Vivianne Heijkoop Portfolio +31 (0)6 417 58 315
Table of contents
Design process
Academic work Food Futura (graduation project) The design of a mind changing concept, finding true sustainability in food production.
Temple of the Free Word The design of a temple, that opens the mind to all life perspectives
Hexagon WALL The design of a Do-It-Yourself based building principle for fast-build refugee housing
NIOZ The design of a sustainable innovation centre for marine life and research
Park entrance A small design exercise for the entrance of Eindhoven city park.
Smart facade Data- and sensor based design for a smart facade
Hand drawings
Internationale Fruhjahrsakademie Ruhr 2017 Tectonics workshop 2015
24 UP CHEOPS QafĂŠ Race of the Classics Team Eindhoven
Viv ian ne
Heijk +31 (0)6 417 58 315
I enjoy making and creating, thinking about what things could be, and how they could be made. I consider architecture as the making of experiences. Yet, I believe architecture has a bigger task, as it has a position in the sustainability debate. I am very much interested in sustainable concepts, concepts that improve space and life-quality and technical concepts that take care of its environment. In architecture I seek for an integral relationship of the meaningful and sustainable concepts, where meaning and sustainability go together and complement each other.
Profile Pro-active, enthusiastic, a hard worker, eye for detail, interest in research and design, teamworker, perfectionist. I always try to seize opportunities and create new chances. Skills
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Rhinoceros, Grasshopper
Processing, Java
Digital Fabrication
AutoCAD, SketchUp Pro
Handdrafting and Modeling
Education 2014 – 2017
2010 – 2014
01/2016 – 12/2016
Graduated november 2017; preselected for ArchiPrix nominations The Netherlands
Board member Stichting Aireywijk Samen Groen, A foundation dedicated to a sustainable living, together with inhabitants of the Aireywijk
02/2015 – 07/2015
Bachelor Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Technology Eindhoven Major: Architecture and Structural Design Minor: Generative Design
Life experience, travelling through Southeast Asia, Architectural inspiration, new perspectives to life, arts and design.
09/2011– 01/2015
Committee member of CHEOPS study association, I contributed to the organization of are a series of architecture debate nights, a 24-hours design battle and a multidisciplinary concept battle
09/2013 – 05/2014
Race of the Classics Team Eindhoven, Student tall ship sailing race, responsible for team aquisition to make this adventure possible!
Master Architectural Urban Design and Engineering, University of Technology Eindhoven Extra Certificate Program: Building Technology
Experience 09/2015 – 06/2017
Student Assistant Model Workshop TU/e
08/2014 – 12/2014
Internship KAW architecten
06/2013 – 07/2014
Student Assistant Model Workshop TU/e
03/2011 – 03/2014
Workshop supervisor OTIB for children’s workshops about engineering, and hostess business events
Workshops 03/2017
Internationale Fruhjahrsakademie Ruhr 2017, Nordstadtmodelle, Architecture and Urbanism Workshop Dortmund (10 days) Tectonics Workshop, Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2015 (3 days)
Interests Patterns, Generative Design, Digital Fabrication, Woodworking. Passionate about horses and dancing. Deep concern about the environment and environmental topics. Active in the sustainability debate.
Preselected for Archiprix nominations Eindhoven Graduation project february-november 2017 Grade 9 out of 10 Studio The Farm - Mutant Typology Supervisory committee P.J.R. (Paul) Diederen, ir. R.P.J. (Ruurd) Roorda, ir. B.A.H.L. (Bram) van Kaathoven
Food Futura
The design of a mind changing concept, finding true sustainability in food production. 15 km2 (landscape design) 2000 m2 (architectural design) AchiCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, SketchUP, Photoshop, Illustrator, Handsketching, Aquarel, Modelmaking Biobased materials, wood structure green vegetation roof, timberframe boxes, blackwood (burned) facade finish, opening and closing facade elements Complete research and design
Food Futura is a mind changing concept, aiming to contribute to global sustainability in food production. It revises the current food industry and provides a new vision to future food production expressed in its architecture. A visit to the food plaza is more than just doing grocery shopping. It gives insight in a sustainable food production process, from the origin to the finished product that is taken home; a stage for sustainable food production. Positioned within the production field of the products processed in the food plaza, characterized by a rich biodiversity, it becomes a real hub for the environment it works for. The architectural design provides a lively space in which all actors - people, birds, bees, butterflies and products - have their own and specific contribution to the process. It is the beating heart of the area, of which its ecological effects will spread to its environment.
Research to the robust connection - route for animals
Layers in the landscape design implementation of the agricultural concept and the robust connection
Research to the agricultural concepts
Location concepts
Architectural concepts
Exploded view roof structure
Exploded view facade structure
Fresh dairy processing
Durable dairy processing
Program east buildings - the food processing lines of dairy products
Fresh fruit and vegetable processing
Durable fruit and vegetable processing
Program west buildings - the food processing lines of fruit and vegetable products
Program east buildings in section - dairy processing
Program west buildings in section - fruit and vegetable processing
19 Elevation eastsoutheast
5 7
Plan first floor cheese processing building (northwest building)
5 1
2 7
Plan ground floor cheese processing building (northwest building) 1. Visitor’s corridor 2. Storage milk 3. Cheese processing
4. Brine bath 5. Elevator 6. Technical room
7. Storage 8. Employee area 9. Shop
11. Youngh cheese resting 12. Old cheese resting 13. Other cheese resting
14. Plastification table
Elevation cheese processing building (northwest building)
Section cheese processing building (northwest building)
Elevation and technical section closed facade
Elevation and technical section open facade
Impressions of the changing facade, open and closed
Master project september 2016 - january 2017 Studio Richness Tutor ir. R.P.J. (Ruurd) Roorda
Temple of the Free Word The design of a temple, that opens the mind to all life perspectives
1500 m2 AchiCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Photoshop, Handsketching, Modelmaking and modelstudies Steelstructure cladded with cortensteel, rhythmical glass openings, luxurious materials interiour, ornamentation Complete design
Architecture is a driver of experience, and the architecture of the Temple should be a driver of the experience of the Free Word. The experience one should have when walking to the Temple of the Free Word is enrichment. Already from outside the idea of an open mind and acceptance of multiple perspectives should be visible. The building is inviting you in, nevertheless your background or spirit, to share your life perspectives. Once inside one should feel the same enrichment of perspectives as experienced from outside and feel the space opening up to new ideas and spread personal ideas, yet one should be given the comfort and protection to do so and dare to speak the Free Word. The architectural gesture is enriching, inviting, and giving comfort and security, yet not forwarding a certain direction.
1. Ground floor
2. Columns
3. Beams
4. First floor
Plan ground floor
5. Columns
6. Beams
7. Second floor
Plan first floor
8. Columns and beams
Exhibition Dutch Design Week 2016, Regiodag Bouwend Nederland 2017 Building Technology course september 2016 - november 2016 Project Building Technology Tutors M. (Masi) Mohammadi, ir. K. (Kristel) Hermans, ir. E. (Eefje) Hendriks
Hexagon WALL
The design of a Do-It-Yourself based building principle for fast-build refugee housing 0,6 x 0,6 x 0,3 m SketchUP, AutoCAD, Illustrator, Handsketching, 1:1 Building model Easy volume DIY building blocks, Ecofriendly building materials, Recycled plastics, Recycled textile insulation, Customizable and flexible building blocks Brainstorm and concept making, team captain, 1:1 model building, exhibition design
This project responds to current events regarding the refugee crisis in Europe. At the moment op designing the Netherlands was 16.000 houses short for new residents, who are welcomed in our country. Our task was to design a quick and easy Do-It-Yourself solution for new residents in the Netherlands. In a group of 6 students we came up with a concept of a wall applicable for vacant office buildings to quickly transform empty space into homes. Within 8 weeks this project grew from a first concept to a 1:1 building model. During the process it was required to think fast while still providing qualitative solutions to the problem. The role of the new residents in the building process was key to this project as it is a Do-It-Yourself based building principle.
Building scheme
Master project september 2015 - january 2016 Studio Sustainable Sea, Texel Tutors ir.arch. B.C.I.M. (Barbara) Kuit, ir. T.T. (Tom) Veeger
The design of a sustainable innovation centre for marine life and research I consider sustainability as a way of life. That means that we all try to be better for the environment, but also for our people and with that inspire others to do the same, for then you will create a sustainable world. I consider designing as one way to inspire people to create a sustainable world. – Vivianne Heijkoop, 2015 15 ha (landscape design) 1500 m2 (architectural design) AutoCAD, AchiCAD, Rhino, Photoshop, Illustrator, Handsketching, Modelmaking Biobased materials, rammed earth walls, green roof, wood structure, glass boxes, water harvesting, waterfall facade Water harvesting research, conceptual scheme masterplan for group research and design masterplan Complete architectural design
The studio ‘sustainable sea’ focuses on a sustainable design for NIOZ on Texel. In a few weeks’ time, in a group of 4 students, a research is done to sustainable energy sources that can be implemented in architectural design, which forms the basis of a masterplan for the whole natural area. The focus of the research is water; we specialised in closed water cycles. Within the created sustainable vision of a closed water cycle a design or the new NIOZ research center is created, where the closed water cycle and the architecture are integrated into one, solving the sweet-water shortage of the area. With the design of NIOZ, a sustainable route is introduced, that lends itself for experiments for new agricultural methods and water harvesting techniques. The sustainable route in combination with the design contribute to the awareness of sustainability to its visitors.
Section sustainable route
Masterplan; implementation of sustainable route for tourism and research, towards the NIOZ research center
Concept of sweet water harvesting implemented in the architectural design
Technical section
Master project september 2016 - january 2017 Studio Richness Tutor ir. R.P.J. (Ruurd) Roorda
Park Entrance
A small design exercise for the entrance of Eindhoven city park.
5 km AchiCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Photoshop, Handsketching, Aquarel, Modelmaking Cortensteel columns and beams, computer generated fences, perforated cut panels Complete design
While walking through the park, one experiences the biodiversity and dynamic scenery of the park. Depending on the entrance you take, you step into a private and serene ambiance, or are rushed into the green with all noise of traffic still behind you. Where at some parts the park is given all its privacy, at other parts it is fully exposed to the rush of everyday life and the park abruptly bumps into large streets and crossings. To balance this more and to give the park a better edge, the design of a park-facade is introduced at the south boundary of the park and at the north east boundary of the park. The design for the park fence is inspired by the play of light experienced in the park at the time of sunset in the beginning of October. The low position of the sun makes long shadows of the large trees in the park, giving the park extra dynamics. It enhances the open space and richness of the park. The tall faรงade creates a play of light, through the rhythmical fences.
8200 mm
Concept creation park facade, sketches
Elevation BB’- 1:33
Elevation CC’- 1:33
Elevation DD’ - 1:33
Fences - 1:33
Elevation park entrance 45
Industrial design course february-april 2016 Project Golden Ratio Tutor L.M.G. (Loe) Feijs
Smart facade
Data- and sensor based design for a smart facade
Processing, Lasercutter, Photoshop, Handsketching, Modelmaking Smart facade, Changing facade, Opening and closing facade elements, Data- en sensorbased techniques Complete written code and design
This product is the result of a collaboration of the fields Architecture and Urbanism and Industrial Design. In architecture the focus shifts more and more to designing a sustainable society with high-intelligent buildings in relation to the architectural space and design aesthetics. To further investigate this relation of technology and design aesthetics I took upon some courses at the faculty of Industrial Design. The sustainable concept of the façade is to prevent the heating of large buildings covered in glass facades, through a smart façade system that responds to the building’s needs. The façade is changeable and is able to open or close itself depending on the received data through sensors. It is made in such a way that it can close itself when the daylight or the view is not needed anymore. In this façade architecture and data-visualisation come together. A tessellation is designed as a basic pattern that constructs a new facade of the front part of Vertigo.
Concept for the technology behind the opening and closing system of the facade elements; curtain principle, shutter principle, diaphragm principle
The tesselation build-up for the facade
From idea to programming, to digital 48
l fabrication, to new facade concepts 49
Hand drawings
Internationale Fruhjahrsakademie Ruhr 2017 Nordstadtmodelle, Architecture and Urbanism Workshop Dortmund (10 days) Tectonics Concrete Workshop Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2015 (3 days)
Sumaia Abdirashid | Vivianne Heijkoop | Karolin Idelberger | Patrick Limpens
Urban plan north section
Perspective north section
Section church square
Urban plan church square
Perspective church sequence
Section south square
Urban plan bridge section
Perspective bridge section
Model image
24 UP 24 hour design battle for architecture students CHEOPS QafĂŠ series of three debate nights about current events in architecture, accompanied by guest speakers and a moderator Race of the Classics Team Eindhoven student tall ship sailing race, participated in Team Eindhoven. Preparations for the race were done with the entire team, where within I was responsible for team aquisition to make this adventure possible!
Interests Woodworking
Copyright Š 2018 by Vivianne Heijkoop
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronically, mechanically, by photocopies, recordings or otherwise - without the prior written permission of the author