Condensed Energy Performance Standard

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Navigating the Standard 1 SUMMARY OF SCOPE

AND PROJECT GOALS Identifies the overarching considerations, measures and strategies that a healthcare institution can implement to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net zero. 8 / Intent and Application 10 / Net-Zero Definition 11 / Energy Use Overview 13 / Carbon Intensity


TARGETS Articulates a structure and approach for establishing ambitious EUI goals that can be measured and recalibrated throughout a facility’s design and lifecycle cost analysis. 18 / Framework 22 / Calculation Methodology

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Summarizes the specific ways that EUI goals can be prioritized and monitored during each phase of planning, design and construction. 26 / Conceptual Design 28 / Schematic Design 30 / Design Development 31 / Construction Documents


FOR COMPLIANCE Explores the optimum design process for achieving ambitious energy goals, with a focus on the interplay between architectural strategies and MEP analysis. 34 / Passive Design Strategies 38 / Building System Strategies 42 / Plug and Process Loads



46 / Feasibility Analysis

62 / Measurement and Verification

48 / On-Site Systems

63 / Envelope Commissioning

49 / Off-Site & Offsets

65 / Continuous Commissioning

RENEWAL ENERGY Provides a framework for assessing the viability and opportunity of on-site renewable strategies.


Overview of the methodology behind energy modeling practice and prescribes best practices in application and reporting.

Offers strategies in developing project specific OPR for facility energy performance in the context of optimizing EUI and minimizing carbon intensity.

8 APPENDIX 68 / Case Studies 72 / Resources 73 / Consultant Criteria

52 / Purpose and Assumptions 53 / Software 55 / Reporting 59 / Life Cycle Cost Analysis

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Intent and Application Partners HealthCare recognizes the

This Standard is written from the position

human and environmental health impacts

that for Partners, achieving the lowest

of utilizing energy from their operational

energy use intensity (EUI) possible while

footprint and has “made sustainability a

meeting all functional and programmatic

top organizational priority.” As a leading

requirements is paramount. The

healthcare organization in reducing carbon

intended audience for this standard are

emissions they have set a net zero goal for

the Ambulatory 2.0 integrated project

all future infrastructure projects including the

teams including Partners Healthcare,

Ambulatory 2.0 buildings.

architects, MEP engineers, consultants and contractors.

To achieve these goals, Partners HealthCare commissioned this Energy

Within the Standard there are

Performance Standard that will provide a

prescriptive measures that ensure the

roadmap for project teams to achieve net

minimum performance requirements

zero performance while maintaining design

are met. In addition, there are optional

fidelity and project budget. It provides

recommendations on a range of specific

direction through recommendations

strategies that may be used to achieve

and strategies that are integrated within

the minimum performance requirement.

the planning, design and construction

They are not intended to supersede any

framework, and represents a replicable

applicable codes or regulations in the


municipalities that the Ambulatory 2.0

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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard

projects will be constructed. Further •

When feasible, on-site renewable energy systems may also be incorporated.

The Standards have been developed specifically for the medical office buildings, ambulatory surgery centers, and smaller feeder fit-out sites.

The primary focus is new construction however it also addresses considerations for anticipated fit-out projects (medical office).

The intent of the Energy Performance Standard is to provide project teams contracted for the Ambulatory 2.0 project the recommendations, strategies and supporting resources needed for achieving optimal energy performance with the potential of net-zero emissions depending on the implementation of renewable energy systems, clean energy purchase contracts, and environmental offsets.

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Energy Use Overview Outpatient healthcare buildings typically

Even for outpatient buildings in the same

have lower annual energy consumption than

region the “average” energy use intensity

other healthcare buildings like hospitals

tends to vary considerably due to a number

number of FTEs, outpatients and

in part due to reduced operating hours.

of factors including:


However when compared to most other building types, outpatient facilities and in

The specific healthcare services

Unique electrical related demands and other equipment.

equipment needs and usage. •

Total occupants including the

such as the number of computers

provided and corresponding medical

particular ambulatory surgery centers are relatively energy intensive.

procedures provided.

Business activity including the

Unique natural gas related demands such as heating and steam systems,

hours and days of operation and

sterilization and more.

business activity like the number of ENERGY END-USE 100%

Natural Gas 49%


Plug Loads Water-heating


Ventilation Cooling/Heat rejection


Electricity 51%


Figure 2a. Standard Medical Office Building

Heating 20% 0%




Figure 2b. Standard Medical Office Building

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The content provided in this Standard is intended to serve as guidelines and parameters to be followed by project teams to align with Partners’ energy policies, objectives, and goals. Project teams are expected to comply with the requirements and/or demonstrate the process used to evaluate the design parameters with respect to the requirements. In circumstances where the requirements are not achievable, a thorough analysis should be provided to demonstrate the process used and rationalize the parameters which may exist that impede compliance.

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Framework Energy performance targets have been


preliminary prototype clinical program. The

developed to help guide design teams

A comprehensive review of industry energy

reference developed guideline baselines

and better align project expectations with

performance benchmarks has been

ranges have been established to align with

Partners’ sustainability goals. The targets

performed to establish a reference baseline

IECC 2018/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016

are based on a comprehensive analysis of

to be used for the project. The review

(with MA amendments):

industry benchmarks and baseline metrics

included the following:

for comparable facilities in the region.

They are primarily intended to serve as

Outpatient Healthcare database

a framework, acknowledging that as the

facility program and configuration evolves

ASHE (American Society of Healthcare Engineers) Energy to

throughout the project, variances in

Care database

projected energy use are expected.

As the design team progresses through the

IFMA (International Facility Management Association) Health

evaluation of building system options, the

Care Facility Management Report

targets should be referenced to assess the

relative predicted performance of the project

LeapStep Healthcare Facility Energy Performance Database

and energy conservation measures being evaluated.


Baseline In addition, conceptual energy models have been developed for each of the primary outpatient project types based on a

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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard

Ambulatory Surgery Centers •

Site EUI: 90-125 kBTU/SF/yr

Medical Office Buildings •

Site EUI: 65-85 kBTU/SF/yr

Fit-out Facilities •

Site EUI: 70-90 kBTU/SF/yr

These baseline ranges are intended to be guidelines only. Project specific baselines should be developed by the project team according to the energy modeling guidelines outlined in this Standard.


Target Setting

systems that are included in the design

Guideline energy performance targets have

scope. Total energy savings should still

developed for the facility types based on

be calculated; however, the project’s

evaluation of benchmark data for comparable

performance will be measured based on the

high-performance projects and precedents.

systems affected by the project scope.

Additional energy modeling was performed to

project: •

Energy Use Savings over IECC 2018/ASHRAE 90.1-2016: 30%


use intensity target ranges for the ambulatory

targets are predicted to result in roughly

should be reported according to the

project types are as follows:

a 30% total annual savings in energy use

following guidelines:

validate the guidelines.The guideline energy

The guideline energy performance

» Estimated energy use for the project

relative to IECC 2018/ASHRAE Standard •

Site EUI: 65-85 kBTU/SF/yr

Medical Office Buildings •

40% savings relative to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 (with MA amendments).

Site EUI: 45-65 kBTU/SF/yr

Fit-out Facilities •

90.1-2016 (with MA amendments) and a

Site EUI: 50-70 kBTU/SF/yr

Ambulatory Surgery Centers

These target ranges are intended to be guidelines only. Project specific targets

Total Energy Use ○ Annual energy use intensity (EUI) – kBTU/SF/yr

Energy End Use ○ Annual energy end-use (EUI) – kBTU/SF/yr

should be developed by the project team a Tenant improvement projects in facilities

ccording to the Energy Modeling Guidelines

with existing central building systems

outlined in this Standard. Accordingly, the

should measure the energy savings toward

project teams should ultimately use the

with respect to the Standards goals for the

following guideline target for each specific

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Conceptual Design

Sustainability Charette


» Convene a meeting with the design

State energy code

○ Current

team, Partners leadership, operations staff,

Local municipality energy code/

○ Projected (calculate escalation)


○ Energy procurement contracts

and other stakeholders (industry partners,

Utility rates

utility providers, prospective vendors and service providers.

Energy Modeling

Financial Parameters

» Review energy performance and carbon

» Establish project-specific energy

» Financial parameters for life-cycle cost

emission mitigation goals.

modeling assumptions:

analysis (LCCA):

» Establish Energy & Emissions guiding principles for the project

○ Operating rooms

performance goals/targets for energy use

○ Conference rooms

» Define energy use and carbon emission


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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard

Additional operating costs - identify any additional projected operational cost variances for proposed building system options

Building Operating Schedule ○ By program areas

System life - anticipated duration of service for major equipment

occupancy profiles

» IECC 2018/ASHRAE Standard 90.1» Consideration for multiple baselines, if

○ Other spaces with variable

baselines for the project.

Interest rate / minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR)

○ Exam rooms

and carbon emissions.

2016 with MA amendments

program areas

» Develop/refine project specific

Reference Standards

Occupancy projections for key

Energy rebates/incentives

○ Support spaces •

Temperature set-points

Preliminary Measures

Anticipated plug/process loads

» Develop preliminary energy

Process medical equipment

conservation measures for analysis:


Passive Strategies

Prioritize evaluation of passive design strategies to mitigate building loads.

Active strategies - evaluate active building system strategies that are compatible with the passive design strategies.

Identify synergies between active and passive design strategies to optimize building loads and energy use.

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Passive Design Strategies The following is a summary of some of the

» A rule of thumb to use in conceptual

to help inform the overall massing and

available recommended architecture and

design is that daylight is able to penetrate


load reduction strategies and approaches

up to 15 feet within a building, or twice

for compliance with the Standards

the window head height. Consider how



to increase the percentage of floor area

» The building envelope and facade

within 15 feet of the perimeter and how that

should be climate responsive and aim

Massing and Orientation

threshold can inform the building program

to concurrently enhance both energy

» Depending on the specific project

and adjacencies.

performance and occupant comfort.

and location there may be opportunity to

» If building stacking allows for toplighting

» At a minimum, factors for envelope

optimally configure the building shape and

with skylights further consider how that

components like insulation values for

siting to enhance energy performance.

approach should inform the overall massing

the roof, wall and floors, and thermal

» Consider massing and orientation options

and orientation relative to solar exposure.

performance for glazing are established by code.

that reduce unwanted direct solar exposure and gain while maximizing access to views

Programming and Adjacencies

» Enhancements to code minimum

and natural light with side and top-lighting.

» The configuration of program in

values should be studied in an iterative

» In the standard MOB and ASC building

internally heat load dominated healthcare

energy modeling process as outlined in this

models, lighting may account for nearly 20%

buildings can impact energy usage.


of annual energy use. The typical business

» The arrangement and adjacency of

» To inform the size and location of

hour occupancy of these building types

regularly and non-regularly occupied

glazing concurrently study the impact on

increases the net impact of daylighting on

spaces in the building should be studied

daylighting, solar heat gain and glare.

energy demands.

during conceptual stage energy modeling

» As a general rule a reduction in the

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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard


Project Examples » The ambulatory care buildings on this page demonstrate varying massing, orientation and envelope design solutions to reduce unwanted solar gain and support beneficial daylighting.

Figure 5. Advocate Outpatient Center

Figure 6. Geisinger Gray’s Woods

Figure 7. Kaiser Permanente Next Generation Medical Office

Figure 8. Shirley Ryan Ability Lab

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Building System Strategies The following is a summary of some of

to reduce energy consumption in hospitals

Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS)

the available recommended MEP building

(decoupling heating/cooling from ventilation)

» Provides ventilation of indoor spaces

systems design strategies and approaches

to reduce reheat energy.

with outdoor air independent of heating/ cooling processes.

for compliance with the Standards Heat Pumps

» Directly addresses minimum code

» Similar to heat recovery chillers, heat

requirements for ventilation


pumps can help reclaim energy normally

» Complements a strategy for decoupling

Heat Recovery Chillers

rejected during heating and cooling

of heating/cooling from ventilation (as

» Heat recovery chillers can help reclaim

processes from air or water applications.

identified by Targeting 100!) in the pursuit of

energy normally rejected during heating

» Identified by the Targeting 100! study

optimizing energy performance.

and cooling processes from air or water

as a viable strategy to address one of the

» Has the potential to improve indoor


most impactful building system strategies

air quality (IAQ) while saving energy

» Heat recovery chillers can be

to reduce energy consumption in hospitals


an effective energy saving strategy

(decoupling heating/cooling from ventilation)

for healthcare facilities, by reducing

to reduce reheat energy.

Displacement Ventilation

simultaneous heating/cooling by capturing

» Ground source (geothermal)

» Room air distribution strategy where

waste heat from cooling processes and

applications may provide additional

conditioned outdoor air is supplied at a low

utilizing them for heating demands.

opportunities for energy savings dependent

velocity from air supply diffusers located

» Identified by the Targeting 100! study

on space and site soil conditions.

near floor level and extracted above the


as a viable strategy to address one of the

occupied zone, usually at ceiling height.

most impactful building system strategies

» Can improve IAQ while reducing energy

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Feasibility Analysis Perform an analysis of the potential

Cost Implications

opportunities for incorporating renewable

» Identify and analyze the cost

costs for the proposed

energy systems and approaches to mitigate

considerations of the potential options

renewable systems options

□ Identify ongoing operational

carbon emissions related to building


energy use. Maximize the potential site


and building options for renewable energy.

Calculation Methodology

and rebates for renewable

Outline pertinent constraints and limitations.

» Utilize the following factors for


Consider industry best-practices and

evaluating the cost effectiveness of the

emerging technologies/approaches.

renewable systems options for the project: •

Approach Site Considerations » Evaluate the project site to identify locations for renewable energy systems. Integrated Design and Coordination » Consider the relation and synergies of other proposed building systems that may complement or impact the analysis

○ Incorporate available incentives

First costs ○ Capital Costs of the System

Operational Costs

Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard

Financial Analysis ○ LCCA methodology reference

Reporting •

○ Utility rates/escalation

Format ○ Assumptions

□ Current rates

□ State all assumptions for the

□ Projected escalation ○ Offsets □ Comparison of renewable system costs with offsets prices ○ Maintenance costs

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feasibility analysis •

Inputs ○ Capital costs ○ Operational costs □ Energy cost savings □ Maintenance costs


□ Service contract costs

Renewables Readiness

□ Additional operating cost

» Identify building system strategies


and approaches that enable and support

□ Escalation

integration of renewables systems for the

□ Rebates/incentives


○ Financial analysis parameters □ Service life / analysis period □ Interest rate □ Tax rate •

Outputs ○ Net present value (NPV) ○ Discounted payback ○ Internal rate of return

Recommendations Project Strategies » Identify recommended strategies and approaches for renewable energy systems and offsets for the project than can support the energy/carbon goals outlined in this Standard.

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Purpose & Assumptions ENERGY MODEL STANDARD

○ Support spaces

The purpose of the energy modeling standard is to establish a clear framework

Temperature set-points

for the energy optimization process. The

Anticipated plug/process loads

standard outlines Partners’ expectations

Process medical equipment

on all coordination activities including:

Utility rates

energy modeling procedures, performance

○ Current

reporting format, and stakeholder

○ Projected (calculate escalation)


○ Energy procurement contracts

» Establish project-specific energy modeling assumptions: •

Occupancy projections for key program areas ○ Operating rooms ○ Exam rooms ○ Conference rooms ○ Other spaces with variable occupancy profiles

Building Operating Schedule ○ By program areas

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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard



» Partners has adopted the following

» Present the following for each ECM

Qualitative Parameters

requirements for reporting on energy


1. Architectural / Building Integration - impacts of the proposed systems

performance modeling results: •

Assumptions - outline the assumptions used for simulation parameters.

Methodology/ Approach - summarize the overall process and approach used for the energy optimization process implemented by the design team.

Baseline Reference - define the reference baseline used for energy simulation and emissions calculations.

Climate/ Load Analysis - summarize the results and resulting

Quantitative Parameters

on space requirements and other

1. Energy savings potential - EUI (kBTU/

architectural aspects.

SF/yr), Carbon Intensity (MT CO2/SF/yr) 2. Energy savings over the reference baseline (%) 3. Carbon emission savings over the reference baseline (%) 4. First cost considerations/impacts 5. Operations impacts (utility costs, FTE requirements, service requirements,

2. Code / Standards - limitations or opportunities related to code/standards compliance requirements. 3. Flexibility - considerations related to potential future building or operations changes. 4. Resiliency - considerations that impact/ support resilience

ongoing maintenance costs) 6. Rebates/ incentives - opportunities to leverage available energy rebates/ incentives

recommendations of the climate analysis.

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Life Cycle Cost Analysis The purpose of the LCCA analysis standard is to ensure consistency in reporting of financial results for comparison of building systems options for decision making. Inputs

Reporting Format •




Proposed Design ○ ECMs □ Summary of ECMs for

Capital costs

Annual energy cost savings

Annual operating costs

□ Savings projections


□ Bundles (compilation of

System life

multiple interdependent or

Utility costs

complementary ECMs)

Utility rate escalation projections


○ Provide sensitivity analysis



Interest rate

Outputs •

Net Present Value (%)

Discounted payback (years)

Internal Rate of Return (%)

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» Develop a plan and strategy for

continuously monitoring building energy end-use for the purpose of identifying energy savings opportunities, system faults, and corrective measures.

Establish a system quality assurance

reporting. The following is a summary of the


requirements for building commissioning



○ Energy performance dashboard □ Monthly energy use

-- Commissioning Process for

□ Modeled vs. actual Requirements •

Develop a process for continuous energy performance monitoring and optimization.

Identify personnel responsible for managing/implementing the CCx plan and define roles/responsibilities. ○ Partners staff ○ Third-party contractors

Develop a data management plan

Develop a process for identifying performance anomalies and corrective measures

□ Rolling annual EUI □ Energy costs □ Monthly

ASHRAE Standard 202-2018 Buildings and Systems

ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005: The Commissioning Process

□ Rolling annual ○ Alerts/alarms □ Performance deviation □ System faults ○ Monitoring intervals □ Minimum - hourly □ Recommended - 15-minute Reporting Requirements » Follow the procedures and comply with the requirements of the following standards/ guidelines for building commissioning

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Case Studies

Figure 16. Energy, HVAC, and Others for Various Projects

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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard


Resources Publication: Advanced Energy Design

Publication: Healthcare Energy Metering

Guide for Small Hospitals and Healthcare

Guidance, NREL

Facilities Achieving 30% Energy Savings

Author: National Renewable Energy Labo-

Toward a Net Zero Energy Building


Author: ASHRAE




ti/47013.pdf Publication: Advanced Energy Design Guide for Large Hospitals: Achieving 50% Energy Savings Author: ASHRAE Link: resource/1103 Publication: Target 100, Re-Envisioning Today’s Hospital Author: University of Washington Link:

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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard

Consultant Criteria APPENDIX

Team Selection Criteria

publicly accessible? If so please provide

decarbonization / electrification of buildings

Fidelity to sustainability has become a

web link.

with respect to the future of net-zero energy

ubiquitous claim across the A/E practice

» Describe briefly your firm’s

and zero-carbon buildings?

landscape. In order to get to the truth of

philosophy with respect to the design

a firm’s commitment and experience with

and implementation of high performance

Experience & Expertise

navigating these goals, we have devised the

healthcare projects.

» On a typical project, how are

following sets of questions to be integrated

» Describe your firm’s approach for

sustainability and high performance design

into the team selection process for architect,

tracking the modeled performance of a

supported from a work plan and team

MEP engineer and construction manager.

project during the design process.

member standpoint?

These questions aim to assess the veracity

» Describe your firm’s approach for

» List the top 3-5 factors your firm believes

of a firm’s commitment to sustainability, to

tracking and evaluating the operational

are critical to achieving a high performance /

identify the individual team members, firm

performance of completed projects.

net-zero healthcare building.

practices, completed projects, ongoing

» Does your firm have positions /

» List the top 3-5 challenges your firm

metrics and evaluation strategies, and best

individuals whose sole responsibility is

has encountered in achieving a high

practices that exemplify a firm’s respective

sustainability? If so, are they located in the

performance / net-zero healthcare building.


primary office that will deliver this project?

» How does your firm consider carbon

» Do you consider your firm a leader in

emission impacts when evaluating the

Team Selection - Architect

designing high performance healthcare

performance of design projects?


projects that are capable of achieving net-

» Describe your firm’s experience

» Does your firm have a written

zero? If yes, why?

with alternative mechanical systems on

commitment to sustainable design that is

» How does your firm view

healthcare projects including (but not

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APPENDIX Consultant Criteria

limited to) natural ventilation, displacement ventilation, chilled beams, heat recovery

Carbon Intensity: _________lbs CO2/MWh

systems (heat pumps / VRF / heat recovery

Carbon Reduction:________% reduction

Energy Reduction _______%

chillers), geothermal (ground source)

reduction vs applicable reference


systems, advanced building controls.

code, (e.g. ASHRAE 90.1) ____ yr

» What lessons has your firm learned from

Carbon Reduction________%

the projects identified above? How has your


firm adapted its approach in response?

Lead Design Professional

» Has your firm attempted to achieve


net-zero on a healthcare project before?

Lead Sustainability Professional

If so, what was the primary challenge that


prevented it from being achieved? For those

» If experience is cited, provide the number of in-progress and completed

healthcare projects that include each of the alternative mechanical systems identified in

the prior response. » If available, provide Energy Use Intensity (EUI), Energy Percent Reduction,

MEP Engineer____________

projects, how was net-zero defined; net-

and Carbon Intensity data on the top 3

Owner Contact ____________

zero energy (site), net-zero energy (source),

performing non-inpatient healthcare projects

» Operational Performance

your firm has designed. If this information is unavailable please write N/A. •

EUI: ___________kBtu/sf/yr

Carbon Intensity: _________lbs CO2/MWh

Project Name and Location ____________

» Modeled Performance •

EUI: ___________kBtu/sf/yr

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Ambulatory 2.0 Energy Performance Standard

Energy Reduction: _______% reduction vs applicable reference code, (e.g. ASHRAE 90.1)

net-zero energy (cost), or net-zero carbon emissions? If your firm has attempted this only on a non-healthcare project please include instead and note the project type. » Excluding the cost of on-site renewable energy systems, how does your firm consider the financial implications of pursuing high-performance / net-zero design?

Location Authors


LeapStep Design, LLC brooklyn & san francisco Breeze Glazer, Principal Arash Guity, Principal John Rudikoff, Principal

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