LIVID Dear readers, It pains me to say it, but this paper isn’t worth the manuscript upon which it has been printed. If one includes the printing costs and distribution fee, the writers, editors, yes even the readers must be placed firmly in the hypothetical red by this morally bankrupt rag. Of course, there are a few valuable gems which may offer a couple of seconds of amusement. However, the small amount of pleasure they provide is dwarfed by the senseless gibber which the editors have decided to include. “Vivid” shamelessly attempts to sell itself with its radical and ironic tone. No such thing can or shall be allowed. It must be suppressed immediately. I urge you all to take up your hammer and nails so we may verbally crucify this woeful attempt at a magazine. Flood these editors with emails, faxes, letters even post-its to let them know the depth of your disgust. Sincerely, Andreas Spanring Dear Editors, I must admit that it was with some trepidation that I heard of this new publication, Vivid; an exciting, fresh alternative to the long-established norm. It would surely, I lamented, be the favourite magazine; and HUSH will pale in comparison. Unfortunately for you, this anxiety was short-lived. Nevertheless, I’m very proud of what you’ve done, and I can’t wait to read Vivid in full. Serenely yours, Afy Nourallah HUSH Ed. We want to know what’s on your mind. Drop us a line to or