The 300 Years that Never Were implemented in the year 325 (1582 – 1257= 325). This seems quite unlikely, as Caesar would have already been dead for 300 years! If, however, we work with the commonly accepted “fact” that when Gregory altered the calendar, 16 centuries had passed since Caesar had introduced his, the date should have been out by 13 days instead of the 10 days that it actually was. There is, therefore, about 300 years of time that is unaccounted for. So where have these 300 years been put into history? The answer is into the years between 614 AD and 911 AD. These are referred to by scholars in the field as “the phantom years”. There is much evidence supporting this theory. Written documents of the time speak of many large buildings like cathedrals, convents and palaces that are supposed to have been built in this “time period”. However, suspiciously few of these buildings still exist. Have they all just disappeared? Furthermore many of the buildings assigned to this “time period” have architecture and style that do not fit. The Pfalzkapelle in Aachen for instance, apparently built in 786 AD, can be compared to Ravenna‟s San Vitale Basillica built 200 years earlier. Both of these buildings also share technology assigned to the Romanesque style of the 11th century. The reader may argue that for this theory to hold any weight there would have to be proof that the Byzantine Empire also shows evidence of a falsely inserted 300 years. Interestingly there are special problems for exactly this time period (600 AD to 900 AD). Peculiarly the Byzantine Empire, historically cited as being an apparently evolving and growing power at the time, passed no reforms between 600 and 900AD. I recommend, therefore, that you tell your parents and friends that you will be home soon, as travel day is on the 1st of December 1707. The Nutter
Vassilios Mewes aka The Nutter. Ask someone what today‟s date is and that person will probably reply by telling you the day, perhaps the month, but certainly not the year. This is because it‟s so obvious; only an idiot wouldn‟t know what year it was. It's 2007, and anyone proposing anything else would have to be a complete nutter. I am not going to beat around the bush: we aren‟t living in the year 2007, but instead around the year 1707. 300 years of our history is quite simply fictive. „How do you know this?‟ I hear you ask. In 1582, Pope Gregory reformed the Julian calendar (implemented by Caesar in 46 BC) because it was running slow. He knew this because the date of the equinox had receded from March 21st to March 10th. Gregory amended this error by skipping 10 days for the start of the new calendar, and establishing that 1 year would be added every 133 years to stop the calendar from going wrong in the future. We can thus calculate that in order for the Julian calendar to have been out by 10 days in 1582 it must have been running for 1257 years. Using this calculation we can work out that the Julian calendar was 10