Taipei Model United Nations Handbook 2016

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9 . 10 . 11. D E C .





政大青年國際會議社 YAIC

























MAYORʼS LETTER 敬愛的青年領袖:大家好!





前國際社會關注之焦點, 自1992年聯合國於巴西里




紀議程」 (Agenda 21)中揭示沿海區域及島嶼國家




因地狹人稠、 自然資源不豐等先天環境及國際政治













進各國在國際安全、經濟發展、人權及實現世界 由此模擬聯合國會議的活動,不








認識,藉此搭起臺灣與國際社群的橋 ,與世界






Become Competitive and Visionary」,藉由溝通交



















最後,敬祝活動圓滿成功!各位代表身體健康、事事 順利!






Dear Delegates: Welcome to 2016 Taipei Model United

With the Brexit, the European Union is disarray.

School Students! On behalf the Organizing

goods, services, capital, and labor are making a

Nations Junior Conference (TMUNJ) for High Committee, National Chengchi University,

and Taipei City Government, I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of you for joining us at this three-day conference.

We are living in a very comfortable and

complicated world. More people are enjoying peace and prosperity than any time in the

history of humankind. However, there are still

some imminent threats to peace and prosperity that we have already taken for granted.

And even with the incredible advancement in technologies during the past centuries,

The barriers that obstructed free movement of comeback. Also the future of the Post-WWII

Liberal International Economic Order (LIEO) could be in jeopardy. Moreover, it is an undeniable fact that the benefits of peace and prosperity have

not shared by people in all corners of the world. The divide between the Global North and the

Global South has been expanding, not shrinking. To continuously address this predicament, the

United Nations has engineered the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as the follow-up

program to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

economic development and social equality

At 2016 TMUNJ, you will have the opportunity to

have been fighting for. Then there is the issue

come up with some feasible solutions. May the

are still two of the lasting problems that we

of climate change. How do we achieve peace and prosperity without endangering the

examine these two critical issues together and Force be with you!


Dr. Alex Chiang Faculty Adviser



Giving the sincerest greetings, we welcome you to the seventh annual session of Taipei Model United Nations Junior Conference ¦ Taipei Youth Leadership Forum. (TMUNJ 2016) with supreme pleasure.

Overwhelmed with unstoppable passions, the organizing team spare no efforts to provide you an amazing MUN experience. We hope to inspire you guys, namely tons of young elites, through academic

debates, meaningful lectures and ideas sharing. Keep in mind, whether you are an experienced MUNer or a freshman in the field of MUN, you can never imagine how much progress you can make through

the process. So try your best to participate, and you are promised to

gain a lot after working hard during the fruitful debates, and playing hard with some cool new friends in the social events. Good luck. Waste time on the masterpiece! Sincerely,

Wang, Wei

Wang, Wei-Ting


schedule DEC. 9 9:00 10:00 Delegates Registration 10:10 10:50 Rules of Procedure Intro 11:00 11:50 Opening Ceremony 11:50 13:30 Lunch 13:30 17:00 Session 1 17:00 18:00 Dinner 18:00 21:00 Social Event 22:30

Get Some Sleep

DEC. 10 9:00

DEC. 11

12:30 Session 2



Session 3

12:30 14:00 Lunch



Group Photo

14:00 15:30 Lecture 1



15:40 17:00 Lecture 2


Closing Ceremony & Lunch SoirĂŠe

17:30 18:00 Preparation: Dress up 18:00 21:30 Social Event 22:30

Fight for DR 5

conference rules

Conference Rules *The following are the conference policies and some notifications of 2015 TMUNJunior, delegates shall know and abide by all rules throughout the sessions. Identification Badges/Placards 代表名


Badges and placards will be delivered upon registration, every delegate will receive a badge with his or her name and committee information on it. It is required that all delegates wear their badges during three sessions and social events as entrance pass to every activity. Concerning se-curity reasons, we will not allow participants without badges to take part in any conference ac-tivities. *Lost Badges & Placards 名



Replacement of lost badges and placards can be reported at the service center. New badges and placards will be charged NTD 30/each, please take care of them. Dress Code 服裝規定 All participants shall wear western business attire during conference. If a delegateʼs attire is deemed inappropriate, TMUNJunior organizing team reserves the right to ask the delegate to leave the conference room and return with the appropriate attire. Electronic Devices 電子產品 Electronic devices such as cellphones, tablets and personal laptops are prohibited during formal sessions. Exceptions are during suspension of the meeting and permission of the Chair. Alcohol, smoking and drug policies 禁 止喝酒、吸


Concerning that only those who age 18 can consume alcohol in Taipei, TMUNJunior will only provide non-alcohol drinks in social events. Any alcohol may not be carried


conference rooms

Conference Rooms

All conference rooms are in Chien Tan Youth Activity Center

Academic building 1F Lecture Auditorium 318












European Parliament EU Parliament

Benson Li, 李璿

Auditorium 332

UN Environment Programme UNEP

Amy Lu, 呂明真

Auditorium 328



SECRETARIAT Welcome to 2016 Taipei Model United Nations Junior(TMUNJ), the annual grand academic forum held by NCCU and Department of Education of Taipei Government. This year, TMUNJ recruits almost100 high school delegates to share their perspectives of two international issues during conferences. Besides, we also provide you a precious platform to meet amazing friends, participate in splendid social events, and take pleasure from formal diplomatic banquets. The Secretariat functions as the coordinator and supporter of the whole TMUNJ, and itĘźs also responsible for managing and guiding all the members in the staff crew. Our golden team will definitely do our best to make 2016TMUNJ your once-in-a-lifetime vintage experience! So, open your mind, enjoy every conversation, and harvest the good days!

Clever Wang


Amy Wang

Deputy Secretary-General

ADMINISTRATION In the following days, you will participate in serial discussions and conferences regarding the important international issues, and you will also enjoy the lovely party nights with music and relaxed atmosphere. No matter this is the first MUN in your life, or you are actually a veteran MUNer, we sincerely hope all of you can achieve the satisfaction, special experience and the honorable reward in this yearĘźs TMUNJ. Besides, please feel free to let us know if you need any helps or directions during the upcoming three days, so that we could spare no efforts to assist you to overcome any inconveniences. Looking

Julie Chou UCG

Anastasia Chen staff

forward to seeing each of you! Effie Peng staff 8

OPERATIONS “Never miss a party...good for the nerves--like celery.� A Model United Nations experience would not be complete without the social events. If the conference is the peanut butter, then the social event is the jelly. In the mornings and afternoons , each delegate will engage in diverse discussions about international affairs, and at nights the representatives will expand their debates via communicating on the dance floor. We encourage you to socialize with member states, which creates an intricate bond helpful in further discussions on the next day. All in all, the social event is intertwined into the fabrics of MUN, enjoy, party, and explore the world of Model United Nations.

Yvonne Su

Andy Lai



ACADEMY Greetings, this is the Department of the Academy. We are in charge of initiating the issues all the delegates are going to discuss, organizing the Study Guide before the conference started. During the sessions, we will work as the dais of both of the committees, maintaining the order of both conferences, and discussing the issues with all the delegates. Being a member of the dais, our superior mission is not only keeping the house under the run, but sharing our information and experiences on the issues with all the delegates.

Emilio Hung UCG

Beson Lee UCG

Amy Lu staff


Kenny Fang staff

Johnny Wang staff

PRESS CORPS Welcome to the 2016 Taipei Model United Nations Junior Conference x Taipei Youth Leadership Forum. With passion and open-mindedness, we, press corps, are looking forward to cooperating with all the participants in the conference. We join in various discussion as well as events with the delegates and get to learn the distinct function of the committees. Later on, we will record all the details of the conferences on the TMUNJ page. The reports will not only provide all the delegates with the process of conference but also the wonderful memory in the events.

Jonathan Wang Chief Editor

We wish all the delegates the best for TMUNJ 2016 and canĘźt wait to meet you in the conference! Jen Chiang journalist

FINANCIAL The Department of Finance is the core of the overall budget management for Taipei Model United Nations Junior. The main components of our work include expenditure estimation, budget management, and accounting. Furthermore, we maintain thorough and transparent communication with different departments in order to supervise the cost-effective use of the budget and reassure smooth operation. We have professional staff with solid finance background and considerable experiences from the previous conference, and thus, we will make our best efforts to maintain the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of the budget. We would like to express our full gratitude to all the staff and participants. We wish you have a wonderful and unforgettable MUN experience with us. Cheers! 10

Jeremy Lee UCG

Candice Chen staff

MARKETING The department of marketing is the team aiming to execute an important mission: Capturing your smiles and efforts, and documenting your unforgettable journey of 2016 TMUNJ! If a camera is facing to you, please donĘźt be afraid, because thatĘźs the chance for you to condense a momentary scene into eternity. For your imagination, Department of Marketing.

Nick Hsu

Danny Lin


Viola Yeh



DESIGN The department of design is the factory of visualizing your creativity. From handbooks to badges, posters to souvenirs, we hope our efforts can enliven your TMUNJ experience in every little detail. Throughout the conference we will accompany every of you and keep you well-equipped. Enjoy yourselves, and best luck to all.

Vivian Chen UCG

Willy Cheng

Cherie Aria




Wilma Cheng staff


EU PAR. Chair: Benson Lee Co-Chair: Emilio Hung



EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT The European Parliament is the legislative parliamentary institution of the Europe Union, directly elected by the legal citizens of the EU member states. Together as the European Council, it exercises the function of EU legislation and supervisory. The parliamentarians are known in English as Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), seats of the MEPs are allocated to each state according to population. Seats of MEPs from each member states should reflect the domestic political affliction proportionally. The MEPs sit in political groups – they are not organized by nationality, but by political affiliation. There are currently 8 political groups in the European Parliament, each consist of MEPs with different nationalities. The MEPs in the European Parliament of TMUN Junior 2016 should initiate the bills of the potential trading and economic cooperation between the Europe Union and the United Kingdom before the member state officially detach from the Europe Union. MEPs must not only focus on fighting for interests of the representing states, but also consider the political affiliation of the political groups in the Parliament.



UN EP Chair: Amy Lu Co-Chair: Johnny Chang Co-Chair: Kenny Fang



UN ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Governing Council was established by UN General Assembly (GA) resolution 2997 in the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment known as Stockholm Conference in 1972. As a subsidiary organ of GA, UNEP Governing Council comprised 58 member states elected by GA and took the duty of policy-making and annual reports. In 2012, as a response to the urge of global leaders in Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) was established to replace UNEP Governing Council in 27th Session of the UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministerial Environment Forum. For the first time, universal membership is adopted rather than 58 members elected by GA. UNEA plays as a forum and collaborative platform for efforts of imminent environmental issues Topic Introduction Producing less than 1% of world carbon dioxide emission, Small Islands Developing Countries (SIDS) disproportionally faced the crisis of climate change. Along with the rising sea level, there also come endangering economy, ecology, and basic human rights. Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) refers to those countries whose territory is mainly low-lying coast and islands. They were first recognized in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. There are now 57 states listed by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. They are broken down into three regions: the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the AIMS (Africa, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and the South China Sea). Each region has respectively built regional cooperation body to lobby, negotiation and raise public awareness in international society. For their limited lands but growing population, SIDS often faced the problem of development. SIDS are currently face the problem of vulnerability and high living cost.


social events


DRESS CODE: Mask with SEMI FORMAL attire

MASQUERADE Unveil your Secrecy Following the joyful night, on December 10th, the

participants will cover themselves in a mysterious mask, may the right one unveil your secrecy! ThatĘźs right, the theme for the second social event is the Masquerade!

Please wear a mask to the gathering and come with a

semi-formal attire. We wish you a pleasant journey onto discovering the deepest secrets under the masks.

Notes: We do not provide masks at the event, surprise us with your choice!


social events



CHRISTMAS ‘s CALLING On December 9th, the delegates will be dressing in accordance with the theme of the party, Christmas.

December is a month full of joy and love, dress up in red or green and join the festivity. You might find the

perfect one you have been waiting for a long time, or

come up with great ideas to support your arguments for

tomorrowĘźs discussions. We wish you a Merry Christmas and certainly a Merry MUN experience!







BEST DELEGATE AWARD TMUNJ BEST DELEGATE AWARD recognizes the best performing delegate(s) during the conference. Miximum number of award recipients varies from 2 to 4, depending on the number of participents in each comittee. However, the award does not intend to be a competitive element. Delegates are evaluated with the following criteria: -INVOLVEMENT OF THE PARTICIPANT -UNDERSTANDING OF TOPICS -LEADERSHIP




These criteria are only some of the characteristics of a TMUNJ Best Delegate judgement of TMUNJ advisor. Chair(s) and staffs, ABD result of peer vote will also be taken into consideration.

BEST POSITION PAPER TMUNJ best position paper award is granted to delegate(s) demonstrating strong research and writing ability. Maximum number of award recipient(s) varies from 1 to 3. Depending on the number of participants in each committee. Delegates are evaluated with following criteria: -understanding of topics, country position and actions -writing and research ability

Only delegates submitting position paper on time and appropriately will be considered as best position paper awards candidates. Plagiarism is prohibited.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS

Rule 6.1


The Chairperson may declare a meeting open and permit the debate to proceed when at least one fourth of the members of the Committee are present. The presence of a majority of the members of the Committee shall be required for any decision to be taken unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the rules. Rule 6.2

General powers of the Chairperson

In addition to exercising such powers conferred upon the Chairperson elsewhere in these rules, the Chairperson may: (a)

Announce the opening and closing of each session;


Direct the discussions of the Committee and accord the right to speak;


Advise the Committee on methods of procedure that will enable the body to accomplish its goals;


Rule on point of order, and have complete control

of the proceedings of the Committee and the maintenance of the order at its meetings; (e)

Propose setting speakerĘźs time, closure of debate,

suspension of the meeting and adjournment of the meeting during the sessions; (f)

Reserve the right to rule any motion out of order.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS Rule 6.3

Authority of the Committee

The Chairperson, in the exercise of his function, remains under the authority of the Committee. Rule 6.4

Voting Rights on Procedural Matters

Unless otherwise stated, all votes pertaining to conduct of business and procedural matters, including reorder of draft resolution in the Chapter VIII shall require a favorable vote by the majority of the members “present and voting” in order to pass. For the purpose of this rule, the phrase “members present and voting” means members in attendance at the meeting during which this motion comes to a vote. No abstain or pass may be cast on procedural votes. Rule 6.5


Each session shall begin with an attendance roll-call. Delegates may answer either “present” or “present and voting.” Delegates who respond “present and voting” can only cast affirmative or negative votes during substantive votes on: draft resolutions, and unfriendly amendments. Points Rule 6.6

Points of Order

During the discussion on any matter, a delegate may raise a point of order, and the point of order shall be immediately decided by the Chairperson in accordance with the rules of procedure. A delegate raising a point of order may not speak on the substance of the matter under discussion.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS Rule 6.7

Points of Parliamentary Procedure

During the discussion on any matter, a delegate may raise a point of parliamentary procedure. Delegate raising a point of parliamentary procedure may not interrupt a speaker. Rule 6.8

Points of Personal Privilege

During the discussion on any matter, a delegate may raise a point of personal privilege, and the point of personal privilege shall be addressed by the Chairperson in the matter he deems appropriate. Delegates raising a point of personal privilege may not interrupt a speaker. Rule 6.9

Points of Inquiry

Any delegate desiring to inquire the speaker may raise a point of inquiry after the speakerʼs substantive speech, but prior to yielding the floor. Speakers may answer the inquiry concerning their speech if their speakerʼs time is not expired. Only the speakerʼs answering to the inquiry will be deducted from the remaining speakerʼs time. Questions must be directed through the Chairperson. No motions may be made during the speaker answering the inquiry. Rule 6.10


During the debates, delegates may use their remaining speakerʼs time after conclusion: (a)

Yield to the Chairperson: Speakers deciding to

yield to the Chairperson shall give their remaining time to the Chairperson without any further remarks.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS (b)

Yield to another delegate: When speakers deciding to yield to another delegate, the delegate being addressed shall speak within the remaining time. No further yielding shall be made.


Yield to question: Speaker deciding to yield to

question shall have the chance to respond to questions raised by other members of the Committee who is selected by the Chairperson and limited to propose one question each. Only the speakerʼs answering to questions will be deducted from the remaining speakerʼs time. Rules Governing Speeches Rule 6.11


No delegate may address the Committee without having previously obtained the permission of the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their desire to speak. The Chairperson may call a speaker to order if remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion. Rule 6.12

General Speakersʼ List

During the sessions, the Chairperson may announce the general speakersʼ list and, with the consent of the Committee, declare the list closed. Delegates may only be on the general speakersʼ list once but may be added again after having spoken. When the general speakersʼ list is exhausted, the Chairperson shall declare the debate closed and the Committee shall move to voting procedure immediately. Such closure shall have the same effect as closure by decision of the Committee.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS (Rule 6.13

Provisional Speakersʼ List

During setting the order of the agenda items and a moderated caucus, the Chairperson may announce the general speakersʼ list open and closed. Delegates may only be on the provisional speakersʼ list once but may be added again after having spoken. When the provisional speakersʼ list is exhausted, the Chairperson shall declare ending the moderated caucus. No yielding and motions may be made when the Committee is on a provisional speakersʼ list. Individual speakerʼs time of a provisional speakersʼ list shall be set by the Chairperson at the beginning of the provisional speakersʼ list. Rule 6.14

Setting Speakerʼs Time

Any delegate or the Chairperson may move the setting speakerʼs time on the item under discussion at any time during setting agenda and general debate. The motion shall not be debatable and requires a second and a simple majority of the members of the Committee present and voting. The time allotted for speakers shall be no less than forty-five (45) seconds. Rules Governing Debates Rule 6.15 (a)

Moderated Caucus

A motion for moderated caucus may be in order at any time when the floor is open.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS


A motion for moderated caucus must be raised

with explanation of the purpose of the motion, the time limit for the caucus and the time limit of individual speaker. The time allotted for individual speaker shall be no less than forty-five (45) seconds.The total time of the caucus shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes. The motion shall not be debatable and requires a second and a simple majority of the members of the Committee present and voting. (c)

The Chairperson shall open a provisional speak-

ersĘź list at the beginning of the caucus. No motion shall be in order during a moderated caucus. In case of exhaustion of the provisional speakersĘź list, the moderated caucus shall be announced closed by the Chairperson. Rule 6.16 (a)

Suspension of the Meeting

During the discussion of any matter, any delegate

may move the suspension of the meeting for a specified time limit at any time when the floor is open except when such a motion would interrupt a speaker. Delegates shall state a purpose for the suspension. (b)

The suspension of the meeting shall not be debat-

able and requires a second and a simple majority of the members of the Committee present and voting. If the Committee favors the motion, the Committee, when it reconvenes, will continue its business from the point at which the suspension was moved.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS

Rule 6.17

Adjournment of the Meeting

During the discussion of any matter, a delegate may move to the adjournment of the meeting. Such motions shall not be debatable but shall be put to the vote immediately, requiring a second and a simple majority of the members of the Committee present and voting. If the Committee favors the adjournment of the meeting, the Committee shall reconvene at its next regularly scheduled meeting time. The Chairperson may refuse to recognize such motion if the Committee still has considered important by the Chairperson. . Rule 6.18 (a)

Closure of Debate

Any delegate may at any time after at least one

draft resolution has been considered by the Committee move the closure of debate on the item under discussion, except when such a motion would interrupt a speaker. (b)

Closure of debate requires a second and a two-thirds majority of the members of the Committee

present and voting. The motion shall be debatable with two (2) delegates speaking in opposition after which the motion shall be put to the vote immediately. If the Committee favors the closure of debate, the Committee shall move to vote on all amendments and draft resolutions considered under that agenda item.


Rules of Procedure CONDUCT OF BUSINESS Rule 6.19

Order of motions

Subject to Rule 6.6, the motions indicated below shall have precedence in the following order over all draft resolutions, amendments or other motions before the meeting: (a)

To close the debate on the item under discussion.


ÂŹTo adjourn the meeting;


To suspend the meeting;


To moderate a caucus. Rule 6.20

Withdrawal of Motions

A motion may be withdrawn by its sponsor at any time before voting has commenced, provided that the motion has not been amended. A motion thus withdrawn may be reintroduced by any delegate. Rule 6.21

Resumption of Debate

When a topic has been adjourned, it may not be reconsidered at the same session unless the Committee, by a second and a two-thirds majority, so decides. If the Committee favors the resumption of debate, it shall have the same effect as adjourning the item under discussion. The motion shall be debatable with two (2) delegates speaking in favor of the motion and two (2) delegates speaking in opposition after which the motion shall be put to the vote immediately.



Rule 7.1

Draft Resolution

A draft resolution shall consist of at least one preamble and one operative clause. For a draft resolution to be considered by the Committee, it requires a minimum of twenty (20) percent of the members of the Committee present listed as sponsors and/or signatories, along with the approval of the Secretariat. A draft resolution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretariat for approval unless otherwise announced and may be submitted at any time during the sessions. For the purpose of the rules, sponsors refer to the authors of the draft resolution. Signatories refer to delegates desiring for the draft resolution to be discussed in the Committee thus have no further rights or obligations toward the document. The draft resolution shall be communicated and distributed to the delegates by the Scretariat once being approved and available for discussion on the floor. After announcements being made by the Secretariat, no additional sponsors/signatories may be added to and no amendments may be made to the draft resolution unless otherwise decided by friendly or unfriendly amendments.



Rule 7.2

Consideration of Draft Resolution

Draft resolution approved by the Chairperson may be considered and moved to the floor by a motion for consideration of draft resolution. The consideration of draft resolution shall not be debatable and requires a second and a simple majority of the members of the Committee present and voting. The Chairperson may allow the sponsors of the draft resolution introduce the document by reading the operative clauses before voting on this motion. Rule 7.3


An amendment to a draft resolution shall normally be submitted in writing to the Secretariat for approval as a friendly or an unfriendly amendment unless otherwise announced. Only operative clause may be amended. All amendments require an approval from the Secretariat prior to voting. Rule 7.4

Friendly Amendment

A friendly amendment requires consent of all sponsors of the draft resolution. Friendly amendment shall be incorporated into the original draft resolution without voting. The Chairperson shall communicate an amendment on the first opportunity at which no speaker has the floor.



Rule 7.5

Unfriendly Amendment

An unfriendly amendment may be proposed to the Secretariat by any delegate and requires signatories of twenty (20) percent of the members of the Committee present, but not necessarily the sponsors of the draft resolution. The Chairperson shall communicate an amendment on the first opportunity at which no speaker has the floor. A vote shall be taken on all unfriendly amendments to a resolution prior to the vote on the document. An unfriendly amendment requires a simple majority vote of the member of the Committee present and voting.

VOTING Rule 8.1

Voting Rights

Each member of the Committee shall have one vote. Rule 8.2

Simple Majority

Unless otherwise specified in these rules, decisions of the Committee shall be made by a simple majority of the members present and voting. For the purpose of tabulation, the phrase “members present and voting� means members casting an affirmative or negative vote unless otherwise specified in the rules. Members who abstain from voting shall be considered as not voting


Rules of Procedure VOTING

Rule 8.3

Roll-Call Vote

A delegate may request a roll-call vote on any substantive matters and such request shall be automatically taken. Roll-call shall be taken in alphabetical order of the names of the Member States, beginning with the members whose name is randomly selected by the Secretariat. The name of each member shall be called in any roll-call, and one of its delegate shall reply “yes,” “no,” “abstention,” or “pass.” Any delegates replying pass when requested a second time, shall respond with either a yes or no vote. Rule 8.4

Adoption by Consensus

A delegate may request adoption by consensus after entering into voting procedure and such request shall be attained automatically. If there are no objections to the motion, the draft resolution or the amendment shall be considered accepted. If there are any objections, a vote on the draft resolution or the amendment shall be commenced. Rule 8.5

Method of voting

The Committee shall normally vote by a show of placards, except that a delegate may request a roll-call. Only those members who designate themselves as “present” or “present and voting” during the attendance roll call, or in some other manner communicate their attendance to the Dais, are permitted to vote


Rules of Procedure VOTING

Rule 8.6

Conduct During Voting

After the Chairperson has announced the commencement of voting, no delegates shall interrupt the voting except on a point of order in connection with the actual process of voting. Once in voting procedure, no delegates shall enter or exit the conference room. Rule 8.7

Voting on Amendments

When an amendment is moved to a draft resolution, the amendment shall be voted first. When two or more amendments are moved to a draft resolution, they shall, unless the Committee decides otherwise, be voted on in the order in which they were submitted. Where, however, the adoption of one amendment necessarily implies the rejection of another amendment, the latter shall not be put to the vote. If one or more amendments are adopted, the amended proposal shall then be voted on. Rule 8.8

Reorder Draft Resolutions

If two or more proposals, other than amendments, relate to the same question, they shall, unless the Committee decides otherwise, be voted on in the order in which they were submitted. A motion to reorder draft resolutions shall only be in order after entering voting procedure, prior to voting on any draft resolution. The motion requires a second and a simple majority of the members of the Committee present and voting.


Sample Operative Phrases

Accepts Affirms Approves Authorizes Calls Calls upon Condemns Confirms Congratulates Considers Declares accordingly Deplores Designates Draws the attention Emphasizes Encourages Endorses Expresses its appreciation Expresses its hope Further invites Deplores Designates Draws the attention Emphasizes Encourages Endorses Expresses its appreciation

Expresses its hope Further invites Further proclaims Further reminds Further recommends Further requests Further resolves Has resolved Notes Proclaims Reaffirms Recommends Regrets Reminds Requests Solemnly affirms Strongly condemns Supports Takes note of Transmits Trusts


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