will give you what you have asked of HIM. Decide today that you will believe HIS word that you are the head and not the tail. Choose to believe that you will not want. Believe that HE will provide all you need according to HIS riches in Glory. Believe today that you will see miracles performed in your life. Believe today that you are healed. Believe today that you are delivered and set free. Believe today that your meal will not run out. Just Believe!!! #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith
darkness that opposes you. Next, I want you to work. Yes, work. Pray for someone else. Work on that project that GOD keeps placing on your heart. Yes, that one! Yep, the one that looks like you'll never have enough money or time to finish. Start it and let GOD finish it. The very thing that seems to be over your head today will soon be under your feet as you fly high above it all. The eagle flies above the storm. The eagle taking flight does not cause the storm to cease; it just no longer has him within its reach, so the storm no longer affects the eagle. The LORD has promised that you will not be weary and that you will not faint. So, continue to do good. Continue to trust in HIM and follow HIS directions! Take one footstep at a time; one day at a time. Even second by second when it's necessary. Just know that GOD is in every storm and every situation of life; good or bad. HE may not cause it all, but HE will always be right there with you in the midst of it all! I want to encourage you today, to rest in HIM. Trust the word of GOD and prepare for the blessings and miracles that are in route to you; even now.
Isaiah 40:10 ESV But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. While you are waiting with great expectation in your heart for GOD to move on your behalf, I want to encourage you to do so actively. Renew your strength by feeding on the word of GOD. Getting your fill of it every day. It is in the word that you find strength as you use it to dispel all lies spoken to you and all
#FlyingHigh #IStillBelieve #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith
to the physical realm. Work your faith today and watch our GOD work all things out for your good. I promise you; HE's going to blow your mind. Get Ready!
Habakkuk 2:2 ESV And the LORD answered me; "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
#Running #ImGettingReady (in my Tasha Cobbs-Leonard voice) #ItsMyWinningSeason #TheAtmosphereHasShifted #ItsAlreadyDone #WalkingOnWaterFaith
It's time for you to run! Yes, you! Not the man next to you, but you. GOD has given you a vision and a plan. HE has given you the power to make it happen. You are sitting and thinking what's next? Well, you're up! It's time for you to make the next move. Don't be overwhelmed by what appears to be. Don't let the obstacles in front of you get you discouraged. They are just a mirage. What you see in front of you in the physical cannot delay what GOD has planned for you in the spiritual. If GOD tells you to move, you've got to trust that HE has already lined up everything that you need to make the step HE is directing you to make. Stop waiting until you see it. Sometimes you aren't going to see it until you take the next step. That's what faith is! Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. So how does faith become my evidence when faith is invisible? Well, faith itself is indeed invisible, but so is the GOD we serve; at least to the human eye. Yet, HE is always present and always in control of all things. Faith is our exchange. It's like our spiritual currency. So, your invisible faith, pleases an invisible GOD who moves all the things HE has already placed your name on from the invisible spiritual realm
Hebrews 11:6 ESV And without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM. Back to the thought of invisibility from yesterday. So, our faith is invisible to the human eye. Yet our GOD who is also invisible to the human eye makes faith a requirement to be pleasing to HIM. I wondered if you realize the power that lies within you. You cannot see it, but you can feel it. You believe it to be true. To believe means
to accept something as true; to feel sure of the truth of a thing. We must believe that GOD exists without a shadow a doubt. Your belief in GOD drives your faith in HIS word. Your faith causes you to respond in obedience to HIS word. Today, I want to encourage you to be obedient to the word of GOD. Both HIS written word and HIS spoken word. GOD will speak to our spirits and give us direction, guidance and instructions. Trust GOD. To take HIM at HIS word and to do the thing that HE is calling you to do.I know it looks crazy and probably makes no sense at all. But remember, HIS thoughts are high above ours. It is not always going to make sense to us why GOD does a thing or why HE allows certain things to happen in our lives. But what I know without a shadow of a doubt is that everything will indeed work together for the good of those who love HIM and who are called according to HIS purpose. Stay encouraged; I'm praying for you! #BeBlessed #GODisReal #KeepTheFaith #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Joshua 4:6-7 ESV That this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, 'What do those stones mean to you?' then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the LORD. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So, these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever." So often our children and this current generation gets a bad rap from us and the world. We look at our children and wonder why they may seem to not care about serving GOD or walking the path HE has laid out for them. Truth is we didn't tell them enough about GOD. Yes, I know you took them to church, but you hide life from them. When we fail to tell our children about hard times and allow them to walk with us through the trials and storms of life that GOD takes us through, they have no reference point of HIS goodness and when life gets tough for them, they walk away because they've been convinced by the enemy that GOD is not for them or answering their prayers. We cannot take credit or give credit to our money or education, etc., when we know that without GOD we would have been overtaken by certain situations in our lives. We need to testify of GOD's goodness and provide a memorial for GOD so that our children know who to serve and give all credit to. My son said today on the way to his school that we must remember when we are going through circumstances the things that GOD has done for us. He went on to say, "You know the devil will always tell you the opposite of what GOD is actually doing for you? he (the enemy) thinks he can get you to believe him, but he is a liar and every word he has and will ever speak is a
lie." He went on to reference a time in his childhood that I told him about GOD, how we must pray to him and talk to him. He said, "GOD told me as a child he would do this particular thing for me and I believed HIM then and I believe HIM now, so any thought that comes to mind telling me the opposite, I cast it down!" By no means am I telling you that I should get the mother of the year award. It is only because of JESUS that my children are sane. But what I will tell you is that both of my children have a faith so great that it encourages me and causes me to stay focused and keep on believing GOD for EVERYTHING that HE has promised to me. What I know is that when my children face hard times when they are no longer in my home that they will have a reference point to look back and say that because they serve the same GOD I serve, that they can know without a shadow of a doubt that because he brought their mom out of trials that HE will indeed do the same for them. Tell your children, stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Tell everyone you can about JESUS and all that HE has done for you! Testify of HIM! #TellThem #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Job 23:10 ESV But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. Prior to these verses Job states how he felt he could not find GOD. He explains how he has gone forward and backwards, yet he did not find GOD nor could he perceive him (v.8-9) I remember reading Job as a young child and these verses always brought me to a place of question. Actually, the entire book often brought many questions for me. My grandmother made me read this book, along with many others. I have been led back to Job repeatedly throughout my lifetime and every time recently, the LORD has answered and made clear all of my questions. I pray today, that you will be able to receive what has been revealed to me today. Job told of how he did not perceive GOD. Yet he followed the explanation of what he "felt" with the "truth" of what he knows. He states in verse ten that GOD knows the way that he takes. Although you may feel alone today. Although you may feel as though darkness is all around you. Although you may not be able to see how any of this will end in your favor; I encourage you to speak only of what you know! For GOD knows where you are, just as HE did with Job. When you come out of this trial you too shall come forth as pure gold. "Tried by the fire" is a saying I use to hear older people say at times. They even sung songs about it. The thing I realize now, is that they never said consumed by the fire. Nor did they say destroyed by the fire. Only tried! You will come out of this! The testing is to purify and to bless you! So, may you walk in your blessings
this day. It is my prayer that an overflowing abundance of blessings, peace, love, joy and prosperity will fall upon you and overtake you this day, this minute; this hour, in JESUS name! #Golden #Tried #ThisIsMySeason #EverythingIsWorkingForMyGood #WalkingOnWaterFaith #TheresAShifting
Job 1:1 ESV There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared GOD and turned away from evil. At the beginning GOD stated who Job was. HE told of his character and his right standing with GOD. The LORD wants to remind you today of who you are. Don't allow what your current circumstance appears to be to throw you for a loop. You see, in verses 6-8 in this same chapter the LORD asked satan where he had been. Not because GOD did not know where he had been; but these verses make known that even the enemy of our soul is subject to GOD's
authority. satan had to answer GOD! Everything in this world; in heaven and on earth is under the rule of GOD. Nothing you are dealing with will ever be greater than GOD, nor is it out of his reach. If you are in it, HE is in it with you and protecting you! Pay attention to the fact that GOD offered up Job to satan. HE said, have you tried my servant Job? Again, GOD being all knowing, knew the answer to this. satan responded there is a hedge around him, his family and all that he has. You see the enemy has seen GOD's arm of protection around you. he knows who you are, and truth be told he's scared of you. But he is not smart, and his memory is apparently short. You would think he'd remember what happened with Job. You'd think he'd remembered how Job still praised GOD, even after satan was allowed to touch his body. Wait.... as a matter of fact, he has actually forgotten what happened the last time he attacked you and me. he has forgotten that our GOD always has limits on what he can do to us. he has forgotten that our GOD will restore back double what he has taken. My prayer today is that you will remember who you are. That you will rest in knowing that GOD is ever present in your situation. I pray today that you will realize that this trial and test has not come to destroy you, but to make you stronger and to bless you. But above that, it will give GOD glory and honor. You will come out of this, stronger and more blessed than you were when you went in. You're just the bait my friend! Stay encouraged you've already won! Prepare for the reward that GOD has for you; for it is bigger than you could ever imagine!
#ImReady #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ItsAlmostOver #TheMiracleIsHere
John 4:47-51 ESV When the man heard that JESUS had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. So, JESUS said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe." The official said to him, "Sir, come down before my child dies." JESUS said to him, "Go; your son will live." The man believed the word that JESUS spoke to him and went on his way. As he was going down, his servants met him and told him that his son was recovering. GOD has been speaking to me about persistence and consistency. When GOD has revealed to you that HE is going to do a thing in your life; or when you have the boldness and courage to believe GOD for a thing, and you go to HIM and you know in your spirit HIS answer is yes... then what will you do if you are refused at the door? We, much like this official, know the word of GOD. We know that it is not HIS will that we live in lack, poverty and defeat. We get the
courage to ask HIM for a thing. HE tells us yes, then we go and stand before the very thing that GOD told us HE would do for us, to find often that the door won't budge. Or we may find that the enemy is standing in front of the door. Now then, what do you do? Which one do you believe? The word of GOD or what you see? Well, that is totally up to you. You can walk away at the first refusal or no. Or you can stand flatfooted and speak to it again, in the name of JESUS! This official heard that JESUS was in town. He "knew" that if he would just ask JESUS to heal his boy, that he would live. So, he went to where JESUS was and confessed his belief. He said unless you do it for me JESUS all is lost! JESUS did not give him the answer he came for immediately. But this man was not moved. He listened to JESUS and then he made his request again...LORD come down or my child will die. Then, JESUS told him to go for your son will live. The man believed the word of the LORD and went on his way. This official’s belief in JESUS was so strong that he came with an expectation for GOD to hear him and to honor his request. When JESUS did not do it the way he expected, it did not shake his belief. The word says... he believed the word of JESUS. Oh, HALLELUJAH!!! I want to encourage you today to be bold, to come with full confidence to GOD and then to stand strong in your faith. Believe HIS word and stand on it until the very thing you have asked of HIM; the very thing HE has promised to you comes to pass. #IBeliveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ItsAlreadyDone #HappeningWhileYouWalk
name, just like all the rest. Stay encouraged and hold on. Victory is here! #CelebratingInAdvance #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD #NoWeapon #WalkingOnWaterFaith
I Samuel 17:34-36 ESV But David said to Saul, "Your servant used to keep sheep for his father. And when there came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth. And if he arose against me, I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him. Your servant has struck down both lions and bears, and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living GOD. I want to remind you today, that whatever you're facing, remember that this is not your first rodeo. Check your references, I am sure you will find that GOD has brought you through some other things in your past. Many of which are far worse than what you are facing now. Like David, when Saul told him that he could not fight Goliath because he was too young. David wasted no time giving Saul his references. Today, don't waste anytime giving the enemy yours. When it's said you can't do it; or you won't make it out this time. Kindly remind the enemy, that you've faced far worst and that this giant he has concocted will be no different. This situation will see its end in JESUS
Genesis 12:1 ESV Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. You may not be able to see right now where GOD is taking you, but I want to encourage you to trust what you Know about GOD. HE is faithful! HE has and always will keep HIS word. No matter what it is HE is asking of you in this season; do it. For whatever you may endure in this season will fail in comparison to what you will receive for your obedience. I believe the word of GOD! It is irrefutable. Choose this day to trust GOD, past what you see, feel, hear or think. Trust
GOD. HE is indeed working all things out for your good! Remember, that your obedience does not only bless you, but it will bless all those attached to you both present and future. Build a legacy of faith! #TrustingGOD #MyFutureGrandchildrenAreAlreadyBlessed #WalkingOnWaterFaith
2018, 27 August.) Prepare! The word from GOD is to prepare. GOD has spoken to you and told you to move your feet. HE has given you a directive. Yet, you are trying to rationalize it all in your mind. You're trying to figure out how it's going to happen. You want to know the ends and outs on how it's all going to work. But that is not your job; that's GOD's job. Have you not perceived the new thing HE is doing? Are you not in expectation of its fulfillment. I know it has been a long time coming. I know you've believed past all odds and nothing. Yet, I am encouraging you today to believe the word of GOD. Move your feet, prepare for the thing your soul knows is coming. Let GOD handle the miracle department, HE's got that on lock. #BeObedient #MiraclesAreHere #BelieveGODpastWhatYouSee #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ImGettingReady!
Joshua 1:11 ESV Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, 'Prepare your provisions, for within three days you are to pass over the Jordan to go in to take possession of the land that the LORD your GOD is giving you to possess.'" Prepare- to make or get something or someone ready for something that will happen in the future; to expect that something will happen and be ready for it. (
Proverbs 21:1 ESV The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; HE turns it wherever HE will. Be encouraged today. Don't be moved by the number of people ahead of you. Don't allow yourself to become doubtful because it looks as though someone else has the upper hand or as
if things are just not going to work out in your favor. Trust GOD! Know that HE has already gone before you and whispered your name in the ear of someone that is in a room that you never thought you'd stand in, much less be mentioned in prior to your arrival. GOD will make others take note of you. HE will make them bless you, even when it is their desire to curse you. GOD is faithful. Because of this faithfulness we can rest assured that HE is working all things out for our good. Stop looking at what "appears" to be and decide to "See" what GOD has spoken and revealed to you. It is my prayer today that each of you will see yourselves as GOD sees you. I pray that you will walk confidently and boldly in the power given unto you by Heaven. Remember confidence does not mean you're not humble; it means you know who you are and to whom you belong. Your confidence is in the faithfulness of GOD, not in your own faith and abilities. GOD will provide all that you stand in need of and will do it any way that HE chooses. (Remember, HIS way is ALWAYS better!) #ItsShiftingInJustAMoment #Prepare #Believe #Praise #DontStopBelieving #GODisGreaterThanAnything #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Matthew 6:11 ESV Give us this day our daily bread, This scripture. This one scripture always sent me into a place where my spirit just cringed. I know we're supposed to be excited about it. But, I never could understand it. I am a person who believes that there is power in our words. The word tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. So, I would feel as though I don't want a day to day living. I want more LORD. Not for myself, but I want to be a blessing to others in need around me. This is not just a saying; the LORD knows that I've blessed others in my poverty and loss. Yet, I just didn't want to be in such a situation. GOD began to deal with me on this matter. HE didn't scold me because I wanted more; HE wants to give me more and to bless me. But leaning HIM on a level of true dependency every day for every single thing I need is far more important than anonymously blessing others because GOD blessed me. GOD wants us to depend on HIM for everything. I understood what HE was saying to me; or so I thought, until now. HE has brought me to a place that if HE doesn't provide, I won't have it. There is nothing for which I see today that might physically show me that tomorrow it will be different. Seems grim? Well, it's not. I recently spoke with a friend of the family who confirmed that GOD has HIS people in a season where HE is teaching us to trust HIM on a different level. HE's teaching us to believe for ourselves the same way we believe for others in need. HE's teaching us to trust HIM to be our daily bread. Our GOD is more than able to provide for us and more than willing to bless us!
Stay encouraged and give thanks for your daily bread! #AHeartFullOfThanks #NoWeapon #IStillBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife
that it will change the way you look at life, for the rest of your life. I pray I never stop journaling about all GOD has done for me. I want to leave it as a memorial for the generations to come so that they know the GOD we serve is always faithful! #FaithLegacy #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Psalm 34:1 ESV I will bless the LORD at all times; HIS praise shall continually be in my mouth. I was reminded of a song..."Count your many blessings see what GOD has done...Count your many blessings....." then the reminder of an instruction from a friend on yesterday when he said to me..."write down everything that GOD is doing in your life." In just under 24 hours all I can think about are the things that GOD has done for me and my family. Day by day GOD has provided our every need! I want to encourage you to focus in on what GOD is doing in your life. Not on what you don't have or what you feel you stand in need of. Take five minutes and start a list of things that GOD has done for you over the last 3 days. I promise you; your list will be longer than you would have even imagined. I also believe
II Corinthians 12:8-9 ESV Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But HE said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ May rest upon me. My grace is all you need. The LORD said as HE reminded me of my childhood question of why HE did not remove the thorn from the side of the Man of GOD. Then HE said, "This is where you are. Depending on me for everything. It's not punishment, it's preparation." Now I rejoice in my weakness or situations in my life where it appears I'm losing. Because what I know is that the grace of GOD is forever
with me; keeping me and that HIS favor is surrounding me like a shield. Today, believe and trust that GOD's favor is more than sufficient for you as well. Don't give up in this season. For HIS strength will carry you through. #TheStormIsAlmostOver #WalkingOnWaterFaith
faith. Would I ever be able to rejoice fully if I were in his situation. Yet, I realized this morning the physical place of Paul's prison can be related to whatever it is we are currently in that is requiring us to have unwavering faith until the end. Yes, I know I will never understand the effects of prison a person's life. I never want to, nor am I belittling it. But what I am saying is this; we all will have situations in life where we have to be able to remain convinced that GOD is for us no matter what life throws our way. Yes, we would love to have great faith without any trials. Yet, would it really be faith? How do you develop walking on water faith, if you've never had to walk on the waters in the midst of a storm? A pastor I know once said, "A love that cannot be tested, cannot be trusted." (Joe N. Tucker) He wasn't giving a pass to test the person who says they love you, just to prove they do. No. He was saying that he could trust that his wife loved him, because their love had been tested and she still loved and stood by him. Don't despise your trials. Don't become discouraged and certainly don't give up!
Philippians 4:4 ESV Rejoice in the LORD always; again, I will say, rejoice. I remember the first time I realized that Paul was in prison when he wrote in Philippians and Ephesians. I remember being in awe, but also wondering what that must be like. Truth is, I wondered if I could ever have such a
Lately, I've said, over and over and over again in my posts online; "Trust GOD". Not because everything is perfect in my life. Truth is, it's the opposite in the physical. But what I know is that the physical things I am facing does not change the truth. The truth is what GOD has said about my life. The truth is that GOD is faithful and that HE is the only true and sure thing in this world. Because HE has reassured me over and over again that I am coming out of this; I rejoice, and my words remain today: Trust GOD! #TriedAndTested #WalkingOnWaterFaith #GODisFaithful #RejoiceAlways
such belief that you can see it; even when others cannot. #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ICanSeeIt!
Hebrews 11:3 ESV By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of GOD, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. I've always been impressed by the work of photographers. They know just when to snap the camera. They have a gift that allows them to see some things that others cannot. We usually don't know just how great they are until they unveil the moments of our lives on paper. Full color or black and white, their work blows us away. GOD wants to blow your mind with abundant blessings. HE has spoken into existence so many blessings for you. Yet, we often allow our inability to see a thing with our physical eyes to prevent us from seeing in the spirit what GOD has already done for us. Today, I want to encourage you to catch hold to the vision of what GOD has already spoken about you, your life, this moment, your future; your everything. Grab hold to the vision with
Mark 4:38-89 ESV But HE was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke HIM and said to HIM, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" And HE woke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. I was led to this scripture this morning and was told to pay attention to the fact that Peace was declared/commanded prior to the direct order for the storm to stand still. Where is your peace level? Are you resting in GOD in spite of the things you may be facing today? Are you resting in the fact that not only is GOD with you today and for you, but that HE has already set ahead of you; in time, the things that you will need for tomorrow? Have peace. Rest in GOD, for HE knows the plans that HE has for your life. HE has stated that they are good and not evil. That HIS plan
gives you a future and a hope. Rest today. For the GOD of Heaven is indeed in the midst with you and soon; very soon, HE is going to speak to your storm and say...Enough is enough... be still! And your storm, just like this one, will obey HIM, for it has no other choice but to bow to the only true GOD! #AtPeace #UnexplainablePeace #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Mark 11:22-24 ESV And JESUS answered them, "Have faith in GOD. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea; and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Yesterday our associate Pastor brought a word from this scripture. It was a reminder that I had to share with you all today! Have faith in GOD! Trust HIM. In verse 21 the disciple seemed to be astonished that the fig tree had withered. Yet, he and all the others heard the LORD curse it just the day before. I'm sure they
were like many of us are today. The LORD speaks to us about a situation and because we do not see it with our eyes immediately, then we do not believe. Yet, when the LORD spoke to that fig tree and cursed it, its roots began to die at that very moment. Whatever, GOD has spoken about your life is already true. The things HE has spoken are already real and tangible. Just because you cannot touch it in this very moment, does not mean that you should not believe it. Everything spoken out of GOD's mouth is truth. HIS word creates and everything has to come together to make it so. The LORD did not have to give instructions to each and every molecule that makes up the Sun. HE simply said, let there be light and there was an there is light, for the Sun still hangs in the atmosphere to this day. Be encouraged, believe GOD and then believe the power that HE has given to you to operate in is alive and just as powerful today as it always has been! So, look at your mountain and speak to it believing and it will get out of your way. It will have no choice for everything must bow to the name of JESUS! #InJESUSnameMove #MountiansDestroyed #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ImSpeakingAndReceiving
jump up in the air and punch any boy who was trying to corner me, or just anyone who thought they were going to do anything at all to me. He wasn't saying that he really wanted to be older than me, what he was really saying is that I know it is my job to defend you, so I'm going to do that.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go." Many of us think of the movie starring Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner whenever the words "The Bodyguard" are spoken. Who could forget such devotion and dedication to the job; to her. As I began to grasp the meaning of who GOD is in connection with these words HE took me back to a vision of my childhood. My little brother use to say to me, "I can't wait until I am older than you!" I would laugh at him and say you will never be older than me. He would go and tell my dad, thinking daddy would side with him, (as he usually would). Yet, because my dad would not lie to us, he would try to explain it with such care to my brother. It was as if this kid did not get it though. Because the moment he was in Kindergarten and in the same school as me, he fought for me and defended my honor. That seems weird right? This Kindergarten kid standing up to fifth graders right? Well, nothing caused my little brother fear. He would come a running and
I remember once, a guy I liked had come over and we were alone, and he tried to kiss me. I said no, but he was insistent. I wasn't worried, because I had a few tricks up my sleeve, but out of nowhere comes my little brother. He was shorter than this guy, but he jumped up, punched him in the jaw, and said to him..."Did you not hear her say no. Now what you want to do?" He lacked fear. He didn't run, although I was begging him to because the guy was older, bigger and getting angrier by the second. (His jaw was also swelling by the second.) But my brother wouldn't budge. I know it seems comical and may have made you laugh or smile. I want you to also find the comedy in the fact that the enemy is attempting to attack you. I want you to laugh in his face, because our FATHER is with you. Yet, our FATHER lacks nothing. HE is bigger than anything that could ever set itself in opposition of you. HE is with you everywhere that you go. There is no need for you to fear anything. There is nothing and no one bigger than our GOD. Nothing can stop HIM, hold HIM or remove you from the palms of his hands. HE will stand in the face of your adversary and when HE is finished, HE will be the only thing standing. Yes, standing right there next to you. So, stand on HIS word. Do not be moved! HE will protect you.
What my soul knows, none of my education can express in mere words. It's as if the English or any human language for that matter, cannot even give justice to what my soul understands and has grasped hold to. Yet, since all I have are words, I will use my words to speak GOD's word to HIS people and watch as it creates!
Jonah 2:1 & 10 ESV v1. Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his GOD from the belly of the fish, saying, "I called out to the LORD, out of my distress, and he answered me; out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and you heard my voice. v10. And the LORD spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out upon the dry land. Today I want to encourage you to trust GOD. To trust that HE has heard you and that HE will speak to your situation. Do not be discouraged no matter what it looks like or feels like. I know you might say to yourself..."She keeps saying the same thing over and over again." Well, you're right, because day by day I understand the importance of believing GOD even when all seems lost. I understand what it feels like when it "seems" that nothing around you is moving in your favor, yet the LORD keeps asking... "Do you trust me?" or HE says "Keep believing; keep trusting. I won't fail you!"
It is my prayer today that this word will create a new perspective for you. I pray it will bring a renewal to your spirit that will encourage you to believe just one more day that GOD is for you! For HE has promised to never allow HIS children to be put to shame. HE wants you to know that whether you are the reason you are in your current situation like Jonah was or if you are like Job who was upright and avoided evil, that none of that matters, that HE is still your FATHER and that HE has heard your cry. HE just needs you to have enough faith to believe HIM; to take HIM at HIS word and to praise your way through this situation. For this situation has come to pass and not to stay. I am praying for you people of GOD. You are already victorious! I pray you'll believe it and walk in the power and blessings of life that GOD has already given to you! In His Love and by HIS direction! #TheLORDhasSpoken #BeStill #Peace #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Just as GOD fought for the children of Israel by throwing down hail from heaven, HE is going to destroy your enemies as well. In verse 8 of this same chapter GOD told Joshua.... "Do not fear them, for I have given them into your hands. Not a man of them shall stand before you." Joshua 10:11 ESV And as they fled before Israel, while they were going down the ascent of Beth-horon, the LORD threw down large stones from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died. There were more who died because of the hailstones than the sons of Israel killed with the sword.
GOD is your defender! I need someone today to let this rest deep down into your soul. Stop looking at what it looks like and operate from a place in which you are making moves based on what GOD has told you. At this season in your life, you have got to choose. You cannot continue to pretend any longer. Time out for half way living. You know half of the time you believe GOD and half of the time you don't. Half of the time you want HIS glory in your life and the other half you do not. Either you will choose, or life will choose for you. Believe me when I tell you it's so much better when you choose to come in agreement with the word of GOD. It is so much better when you choose to believe HIM! The enemy of your soul is trying to convince some of you to end it all. he's lied and told you that there is no way out for you. But I curse his lies and I bind them up. May they forever fall mute to your ears. May you believe and meditate on continuously the word and promises of our GOD!!! Live child of GOD; Live!!!!
The enemy has already been defeated. Stop talking to him, and command him to shut his lying mouth. Then open yours in praise unto our GOD and watch HIM inhabit your praises! Get ready for your miracle! Believe and you shall receive, in JESUS name! #MiracleSignsWonders #WalkingOnWaterFaith #ItsAlreadyFinished #TheyreAlreadyDefeated #GODisMyDefender #CoveredInTheBlood
Philippians 4:7 ESV And the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS.
A peace that surpasses all understanding.....I would hear those words preached as a young girl and I marveled over them. A peace so great you can't understand it?? I remember always thinking what kind of peace is that and how do I get it? Yet, this day, what I know is that this peace comes when you no longer care. Yes, you heard me. I no longer care..... I know longer care to try and understand how and why GOD does anything HE does. Understanding GOD is not my job. The only thing I have to do is believe HIM! All I have to do is believe HIS written word that we all have access to and then believe the spoken word HE speaks to me in our time together. For when GOD makes a promise HE keeps it. When GOD speaks a word it never returns to HIM void. HE has already told us that we'll never understand the how's and why's that HE chooses. For, HE sees the big picture; HE created the big picture. GOD is creator of all. HE has plans for all of us and if we will just trust HIM and follow HIS directions we'll have the life HE has planned for us. That is what I want, that is my only desire and that shall be what I have!! I heard someone say...."That's easy when your life is together.... she has no idea what I'm going through and what I am facing today...." You're right. I don't know what you're going through. But what I do know is that in the midst of all the things that "appear" to be surrounding me, that those that are for me are greater than those that are against me. I can see in the spirit the mountain full of angels and chariots of fire and I will not be moved from my place of peace in this season. What I know is that my situation has looked dire for some time, yet I'm still here. What I know is that GOD has not and will never fail me. What I've learned is
to rest in HIS peace even when it seems like I'm out of time. It is no longer just a church cliche' for me anymore. You know......"GOD may not come when you want HIM to, but HE's always on time!" I believe that those words must have been spoken years ago by someone who called on GOD and waited on HIM. Yet, the time came and went, yet they kept waiting on HIM. They kept on waiting and then when HE came, they realized and accepted that HIS timing is perfect; that HE knows all and knows best. They must have found, like I have, that GOD gives only HIS best to HIS children. I am sure they know that they're battle was never about them, but about HIM getting all Glory. I am sure they understand like I do this day, why GOD offered up Job, them, me and you to the enemy. For GOD knows what HE has placed on the inside of all of us. Now we know it, and today hell knows it too! Stay focused! Stay encouraged and whatever you do; stay at peace! #NoWeapon #TheSweetPeaceOfJESUS #TodayIsTheDay #IDontCareITrust #WaitingExpectantly #WalkingOnWaterFaith
#GODsWordIsBond #IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will make straight your paths. The LORD has been speaking to me the last couple of days about expectation. It would seem that this scripture may not directly relate to expectation at first glance. But it does. Expectation means to have a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. How can you believe in someone you do not trust? To believe that someone will keep a promise they made to you, they must be trustworthy. Their words must carry weight. If someone makes you promises over and over again, yet they fail to ever carry through on them, then disappointment and doubt sets in. It is then unlikely that you would believe them at all. I'm so grateful that GOD is faithful and always keeps HIS word. No matter what you are facing today, trust GOD. Follow the directions that HE has given to you and wait with expectation for HIM to keep HIS promises.
Nehemiah 6:14 ESV Remember Tobiah and Sanbalat, O my GOd, according to these things that they did, and also the prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets who wanted to make me afraid. It is imperative that you recognize that as a child of GOD you have power. You have power and authority! Stop looking at people who appear to have the upper hand or power over you. Remember whose you are and stand in that! Do not fret. Ask GOD to take care of all situations in your life; then believe that it is already done! GOD will take care of you; everything that concerns you HE will take care of it. So, rest. Ask GOD what HE wants for you to do next and then quickly focus on that and leave the rest up to HIM! #GODisFaithful
GOD. HE is KING of kings and LORD of lords and HE is on your side. HE is your vindicator! Rest in HIM and every last one of HIS promises today! #GODneverFails #ItIsFinished #GODisInControl #MiraculousFriday #InExpectationOfMiracles #IBelieve Proverbs 21:1 ESV The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; HE turns it wherever HE will. Look Again. Yes, you. Take another look at your situation. You keep looking at it from man's perspective. Subconsciously you have put more weight on the word of man than you have on the word of GOD; the creator of the universe. GOD loves us so much that HE took care of everything we need and will ever need before the foundation of the world. Take another look. Your situation cannot overtake you or be as dire as it appears. You are the child of the most High GOD. HE has promised to provide for you, take care of you, defend you and to bless you. HE has already proved HIS love through sacrifice. HE came, bled and died for you. Then HE also conquered death and took its power. GOD nailed our sins to the cross before we could ever understand what sin was. This act alone was the biggest "mic drop" that you've ever seen. There was no one to come after HIM to pick up that mic. The show ended and the last words were.."It is finished!" Turn your eyes from the things of this world and look through your spiritual eyes and see our Daddy. Your FATHER; the one and only
I Thessalonians 5:18 ESV Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS for you. We were not given the instruction to give thanks in every situation as this impossible, unattainable task. Giving thanks in all circumstances is about surrender and placing your trust and complete faith in GOD. How can I give thanks in my current situation you may ask? Well, that is the perfect question to ask. I answer it by asking; "How can you not?" GOD is with us in every situation. Praising GOD is about who HE is, not about what is happening
in this current moment in time. GOD is worthy of our praise, even in the times when things seem hard and our problems "appear" to be never ending. GOD is worthy of all praise, Glory and Honor, because HE is GOD.
#IBelieveTheWordOfGOD4MyLife #WalkingOnWaterFaith
In spite of what you are facing today, trust GOD and take a moment to just say thank you to HIM for being GOD and HIS unfailing love towards of us! #ThankYouGOD #Grateful #PraisingInSpiteOf #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Psalm 119:105 ESV Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. The word of GOD is a guiding light. It is your assurance when you cannot see the step in front of you. It is what keeps your feet moving even when you don't feel as though you have the strength to walk. Trust the word of God. Trust that if God tells you to move your feet even when you can't see the next step, that the ground itself has to rise up to meet your foot so that you will not stumble and fall. Yes, the word of God is that powerful! Trust it, obey it, speak it and he will manifest it.
Joshua 13:1 ESV Now Joshua was old and advanced in years, and the LORD said to him, "You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess. It is imperative that you know that you're not too old to live the life GOD has called you to. There is still much left for you to do. Wondering how? Well, stop running and hiding behind your age. There are people just waiting for you to write that book and start that business. So, what are you waiting for? If you are breathing and reading this blog then you are still on this Earth to serve a purpose for GOD and for the kingdom. I do not care what was said to you before this day. Anything opposite of you having a purpose and GOD loving you is a lie.
Dust off that business plan. Revamp it. Step out on faith and watch what GOD does in your life. Our wants, dreams, desires and needs do not move GOD. It is our faith that moves him! You want GOD to move for you then start walking in the direction of that dream and vision HE's given to you. HE will honor your faith with HIS faithfulness! It's not over, not yet!
you're looking for something else and find the exact thing you were looking for a week ago, in the same place you looked and was sure you had placed it earlier. That's because your expectation of finding it there did not exist. So, you could place your hand on it, push past it and frantically look for it, when you were actually looking at it the whole time.
#OnAMission #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Go into your closet (i.e. life, job, marriage, ministry, home, place of business, etc.) with an expectation to see everything you've prayed and believed GOD for to have already manifested. The moment our GOD spoke it, it was a finished work. Shift your way of thinking. Change what it is you're looking for; you just might find the thing you've been looking for was there all along!
2 Corinthians 4:16 ESV As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. Stop going into your situation looking for the things that are not there. Instead go into your situation looking for all the things that are. I know you're thinking well if they are there then I'll see them. Yet, how many times have you gone through your closet looking for a particular item, yet you've really gone in to not find it. You know, you go in saying you're looking for it, but you don't expect to find it, so you don't. Then you go back a week later and
Mark 9:23 ESV And JESUS said to him, "If you can! All things are possible for one who believes. I want to encourage you today to keep believing the word of GOD. HE is faithful and HE will never fail you. HE can't. Everything HE speaks
exists in the moment in which HE spoke it. Everything GOD speaks is true because HE is GOD and the power HE operates in is above all. Nothing and no one can contend with HIM. Whatever GOD has spoken to you, believe it! Start operating as if it has already come to pass, because for GOD it has. Operate in HIS power and not your own for HE has given you authority to do so. #AlwaysBelieve #WalkingOnWaterFaith
are too and you long for a drink, but there is no place to get one from. I know you're thinking it's just a drink. But is it really? Sometimes in life we find ourselves all tapped out and needing a refill. A refill of our spirits. We need to be refreshed. Sometimes we need a clean slate; some grace and mercy. Well, when CHRIST lives on the inside of you (sitting in the restaurant) you don't have to long for a renewing (refill) the LORD will empower you and fill you up. The word says that GOD's mercies are new every morning. Your Savior wants to refresh you today. HE wants you to take a drink of HIM; the living water so that you may never thirst (in spirit) again. I've spent the last several weeks drinking from HIM; getting filled up again so that HE can use me to pour out HIS mercies, power and love to this world. Get refreshed today! If you've never accepted JESUS as your LORD and Savior, then direct message me so we can chat. If you are a child of GOD and you just need to be refreshed, it's as simple as calling on the name of JESUS. Open your mouth and speak to HIM and allow HIM to speak to you and fill you up! I'm praying for you and I love each and every one of you.
Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV In HIS Love and byHISdirection! The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, HIS mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. One benefit of eating inside of a restaurant as opposed to going through the drive thru are the free refills. You might think it's not really a perk, until your cup is empty, and your pockets
#Renewed #Victorious #YouHaventSeenNothingYet #ItsTimeToReap
Oh, don't wait until you see it with your physical eyes. Go ahead and praise HIM right now at HIS's time! Believe one more minute, day or hour. Praise HIM for our GOD has already given you the victory! #AlreadyVictorious #GetYourStuff #BeReady
Jeremiah 50:33-34 ESV Thus says the LORD of hosts: The people of Israel are oppressed, and the people of Judah with them. All who took them captive have held them fast; they refuse to let them go. Their Redeemer is strong: the LORD of hosts is his name. HE will surely plead their cause, that HE may give rest to the earth, but unrest to the inhabitants of Babylon. I am here to tell you today that the tides have turned and everything that was once holding you is going to have to let you go! Our FATHER is ready to turn everything around in your favor. Your only job is to hold on to HIS word and to keep on believing. GOD is not mad that you've had moments of doubt and disappointment. HE didn't tell you or show you the whole plan. HE may not have even whispered another word since HE made you the promise. Yet, here you are years later still believing HIM. You're holding on with all you got left to the promise that HE made you. And now it is time for the things that oppressed you to let you go!
Luke 5:5-6 ESV And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets. " And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. Someone has been toiling. You've been fighting hard to keep your business a float. You've been believing GOD for your marriage and all the things HE has promised to you. Yet each time you draw back your net it is empty. So, you've prayed, and GOD has told you to do the same thing again, in the same way and in the same place. You need to know that this time will bring you an overflowing, burst your net at the seams kind of blessing.
Trust GOD for the impossible; that's what HE specializes in! #AtHISword #Nevertheless #WalkingOnWaterFaith
in the face of doubt just keep believing!! Belief is your power. It is the power to not only push past doubt but to demolish it! The more you stand up in the face of doubt, the more and more you'll believe and soon you're gonna feel your faith rising to new levels. In the moment you prayed and believed; is the very moment you "have" what you prayed for. Yes, in that moment, it is already yours! Activate your power today. Trust GOD. Take HIM at HIS word. Speak HIS word over your life and walk in the full power and authority given to you by Heaven. Is doubt and fear looming today? Then stand up and run it right over with your faith! Shout in its face! Shout advance praises to GOD for the things that you are believing HIM for and watch the enemy flee and everything you're standing in faith for manifest, in JESUS name!!
Mark 11:24 ESV Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. The power behind your prayer is your ability to believe. Some people are often discouraged because they are waiting for the moment where doubt is never present during their time of believing. Yet, I felt a burden to encourage you to continue to believe even in the presence of doubt. I know I'm big on saying beyond the shadow of a doubt you should believe. And I want you to understand that this in no way means that doubt is never present. The shadow of doubt.....think about it. There is no shadow without the presence of a thing. You cannot have my shadow without me. Yet, again; even
I love you people of GOD and I'm praying for you! #IveGotThePower #KeepOnBelieving #FaithOverFear #NoWeapon
I Thessalonians 5:18 ESV Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS for you. This morning I was reminded to give thanks for EVERYTHING! So often we forget about everything behind the scene that takes place. Like the farmers who grow the food we go to the grocery store to purchase. They do all the hard work. We can complain about the trip to the store. But that's the easy part. Take some time today to give thanks for the things and people who make what you do easy. #Grateful #Blessed #Thankful
2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of GOD. I AM the righteousness of GOD. It's one of the things that I have written/typed on my "I AM" list. My I AM list is a list of things I AM. Most of them were written when they were just a hope and a dream. Some of them, according to man, still are just hopes and dreams. Yet, when I wrote them down, I knew they were in GOD's plan for my life. So, by faith I stated and continue to state, that I AM all of the things on my list. I AM is GOD's name. Yet I can say I AM, because I AM is my FATHER and HE lives on the inside of me. Therefore, I AM who GOD says that I AM and that is what I speak! Today, make your own I AM list. Whether you write it down, type it or post it on note cards. Whatever you do, put into words who
you are! Use it every day when you wake up in the morning to remind yourself of just how valuable you are to GOD. HE took your sins and gave you HIS righteousness. Remind yourself who you are and of your position according to GOD. Remind yourself of the power that position brings. Then stand in that power and remind hell, that it cannot stand against you. Then go out and be the light to this world that GOD created you to be. I want to encourage someone today who is looking at the fact that October is almost over, and you have not yet become or received what it is that GOD promised you in this year. Well, I want to challenge you to get out of your head and to begin again to declare that GOD shall do all HE has said HE will do in your life. I want to encourage you to praise HIM right where you are and to continue to speak HIS word and promises over your life. Words create! Everything in the universe has to line up with HIS word. I use the word universe not in a spiritual form as if it has power. No, the universe has to line up because HE is GOD, the great I AM. HE is its creator. So, when I AM speaks everything has to get in its place to make what GOD spoke to be truth. That's the power of the great I AM! It's the power that lives on the inside of you as HIS child! #IAMwhoGODsaysIAM #HEisMine #IamHIS #WalkingOnWaterFaith
Isaiah 40:30-31 ESV Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Many seem to be facing challenges in this season. I want to encourage you to Hold on! You are almost there. Don't be fooled into believing that it's over. Don't except the enemy's lie that GOD is not going to fulfill HIS promises in your life. GOD is not a man that HE should lie. HE is GOD and HE has already done everything HE has told you that HE would do. Don't allow the fact that you cannot touch it with your physical hands at this moment detour you. Open your eyes; your spiritual eyes and see it now in the spirit. Have Faith! Don't you dare get this close and stop believing. Don't you dare turn around now. You've come too far. Don't look back and long for the bondage of yesterday. GOD has delivered you from Egypt and HE is going to part your Red
Sea. Stop looking behind you. I know it seems like the thing HE freed you from is fast approaching. It's supposed to. Yes, you heard's supposed to follow you right into your Red Sea. Rest in knowing that GOD parted the Red Sea for your deliverance and the destruction of everything that was sent to you by the enemy. Stop being moved by the fact that you are facing the Red Sea. For there is nothing that is bigger than our GOD and there is nothing that is too hard for our GOD. If HE has led you to this sea, know that it is just a set up for HIM to showcase HIS power and to receive all Glory and Honor. There is no honor in you drowning. So, know that GOD is going to bring you out on the other side. You're gonna be better, stronger, wiser and more determined. Hold on! I'm praying for you! #HoldOn #KeepOnBelieving #DontLookBack #GODisFaithful #WalkingOnWaterFaith