UN Publications 2009/10 Winter Catalogue

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Page 6 Yearbook of the United Nations 2006



Front cover: Miquel Barcel贸 dome. Detail of the ceiling of the Human Rights Council and Alliance of Civilizations Room, Geneva. Photo by Jean-Marc Ferre

Table of Contents 1

Highlights Yearbook of the United Nations 2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


New and Noteworthy





Peace and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16 Environment and Urban Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-21 Development and MDGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-30 Human Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-33 Humanitarian Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-39 International Trade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-44 Model United Nations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-48

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Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-52 3




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This catalogue contains information on selected titles in print as of March 2009. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this catalogue is accurate at the time of printing. Prices and dates may occasionally vary and are subject to change without notice. New Titles and Forthcoming Titles information is updated continuously on our website at http://unp.un.org Š 2009 United Nations

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Yearbook of the United Nations 2006 Inside the Yearbook of the United Nations 2006 Part One: Political and Security Questions I. International Peace and Security II. Africa III. Americas IV. Asia and the Pacific V. Europe and the Mediterranean VI. Middle East VII. Disarmament VIII. Other Political and Security Questions Part Two: Human Rights I. Promotion of Human Rights II. Protection of Human Rights III. Human Rights Country Situations

Sales Number: E.08I.1 H ISBN: 9789211011708 Pages: 1,794 Price: $175.00*

This is the sixtieth volume of the most comprehensive and authoritative reference work on the activities of the Organization, covering 2006. This fully indexed “Yearbook�, reproduces in their entirety the texts of, and votes on, all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions. Its 33 chapters deeply cover developments in the main political and security questions; human rights; economic and social questions; legal questions; and institutional, administrative and budgetary questions. Publishing Agency: United Nations

Part Three: Economic and Social Questions I. Development Policy and International Economic Cooperation II. Operational Activities for Development III. Humanitarian and Special Economic Assistance IV. International Trade, Finance and Transport V. Regional Economic and Social Activities VI. Energy, Natural Resources and Cartography VII. Environment and Human Settlements VIII. Population IX. Social Policy, Crime Prevention and Human Resources Development X. Women XI. Children, Youth and Ageing Persons XII. Refugees and Displaced Persons XIII. Health, Food and Nutrition XIV. International Drug Control XV. Statistics Part Four: Legal Questions I. International Court of Justice II. International Tribunals and Court III. International Legal Questions IV. Law of the Sea Part Five: Institutional, Administrative and Budgetary Questions I. UN Restructuring and Institutional Matters II. United Nations Financing and Programming

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The United Nations was established, in the aftermath of a devastating war, to help stabilize international relations and give peace a more secure foundation. Amid the threat of nuclear war and seemingly endless regional conflicts, peacekeeping has become an overriding concern of the United Nations, and the activities of the blue-helmeted peacekeepers have emerged as among the most visible. But the United Nations is much more than a peacekeeper and forum for conflict resolution. Often without attracting attention, the United Nations and its family of agencies are engaged in a vast array of work that seeks to improve people’s lives around the world. Here, in brief, is a sampling of what the United Nations and its component bodies have accomplished since 1945, when the world organization was founded.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.05.I.91 ISBN: 9789211009866 Pages: 48 Price: $10.00

Also available in E-Books format

The Business of Sustainable Development in Africa: Human Rights, Partnerships, Alternative Business Models This book is about enhancing the contribution of business to sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world where the proportion of extremely poor people increased during the final decades of the previous century. The overarching imperative to support Africa’s poor in their quest for better livelihoods, human rights and environmental integrity, is a huge challenge, and the business community has an important role to play. This book aims to contribute a better understanding of this role and its implications for decision-makers in business, as well as government and civil society.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.5 ISBN: 9789280811681 Pages: 376 Price: $37.00


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Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries This fifth volume in the series undertakes a broad diagnostic of the state of development in Arab countries, this time through the lens of human security. Adopting a more differentiated approach to the particular contours of sub-regions, it shows that the concept of human security offers a relevant framework for refocusing the social contract in the Arab countries on neglected priorities. The Report analyzes interdependent threats and downturns that undermine the safety and development prospects of individuals and states alike, and indicates policy orientations that Arab governments, civil society, citizens and international actors could adopt in response.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme Sales Number: E.08.III.B.3 ISBN: 9789211262117 Pages: 288 Price: $24.95

Claiming the Millennium Development Goals: A Human Rights Approach TheMillenniumDevelopmentGoals(MDGs)aretime-bounddevelopment targets that address many dimensions of poverty, such as hunger, disease, inadequate water supplies and lack of education. This publication sets out a human rights approach to the MDGs, in order to outline a clear framework of analysis for the development sector, relevant also to the needs of human rights practitioners, identifying entry points at the policy level as well as for country-level programming and advocacy. Practical illustrations are provided throughout, along with suggested additional indicators for particular MDGs, as contributions to sectoral strategies and MDG monitoring and reporting.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.XIV.6 ISBN: 9789211541847 Pages: 60 Price: $15.00

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60 Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference

Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures 2008

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The new phase of challenging globalization is characterized by economic multipolarity with significant weight of the South. Due to dynamism and openness, today the largest and the rapidlygrowing developing countries play a fundamental role in stabilizing the world economy. This second edition of the UNCTAD publication focuses on increasing of analytical emphasis and explains new and emerging economic trends. The publication provides brief outline of data and information, and describes UNCTAD’s independent research in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.07.II.D.20 ISBN: 9789211127300 Pages: 82 Price: $25.00

Also available in E-Books format

European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) 2009 The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Good by Inland Waterways (ADN) was adopted in May 2000 by a Diplomatic Conference held in Geneva. This publication includes the text of the final act of the conference, the resolution adopted by the conference, the agreement itself and the updated version of the annexed regulations, revised as of 1 January 2009.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.VIII.4 & CORR.1 ISBN: 9789211391343 Pages: 1004 Price: $150.00

Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009: Addressing Triple Threats to Development The Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 analyses how three global crises of 2008 – Great Recession in developed countries, food and fuel price volatility and climate change - threaten the development in the Asia-Pacific region. The publication also talks about subregional variations in performance and policy responses. It concludes with converging crises and redirecting policies to achieve inclusive and sustainable development, and summarizes the ways to move forward from crisis resilience to crisis resistance.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.11 ISBN: 9789211205770 Pages: 228 Price: $80.00

Also available in E-Book format

A Global Agenda: Issues before the United Nations 2009-2010 For more than two decades this publication has served as the ultimate authority on the full spectrum of the United Nations activity. The 20092010 edition is focused on the important issues before the UN, such as international security, peacekeeping, climate change, humanitarian assistance, economic growth, the millennium development goals, human rights, international justice and the rule of law, and the UN reform. The chapters consist of reports and essays of journalists, policy experts and scholars whose contributions reveal their profound understanding of the United Nations and issues before it.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Association/USA (UNA) Sales Number: E.09.I.13 ISBN: 9780615297194 Pages: 266 Price: $20.00

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United Nations Conference’s on Trade and Development (UNCTAD’s) longstanding call for stronger international monetary system and financial governances rings true in today’s crisis, which is global and systemic in nature. This report has been established by the UNCTAD interdivisional Task Force on Systemic Issues and Economic Cooperation to examine the systemic dimension of the crisis and formulate proposals for policy action nationally and multilaterally. It analyses a number of market failures and triggers, some reflecting fundamental imbalances in the global economy and others specific to the functioning of sophisticated financial markets.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2008 Global investment in sustainable energy broke all previous records in 2007, with an increase of 60% over 2006. This healthy investment environment bodes well for the continued growth of the sustainable energy sector. The report provides an overview of different types of capital flows and an analysis of the trends in sustainable energy investment activity in developed and developing countries. The information is intended to be a strategic tool for understanding the status of the sustainable energy sector’s development and for weighing future public and private commitments to the sector.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.4 ISBN: 9789211127652 Pages: 80 Price: $22.00

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.9 ISBN: 9789280729399 Pages: 68 Price: $35.00

The Globalization of Human Rights

Human Development Report 2009

The Globalization of Human Rights addresses a set of questions focusing on the justice at the national, regional, and international levels. The examination of these questions is conducted through analysis of rights, both civil and political, and economic and social. Any search for justice is based upon identifying values, including relationships with others that are eventually institutionalized as rights. Such rights become the basis upon which claims are made, as well as the horizon of justice to which society and institutions try to conform. This volume maps out the requirements of justice for all mankind, providing normative guidelines as well as goals.

For many people around the world moving away from their home town or village can be the best – sometimes the only – option open to improve their life chances. The report explores how better policies towards mobility can enhance human development. It traces the contours of human movement – who moves where, when and why, and argues for practical measures that can improve prospects on arrival, which in turn will have large benefits both for destination communities and for places of origin. The report fixes human development firmly on the agenda of policy makers who seek the best outcomes from increasingly complex patterns of human movement worldwide.

Also available in E-Books format

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.03.III.A.1 ISBN: 9789280810806 Pages: 220 Price: $26.95


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Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme Sales Number: E.09.III.B.1 ISBN: 9780230239043 Pages: 232 Price: $43.00

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The Global Economic Crisis: Systemic Failures and Multilateral Remedies


Humanitarian Diplomacy: Practitioners and their Craft

The Least Developed Countries Report 2009: The State and Development Governance

Humanitarian professionals are on the front lines of today’s internal armed conflicts, negotiating access through physical and diplomatic roadblocks to reach imperiled civilians. This volume provides a compendium of experiences presented and analyzed by 14 senior humanitarian practitioners who led humanitarian operations in settings as diverse as the Balkans and Nepal, Somalia and East Timor, and across a time frame from the 1970s in Cambodia and 1980s in Lebanon to more recent engagement in Colombia and Iraq.

The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are a group of countries that have been classified by the United Nations as least developed in terms of their low GDP per capita, their weak human assets and their high degree of economic vulnerability. This Report argues that the impact of the global economic crisis is likely to be so severe in LDCs that “business as usual” is no longer possible. The crisis offers the necessity and opportunity for change. The Report sketches out a concrete, alternative economic strategy and a fresh agenda for LDC policymakers, which includes institutional capacitybuilding and the strengthening of the market-complementing developmental State.

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Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.07.III.A.1 ISBN: 9789280811346 Pages: 422 Price: $37.00

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.9 ISBN: 9789211127690 Pages: 196 Price: $50.00

Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations

Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2007-2008

The Model Regulations cover the classification of dangerous goods, their listing, the use, construction, testing and approval of packagings and portable tanks, as well as consignment procedures such as marking, labeling, placarding and documentation. This edition contains new provisions (e.g. transport of substances which are toxic by inhalation, requirements for metal hydride storage systems, provisions for fuel cell engines, use of open cryogenic receptacles) and revised provisions (e.g. transport of dangerous goods packed in limited quantities, classification criteria for environmentally hazardous substances, use of electronic data interchange transmission techniques and special provisions for fumigated cargo transport units).”

This Survey builds on the right to development themes adopted in previous issues and focuses on two significant concerns that have long constrained the right to development in the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) region: capital flight and unemployment. The publication illustrates recent economic trends and developments in the ESCWA region, capital flows to the region, discusses rights-based employment creation, and gives synopsis of integrated social policies. It concludes with a rights-based macroeconomic policy for the ESCWA region.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.VIII.2 ISBN: 9789211391367 Pages: 808 Price: $155.00

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.L.10 ISBN: 9789211283211 Pages: 108 Price: $25.00

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The report presents the yearly assessment of global progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It states that despite many successes, overall progress has been too slow for many targets to be met by the deadline in 2015. In addition, important advances in the fight against poverty and hunger have begun to decelerate or even reverse in consequence of the global economic and food crises.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.12 ISBN: 9789211011968 Pages: 56 Price: $15.00

Trade and Development Report 2009: Responding to the Global Crisis - Climate Change Mitigation and Development This publication addresses the main issues of global economic outlook and short-term policy response to the financial and economic crisis, international monetary reform to complement stricter financial regulation and climate change mitigation as a process of structural change. It analyzes global economic prospects within the framework of the current economic and financial crisis. It also heeds the short-term fiscal, financial and monetary policies that were adopted in response to the impacts of the 2008-2009 crisis. How can increased efforts aimed at climate change mitigation be combined with forward-looking development strategies and rapid growth in developing countries?

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales No.: E.09.II.D.16 ISBN: 9789211127768 Pages: 218 Price: $55.00

UNECE Countries in Figures 2009 This booklet provides a one-page overview of the 56 member countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) situated in Europe, North America, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Profiles include key facts and a map of each country, demographic data and indicators of gender equality, employment, national accounts, prices, trade and transport.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.E.5 ISBN: 9789211170009 Pages: 164 Price: $27.00

The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2008 The Yearbook is a rich source of historical knowledge of developments, trends and achievements of multilateral disarmament for more than 30 years. Part I contains an annual compilation of text and statistics of disarmament-related resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly. Part II presents the main topics of multilateral consideration during the year and a convenient issues-oriented timeline.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IX.1 ISBN: 9789211422672 Pages: 568 Price: $65.00


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Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 (Includes the 2009 Progress Chart)


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World Drug Report 2009 The World Drug Report 2009 presents comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and trends on production, trafficking and consumption in the opium/heroin, coca/cocaine, cannabis and amphetamine-type stimulants markets. This year, for the first time, the Report includes special feature sections on the quality of drug data available to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), trends in drug use among young people and police-recorded drug offences. It also discusses one the most formidable unintended consequences of drug control – the black market for drugs – and how the international community best can tackle it.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.12 ISBN: 9789211482409 Pages: 312 Price: $70.00

Also available in E-Books format

World Investment Report 2009

The World Investment Report 2009, subtitled “Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Production and Development” analyses two major issues: How have foreign direct investment (FDI) flows reacted to the current financial and economic crisis? How do traditional and new foreign investors - transnational corporations (TNCs) - affect agriculture, the basis of livelihood in many developing countries? According to the report, after decades of slow growth, TNCs´ interest and participation in agriculture - including - is again on the rise. Despite this increase, in most countries today only a small share of FDI goes to agriculture. Renewed interest by foreign investors in agricultural investment is significant enough to raise questions about whether FDI and other forms of TNC participation in agriculture can contribute to the development of this long neglected industry. WIR 2009 suggests an integrated policy approach that takes into account concerns arising from TNC involvement.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.15 ISBN: 9789211127751 Pages: 312 Price: $95.00

World Economic and Social Survey 2008: Overcoming Economic Insecurity According to the Survey, economic insecurity arises from the exposure of individuals, communities and countries to adverse events, and from their inability to cope with and recover from the downside losses. Local concerns have been compounded by new global threats as unregulated markets and climate change. The Survey calls for more active policy responses to help communities better manage these new risks, increased investment in preventing threatening events from emerging and more efforts to strengthen the underlying social contracts which are, in the end, the real basis of a more secure, stable and just future.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.C.1 ISBN: 9789211091571 Pages: 234 Price: $60.00

Also available in E-Books format

Yearbook of the United Nations 2006: Delivering as 1 A Unified Response to Global Challenges This fully indexed “Yearbook”, reproduces in their entirety the texts of, and votes on, all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions. Its 33 chapters deeply cover developments in the main political and security questions; human rights; economic and social questions; legal questions; and institutional, administrative and budgetary questions.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.1 H ISBN: 9789211011708 Pages: 1814 Price: $175.00

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13 Building Trust through Civic Engagement

Falling levels of trust in government have become an increasingly significant issue of global scale, affecting governments in both developing and developed regions. This publication is the result of the Workshop on Building Trust through Civic Engagement which took place in Vienna in 2007. It explores the role of civic engagement in building trust in government, highlights best practices and lessons learned from previous experiences in civic participation and address the institutional forms and capacity building issues related to forging ongoing partnerships to foster civic engagement in government processes.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.H.6 ISBN: 9789211231786 Pages: 272 Price: $35.00

Children and Conflict in a Changing World: Machel Study 10 Year Strategic Review

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.2 ISBN: 9789280643633 Pages: 232 Price: $35.00

Designing a Peacebuilding Infrastructure: Taking a Systems Approach to the Prevention of Deadly Conflict

The Dossier focuses on one of the most compelling issues to be addressed in this century—resolving deadly conflict. It explores what we are doing as a human community to address such conflict and what we should be doing as the decade progresses. It highlights the fact that on one hand, there is a vibrant community of agencies and organizations working in the field of peacebuilding, but on the other hand, there is no overarching structure, little cohesion and extensive fragmentation in the field. The Dossier also advances the idea that the UN can play a much greater role in peacebuilding than currently acknowledged.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.29 ISBN: 9789211011845 Pages: 252 Price: $5.00

Evaluation of UNDP Assistance to Conflict - Affeced Countries: Human Security

This study on United Nations Development Programme support to conflict-affected countries was conducted by UNDP’s Evaluation Office in response to a request from UNDP’s Executive Board. The evaluation was designed to assess the extent to which UNDP has helped address the structural conditions conducive to conflict so that a recurrence of armed conflict could be prevented. UNDP’s policies and operations in conflict-affected countries were examined in the context of UN reform, especially integrated UN peace-keeping and peacebuilding missions. Research and analysis covered the period 2000-2005 and involved in-depth case studies in six countries, all of which were, or still are under Security Council mandate.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.18 ISBN: 9789211262537 Pages: 132 Price: $23.00

Guidelines for Governments on Preventing the Illegal Sale of Internationally Controlled Substances through the Internet

This document tempts to give guidelines to provide assistance in formulating national legislation and policies for prescribers, pharmacists, law enforcement authorities, regulatory authorities and the public with regard to the use of the Internet to dispense, purchase, export and import internationally controlled substances. They include recommendations for action to be taken at the international and national levels and are divided into three parts; legislative and regulatory provisions; general measures; and national and international cooperation.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.6 ISBN: 9789211482362 Pages: 24 Price: $13.00


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Peace and Security

The organization of this report aims to heighten our understanding of the myriad ways in which armed conflict affects children – and how children regard their participation not only in war but in programmes aimed at preventing violence against them and in promoting their recovery and reintegration. The central message of this 10-year strategic review is that “war violates every right of the child”. The report thus frames its findings within three categories: political and diplomatic actions and responsibilities; system-wide international policies, standards and architectures; and prevention and response.

14 Guidelines on Representative Drug Sampling

The present guidelines describe a number of sampling methods, from arbitrary methods to methods with a statistical background. They focus on sampling in cases where large numbers of relatively homogeneous material are available. Some aspects of sampling for international cases are discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of various methods, also in relation with sampling practice, are brought up. The guidelines aim to support drug analysis laboratories in the selection of their sampling strategies and best working practices.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.13 ISBN: 9789211482416 Pages: 52 Price: $15.00

Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism

Terrorism is a complex and ever-changing phenomenon. The handbook aims to provide law enforcement and criminal justice officials with an accessible guide to assist them in dealing with some of the key issues that they face in their efforts to respond to terrorist and related crimes. The publication will also be of use to policymakers and political leaders in the shaping of new or enhanced counter-terrorism laws, policies and practices. It reviews the many challenges encountered by the various components of the criminal justice system in the prevention, investigation, prosecution and detention of alleged or convicted perpetrators of terrorist crimes. It offers guidance based on international standards and generally accepted good practices.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IV.2 ISBN: 9789211302707 Pages: 132 Price: $26.00

Also available in E-Books format

Peace and Security

Handbook on Planning and Action for Crime Prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean Regions

This handbook is a reference for those who intent to introduce practices in order to reduce and prevent crime. It uses experience from the developing word, especially from the Caribbean and Southern Africa and takes into account the work that has been done on the South-South exchange programme since 2004. It is a very useful tool to know why crime takes place, what kind of programme for crime prevention works depending on the context, what information is needed as well as what are the ways to build capacity for effective crime prevention.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IV.1 ISBN: 9789211302691 Pages: 126 Price: $26.00

Also available in E-Books format

Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals

Global energy demands are driving a potential expansion in the use of nuclear energy worldwide. It is estimated that the global nuclear power capacity could double by 2030. This could result in dissemination of sensitive nuclear technologies that present obvious risks of proliferation. Certain international institutional mechanisms for controlling access to sensitive materials, facilities and technologies are needed for dealing with this problem. Over the past few years, 12 proposals have been put forward by states, nuclear industry and international organizations, aimed at checking the spread of uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing technologies. This book presents an overview and analysis of these proposals, including an evaluation of the projected international mechanisms.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.GV.09.0.6 I SBN: 9789290451952 Pages: 124 Price: $21.00

ODA Occasional Papers: Assessing the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms

The United Nations Register of Conventional Arms was founded when inter-State warfare had, for a long time, been considered the main threat to peace and security. It focuses on transfers of those major conventional weapons that typically can be used in offensive military operations carried out across international borders. This publication offers historical information on the Register as a tool of transparency, as well as points to possibilites for its future development. It also presents facts and figures related to the Register in convenient statistical graphs.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IX.4 ISBN: 9789211422696 Pages: 44 Price: $10.00

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15 ODA Occasional Papers: Conflict of Interests - Children and Guns in Zones of Instability; Panel Discussion at the United Nations (15 July 2008, New York)

This publication captures the introductions to the Programme of Action on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms which presents the link between small arms and child soldiers. It also contains a slide show presentation of programmes aimed to retrain youth in the conflict-prone area of Casamance in Senegal as well as a presentation of the results of a research projects on the impact of small arms borne by children in situations of conflict and peace.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IX.2 ISBN: 9789211422658 Pages: 36 Price: $10.00

ODA Occasional Papers: Developing a Biological Incident Database (23 October 2008, New York)

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IX.3 ISBN: 9789211422665 Pages: 108 Price: $17.50

Precursors and Chemicals Frequently Used in the Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 2008

To prevent the diversion of precursor chemicals for use in the illicit manufacture of drugs, governments must have adequate legislation in line with the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances as well as effective working mechanisms and procedures for information feedback between the authorities involved in the control of precursor chemicals. The International Narcotics Control Board in its annual report examines actions taken recently and highlights both successful results and shortcomings.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.4 ISBN: 9789211482348 Pages: 92 Price: $30.00

Also available in E-Books format

Putting Economic Governance at the Heart of Peacebuilding

The purpose of this report is two-fold. First, the report seeks to demonstrate how effective economic governance provides a critical fundation for peace and state effectiveness. Second, the report proposes how existing United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) programmes, projects and priorities can contribute to the work of the newly formed United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) as well as to wider peacebuilding efforts. The report overall seeks to place economic governance at the heart of peacebuilding.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.E.2 ISBN: 9789211169973 Pages: 88 Price: $18.00

Report on World Space Week 2008

The publication describes the work of the World Space Week that celebrates the contribution of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. Consisting of synchronized outreach and education activities by a myriad of organizations, World Space Week reaches a massive audience each October 4-10 through both attendance and media coverage and informs the public about the benefits of space while inspiring the workforce of tomorrow. The theme of the World Space Week 2008 was “Exploring the Universe”.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.11 ISBN: 9789211011951 Pages: 22 Price: $35.00


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Peace and Security

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs’ (UNODA) Occasional Papers is a series of ad hoc publications presenting, in edited form, papers or statement made at international meetings, symposiums, seminars or workshops organized by the Office for Disarmament Affairs. They deal with topical issues in the field of arms limitation, disarmament and international security and are intended primarily for those concerned with these matters in Government, civil society and in academic community. This document explains the Biological Incident Database based on proposals by experts from interested Member States and on public information available in case studies. Its purpose is to strengthen the capabilities of States to prevent and combat terrorism.

16 United Nations and Nuclear Orders, The

This book brings a world-class team of authors to examine United Nations actors, tools, and issues associated with the changing nature of the environment in which it operates; the ways in which it has responded and might respond to technological and political problems; and the questions and difficulties that arise for the world organization. Issues covered in the book include doctrinal questions on the use of force, the regional dynamics of nuclear proliferation, and the growing concern that nuclear order established by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) may collapse or simply be overtaken by events.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.9 ISBN: 9789280811674 Pages: 344 Price: $34.00

Unfinished Business: The Negotiation of the CTBT and the End of Nuclear Testing

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) remains a key piece of unfinished business of the nuclear age. As a growing number of governments and decision makers put forward ideas to move the world toward abolishing nuclear weapons, much can be learnt from how the CTBT was fought for, opposed and finally negotiated between 1994 and 1996. The treaty’s necessity was underlined when the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea conducted a nuclear test explosion in 2006, but more than a decade of political and institutional obstacles have prevented the CTBT from entering into full legal effect. New opportunities exist today for CTBT entry into force. Understanding the story of the treaty will enable civil society, governments and diplomats to assist in this process and to develop more effective strategies and tools to bring about future disarmament agreements.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.0.4 ISBN: 9789290451945 Pages: 384 Price: $50.00

Peace and Security

United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2008, The

The Yearbook is a rich source of historical knowledge of developments, trends and achievements of multilateral disarmament for more than 30 years. Part I contains an annual compilation of text and statistics of disarmamentrelated resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly. Part II presents the main topics of multilateral consideration during the year and a convenient issues-oriented timeline.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IX.1 ISBN: 9789211422672 Pages: 568 Price: $65.00

World Religions and Norms of War

Over more than two millennia, the world’s leading religious traditions have provided the guidance in questions of when war can be justified, and of what methods and targets are permissible in war. Linking deep historical analysis to contemporary issues, this volume provides valuable insight, and even prompts us to rethink our understanding of the role and influence of religion in the state politics. The book exposes the norms of war in Hinduism, in Theravada Buddhism, in Japanese religion, in Judaism, in Roman Catholic Christianity, in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, in Protestant Christianity, in Shia Islam and in Sunni Islam, and discusses norms of war in cross-religious perspective.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.7 ISBN: 9789280811636 Pages: 352 Price: $36.00

Year in Review 2008: United Nations Peace Operations

As the international community celebrated the 60th anniversary of United Nations peacekeeping during 2008, today’s blue helmets found themselves over-stretched and confronted with numerous and increasingly complex operations all across the globe. This review explains the issues and operations which took place in 2008 and will take place in the future years.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.5 ISBN: 9789211011913 Pages: 52 Price: $10.00

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17 Children and Disability in Transition in CEE/CIS and Baltic States

This Innocenti Insight looks at how children with disabilities and their families fare in the rapidly changing environment of this wide region, since transition in the early 1980’s. It builds upon the significant body of research and policy reflections accrued at the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (IRC) with the support of national statistical offices in the 27 countries of the region. UNICEF IRC has tracked and explored the impact on children and their families of economic and social changes in the region since transition began. This report draws upon three new pieces of research that include data, a qualitative survey and first-person interviews. The results highlight the legacies of the past, the momentum for change and areas where action is further needed. Institutionalisation, segregation and discrimination are still prominent features of the environment in which children with disabilities live across the region.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.06.XX.18 ISBN: 9788889129203 Pages: 84 Price: $20.00

The evidence presented in this review confirms the centrality of children and their unique vulnerabilities to global, national and subnational policies and frameworks on climate change and human security. It also identifies a gap in existing agreements, protocols and policies that have not sufficiently recognized or addressed children’s issues in the past. This paper seeks to substantiate the need for frameworks and protocols that will recognize, protect and empower children and young people in light of the effects of climate change. At the same time, children are also powerful protagonists for change and can contribute significantly to the collective effort to mitigate climate change and its effects.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.6 ISBN: 9788889129838 Pages: 64 Price: $20.00

Climate in Peril: A Popular Guide to the Latest IPCC Reports

Climate in Peril: A Popular Guide to the Latest IPCC Reports presents the substance of the Climate Change 2007 Synthesis Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in simplified language and structure. The guide, intended for lay readers, is a joint publication of GRID-Arendal and SMI Books, with the generous support of the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.4 ISBN: 9788277010533 Pages: 60 Price: $20.00

Effects of Ionizing Radiation: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation - UNSCEAR 2006 Report, Volume II - Report to the General Assembly, with Scientific Annexes C, D, and E

The purpose of this annex is to summarize the literature on non-targeted effects associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and, where possible, to evaluate how such effects may affect risks associated with radiation exposure, the understanding of radiation-induced carcinogenesis, and the mechanistic basis for interpreting epidemiological data on radiation effects.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IX.5 ISBN: 9789211422702 Pages: 340 Price: $80.00

Also available in electronic format

Energy Costing Tool: User’s Guide - For Use in Costing MDG-based Energy Needs

A crucial part of developing Millennium Development Goals (MDG)-based national development strategies is MDG costing, which quantifies the specific financial and human resources needed, as well as infrastructure required, to meet the MDGs. The Energy Costing Tool has been designed specifically to help government planners and decision makers estimate the amounts and types of energy investments required to meet the MDGs. Results of such an assessment can form the basis for developing country-specific strategies to meet the MDGs by 2015. Moreover, it provides a framework for the transparent budgeting of public expenditures to meet the MDGs.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme Sales Number: E.09.III.B.35 Pages: 76 Price: $23.00


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Environment & Urban Issues

Climate Change and Children: A Human Security Challenge - Policy Review Paper

18 Environment on the Edge 2007-2008

Environment on the Edge is a series of lectures given by leading international figures that examine our current relationship with the natural world and discuss what tomorrow might bring. It talks about different subjects such as: climate change, ocean acidification, creation of a healthy environment in China, and international environment governance.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.7 ISBN: 9789280729931 Pages: 88 Price: $15.00

Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management: Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global Resource

Excreta and wastewater sludge are resources. Finding ways to put them to their best uses is part of developing sustainable human communities. But if not managed properly, excreta and sludge can be dangerous to human health and the environment. How to integrate theses opposing concepts is an ongoing worldwide challenge. This Atlas provides examples of how this challenge is addressed around the globe. The 59 reports provide insights into the similarities and differences in the management of excreta, wastewater, and biosolids in 37 countries. This compilation of information includes specific information from 19% of the member states of the United Nations, and includes representation of diverse countries and the full spectrum of management programs.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Environment & Urban Issues

Sales Number: E.09.III.Q.1 ISBN: 9789211320091 Pages: 628 Price: $60.00

Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2008: Analysis of Trends and Issues in the Financing of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Global investment in sustainable energy broke all previous records in 2007, with an increase of 60% over 2006. This healthy investment environment bodes well for the continued growth of the sustainable energy sector. The report provides an overview of different types of capital flows and an analysis of the trends in sustainable energy investment activity in developed and developing countries. The information is intended to be a strategic tool for understanding the status of the sustainable energy sector’s development and for weighing future public and private commitments to the sector.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.9 ISBN: 9789280729399 Pages: 68 Price: $35.00

Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS): Third Revised Edition

The GHS addresses classification of chemicals by types of hazard and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets. It aims at ensuring that information on physical hazards and toxicity from chemicals be available in order to enhance the protection of human health and the environment during the handling, transport and use of these chemicals. The GHS also provides a basis for harmonization of rules and regulations on chemicals at national, regional and worldwide level, an important factor also for trade facilitation. This third revised edition contains various new and revised provisions concerning, inter alia, new provisions for the allocation of hazard statements and for the labelling of small packagings, two new sub-categories for respiratory and skin sensitization, the revision of the classification criteria for long-term hazards (chronic toxicity) to the aquatic environment, and a new hazard class for substances and mixtures hazardous to the ozone layer.�

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.E.10 ISBN: 9789211170061 Pages: 566 Price: $105.00

Also available in E-Book format

Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities

Current urban planning systems are not equipped to deal with the major urban challenges of the 21st century, including effects of climate change, resource depletion and economic instability, plus continued rapid urbanization with its negative consequences such as poverty, slums and urban informality. The publication reviews the major challenges currently facing cities and towns all over the world, the emergence and spread of modern urban planning and the effectiveness of current approaches. More importantly, it identifies innovative urban planning approaches and practices that are more responsive to current and future challenges of urbanization. The Global Report on Human Settlements is the most authoritative and up-to-date global assessment of human settlements conditions and trends. It is an essential reference for researchers, academics, public authorities and civil society organizations all over the world.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.Q.3 ISBN: 9781844078998 Pages: 336 Price: $58.00

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19 Greening Growth in Asia and the Pacific: Follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development - Taking Action on the Regional Implementation Plan for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, 2006-2010

The book explains three basic principles of Greening growth: quality of economic growth, eco-efficiency of economic growth, and environmental sustainability vis-á-vis environmental performance; and four pillars of Green growth: eco-tax reform, sustainable infrastructure, the greening of business and sustainable consumption. It explores them as potential for policy options and approaches for sustainable development and improved welfare, and gives fresh and practical perspectives from regional governments and experts.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.6 ISBN: 9789211205718 Pages: 76 Price: $36.00

Within many international river basins including those in Europe, the demand for water for domestic, industrial, and environmental purposes in growing annually. Thus nations sharing river systems, lakes, and aquifers are becoming more vulnerable to tensions and conflicts, and climate change will, in many places, intensifying these challenges. Monitoring, predicting, and pre-empting transboundary water conflicts, particularly in developing countries will become more central to future human and environmental security. This report focuses on the challenges and opportunities facing Europe – a continent that enjoys relatively abundant water resources.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.16 ISBN: 9789280730364 Pages: 196 Price: $40.00

Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: North America

The main problem in North America is the location of water resources relative to large population centers where the majority of the freshwater drains away from the bulk of the population. Climate variability and change is a reality. It raises the impact on variability and availability within the continent, which is characterized by its different climatic regions. The hydo-vulnerability of North America is tempered and governed by agreements, laws and institutions such as International Joint Commission (IJC) and International Boundary & Water Commission (IBWC), which have been created to resolve transboundary water issues in a cooperative manner for over a century, resulting in minimal conflicts in the region.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.17 ISBN: 9789280730357 Pages: 128 Price: $40.00

Institutional Changes for Sanitation: Discussion Paper on the Institutional Changes Required to Achieve the MDG Target on Sanitation

This report presents the institutional progress made in selected member countries towards achieving sanitation goals, as reported in an Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)-led survey. Ins titutional progress consists of changes in administrative, legal and financial rules and practices that have been made with sanitation goals in mind. It also includes the “slow-moving” institutions, which are social norms and practices, general awareness of the public and the ensuing demand for sanitation services.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.15 ISBN: 9789211205817 Pages: 62 Price: $24.00

Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals

Global energy demands are driving a potential expansion in the use of nuclear energy worldwide. It is estimated that the global nuclear power capacity could double by 2030. This could result in dissemination of sensitive nuclear technologies that present obvious risks of proliferation. Certain international institutional mechanisms for controlling access to sensitive materials, facilities and technologies are needed for dealing with this problem. Over the past few years, 12 proposals have been put forward by states, nuclear industry and international organizations, aimed at checking the spread of uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing technologies. This book presents an overview and analysis of these proposals, including an evaluation of the projected international mechanisms.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.GV.09.0.6 ISBN: 9789290451952 Pages: 124 Price: $21.00


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Environment & Urban Issues

Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Europe

20 Self-made Cities: In Search of Sustainable Solutions for Informal Settlements in the United Nations Commission for Europe Region

Informal settlements are often characterized as “illegal’ residential formations lacking basic infrastructure, security of tenure and adequate housing. This book describes how more than 50 million people in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region have come to live in informal settlements and examines the main characteristics of the phenomenon. It also provides policy recommendations based on case studies and initiatives implemented in the region, with varying degrees of success. It concludes that there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution, as informal settlements are the product of complex socio-political processes that differ significantly from country to country and from region to region.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.E.9 ISBN: 9789211170054 Pages: 136 Price: $19.00

Sustainable Urbanization in the Information Age

This book talks about sustainable urbanization as the key consideration in environmental planning and management to improve living conditions for the 2.5 billion poor in the world. It examines policies and actions that might provide new, more effective responses to poverty, social justice, environmental degradation and other challenges as humans increasingly congregate in urban agglomerations. It also examines the experiences how the private sector and civil society can contribute to achieving sustainable urbanization. The book contains views of representatives of cities from all over the world in dealing with sustainable urbanization and information communication technologies.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Environment & Urban Issues

Sales Number: E.09.II.H.2 ISBN: 9789211231816 Pages: 194 Price: $30.00

The Natural Fix? The Role of Ecosystems in Climate Mitigation

The report describes the vital contribution that ecosystems can and must make in our efforts to cut very large emissions of greenhouse gases that are needed if we are to avoid the worst effects of global climate change. Vigorous efforts are needed to decrease carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and doing so will be impossible without addressing carbon losses from ecosystems such as forests and peatlands. Managing ecosystems for carbon can not only reduce carbon emissions; it can also actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Restoring some of the large amounts of carbon lost from agricultural soils and drylands has the greatest potential here. Currently, this natural fix is the only feasible option for removing carbon from the atmosphere at large.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.11 ISBN: 9788277010571 Pages: 66 Price: $25.00

Trade and Development Report 2009: Responding to the Global Crisis - Climate Change Mitigation and Development

The Trade and Development Report 2009, subtitled “Responding to the Global Crisis - Climate Change Mitigation and Development” addresses the main issues of global economic outlook and short-term policy response to the financial and economic crisis, international monetary reform to complement stricter financial regulation and climate change mitigation as a process of structural change. The report analyzes global economic prospects within the framework of the current economic and financial crisis. It also heeds the shortterm fiscal, financial and monetary policies that were adopted in response to the impacts of the 2008-2009 crisis. It also looks at the question of how increased efforts aimed at climate change mitigation can be combined with forward-looking development strategies and rapid growth in developing countries. Sales Number: E.09.II.D.16 ISBN: 9789211127768 Pages: 218 Price: $55.00

Training Resource Manual: The Use of Economic Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management

The Manual provides step-by-step guidance to assist instructors in training policymakers and practitioners in the use of economic instruments – pollution taxes, user fees, property rights, etc, - for sustainable development in general and for environmental and natural resource management in particular. Designed as an interactive working document composed of flexible modules and exercises and providing guidance for trainers and course participants, the manual offers substantial flexibility for trainers to custom design courses that meet local needs and priorities.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.12 ISBN: 9789280726909 Pages: 296 Price: $65.00

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21 Vital Forest Graphics

Forests are very important for the world’s population and large and play critical role in the Earth’s life support system, including global carbon and hydrological cycles. This publication provides an overview of the global trends in forest cover and looks specifically at the four largest forest ecosystems and analyses the trends and challenges in heir conservation and management. It scrutinizes some of the key drivers behind forest loss, including the increasing demand for commodities and energy. Finally it reviews some of the best practices for sustainable management of forest, including regulatory regimes, participatory management and economic incentives.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.13 ISBN: 9789280729030 Pages: 70 Price: $25.00

This document is intended to provide an overview of the major components of surface and ground water quality and how these relate to ecosystem and human health. Local, regional and global assessments of water quality monitoring data are used to illustrate key features of aquatic environments, and to demonstrate how human activities on the landscape can influence water quality in both positive and negative ways. Clear and concise background knowledge on water quality can serve to support other water assessments.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.3 ISBN: 9789295039513 Pages: 128 Price: $25.00

World Water Development Report 3: Water in A Changing World

The news media are full of talk of crises – in climate change, energy and food and troubled financial markets. These crises are linked to each other and to water resources management. Unresolved, they may lead to increasing political insecurity and conflict. Water is required to meet our fundamental needs and rising living standards and to sustain our planet’s fragile ecosystems. Pressures on the resources come from a growing and mobile population, social and cultural change, economic development and technological change, and climate change. The Report shows how some countries have responded to these substantial challenges. The Report is accompanied by a first-stand-alone volume of World Water Assessment Programme case studies, “Facing the Challenges”, which highlights the essential points of twenty case studies from around the world.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Sales Number: E.09.II.A.3 ISBN: 9789231040955 Pages: 442 Price: $59.00


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Environment & Urban Issues

Water Quality for Ecosystem and Human Health

22 Achieving Sustainable Development in an Age of Climate Change

The present Policy Note reflects policy developments on the issue of sustainable development from the tenth session of the Committee for Development Policy of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It closely examines the key channels through which climate change could undermine development, and identifies potential strategies aimed at ameliorating any negative impact , with particular attention given to adaptation and mitigation policies, enhanced international cooperation (especially in finance and technology), and improved policy coherence.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.A.16 ISBN: 9789211045925 Pages: 40 Price: $20.00

Active Labor Market Programs for the Integration of Youths and Immigrants into the Labor Market: The Nordic Experience

This study’s purpose is to survey the evaluation literature on active labor market programs (ALMPs) in the Nordic countries which have relatively long tradition in those practices. It provides a general overview of the success and failure of different types of ALPMs as well as a more detailed account of the Nordic experience with targeted programs towards vulnerable groups such as unemployed youth and immigrants.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.G.90 ISBN: 9789211216875 Pages: 60 Price: $10.00

Development and MDGs

Annual Review of Developments in Globalization and Regional Integration in the Arab Countries, 2007

This sixth edition of the Annual Review addresses comprehensively the significant developments in globalization and regional integration in the Arab countries. It covers the progress made by Arab countries in integrating their economies into the world economy as well as their efforts in Arab regional integration. The progress made in Arab regional integration is reviewed through an analysis of set of sectors that play an important role in regional integration such as trade, investment, tourism, labor remittances and official development assistance (ODA) on the Arab intraregional level.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.L.8 ISBN: 9789211283204 Pages: 104 Price: $25.00

Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries

Like the first Arab Human Development Report, this fifth volume in the series undertakes a broad diagnostic of the state of development in Arab countries, this time through the lens of human security. Adopting a more differentiated approach to the particular contours of sub-regions, it shows that the concept of human security offers a relevant framework for refocusing the social contract in the Arab countries on neglected priorities. The Report analyzes interdependent threats and downturns that undermine the safety and development prospects of individuals and states alike, and indicates policy orientations that Arab governments, civil society, citizens and international actors could adopt in response.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.08.III.B.3 ISBN: 9789211262117 Pages: 288 Price: $24.95

Asia-Pacific Development Journal, June 2008

The primary emphasis of the Journal is the publication of empirically based, policy-oriented articles, which can engage the attention of policy makers, academicians and researchers. The articles analyze development issues and problems relevant to the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific Development Journal is issued twice a year.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.F.26 ISBN: 9789211205619 Pages: 164 Price: $29.00

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23 Asia-Pacific Population Journal, August 2008

Issued three times a year, the Asia-Pacific Population Journal is an invaluable resource containing opinions and analysis by experts on important issues related to population. It provides a medium for the international exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas, technical information and data on all aspects of population.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.F.98 ISBN: 9789211205589 Pages: 108 Price: $12.50

Issued three times a year, the Asia-Pacific Population Journal is an invaluable resource containing opinions and analysis by experts on important issues related to population. It provides a medium for the international exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas, technical information and data on all aspects of population.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.F.97 ISBN: 9789211205664 Pages: 120 Price: $12.50

Assessment of Development Results: Benin

This assessment of Development Results (ADR) was conducted in Benin to assess United Nations Development Programme contribution to the attainment of national development results and to share the findings, conclusions and recommendations with the UN system, the population of Benin, its government and the international community. The ADR exercise is forward-looking and is aimed at drawing lessons for future UNDP programming in Benin.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.6 ISBN: 9789211262391 Pages: 84 Price: $23.00

Assessment of Development Results: Colombia

This report presents the findings of an Assessment of Development Results (ADR) for Colombia. The purpose of the ADR was to assess the United Nations Development Programmes’ (UNDP’s) overall performance and contribution to development results as well as to draw lessons for future strategies. Specifically, it analyzed programs and projects undertaken by UNDP in Colombia under the 1998-2006 Country Cooperation Frameworks, with emphasis on 2002-2006 and UNDP’s strategic positioning.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.22 ISBN: 9789211262575 Pages: 64 Price: $23.00

Assessment of Development Results: Guatemala -Evaluation of UNDP Contribution

Assessments of Development Results (ADRs) provide an independent evaluation of United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP’s) contributions to development in the countries it operates. This ADR spans the 2001-2008 period covering the UNDP strategic plan for Guatemala for 2001-2004 and 2005-2008. The assessment provides inputs for UNDP’s next strategic document for the country.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.14 ISBN: 9789211262483 Pages: 102 Price: $23.00


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Development andMDGs

Asia-Pacific Population Journal, December 2008

24 Assessment of Development Results: Jordan

This report analyzes the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an independent evaluation of the United Nations Development Programme’s contribution to socio-economic and human development in Jordan over the course of two program cycles during 1998-2007. This Assessment of Development Results (ADR) focuses on the strategic positioning of UNDP within the policy environment in Jordan, and assesses whether the UNDP Country Office (CO) has been able to make critical and tangible contributions to development results in the country.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.24 ISBN: 9789211262599 Pages: 116 Price: $23.00

Assessment of Development Results: Lao PDR

This report presents the findings of the country-level evaluation, Assessment of Development Results (ADR), undertaken by the United Nations Development Programme Evaluation Office in 2006. The ADR is an independent evaluation of UNDP’s relevance and contribution to a country’s development over a given period of time. The goal of the ADR is to generate lessons for strengthening country-level programming and to contribute to the organization’s effectiveness.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.21 ISBN: 9789211262568 Pages: 96 Price: $23.00

Development and MDGs

Assessment of Development Results: Montenegro

In Montenegro, United Nations Development Programme focused on the republic’s continuing reform efforts. This assessment of Development Results (ADP) reviews the last five years of UNDP’s support to Montenegro, from 2001-2005, within the context of its relationship with Serbia and its current and future development challenges. The assessment is based on an evaluation of current and past programmes and extensive stakeholder consultations. It provides an analysis of the extent to which UNDP has positioned itself effectively to identify and respond to national development needs. It also offers an overall assessment of the development results in the areas of post-conflict transition achieved in cooperation with the Government and other development partners.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.20 ISBN: 9789211262551 Pages: 120 Price: $23.00

Assessment of Development Results: Serbia

A decade of regional warfare during the 1990s, intervention by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the authoritarian policies of the Milosevic regime left Serbia socially, politically and economically devastated. Serbia became isolated from the international community, and the transition brought a number of costs. The assessment is based on an evaluation of current and past programmes and extensive stakeholder consultations. It provides an analysis of the extent to which United Nations Development Programme has positioned itself effectively to identify and respond to national development needs. It also offers an overall assessment of the development results in the areas of post-conflict transition achieved in cooperation with the Government and other development partners.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.17 ISBN: 9789211262520 Pages: 140 Price: $23.00

Business of Sustainable Development in Africa, The: Human Rights, Partnerships, Alternative Business Models

This book is about enhancing the contribution of business to sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa, with an emphasis on both challenges and opportunities. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world where the proportion of extremely poor people increased during the final decades of the previous century. The overarching imperative to support Africa’s poor in their quest for better livelihoods, human rights and environmental integrity, is a huge challenge, and the business community has an important role to play. The purpose of this book is to contribute to a better understanding of this role and its implications for decision-makers in business, as well as, to some extent, government and civil society.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.5 ISBN: 9789280811681 Pages: 376 Price: $37.00

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25 Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor

The extreme prevalence of poverty in today’s world calls us urgently for action. Yet the poor harbour a potential for consumption, production, innovation and entrepreneurial activity that is largely untapped. This report shows how entrepreneurs can serve the poor as clients and customers and can also include the poor as producers, employees and business owners. The report’s main message: Business with the poor can create value for all. The publication draws on 50 specially commissioned case studies of businesses that have successfully included the poor, despite the constraints, and created value for all. The cases afford the wealth of ideas for inclusive business models.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.08.III.B.20 ISBN: 9789211262247 Pages: 176 Price: $19.95

This report presents the outcome of the United nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) evaluability assessments of the Delivering as One (DaO) pilot initiatives. The evaluability assessments were designed to be the first stage of an overall evaluation process but can also be viewed as stand-alone products that may be useful to a future evaluation. The assessments describe and analyze the basic parameters that will make it possible to fully evaluate at a later stage both the results of the DaO pilot initiatives and the processes that will lead to these results.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.8 ISBN: 9789211262414 Pages: 36 Price: $10.00

Developing Entrepreneurship in the UNECE Region: Country Experiences In Reducing Barriers to Enterprise Development

The purpose of this publication is to identify and examine the major impediments to entreprise development in the emerging market economies of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’ (UNECE) region and discuss the measures that are being taken by governments to reduce or eliminate them. The publication also draws on the major findings and recommendations to governments by the 2007 UNECE International Conference on Reducing Barriers to Entrepreneurship and Encouraging Entreprise Development: Policy Options.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.E.18 ISBN: 9789211169966 Pages: 76 Price: $15.00

Downsizing Development: An Introduction to Nano-scale Technologies and the Implications for the Global South

The Dossier warns that the immediate and most pressing issue is that nanotechnologies are likely to bring huge socio-economic disruptions for which society is not prepared. Governments must gain the capacity to understand and address the potential impacts of nano-scale technologies, to participate in assessing them and determine research priorities based on human needs and development. The Dossier ends by calling for a coherent UN approach to nanotechnology and advocates an International Convention on Evaluation of New Technologies (ICENT), put forward by civil society, to monitor and assess the introduction of new technologies in a participatory and transparent process that supports societal understanding, encourages scientific discovery, and facilitates equitable benefitsharing.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.26 ISBN: 9789211011814 Pages: 100 Price: $14.00

Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009: Addressing Triple Threats to Development

The Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 analyses how three global crises of 2008 – Great Recession in developed countries, food and fuel price volatility and climate change - threaten the development in the Asia-Pacific region. The publication also talks about subregional variations in performance and policy responses. It concludes with converging crises and redirecting policies to achieve inclusive and sustainable development, and summarizes the ways to move forward from crisis resilience to crisis resistance.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.11 ISBN: 9789211205770 Pages: 228 Price: $80.00

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Development andMDGs

Delivering as One UN: Evaluability Assessments of the Programme Country Pilots - Synthesis Report

26 Economic Development in Africa Report 2009: Strengthening Regional Economic Intregration For Africa’s Development

The Report focuses on ways of strengthening regional economic integration for Africa´s development. It complements existing institutional analyses of regional integration in Africa with an economic analysis of trade in goods and services, migration and investment, and surveys recent trends in these flows and assesses the potential for increasing them in ways that will support economic development. The report finds that when designed and implemented within a broader development strategy regional integration could help improve competitiveness and serve as a launching pad for African economies´ effective participation in the global economy.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.7 ISBN: 9789211127683 Pages: 124 Price: $30.00

Also available in E-Book format

Economic Report on Africa 2009: Developing African Agriculture Through Regional Value Chains

The Economic Report on Africa 2009 (ERA2009) is organized into two parts. Part I examines global economic developments and their implication for Africa, analyses recent economic and social trends, and highlights emerging development challenges to the continent in 2008. Part II is devoted to the issue of regional value challenges to developing African agriculture. ERA 2009 then focuses on the question of how to enhance structural transformation of African agriculture through systematic efforts to develop regionally integrated value chains and markets for selected strategic food and agricultural commodities. Finally, the report urges African governments to operationalize commitments to develop agriculture, and suggests strategies that promote viable value chains at the national and regional levels.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.K.2 ISBN: 9789211251111 Pages: 210 Price: $40.00

Evaluation of the National Human Development Report System (Includes CD-ROM)

Development and MDGs

This evaluation assesses the strategic relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the National human development reports (NHDR) system. It synthesizes the main findings of 16 studies carried out by the evaluation team to provide lessons and recommendations for NHDR teams in country offices around the world, and for the United Nations Development Programme managers and policy makers.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.31 ISBN: 9789211262667 Pages: 64 Price: $23.00

Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to South-South Cooperation: South-South Partnerships

This report sets out the findings and recommendations of the evaluation of United Nations Development Programme contribution to South-South cooperation. This evaluation focused on: the assessment of the Third Cooperation Framework for South-South Cooperation, managed by the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation; UNDP efforts in promoting and supporting South-South cooperations; and the effectiveness of the collaboration between UNDP and the Special Unit. The analysis is based on case studies in seven countries - Barbados, Brazil, China, Guatemala, Mali, South Africa and Thailand.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.19 ISBN: 9789211262544 Pages: 72 Price: $23.00

Exploring Policy Linkages Between Poverty, Crime and Violence: A look at Three Caribbean States

The impact of crime and violence on the social, economic and political development of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is well documented. The paper begins with definitions and categorization of crime, violence and poverty including a brief discussion of some of the key challenges with measurement. An analysis of crime trends for the period 1996 to 2006 and the incidence of poverty in the countries under review for a similar period is presented. The following section explores the literature which discusses the links between poverty, crime and violence and includes a discussion on the risk factors for crime and violence including the impact of inequality and relative deprivation on levels of crime and violence. The publication also presents findings of a very preliminary study based on a self administered questionnaire and it concludes with recommendations for further research.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.G.50 ISBN: 9789211216745 Pages: 48 Price: $10.00

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27 Guide to Implementing Family Skills Training Programmes for Drug Abuse Prevention

Sometimes parents struggle with substance abuse problems, which affects their parenting skills. This guide has been complied on the basis of the review of family skills training programmes, a meeting and a literature review and focuses on providing basic information and guidance to those policymakers and programme managers interested in launching a family skills training programme at the universal or selective level. It includes an overview of the importance of family environment, basic principles for launching an effective family skills programme, challenges to implement them as well as ways to improve the recruitment and retention rates of parents.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.8 ISBN: 9789211482386 Pages: 60 Price: $18.00

This background paper reviews progress made in the Asian and Pacific region in line with international commitments, with particular attention to the Universal Access targets developed for low and concentrated epidemic countries in Asia and the Pacific through regional and civil society consultations in 2006. Based on these findings, the paper also reviews the main challenges and identifies ways forward in scaling up the response to HIV. The paper draws on information from the 2008 country reports prepared to measure progress towards the targets set out in the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session in 2001.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.8 ISBN: 9789211205732 Pages: 64 Price: $20.00

Also available in E-Book format

Implementing the Monterry Consensus in Asia and the Pacific: Issues, Challenges and Action

The Asia-Pacific region has made substantial progress in confronting the challenges of financing for development since the adoption of the Monterrey Consensus in 2002, but challenges remain, especially in the context of the changing economic and financial landscape. Many of these development challenges are associated with a lack of financial resources. The Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development provides a framework for addressing these challenges at the global, regional and national levels. This study evaluates the progress made, identifies issues and challenges and proposes action on each of the six action areas under the Monterrey Consensus for the consideration of the countries of Asia and the Pacific.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.F.25 ISBN: 9789211205602 Pages: 44 Price: $20.00

Also available in E-Book format

International Development Cooperation Today: Emerging Trends and Debates

This booklet aims to provide a wide variety of development actors, in particular civil society advocates on international development cooperation, with a better understanding of up-and-coming trends and debates in development cooperation. In addition, it supplies them with entry points to facilitate their engagement and advocacy work on international development cooperation - both in defining international commitments and demonstrating their application - within the United Nations system.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.31 ISBN: 9789211011869 Pages: 40 Price: $5.00

Joint Evaluation of the Role and Contribution of the United Nations System in the Republic of South Africa

This report is the outcome of a new approach to evaluation in the UN based on partnership between a national government and the UN Evaluation group. The propose of this evaluation was to provide evidence and analysis that will enable decision-makers in South Africa and the UN system to enhance the role and contribution of the UN to support South African policies and strategies for a better South Africa. The evaluation also had a forward-looking focus.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.16 ISBN: 9789211262513 Pages: 120 Price: $23.00


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Development andMDGs

HIV & AIDS in Asia and the Pacific: A Review of Progress Towards Universal Access

28 Landlocked Countries in South America: Transport System Challenges

This report analyses the current state of the landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) Bolivia and Paraguay. It analyses the traditional topics: infrastructure at national level and connectivity towards adjacent countries; the recent development in international laws and treaties; and cross-border operation. The report also evaluates the level of international transport costs and the potential impact on trade. It further presents the currently induced over costs in logistic chains, which pose an additional burden to the competitiveness of the countries.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.G.29 ISBN: 9789211216943 Pages: 84 Price: $10.00

Latin American Development Problem, The

Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Latin America is low -- about one fifth of that of the United States. In addition, in the last five decades, Latin America has been unsuccessful to catch-up in wealth to the United States’ level while other countries at similar or lower stages of development have been successful. The failure to achieve higher levels of relative income embodies so called the development problem of Latin America. According to the publication, the bulk of the difference in GDP per capita between Latin America and the United States is explained by low GDP per worker and, especially, low total factor productivity (TFP) in Latin America.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Sales Number: E.09.II.G.28 ISBN: 9789211216936 Pages: 40 Price: $10.00

Development and MDGs

Least Developed Countries Report 2009, The: The State and Development Governance

The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are a group of countries that have been classified by the United Nations as least developed in terms of their low GDP per capita, their weak human assets and their high degree of economic vulnerability. This Report argues that the impact of the global economic crisis is likely to be so severe in LDCs that “business as usual” is no longer possible. The crisis offers the necessity and opportunity for change. The Report sketches out a concrete, alternative economic strategy and a fresh agenda for LDC policymakers, which includes institutional capacity-building and the strengthening of the market-complementing developmental State.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.9 ISBN: 9789211127690 Pages: 196 Price: $50.00

Migration, Development and Environment

This book explores the conceptual framework of the interrelationships between migration, environment and development, which are among the most pressing issues on the contemporary global agenda. After a conceptualization of this relationship, the paper treats, in a depth analysis with tables and figures, main issues such as: environment as cause of migration in case of environmental disasters and environmental degradation; climate change and migration; displacement by large projects and impacts of migration on destination environments. The implications these have for policy are also considered.

Publishing Agency: International Organization for Migration

Sales Number: E.09.III.S.1 ISBN: 9789211036657 Pages: 64 Price: $16.00

Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 (Includes the 2009 Progress Chart)

The report presents the yearly assessment of global progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It states that despite many successes, overall progress has been too slow for many targets to be met by the deadline in 2015. In addition, important advances in the fight against poverty and hunger have begun to decelerate or even reverse in consequence of the global economic and food crises.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.12 ISBN: 9789211011968 Pages: 56 Price: $15.00

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29 Progress for Children: A Report Card on Child Protection

Children worldwide experience violence exploitation and abuse. They are forced to fight in wars or labour in intolerable conditions; they are sexually abused or subjected to violence as a punishment; they are forced into child marriage or trafficked into exploitative conditions of work; they needlessly placed in prisons, detention facilities and institutions. This edition of the report, is a compendium of data on global and national efforts to protect the rights of children.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.14 ISBN: 9789280644395 Pages: 48 Price: $15.00

The present document is a collection of national studies done in Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia and Viet Nam, as the first activity at the national level. In each country, a national workshop was organized to review the study, and discuss future strategies involving multi-sectoral stakeholders, not only officials from ministries of health, but also ones of non-health sectors, such as finance, economy, planning, labour and social welfare. The recommendations produced at the meeting are also included at the end of this document as an Annex.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.2 ISBN: 9789211205640 Pages: 178 Price: $38.00

Rainwater Harvesting: A Lifeline for Human Well-being

Climate change, demand for development and already deteriorating state of ecosystems produce an immediate need for innovative opportunities enabling development and human well-being without undermining ecosystem services. Rainwater harvesting creates synergies by upgrading rainfed agriculture and enhancing productive landscapes. The publication describes rainwater harvesting systems, their roles and impacts. It focuses to both negative and positive aspects of using technology and explains how we can decrease constraints and build upon benefits. It examines 29 cases of different economic activities including forestry, agriculture, watershed development and, rural and urban development.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.10 ISBN: 9789280730197 Pages: 80 Price: $30.00

Reforming Child Law in South Africa: Budgeting and Implementation Planning

This publication documents a rare attempt to assess all the steps involved in legal reform for realization of child rights and make a detailed estimate of the costs at each step. The case study addresses two costing projects in connection with these reforms: one for development of a child justice system, another for a comprehensive children’s act. Both of these were extensive pieces of legislation requiring substantial systemic adjustment.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.9 ISBN: 9788889129630 Pages: 40 Price: $15.00

Striving Together: ASEAN and the United Nations

Like all other international organizations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) had to adjust to a rapidly changing global environment – which also involves realigning itself with other institutions and groupings of countries, including the United Nations. The purpose of this study is to reflect on these changes and more specifically on the development of ASEAN’s cooperation with the United Nations – to signpost the potential for future collaboration as ASEAN moves into a new phase.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.3 ISBN: 9789211205657 Pages: 92 Price: $32.00

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Development andMDGs

Promoting Sustainable Strategies to Improve Access to Health Care in the Asian and Pacific Region

30 Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2007-2008

This year’s Survey builds on the right to development themes adopted in previous issues and focuses on two significant concerns that have long constrained the right to development in the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) region: capital flight and unemployment. The publication illustrates recent economic trends and developments in the ESCWA region, capital flows to the region, discusses rights-based employment creation, and gives synopsis of integrated social policies. It concludes with a rights-based macroeconomic policy for the ESCWA region.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.L.10 ISBN: 9789211283211 Pages: 108 Price: $25.00

Trade and Development Report 2009: Responding to the Global Crisis - Climate Change Mitigation and Development

The Trade and Development Report 2009, subtitled “Responding to the Global Crisis - Climate Change Mitigation and Development” addresses the main issues of global economic outlook and short-term policy response to the financial and economic crisis, international monetary reform to complement stricter financial regulation and climate change mitigation as a process of structural change. The report analyzes global economic prospects within the framework of the current economic and financial crisis. It also heeds the shortterm fiscal, financial and monetary policies that were adopted in response to the impacts of the 2008-2009 crisis. It also looks at the question of how increased efforts aimed at climate change mitigation can be combined with forward-looking development strategies and rapid growth in developing countries.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.16 ISBN: 9789211127768 Pages: 218 Price: $55.00

Development and MDGs

Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation and other Exploitative Purposes

This report on the protection of children from commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking is comprised of an introduction to the topic and then examines law and policy on child trafficking in South Asia. The research initiative is particularly focused on South Asia. Included in the preliminary findings is a case study from yet another region, Latin America and the Caribbean. This case is included as an illustration of a coordinated effort to prevent and combat the sexual exploitation of children for the purposes of sex tourism in the Dominican Republic. Other ‘issues’ addressed within the report include: local governance, local action and child protection; the efficacy of cross border interventions in the prevention of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation; and, migration, mobility and challenges to child protection.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.06.XX.19 ISBN: 9788889129210 Pages: 24 Price: $15.00

Transmonee 2007 Features: Data and Analysis on the Lives of Children in CEE/CIS and Baltic States

Despite recent economic growth, many children in the CEE/CIS and the Baltic States region are vulnerable. The 2007 Features takes a closer look at child survival, and whether the countries will reach the Millennium Development Goal of reduction by two thirds of mortality rates among children under five years old; the forces behind the recent changes in fertility occurring across the region, as well as the challenges facing young people as they make the transition from school to work.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.10 ISBN: 9788889129623 Pages: 68 Price: $20.00

World Economic and Social Survey 2009: Promoting Development, Saving the Planet

The separation in practice of climate change and development agendas has distorted the global debate on the two biggest policy challenges facing the international community. According to the Survey, an integrated approach based on the concept of sustainable development is urgently needed. It argues that mitigation and adaptation can move forward effectively only if they are part of a consistent development strategy built around a massive investment-led transformation along low-emissions, high-growth paths. The Survey also contends that a critical role must be played by developmental States able to mobilize public finance and build appropriate technological capacity.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.C.1 ISBN: 9789211091595 Pages: 240 Price: $60.00

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31 Birth Registration : Right from the Start

This Digest looks at birth registration, a fundamental human right that opens the door to other rights, including education and health care, participation and protection. It explains why the births of more than 50 million babies go unregistered every year. In legal terms, these children do not exist and their right to an official name and nationality is denied, with related consequences. In addition, countries need to know how many people they have and how many there are likely to be in the future, in order to plan effectively. This Digest emphasizes the crucial importance of birth registration, explores the obstacles to universal registration and highlights the actions – including awareness raising, legislative changes, resource allocation and capacity building – that are needed to ensure the registration of every child.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.03.XX.11 Pages: 20 Price: $18.00

Child Care Transition, The: A League Table of Early Childhood Education and Care in Economically Advanced Countries

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund Sales Number: E.09.XX.5 ISBN: 9788889129708 Pages: 36 Price: $15.00 Children and Conflict in a Changing World: Machel Study 10 Year Strategic Review

The organization of this report aims to heighten our understanding of the myriad ways in which armed conflict affects children – and how children regard their participation not only in war but in programmes aimed at preventing violence against them and in promoting their recovery and reintegration. The central message of this 10-year strategic review is that “war violates every right of the child”. The report thus frames its findings within three categories: political and diplomatic actions and responsibilities; system-wide international policies, standards and architectures; and prevention and response.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.2 ISBN: 9789280643633 Pages: 232 Price: $35.00

Combatting Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook for Parliamentarians

Trafficking in persons is a form of modern-day slavery, a human rights violation that constitutes a crime against the individual and the State. It must be recognized and punished by legislative means. Parliamentarians have an essential role to play in the fight against human trafficking. The present Handbook for Parliamentarians suggests some practical ways in which they can develop and promote the comprehensive frameworks needed to do so.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.V.5 ISBN: 9789211336658 Pages: 134 Price: $27.00

Also available in E-Book format

Global Compact International Yearbook 2009

Since its launch in July 2000, the Global Compact has grown to become the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Its more than 6,000 business participants in nearly 140 countries strive to implement universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption. Now, the first “Global Compact International Yearbook” highlights major issues, among them climate change, water and ethics in the time of crisis. By doing so, business, as a primary agent driving globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.A.4 ISBN: 9783981063875 Pages: 172 Price: $30.00


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Human Rights

A great change is coming over childhood in the world’s richest countries. Today’s rising generation is the first in which a majority are spending a large part of early childhood in some form of out-of-home child care. At the same time, neuroscientific research is demonstrating that loving, stable, secure, and stimulating relationships with caregivers in the earliest months and years of life are critical for every aspect of a child’s development. Taken together, these two developments confront public and policymakers in countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with urgent questions. Whether the child care transition will represent an advance or a setback for today’s children and tomorrow’s world, will depend on the response.

32 Innocenti Social Monitor 2009: Child Well-being at a Crossroads: Evolving Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

After almost two decades of transition, the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region continues to be a region in a state of change. The report uses available data to identify critical economic and social trends and assess the impact of policies on children in the period of growth immediately preceding the current crisis. It also looks at changes in the context in which children are growing up: the character of economic growth, widening inequalities, striking demographic trends, as well as public expenditure levels and structures, all of which influence policy choices that affect children.Publishing

Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.16 ISBN: 9788889129906 Pages: 150 Price: $30.00

Law Reform and Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

The study reviews the legislation concerning the rights of children since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), as well as questions such as reservations and the status of the CRC in domestic law. It mainly focuses on laws adopted or amended by the national legislature, although it includes a section on constitutional provisions and also mentions some executive decrees and provincial legislation.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.8 ISBN: 9788889129661 Pages: 148 Price: $25.00

Pacific Perspectives on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse of Children and Youth

Human Rights

This publication comprises three papers commissioned by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). They cover different aspects of the issues leading to and associated with the commercial sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children in the Pacific.

Publishing Agency: United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacifi Sales Number: E.08.II.F.19 ISBN: 9789211205527 Pages: 132 Price: $15.00

Also available in E-Books format

Rise of Bilateralism, The: Comparing American, European and Asian Approaches to Preferential Trade Agreements

As multilateral negotiations become increasingly complex and protracted, preferential trade agreements have become the centrepiece of trade diplomacy, pushing beyond tariffs into deep integration and beyond regionalism into a web of bilateral deals, raising concerns about coercion by bigger players. This study examines American, European and Asian approaches to preferential trade agreements and their effects on trade, investment and economic welfare. It draws on the rich field of theoretical works, but also fills a gap in the literature by examining in detail the actual substance of agreements negotiated and envisaged.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.8 ISBN: 9789280811629 Pages: 332 Price: $34.00

Selected Decisions of the Human Rights Committee under the Optional Protocol: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

The Human Rights Committee started its work under the Optional Protocol at its second session in 1977. From then until its eighty-fourth session in 2005, 1414 communications relating to alleged violations by 78 States Parties were placed before it for consideration. This volume presents interlocutory and final decisions from the eighty-fifth to the ninety-first sessions.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.XIV.9 ISBN: 9789211541861 Pages: 320 Price: $60.00

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33 South Asia in Action: Preventing and Responding to Child Trafficking Child Rights-based Programme Practices

The present study addresses programme practices that aim to combat child trafficking in South Asia. It presents three case studies of child rights-based initiatives, with a strong focus on prevention, along with other components of rights-based programming. These initiatives have been developed by a number of stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations and governments, with support from the United Nations Children’s Fund .

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.7 ISBN: 9788889129777 Pages: 42 Price: $20.00

Summaries of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice 2003-2007

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.V.6 ISBN: 9789211337761 Pages: 244 Price: $30.00

Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation and other Exploitative Purposes

This report on the protection of children from commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking is comprised of an introduction to the topic and then examines law and policy on child trafficking in South Asia. The research initiative is particularly focused on South Asia. Included in the preliminary findings is a case study from yet another region, Latin America and the Caribbean. This case is included as an illustration of a coordinated effort to prevent and combat the sexual exploitation of children for the purposes of sex tourism in the Dominican Republic. Other ‘issues’ addressed within the report include: local governance, local action and child protection; the efficacy of cross border interventions in the prevention of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation; and, migration, mobility and challenges to child protection.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.06.XX.19 ISBN: 9788889129210 Pages: 24 Price: $15.00

Trafficking of Men: A Trend Less Considered -The Case of Belarus and Ukraine

To date, trafficking in males has been underconsidered in research despite noteworthy signals that it is a violation faced by many males, adults and minors. Through the case of Belarus and Ukraine, this study, established from a survey of about 685 trafficked males and qualitative information from interviews, considers male victim’s profiles and trafficking experience from recruitment, through transportation and exploitation. On the other hand, it analyses what can be done to meet their needs, both as a means of assistance and protection.

Publishing Agency: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Sales Number: E.09.III.S.2 ISBN: 9789211036664 Pages: 124 Price: $16.00

UN Human Rights Standards and Mechanisms to Combat Violence against Children: A Contribution to the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against Children

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, is the most widely ratified international human rights instrument. In spite of this wide acceptance, children continue to be routinely subject to many forms of violence. This publication is aimed to evoke the human rights framework set out in international instruments adopted by the United Nations. It also evaluates how treaty bodies established by human rights conventions and other UN human rights mechanisms address the protection of children from violence.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.06.XX.17 ISBN: 9788889129234 Pages: 54 Price: $15.00


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Human Rights

In an effort to make international law and United Nations legal activities more accessible, this publication condenses chronologically in a single and handy volume the case-law of the International Court of Justice for the period 2003-2007. Lawyers, journalists, diplomats and specialists in international law will greatly profit from these summaries based closely on the texts prepared by the Registry of the Court.

34 Crime Scene and Physical Evidence Awareness for Non-forensic Personnel

The present manual was prepared to fill a gap in the compendium of available tools for the judiciary and law enforcement agencies and is the result of a consultative process involving a number of reputable individuals, institutions and organizations, who contributed a variety of different perspectives to this cross-cutting issue, all grounded in the same basic principles common to all crime scenes. The manual aims at raising awareness of the importance of good practices in crime scene investigations and the nature and relevance of physical evidence.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IV.5 ISBN: 9789211302738 Pages: 32 Price: $15.00

Also available in E-Books format

Debating NGO Accountability

Concerns about the role and accountability of NGOs have been voiced from different quarters in recent years. Some donors, governments, corporations, and international agencies raise important questions about the effectiveness of NGO work and the legitimacy of their advocacy. For this emerging agenda to lead to positive development outcomes, we need to ask what initiatives will improve the accountability of all institutions to the people whose lives they shape, and what initiatives could serve merely to undermine NGOs’ useful and largely accepted role in holding business and government accountable for their actions. This Dossier puts democracy and human rights firmly at the centre of the debate about NGO accountability.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Humanitarian Affairs

Sales Number: E.08.I.25 ISBN: 9789211011807 Pages: 120 Price: $14.00

Delivering as One UN: Evaluability Assessments of the Programme Country Pilots - Synthesis Report

This report presents the outcome of the United nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) evaluability assessments of the Delivering as One (DaO) pilot initiatives. The evaluability assessments were designed to be the first stage of an overall evaluation process but can also be viewed as stand-alone products that may be useful to a future evaluation. The assessments describe and analyze the basic parameters that will make it possible to fully evaluate at a later stage both the results of the DaO pilot initiatives and the processes that will lead to these results.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.8 ISBN: 9789211262414 Pages: 36 Price: $10.00

Evaluation of the National Human Development Report System (Includes CD-ROM)

This evaluation assesses the strategic relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the National human development reports (NHDR) system. It synthesizes the main findings of 16 studies carried out by the evaluation team to provide lessons and recommendations for NHDR teams in country offices around the world, and for the United Nations Development Programme managers and policy makers.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.31 ISBN: 9789211262667 Pages: 64 Price: $23.00

Exploring Policy Linkages Between Poverty, Crime and Violence: A look at Three Caribbean States

The impact of crime and violence on the social, economic and political development of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is well documented. The paper begins with definitions and categorization of crime, violence and poverty including a brief discussion of some of the key challenges with measurement. An analysis of crime trends for the period 1996 to 2006 and the incidence of poverty in the countries under review for a similar period is presented. The following section explores the literature which discusses the links between poverty, crime and violence and includes a discussion on the risk factors for crime and violence including the impact of inequality and relative deprivation on levels of crime and violence. The publication also presents findings of a very preliminary study based on a self administered questionnaire and it concludes with recommendations for further research.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.G.50 ISBN: 9789211216745 Pages: 48 Price: $10.00

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35 Full Participation: A Comparative Study of Compulsory Voting

Full Participation is the first book-length study of compulsory voting to be published in the English language. About a quarter of all democracies in the contemporary world legally oblige their citizens to vote, making this an important aspect of electoral systems in many settings. The study systematically examines the history of the institution, the normative arguments for and against it, and the influence it has on a range of political phenomena. These include electoral campaigns, political attitudes, electoral integrity, and legitimacy, policy outcomes, and turnout. It also considers the feasibility of introducing compulsory voting in a contemporary democracy, as well as variations on the institution designed to broaden its appeal.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.2 ISBN: 9789280811667 Pages: 200 Price: $32.00

Global Agenda, A: Issues before the United Nations 2009-2010

Publishing Agency: United Nations Association/USA (UNA)

Sales Number: E.09.I.13 ISBN: 9780615297194 Pages: 266 Price: $20.00

Handbook on Geospatial Infrastructure in Support of Census Activities

The newly revised and renamed Handbook reflects the recommendations of the expert group meetings and regional workshops on geographic information systems (GIS) and census-mapping. It covers both managerial and operational needs in considerable detail. The Handbook addresses organizational and institutional issues that concern statistical agency heads and other managers; and it explicitly addresses technical and practical issues that concern census cartographers and takers. It also contains some examples of country practices in the application of GIS, global positioning systems (GPS) and digital mapping used in censuses contributed by some of these experts.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XVII.8 ISBN: 9789211615272 Pages: 270 Price: $55.00

Handbook on Planning and Action for Crime Prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean Regions

This handbook is a reference for those who intent to introduce practices in order to reduce and prevent crime. It uses experience from the developing word, especially from the Caribbean and Southern Africa and takes into account the work that has been done on the South-South exchange programme since 2004. It is a very useful tool to know why crime takes place, what kind of programme for crime prevention works depending on the context, what information is needed as well as what are the ways to build capacity for effective crime prevention.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IV.1 ISBN: 9789211302691 Pages: 126 Price: $26.00

Also availabe in E-Books format

Handbook on Prisoners with Special Needs

This Handbook covers the special needs of eight groups of prisoners, which have a particularly vulnerable status in prisons. They are: Prisoners with mental health care needs; Prisoners with disabilities; Ethnic and racial minorities and indigenous peoples; Foreign national prisoners; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) prisoners; Older prisoners; Prisoners with terminal illness and Prisoners under sentence of death. All information, guidelines and recommendations provided for these groups apply to adult male and female members of these categories of prisoners. The Handbook is designed to be used by all actors involved in the criminal justice system, including policymakers, legislators, prison managers, prison staff, members of non-governmental organizations and other individuals interested or active in the field of criminal justice and prison reform.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IV.4 ISBN: 9789211302721 Pages: 186 Price: $36.00

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Humanitarian Affairs

For more than two decades this publication has served as the ultimate authority on the full spectrum of the United Nations activity. The 2009-2010 edition is focused on the important issues before the UN, such as international security, peacekeeping, climate change, humanitarian assistance, economic growth, the millennium development goals, human rights, international justice and the rule of law, and the UN reform. The chapters consist of reports and essays of journalists, policy experts and scholars whose contributions reveal their profound understanding of the United Nations and issues before it.

36 Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers - Human Mobility and Development

For many people around the world moving away from their home town or village can be the best – sometimes the only – option open to improve their life chances. The report explores how better policies towards mobility can enhance human development. It traces the contours of human movement – who moves where, when and why, and argues for practical measures that can improve prospects on arrival, which in turn will have large benefits both for destination communities and for places of origin. The report fixes human development firmly on the agenda of policy makers who seek the best outcomes from increasingly complex patterns of human movement worldwide..

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.1 ISBN: 9780230239043 Pages: 232 Price: $43.00

Human Insecurity in East Asia

Threats to human security do not necessarily take cataclysmic forms such as war or natural disaster. Nor does human insecurity exist solely within a suspended living environment like refugee camps. Often threats to human security are as subtle as a slow-rising tide, whose calamitous nature remains unknown till it breaks as a monstrous flood. The chapters in this volume call attention to these less obvious threats to human security and how people and communities face them. Woven from the first-hand observations of life at various sites in East-Asia, the book’s narratives illuminate how uncanny the threats to human security can be.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.10 ISBN: 9789280811643 Pages: 304 Price: $36.00

Humanitarian Affairs

Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly 2007-2008: Subject Index

The Subject Index is a valuable guide for anyone interested in the work of the General Assembly. It offers sessional information; a check-list of meetings; information on pricipal organs and subsidiary bodies to which members were elected or appointed; a subject list of documents; reports of the main and procedural committees; resolutions and decisions adopted; and a voting chart.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.2 ISBN: 9789211011883 Pages: 364 Price: $54.00

Intergovernmental Negotiations and Decision Making at the United Nations: A Guide (Second Updated Edition)

This publication explains the governance and decision-making fora and processes of the United Nations system. Section One explains the principal UN organs of intergovernmental decision making; the negotiating blocs of Member States at the UN; the various types of documentation; and the nature of UN decisions and the weight they carry internationally. This updated second edition includes information on new UN bodies and processes following on from the outcomes of the 2005 World Summit. Section Two provides practical knowledge, advice and guidance to non-governmental representatives who wish to engage with the UN system, ranging from accreditation to the preparatory process, to engaging in follow-up activities after a meeting.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.23 ISBN: 9789211011784 Pages: 172 Price: $18.00

Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General: Status as at 1 April 2009

This publication, the twenty-sixth of the series, consolidates all information on treaty actions (i.e., signatures, ratifications, accessions, denunciations, miscellaneous notifications, reservations, declarations and objections) undertaken relating to the multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations covered up to 1 April 2009.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.V.3 ISBN: 9789211336627 Pages: 2224 Price: $115.00

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37 Ninth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas: Report of the Conference - New York, 10-14 August 2009

The Conference was aimed to provide a regional forum where governmental officials, planners, scientists and experts from the Americas and other regions could meet to report on the efforts being accomplished in the development and implementation of national and regional spatial data infrastructures in the Americas and other parts of the world, and to address the common needs, problems and experiences in the field of cartography. Additional objectives were to report on the assessment of the status on the resolutions adopted at the Eighth Conference, and on the recent developments and contributions of geographical information in support of sustainable development. The Conference was attended by 81 representatives of 27 countries and 16 specialized agencies and international scientific organizations.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.16 ISBN: 9789211012040 Pages: 28 Price: $8.00

Progress for Children: A Report Card on Child Protection

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.14 ISBN: 9789280644395 Pages: 48 Price: $15.00

Punishment and Recidivism: The Italian Case

The publication presents the results of an empirical research focused on analysis of the recidivist behaviour of pardon beneficiaries. It gives scientific and conscious view of different aspects recidivist behaviour of people who are subjected to penal execution, and it also gives some review of questions of methodological character required for the analysis of recidivism rates. The first part of the book explains the concept of recidivism and its rates, while second part talks about the data pertaining to the recidivism of pardon beneficiaries.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Sales Number: E.09.IV.3 ISBN: 9789211302714 Pages: 58 Price: $22.00

Regional Workshop on the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families in Asia and the Pacific: We Gathered Talked Decided & Proposed

The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has been promoting a rights-based approach to disability in Asia and the Pacific for the last 15 years. ESCAP and its long-time partner, the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF) organized possible solutions. The report summarizes the discussions and activities undertaken during the Workshop and places special emphasis on the personal stories of participants with intellectual disabilities.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.F.22 ISBN: 9789211205558 Pages: 26 Price: $20.00

Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2008

The report contains an analysis of the drug control situation worldwide so that Governments are kept aware of existing and potential situations that may endanger the objectives of the international drug control treaties. Divided into four parts, it covers the following topics: operation of the international drug control system, an analysis of the world situation and, finally, a set of recommendations to Governments, the United Nations and other relevant international and regional organizations.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.1 ISBN: 9789211482324 Pages: 146 Price: $30.00

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Humanitarian Affairs

Children worldwide experience violence exploitation and abuse. They are forced to fight in wars or labour in intolerable conditions; they are sexually abused or subjected to violence as a punishment; they are forced into child marriage or trafficked into exploitative conditions of work; they needlessly placed in prisons, detention facilities and institutions. This edition of the report, is a compendium of data on global and national efforts to protect the rights of children.

38 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board on Follow-up to the Twentieth Special Session of the General Assembly

The present report contains an outline of the actions that the International Narcotics Control Board has undertaken pursuant to the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth session, in 1998. As shown in this repot, the goals that the General Assembly set in 1998 continue to be equally relevant and important in 2008 as they were then. In addition, new challenges to international drug control have surfaced, meaning more must be done to meet those goals.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.7 ISBN: 9789211482379 Pages: 60 Price: $12.00

Report of the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus (Doha, Qatar, 29 November-2 December 2008)

The Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus (Doha, Qatar, 29 November - 2 December 2008) resulted in the adoption by consensus of the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development. Officials from more than 160 countries, including nearly 40 Heads of State or Government, attended the four day conference. The Doha Declaration reaffirmed the Monterrey Consensus and called for a United Nations conference at the highest level on the world financial and economic crisis and its impact on development.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Humanitarian Affairs

Sales Number: E.09.II.A.1 ISBN: 9789211045949 Pages: 88 Price: $13.00

Self-made Cities: In Search of Sustainable Solutions for Informal Settlements in the United Nations Commission for Europe Region

Informal settlements are often characterized as “illegal’ residential formations lacking basic infrastructure, security of tenure and adequate housing. This book describes how more than 50 million people in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region have come to live in informal settlements and examines the main characteristics of the phenomenon. It also provides policy recommendations based on case studies and initiatives implemented in the region, with varying degrees of success. It concludes that there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution, as informal settlements are the product of complex socio-political processes that differ significantly from country to country and from region to region.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.E.9 ISBN: 9789211170054 Pages: 136 Price: $19.00

Social Services Policies and Family Well-being in the Asian and Pacific Region

Family structure, functions and values are experiencing unprecedented changes in Asia and the Pacific. The impacts of globalization, urbanization, migration and social transformation are among the contributory factors. The report puts together the findings emanated from the project entitled “Enhancing policies on social services in support of family well-being in Asia and the Pacific”. Part one provides a regional overview of changing features of family and existing social protection schemes and services to strengthening family. Part two compiles the country chapters examining the situations in China, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.5 ISBN: 9789211205701 Pages: 124 Price: $37.00

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Striving Together: ASEAN and the United Nations

Like all other international organizations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) had to adjust to a rapidly changing global environment – which also involves realigning itself with other institutions and groupings of countries, including the United Nations. The purpose of this study is to reflect on these changes and more specifically on the development of ASEAN’s cooperation with the United Nations – to signpost the potential for future collaboration as ASEAN moves into a new phase.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.3 ISBN: 9789211205657 Pages: 92 Price: $32.00

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39 Unfinished Story of Women and the United Nations, The

This document draws around eighty five years of history of women and inter-governmental organizations. It tells the success story of women and the League of Nations, things that history forgot and media left under silent. It explains also the progress of the history of women at the United Nations for the advancement and empowerment of women.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.24 ISBN: 9789211011791 Pages: 170 Price: $18.00

This Compendium makes an important contribution towards explaining the broad system of United Nations Offices, Agencies, Programmes and Funds, and Specialized Agencies as well as UN Treaty Bodies, and how they engage with external actors. In addition, it provides information about the activities and policy frameworks of UN bodies and entities, and opportunities and procedures for the participation of nongovernmental players in the United Nations processes.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.28 ISBN: 9789211011838 Pages: 260 Price: $5.00

United Nations Juridical Yearbook 2005

This yearbook contains documentary texts of treaties and other materials concerning the legal status and activities of the United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations. It also presents the judicial decisions on questions related to the Organization. A bibliography on jurisprudence is included.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.V.1 ISBN: 9789211336641 Pages: 600 Price: $70.00

World Drug Report 2009

The World Drug Report 2009 presents comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and trends on production, trafficking and consumption in the opium/heroin, coca/ cocaine, cannabis and amphetamine-type stimulants markets. This year, for the first time, the Report includes special feature sections on the quality of drug data available to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), trends in drug use among young people and police-recorded drug offences. It also discusses one the most formidable unintended consequences of drug control – the black market for drugs – and how the international community best can tackle it.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.12 ISBN: 9789211482409 Pages: 312 Price: $70.00

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Yearbook of the United Nations 2006: Delivering as 1 A Unified Response to Global Challenges

This is the sixtieth volume of the most comprehensive and authoritative reference work on the activities of the Organization, covering 2006. This fully indexed “Yearbook”, reproduces in their entirety the texts of, and votes on, all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions. Its 33 chapters deeply cover developments in the main political and security questions; human rights; economic and social questions; legal questions; and institutional, administrative and budgetary questions.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.1 H ISBN: 9789211011708 Pages: 1814 Price: $175.00

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Humanitarian Affairs

UN System Engagement with NGOs, Civil Society, the Private Sector, and Other Actors: A Compendium

40 Accounting and Financial Reporting Guidelines for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEGA): Level 3 Guidance

The SMEGA Level 3 Guidance is designed for financial statements of smaller enterprises that are often ownermanaged and have no or few employees. Such enterprises should generally follow a simplified accruals-based accounting system that is closely linked to cash transactions. The SMEGA Level 3 Guidance is intended to meet the needs of users and preparers of financial statements for these enterprises.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.3 ISBN: 9789211127645 Pages: 20 Price: $10.00

Emerging Trade Issues for Policymakers in Developing Countries in Asia and the Pacific

This is the second volume arising from the Macao Regional Knowledge Hub research workshop series associated with an ESCAP project under the same name. This volume combines 11 chapters under five parts: Rethinking trade for developing countries; Trade and production sharing; Trade in services; Trade, poverty and inequality; and Managing regionalism. Most of the chapters are written in a nontechnical language, but all go a long way in reviewing the most up-to-date research of relevance to trade policy formulation and implementation in the developing countries of the region. The first volume, Future Trade Research Areas that Matter to Developing Country Policymakers: A Regional Perspective on the Doha Development Agenda and Beyond, Studies in Trade and Investment No. 61, combined papers and commentaries presented at the Post-Doha Research Agenda for Developing Countries Workshop in October 2006.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.F.4 ISBN: 9789211205688 Pages: 272 Price: $38.00

I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e

European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) 2009

The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Good by Inland Waterways (ADN) was adopted in May 2000 by a Diplomatic Conference held in Geneva. This publication includes the text of the final act of the conference, the resolution adopted by the conference, the agreement itself and the updated version of the annexed regulations, revised as of 1 January 2009.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.VIII.4 & CORR.1 ISBN: 9789211391343 Pages: 1004 Price: $150.00

Flexible Labour Markets, Workers’ Protection and “The Security of the Wings”: A Danish Flexicurity Solution to the Unemployment and Social Problems in Globalized Economies?

During these years of growing global uncertainties, financial and economic pressures, nations and international institutions are searching for political, social and professional answers to the new challenges. The Washington consensus has discredited itself in more respects. This book studies effective answers to adaptation needs of Denmark with it flexicurity system and the possibility to promote that system in Latin America.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.G.99 ISBN: 9789211216899 Pages: 80 Price: $10.00

Global Economic Crisis, The: Systemic Failures and Multilateral Remedies

United Nations Conference’s on Trade and Development (UNCTAD’s) longstanding call for stronger international monetary system and financial governances rings true in today’s crisis, which is global and systemic in nature. This report has been established by the UNCTAD interdivisional Task Force on Systemic Issues and Economic Cooperation to examine the systemic dimension of the crisis and formulate proposals for policy action nationally and multilaterally. It analyses a number of market failures and triggers, some reflecting fundamental imbalances in the global economy and others specific to the functioning of sophisticated financial markets.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.4 ISBN: 9789211127652 Pages: 80 Price: $22.00

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41 Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2008: Analysis of Trends and Issues in the Financing of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Global investment in sustainable energy broke all previous records in 2007, with an increase of 60% over 2006. This healthy investment environment bodes well for the continued growth of the sustainable energy sector. The report provides an overview of different types of capital flows and an analysis of the trends in sustainable energy investment activity in developed and developing countries. The information is intended to be a strategic tool for understanding the status of the sustainable energy sector’s development and for weighing future public and private commitments to the sector.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.9 ISBN: 9789280729399 Pages: 68 Price: $35.00

International Investment Rule-making: Stocktaking, Challenges and the Way Forward

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.D.1 ISBN: 9789211127317 Pages: 124 Price: $15.00

International Recommendations for Distributive Trade Statistics 2008

The publication provides recommendations on the concepts, definitions, classifications, data sources, data compilation methods, approaches to data quality assessment, metadata and dissemination policies applicable in distributive trade statistics. The recommendations also cover some specific topics that have been identified as requiring additional guidance such as the treatment of informal sector units, compilation of indices of distributive trade and seasonal adjustment. The information is consistent with those issued in other fields of economic statistics and has been harmonized with the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA).

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.XVII.26 ISBN: 9789211615197 Pages: 164 Price: $35.00

Investment Policy Review: Dominican Republic

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has had a presence in the Dominican Republic since as early as 1890 and has played a prominent role in its economic development. A new ambitious development goal has now been set that focuses on making the country a regional leader in high-value-added manufacturing and services. In light of this objective, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) carried out this Investment Policy Review. It provides an overview of FDI trends and impact, examines the investment framework and proposes a new investment promotion framework.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.D.10 ISBN: 9789211127423 Pages: 132 Price: $20.00

Investment Policy Review: Nigeria

Nigeria is well known as a major oil producer. However, oil wealth has not been converted unto a comparable improvement in living standards, due to decades of economic mismanagement. The report provides an overview of foreign direct investment (FDI) trends and performance; analyses the investment framework; outlines a strategy of “supported market forces” to induce and support foreign affiliates in manufacturing to increase their presence in the country and in so doing the contribution to Nigeria’s development. The final chapter summarizes the main findings of the report and the proposed policy recommendations.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.D.11 ISBN: 9789211127430 Pages: 152 Price: $20.00


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I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e

This book reviews sixty years of international investment rule-making and identifies main trends in current treaty practice, as well as the core characteristics of the existing universe of International Investment Agreements (IIAs) at the beginning of the 21st century. Based on this analysis, the third part describes the main challenges for policy makers and IIA negotiators deriving from the present IIA system, and makes a number of suggestions on how to deal with them. The Fourth part contains a brief outlook concerning the future evolution of the IIA universe.

42 Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy 2007: 2008 Trends (Includes CD-ROM)

This report is an in-depth study about Latin America and the Caribbean in the world economy, update in 2007 with 2008 trends. It is divided into seven chapters which analyse main economics issues such as the possible impact of the financial crisis in the United States on the trade performance of those countries, the recent developments in the Doha Round, negotiations for an association agreement with the European Union as well as trade and investment relations with the Asia-Pacific region. A number of tables and figures illustrate the publication.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.G.36 ISBN: 9789211216769 Pages: 190 Price: $25.00

Law of the Sea, The: A Select Bibliography 2008

Compiled by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, this bibliography covers 21 subject categories based on the major topics of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea. It is intended for the use of those interested in ocean affairs and the law of the sea matters in general and in the UN Conventional on the Law in the Sea in particular.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.V.6 ISBN: 9789211336672 Pages: 104 Price: $30.00

I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e

National Accounts Statistics: Analysis of Main Aggregates 2007

This publication presents, in the form of analytical tables, a summary of the principal national accounting aggregates based on official detailed national accounts data for more than 200 countries and areas of the world for the years 1970 to 2007. The analysis covers the level of total and per capita gross domestic product, shares of gross domestic product by expenditure and by kind of activity, economic structures, economic development and price development, average growth of gross domestic product and components thereof, and implicit price deflators. The national data for each country and area are presented in separate chapters using uniform table headings and classifications recommended in the United Nations System of National Accounts 1993.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XVII.9 H ISBN: 9789211615258 Pages: 260 Price: $80.00

Policy Options and Instruments for Financing Innovation: A Practical Guide to Early-Stage Financing

This publication is a part of an ongoing series highlighting some of the results of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Subprogramme on Economic Cooperation and Integration. It covers different thematic areas related to this objective including innovation and competitiveness policies, entrepreneurship and enterprise development, public-private partnerships for domestic and foreign investment, commercialization and protection of intellectual property rights.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.E.3 ISBN: 9789211169980 Pages: 72 Price: $20.00

Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2008

With annual economic growth for Latin America and the Caribbean being projected at 4,6%, 2008 will mark both the sixth consecutive year of growth and the end of a period which has very few precedents in the economic history of the region. Growth in 2009 is projected to stand at 1.9%. This estimate is built on the assumption that the global economy in general, and the economy of the region in particular, will gradually begin to recover during the second half of 2009. The preliminary overview includes official country figures and an analysis of developments in the region’s economy in 2008 and projections for 2009. It covers primary economic indicators such as: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, imports/exports, and unemployment. Key economic trends are identified and their causes are explained.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.G.36 ISBN: 9789211216844 Pages: 176 Price: $20.00

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43 Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations - Sixteenth Revised Edition

The Model Regulations cover the classification of dangerous goods, their listing, the use, construction, testing and approval of packagings and portable tanks, as well as consignment procedures such as marking, labeling, placarding and documentation. This sixteenth revised edition contains new provisions (e.g. transport of substances which are toxic by inhalation, requirements for metal hydride storage systems, provisions for fuel cell engines, use of open cryogenic receptacles) and revised provisions (e.g. transport of dangerous goods packed in limited quantities, classification criteria for environmentally hazardous substances, use of electronic data interchange transmission techniques and special provisions for fumigated cargo transport units).�

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.VIII.2 ISBN: 9789211391367 Pages: 808 Price: $155.00

Rise of Bilateralism, The: Comparing American, European and Asian Approaches to Preferential Trade Agreements

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.09.III.A.8 ISBN: 9789280811629 Pages: 332 Price: $34.00

UNECE Countries in Figures 2009

This booklet provides a one-page overview of the 56 member countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) situated in Europe, North America, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Profiles include key facts and a map of each country, demographic data and indicators of gender equality, employment, national accounts, prices, trade and transport.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.E.5 ISBN: 9789211170009 Pages: 164 Price: $27.00

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea

The new United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, the Rotterdam Rules, describes the rights and obligations of all parties with an interest in the carriage of goods by sea. The Rotterdam Rules bring more clarity regarding who is responsible and liable for what, when, where and to what extent. The application of the new convention will make international trade easier and lead to a reduction in costs.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.V.9 ISBN: 9789211336726 Pages: 64 Price: $15.00

Weak Links between Exports and Economic Growth In Latin America and the Caribbean

Export growth in Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 20 years has enabled the region to regain part of the share of global trade that it had lost during the three preceding decades. However, this has not had much effect on the pace of overall economic growth. This publication analyses the characteristics of the region’s export development over the past twp decades and the reasons why spillovers to structural change and economic growth have remained limited.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.G.25 ISBN: 9789211216929 Pages: 50 Price: $10.00


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I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e

As multilateral negotiations become increasingly complex and protracted, preferential trade agreements have become the centrepiece of trade diplomacy, pushing beyond tariffs into deep integration and beyond regionalism into a web of bilateral deals, raising concerns about coercion by bigger players. This study examines American, European and Asian approaches to preferential trade agreements and their effects on trade, investment and economic welfare. It draws on the rich field of theoretical works, but also fills a gap in the literature by examining in detail the actual substance of agreements negotiated and envisaged.

44 World Investment Report 2009: Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Development

The World Investment Report 2009, subtitled “Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Production and Development” analyses two major issues: How have foreign direct investment (FDI) flows reacted to the current financial and economic crisis? How do traditional and new foreign investors - transnational corporations (TNCs) - affect agriculture, the basis of livelihood in many developing countries? According to the report, after decades of slow growth, TNCs´ interest and participation in agriculture - including - is again on the rise. Despite this increase, in most countries today only a small share of FDI goes to agriculture. Renewed interest by foreign investors in agricultural investment is significant enough to raise questions about whether FDI and other forms of TNC participation in agriculture can contribute to the development of this long neglected industry. WIR 2009 suggests an integrated policy approach that takes into account concerns arising from TNC involvement.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.15 ISBN: 9789211127751 Pages: 312 Price: $95.00

World Population 2008 (Wall Chart)

The 2008 Revision is the twenty-first round of official United Nations population estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat. The 2008 Revision builds on the 2006 Revision and incorporates both the results of the 2000 round of national population censuses and of recent specialized surveys carried out around the world. These sources provide both demographic and other information to assess the progress made in achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). The comprehensive review of past worldwide demographic trends and future prospects presented in the 2008 Revision provides the population basis for the assessment of those goals.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XIII.2 ISBN: 9789211514506 Price: $10.00

I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e

World Statistics Pocketbook 2008

This handy pocketbook provides an easy-to-use international compilation of basic economic, social and environmental indicators for 216 countries and areas worldwide. It covers key indicators in the areas of population, economic activity, agriculture, industry, energy, international trade, transport, communications, gender, education and environment. The layout provides an easy-to-view comprehensive statistical profile of each country or area and the notes on sources and definition provide a valuable guide for further research by the indepth user of these statistics.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XVII.3 ISBN: 9789211615241 Pages: 256 Price: $17.00

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45 60 Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference

The United Nations was established, in the aftermath of a devastating war, to help stabilize international relations and give peace a more secure foundation. Amid the threat of nuclear war and seemingly endless regional conflicts, peacekeeping has become an overriding concern of the United Nations, and the activities of the blue-helmeted peacekeepers have emerged as among the most visible. But the United Nations is much more than a peacekeeper and forum for conflict resolution. Often without attracting attention, the United Nations and its family of agencies are engaged in a vast array of work that seeks to improve people’s lives around the world. Here, in brief, is a sampling of what the United Nations and its component bodies have accomplished since 1945, when the world organization was founded.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.05.I.91 ISBN: 9789211009866 Pages: 48 Price: $10.00

Also available in E-Books format

60 Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference (DVD)

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.05.I.100 ISBN: 9789211011302 Price: $10.00

Child Friendly Schools Manual

In the course of UNICEF’s work during the past decade, the child-friendly school (CFS) model has emerged as the organization’s signature means to advocate for and promote quality education for every girl and boy. The model can be viewed as a package solution and a holistic instrument for pulling together a comprehensive range of interventions in quality education. As the main proponent of this model, UNICEF has developed the manual as a reference document and practical guidebook to help countries implement CFS.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Children’s Fund

Sales Number: E.09.XX.4 ISBN: 9789280643763 Pages: 204 Price: $50.00

Claiming the Millennium Development Goals: A Human Rights Approach

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are time-bound development targets that address many dimensions of poverty, such as hunger, disease, inadequate water supplies and lack of education. This publication sets out a human rights approach to the MDGs, the primary purpose of which is to outline a clear framework of analysis for the development sector, relevant also to the needs of human rights practitioners, identifying entry points at the policy level as well as for country-level programming and advocacy. Practical illustrations are provided throughout, along with suggested additional indicators for particular MDGs, as contributions to sectoral strategies and MDG monitoring and reporting.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.XIV.6 ISBN: 9789211541847 Pages: 60 Price: $15.00

Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures 2008

The new phase of challenging globalization is characterized by economic multipolarity with significant weight of the South. Due to dynamism and openness, today the largest and the rapidly-growing developing countries play a fundamental role in stabilizing the world economy. This second edition of the UNCTAD publication focuses on increasing of analytical emphasis and explains new and emerging economic trends. The publication provides brief outline of data and information, and describes UNCTAD’s independent research in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.07.II.D.20 ISBN: 9789211127300 Pages: 82 Price: $25.00

Also available in E-Books format


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Model United Nations

The United Nations was established, in the aftermath of a devastating war, to help stabilize international relations and give peace a more secure foundation. Amid the threat of nuclear war and seemingly endless regional conflicts, peacekeeping has become an overriding concern of the United Nations, and the activities of the blue-helmeted peacekeepers have emerged as among the most visible. But the United Nations is much more than a peacekeeper and forum for conflict resolution. Often without attracting attention, the United Nations and its family of agencies are engaged in a vast array of work that seeks to improve people’s lives around the world. This DVD presents, through the voices of young people from around the world, a sampling of what the United Nations and its component bodies have accomplished since 1945, when the world organization was founded.

46 Global Agenda, A: Issues before the United Nations 2009-2010

For more than two decades this publication has served as the ultimate authority on the full spectrum of the United Nations activity. The 2009-2010 edition is focused on the important issues before the UN, such as international security, peacekeeping, climate change, humanitarian assistance, economic growth, the millennium development goals, human rights, international justice and the rule of law, and the UN reform. The chapters consist of reports and essays of journalists, policy experts and scholars whose contributions reveal their profound understanding of the United Nations and issues before it.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Association/USA (UNA)

Sales Number: E.09.I.13 ISBN: 9780615297194 Pages: 266 Price: $20.00

Globalization of Human Rights, The

The Globalization of Human Rights addresses a set of questions focusing on the justice at the national, regional, and international levels. The examination of these questions is conducted through analysis of rights, both civil and political, and economic and social. Any search for justice is based upon identifying values, including relationships with others that are eventually institutionalized as rights. Such rights become the basis upon which claims are made, as well as the horizon of justice to which society and institutions try to conform. This volume maps out the requirements of justice for all mankind, providing normative guidelines as well as goals.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Model United Nations

Sales Number: E.03.III.A.1 ISBN: 9789280810806 Pages: 220 Price: $26.95

Human Development Report 2007-2008: Fighting Climate Change - Human Solidarity in a Divided World

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing humanity at the start of the 21st Century. Failure to meet that challenge raises the spectre of unprecedented reversals in human development. This year’s Human Development Report explains why we have less than a decade to change course and start living within our global carbon budget. The Report explains how climate change will create long-run low human development traps, pushing vulnerable people into a downward spiral of deprivation. Because climate change is a global problem with global causes and effects, it demands a global response with countries acting on the basis of their historic responsibility and capabilities.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.07.III.B.1 ISBN: 9780230547049 Pages: 400 Price: $29.95

Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers - Human Mobility and Development

For many people around the world moving away from their home town or village can be the best – sometimes the only – option open to improve their life chances. The report explores how better policies towards mobility can enhance human development. It traces the contours of human movement – who moves where, when and why, and argues for practical measures that can improve prospects on arrival, which in turn will have large benefits both for destination communities and for places of origin. The report fixes human development firmly on the agenda of policy makers who seek the best outcomes from increasingly complex patterns of human movement worldwide.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.1 ISBN: 9780230239043 Pages: 232 Price: $43.00

Humanitarian Diplomacy: Practitioners and their Craft

Humanitarian professionals are on the front lines of today’s internal armed conflicts, negotiating access through physical and diplomatic roadblocks to reach imperiled civilians. This volume provides a compendium of experiences presented and analyzed by 14 senior humanitarian practitioners who led humanitarian operations in settings as diverse as the Balkans and Nepal, Somalia and East Timor, and across a time frame from the 1970s in Cambodia and 1980s in Lebanon to more recent engagement in Colombia and Iraq.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.07.III.A.1 ISBN: 9789280811346 Pages: 422 Price: $37.00

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47 Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 (Includes the 2009 Progress Chart)

The report presents the yearly assessment of global progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It states that despite many successes, overall progress has been too slow for many targets to be met by the deadline in 2015. In addition, important advances in the fight against poverty and hunger have begun to decelerate or even reverse in consequence of the global economic and food crises.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.12 ISBN: 9789211011968 Pages: 56 Price: $15.00

Today, more than ever before, a threat to one is a threat to all. Threats to international peace and security go far beyond aggression by States and include poverty, deadly infectious disease, environmental degradation, civil war, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and transnational organized crime. This report by 16 of the world’s most experienced leaders, commissioned by the United Nations Secretary-General, puts forward a bold new vision of collective security that stresses the need for effective, equitable action in preventing and responding to all major threats to international peace and security.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.05.I.5 ISBN: 9789211009583 Pages: 142 Price: $15.00

Also available in E-Books format

No Entry Without Strategy: Building the Rule of Law under UN Transitional Administration

For international actors seeking to consolidate peace and democracy in disrupted states, the importance of establishing the rule of law is now well-recognized. UN peace operations have struggled to ensure lasting security against violence and to build legitimate structures to redress disputes peacefully. UN actors have confronted a fundamental dilemma: if embedding the rule of law rests on complex political and social transformations regarding conflict, power and the state, can external actors make a difference? The book investigates the challenges faced by UN transitional administrations in establishing the rule of law in Cambodia, Kosovo and East Timor. In so doing, it explores conceptual understandings of the UN’s state-building agenda and speaks to broader questions about the role of external actors in disrupted states.

Publishing Agency: United Nations University

Sales Number: E.08.III.A.5 ISBN: 9789280811513 Pages: 332 Price: $35.00

Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (Embodying Amendments and Additions Adopted by the General Assembly up to September 2007)

At its first regular session, the General Assembly adopted provisional Rules of Procedure based on a text contained in the report of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations. The present revised edition of the Rules of Procedure embodies all the amendments adopted by the General Assembly up to and including at its sixtieth session.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.9 ISBN: 9789211011630 Pages: 144 Price: $15.00

UNEP Year Book 2008: An Overview of Our Changing Environment (Formerly titled “GEO Year Book”)

The 2008 Year Book, formerly known as the GEO Year Book, highlights the increasing complexity and interconnections of climate change, ecosystem integrity, human well-being, and economic development. It examines the emergence and influence of economic mechanisms and market driven approaches for addressing environmental degradation. The report describes recent research findings and policy decisions that affect our awareness of and response to changes in our global environment.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.08.III.D.1 ISBN: 9789280728774 Pages: 56 Price: $20.00


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Model United Nations

More Secure World, A: Our Shared Responsibility Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change

48 United Nations Today, The (Formerly titled “Basic Facts About the UN”)

The United Nations Today, formerly the Basic Facts about the UN, reflects the multitude of ways in which the United Nations touches the lives of people everywhere. It chronicles the work of the Organization in such areas as peace, development, human rights, humanitarian assistance, disarmament and international law. In describing the work of the United Nations family of organizations, this book provides a comprehensive account of the many challenges before the international community, as well as the joint ongoing efforts to find solutions.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.6 ISBN: 9789211011609 Pages: 388 Price: $15.00

Also available in E-Books format

World Economic and Social Survey 2008: Overcoming Economic Insecurity

According to the Survey, economic insecurity arises from the exposure of individuals, communities and countries to adverse events, and from their inability to cope with and recover from the downside losses. Local concerns have been compounded by new global threats as unregulated markets and climate change. The Survey offers a different approach with a strong “social contract” and more integrated and pragmatic economic and social policy. It calls for more active policy responses to help communities better manage these new risks, increased investment in preventing threatening events from emerging and more concerted efforts to strengthen the underlying social contracts which are, in the end, the real basis of a more secure, stable and just future.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.C.1 ISBN: 9789211091571 Pages: 234 Price: $60.00

Model United Nations

Also available in E-Books format

Year in Review 2007: United Nations Peace Operations

During a year in which the international community looked to the United Nations to launch peace operations in increasing numbers, size and complexity, the UN headquarters peace operations architecture underwent profound changes, with more to come, intended to enhance field work in conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. It has required that the UN seek ever more flexible, creative and cost-effective approaches. The changes and innovations begun in 2007 will certainly be tested as huge challenges remain in 2008 for resolving ongoing conflicts and preventing new ones. The publication presents an overview of innovations, expansion and restructuring as well as accomplishments and challenges of the UN peace operations during the year of 2007.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.14 ISBN: 9789211011685 Pages: 44 Price: $10.00

Also available in E-Books format

Yearbook of the United Nations 2005: Sixtieth Anniversary Edition Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All

This publication chronicles all the major activities of the United Nations system, including those of intergovernmental and expert bodies, major reports, Secretariat activities and, in selected cases, the views of the Member States. It presents results of the 2005 World Summit Conference, which gathered leaders from 170 countries to assess UN achievements and progress made towards implementation of the 2000 Millennium Declaration, and adopted measures contained in a Summit Outcome Document for the Organization’s future course. This 1,716 pages volume is fully indexed and reproduces all major resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council issued during the year together with the voting records.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.07.I.1 H ISBN: 9789211009675 Pages: 1716 Price: $175.00

Also available in E-Books format

Yearbook of the United Nations 2006: Delivering as 1 A Unified Response to Global Challenges

This is the sixtieth volume of the most comprehensive and authoritative reference work on the activities of the Organization, covering 2006. This fully indexed “Yearbook”, reproduces in their entirety the texts of, and votes on, all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions. Its 33 chapters deeply cover developments in the main political and security questions; human rights; economic and social questions; legal questions; and institutional, administrative and budgetary questions.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.1 H ISBN: 9789211011708 Pages: 1814 Price: $175.00

Also available in E-Books format

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49 Biennial Report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Official Records of the Economic and Social Council (25 March 2006 to 13 June 2008)

The report covers the period from 1 January 2006 to 13 June 2008 and comprises three sections. The first is devoted to issues requiring action by the Economic and Social Council or being brought to its attention; the second contains the report on the activities carried out by the Commission between January 2006 and December 2007, and the third concerns the thirty-second session of the Commission, held in Santo Domingo from 9 to 13 June 2008.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.II.G.53 ISBN: 9789211216837 Pages: 156 Price: $25.00

Crime Scene and Physical Evidence Awareness for Non-forensic Personnel

The present manual was prepared to fill a gap in the compendium of available tools for the judiciary and law enforcement agencies and is the result of a consultative process involving a number of reputable individuals, institutions and organizations, who contributed a variety of different perspectives to this cross-cutting issue, all grounded in the same basic principles common to all crime scenes. The manual aims at raising awareness of the importance of good practices in crime scene investigations and the nature and relevance of physical evidence. Sales Number: E.09.IV.5 ISBN: 9789211302738 Pages: 32 Price: $15.00

Also available in E-Books format

Delivering as One UN: Evaluability Assessments of the Programme Country Pilots Synthesis Report

This report presents the outcome of the United nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) evaluability assessments of the Delivering as One (DaO) pilot initiatives. The evaluability assessments were designed to be the first stage of an overall evaluation process but can also be viewed as stand-alone products that may be useful to a future evaluation. The assessments describe and analyze the basic parameters that will make it possible to fully evaluate at a later stage both the results of the DaO pilot initiatives and the processes that will lead to these results.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Development Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.B.8 ISBN: 9789211262414 Pages: 36 Price: $10.00

Effects of Ionizing Radiation: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation - UNSCEAR 2006 Report, Volume II Report to the General Assembly, with Scientific Annexes C, D, and E

The purpose of this annex is to summarize the literature on non-targeted effects associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and, where possible, to evaluate how such effects may affect risks associated with radiation exposure, the understanding of radiation-induced carcinogenesis, and the mechanistic basis for interpreting epidemiological data on radiation effects.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.IX.5 ISBN: 9789211422702 Pages: 340 Price: $80.00

Also available in electronic format

Global Agenda, A: Issues before the United Nations 2009-2010

For more than two decades this publication has served as the ultimate authority on the full spectrum of the United Nations activity. The 2009-2010 edition is focused on the important issues before the UN, such as international security, peacekeeping, climate change, humanitarian assistance, economic growth, the millennium development goals, human rights, international justice and the rule of law, and the UN reform. The chapters consist of reports and essays of journalists, policy experts and scholars whose contributions reveal their profound understanding of the United Nations and issues before it.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Association/USA (UNA)

Sales Number: E.09.I.13 ISBN: 9780615297194 Pages: 266 Price: $20.00


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Publishing Agency: United Nations

50 Guidance for the Implementation of a Quality Management System in Drug Testing Laboratories : A Commitment to Quality and Continuous Improvement

The quality of analyses and results of drug analysis laboratories have significant implications for the justice system, law enforcement, crime prevention and health policy, as well as for the international harmonization and worldwide exchange and coordination of drug information and data. The document aims to provide guidance to deliver high quality in a forensic laboratory, use the appropriate techniques to find the “answers” and to improve it constantly. It is a “how to do document” and includes some areas that are not explicitly covered in depth by ISO 17025.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.10 ISBN: 9789211482393 Pages: 48 Price: $12.00

Also available in E-Books format

Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council 2006: Organizational and Substantive Sessions

The Index is an annual bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the Council and includes indices to the activities of each session, as well as information on organizational matters such as membership. A further part of the Index is devoted to resolutions, documents and reports.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.6 ISBN: 9789211011920 Pages: 140 Price: $20.00

Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council 2007: Organizational and Substantive Sessions

The Index is an annual bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the Council and includes indices to the activities of each session, as well as information on organizational matters such as membership. A further part of the Index is devoted to resolutions, documents and reports.


Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.20 ISBN: 9789211011753 Pages: 128 Price: $18.50

Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly 2007-2008: Index to Speeches

The General Assembly, composed of all Member States, meets each year in regular session and holds special and emergency sessions as the need arises. The Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly is a bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the General Assembly. The Index to Speeches presents reference information on all speeches presented to the General Assembly. It is subdivided into three sections: corporate names/countries, speakers and subjects.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.3 ISBN: 9789211011890 Pages: 536 Price: $60.00

Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly 2007-2008: Subject Index

The Subject Index is a valuable guide for anyone interested in the work of the General Assembly. It offers sessional information; a check-list of meetings; information on pricipal organs and subsidiary bodies to which members were elected or appointed; a subject list of documents; reports of the main and procedural committees; resolutions and decisions adopted; and a voting chart.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.2 ISBN: 9789211011883 Pages: 364 Price: $54.00

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51 Multilateral Treaty Framework: An Invitation to Universal Participation - 2009 Treaty Event, Towards Universal Participation and Implementation (Treaty Event, 23-25 and 28-29 September 2009, United Nations Headquarters)

The publication presents summaries and status of the Highlighted Multilateral Treaties featured in the 2009 Treaty Event. It describes the objectives and key provisions of these treaties, and reveals the developments in international human rights protection during the period of sixty-one years.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.V.8 ISBN: 9789211336719 Pages: 228 Price: $35.00

Ninth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas: Report of the Conference - New York, 10-14 August 2009

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.I.16 ISBN: 9789211012040 Pages: 28 Price: $8.00

Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations Sixteenth Revised Edition

The Model Regulations cover the classification of dangerous goods, their listing, the use, construction, testing and approval of packagings and portable tanks, as well as consignment procedures such as marking, labeling, placarding and documentation. This sixteenth revised edition contains new provisions (e.g. transport of substances which are toxic by inhalation, requirements for metal hydride storage systems, provisions for fuel cell engines, use of open cryogenic receptacles) and revised provisions (e.g. transport of dangerous goods packed in limited quantities, classification criteria for environmentally hazardous substances, use of electronic data interchange transmission techniques and special provisions for fumigated cargo transport units).�

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.VIII.2 ISBN: 9789211391367 Pages: 808 Price: $155.00

Report of the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus (Doha, Qatar, 29 November-2 December 2008)

The Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus (Doha, Qatar, 29 November - 2 December 2008) resulted in the adoption by consensus of the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development. Officials from more than 160 countries, including nearly 40 Heads of State or Government, attended the four day conference. The Doha Declaration reaffirmed the Monterrey Consensus and called for a United Nations conference at the highest level on the world financial and economic crisis and its impact on development.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.A.1 ISBN: 9789211045949 Pages: 88 Price: $13.00

Training Resource Manual: The Use of Economic Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management

The Manual provides step-by-step guidance to assist instructors in training policymakers and practitioners in the use of economic instruments – pollution taxes, user fees, property rights, etc, - for sustainable development in general and for environmental and natural resource management in particular. Designed as an interactive working document composed of flexible modules and exercises and providing guidance for trainers and course participants, the manual offers substantial flexibility for trainers to custom design courses that meet local needs and priorities.

Publishing Agency: United Nations Environment Programme

Sales Number: E.09.III.D.12 ISBN: 9789280726909 Pages: 296 Price: $65.00


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The Conference was aimed to provide a regional forum where governmental officials, planners, scientists and experts from the Americas and other regions could meet to report on the efforts being accomplished in the development and implementation of national and regional spatial data infrastructures in the Americas and other parts of the world, and to address the common needs, problems and experiences in the field of cartography. Additional objectives were to report on the assessment of the status on the resolutions adopted at the Eighth Conference, and on the recent developments and contributions of geographical information in support of sustainable development. The Conference was attended by 81 representatives of 27 countries and 16 specialized agencies and international scientific organizations.

52 UN System Engagement with NGOs, Civil Society, the Private Sector, and Other Actors: A Compendium

This Compendium makes an important contribution towards explaining the broad system of United Nations Offices, Agencies, Programmes and Funds, and Specialized Agencies as well as UN Treaty Bodies, and how they engage with external actors. In addition, it provides information about the activities and policy frameworks of UN bodies and entities, and opportunities and procedures for the participation of non-governmental players in the United Nations processes.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.28 ISBN: 9789211011838 Pages: 260 Price: $5.00

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea

The new United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, the Rotterdam Rules, describes the rights and obligations of all parties with an interest in the carriage of goods by sea. The Rotterdam Rules bring more clarity regarding who is responsible and liable for what, when, where and to what extent. The application of the new convention will make international trade easier and lead to a reduction in costs.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.V.9 ISBN: 9789211336726 Pages: 64 Price: $15.00


World Drug Report 2009

The World Drug Report 2009 presents comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and trends on production, trafficking and consumption in the opium/heroin, coca/ cocaine, cannabis and amphetamine-type stimulants markets. This year, for the first time, the Report includes special feature sections on the quality of drug data available to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), trends in drug use among young people and police-recorded drug offences. It also discusses one the most formidable unintended consequences of drug control – the black market for drugs – and how the international community best can tackle it.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.XI.12 ISBN: 9789211482409 Pages: 312 Price: $70.00

Also available in E-Books format

World Investment Report 2009: Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Production and Development

The World Investment Report 2009, subtitled “Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Production and Development” analyses two major issues: How have foreign direct investment (FDI) flows reacted to the current financial and economic crisis? How do traditional and new foreign investors - transnational corporations (TNCs) - affect agriculture, the basis of livelihood in many developing countries? According to the report, after decades of slow growth, TNCs´ interest and participation in agriculture - including FDI - is again on the rise. Despite this increase, in most countries today only a small share of FDI goes to agriculture. Renewed interest by foreign investors in agricultural investment is significant enough to raise questions about whether FDI and other forms of TNC participation in agriculture can contribute to the development of this long neglected industry. WIR 2009 suggests an integrated policy approach that takes into account concerns arising from TNC involvement.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.09.II.D.15 ISBN: 9789211127751 Pages: 312 Price: $95.00

Yearbook of the United Nations 2006: Delivering as 1 A Unified Response to Global Challenges

This is the sixtieth volume of the most comprehensive and authoritative reference work on the activities of the Organization, covering 2006. This fully indexed “Yearbook”, reproduces in their entirety the texts of, and votes on, all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions. Its 33 chapters deeply cover developments in the main political and security questions; human rights; economic and social questions; legal questions; and institutional, administrative and budgetary questions.

Publishing Agency: United Nations

Sales Number: E.08.I.1 H ISBN: 9789211011708 Pages: 1814 Price: $175.00

Also available in E-Books format

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A subscription to the printed version of selected periodicals also includes access to the on-line version

53 United Nations Publications offers subscriptions to a wide range of periodicals, including economic and social issues, international law, investments, trade as well as directories and bibliographies. Below is a detailed description of each periodical with annual subscription rates.

Asia-Pacific Population Journal Issued three times a year, this journal is an invaluable resource containing opinions and analysis by experts on important issues related to population. It provides a medium for the international exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas, technical information and data on all aspects of population. Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













Cepal Review Cepal Review is the leading journal for the study of economic and social development issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Edited by the Economic Commission for Latin America, each issue focuses on economic trends, industrialization, income distribution, technological development and monetary systems, as well as the implementation of economic reform and transfer of technology. Written in English and Spanish (Revista de la Cepal), each tri-annual issue offers approximately 12 studies and essays undertaken by authoritative experts or gathered from conference proceedings.(Spanish edition of Cepal Review is also available). Africa

Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













International Trade Forum This magazine on trade promotion, export development and import methods is published by the International Trade Center. It is part of the technical cooperation programme between United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), World Trade Organization (WTO), and developing countries and economies in transition. The magazine is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish.



Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













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Law of the Sea Bulletin TheLawoftheSeaBulletinprovidescogentandtimelyinformationonimportant issues related to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Issued three times a year, it provides legal material relevant to the Law of the Sea including National legislation, bilateral agreements and multilateral treaties, as well as, information on decisions of the International Court of Justice, arbitral tribunalsandotherdisputesettlementprocedures.TheBulletinisalsoavailablein French and Spanish.

One-Year: Two-Year:


Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World











Monthly Bibliography The Monthly Bibliography contains references to works recently acquired by the UN Library in Geneva the subject areas that reflect the activities of the Organization, as well as analysis of selected articles from some 350 periodicals. References are divided into broad subject categories. The main part is followed by two indexes: one by author or corporate author and one by title. Complete bibliographic descriptions are given for each reference in accordance with internationally accepted standards such as the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2nd Edition or the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). Africa

Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World














Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (MBS) MBS presents current economic and social statistics for more than 200 countries and territories of the world. It contains over 50 tables of monthly and/or annual and quarterly data on a variety of subjects illustrating important economic long-term trends and developments, including population, prices, employment and earnings, energy, manufacturing, transport, construction, international merchandise trade and finance. A subscription to the printed version of MBS includes access to the MBS Online. For Profit


Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













For NonProfit


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Permanent Missions to the United Nations A unique resource, Permanent Missions to the United Nations lists the names, addresses, e-mail and phone numbers of all representatives to the United Nations. Published once a year, this publication is produced by the Protocol and Liaison Service of the UN and is released in English. Africa

Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













For NonProfit


Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













Population and Vital Statistics Report This biannual journal, published in English, presents estimates of world and regional populations as well as estimates for 218 countries. Information is derived from each country's latest population, national census and from nationally representative statistics on birth and mortality. Population and Vital Statistics Reports are also available online to recipients of the printed publication. Africa

Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













Statement of Treaties and International Agreements This monthly publication contains the statement of treaties and international agreements registered in accordance with Article 102 of the United Nations Charter. The annex contains ratifications, accessions, supplementary agreements and other subsequent actions concerning the treaties and international agreements. This is a bilingual publication in English and French.



Australia, New Zealand and Japan


North America

Rest of the World













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For Profit


Transnational Corporations This journal takes a fresh look at major legal, sectorial, regional and environmental issues facing corporations operating internationally. Released three times a year. It focuses on in-depth, policy-oriented research findings on significant issues relating to the activities of transnational corporations, whose importance in the international economy is clearly increasing. For Profit


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Alphabetical Index 60 Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 45 60 Ways the United Nations Makes a Difference (DVD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Accounting and Financial Reporting Guidelines for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEGA): Level 3 Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Achieving Sustainable Development in an Age of Climate Change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

A Global Agenda: Issues before the United Nations 2009-2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Annual Review of Developments in Globalization and Regional Integration in the Arab Countries, 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries . . . . 7, 22 Asia-Pacific Development Journal, June 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Asia-Pacific Population Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Asia-Pacific Population Journal, August 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Asia-Pacific Population Journal, December 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Assessment of Development Results: Benin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Assessment of Development Results: Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Assessment of Development Results: Guatemala -Evaluation of UNDP Contribution . . . . . . . . . . 23 Assessment of Development Results: Jordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Assessment of Development Results: Lao PDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Assessment of Development Results: Montenegro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Assessment of Development Results: Serbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Biennial Report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Official Records of the Economic and Social Council (25 March 2006 to 13 June 2008) . . . . . . . . . 49 Birth Registration : Right from the Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Building Trust through Civic Engagement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Business of Sustainable Development in Africa, The: Human Rights, Partnerships, Alternative Business Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Cepal Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Child Care Transition, The: A League Table of Early Childhood Education and Care in Economically Advanced Countries . . . . . . 31 Child Friendly Schools Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Children and Conflict in a Changing World: Machel Study 10 Year Strategic Review. . . . . . . . . 13, 31 Children and Disability in Transition in CEE/CIS and Baltic States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Claiming the Millennium Development Goals: A Human Rights Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 45 Climate Change and Children: A Human Security Challenge - Policy Review Paper. . . . . . . . . . . 17 Climate in Peril: A Popular Guide to the Latest IPCC Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


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Active Labor Market Programs for the Integration of Youths and Immigrants into the Labor Market: The Nordic Experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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Economic Report on Africa 2009: Developing African Agriculture Through Regional Value Chains . . . .26 Effects of Ionizing Radiation: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation - UNSCEAR 2006 Report, Volume II - Report to the General Assembly, with Scientific Annexes C, D, and E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 49 Emerging Trade Issues for Policymakers in Developing Countries in Asia and the Pacific . . . . . . . . 40 Energy Costing Tool: User’s Guide - For Use in Costing MDG-based Energy Needs. . . . . . . . . . . .17 Environment on the Edge 2007-2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 40 Evaluation of the National Human Development Report System (Includes CD-ROM). . . . . . . . 26, 34 Evaluation of UNDP Assistance to Conflict - Affeced Countries: Human Security. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to South-South Cooperation: South-South Partnerships . . . . . . . 26 Exploring Policy Linkages Between Poverty, Crime and Violence: A look at Three Caribbean States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 34 Flexible Labour Markets, Workers’ Protection and “The Security of the Wings”: A Danish Flexicurity Solution to the Unemployment and Social Problems in Globalized Economies? . . 40 Full Participation: A Comparative Study of Compulsory Voting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Global Agenda, A: Issues before the United Nations 2009-2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 46, 49 Global Atlas of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management: Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a Global Resource. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Global Compact International Yearbook 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Global Economic Crisis, The: Systemic Failures and Multilateral Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Globalization of Human Rights, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS): Third Revised Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Global Report on Human Settlements 2009: Planning Sustainable Cities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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63 Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2008: Analysis of Trends and Issues in the Financing of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. . . . . 18, 41 Greening Growth in Asia and the Pacific: Follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development Taking Action on the Regional Implementation Plan for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, 2006-2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Guidance for the Implementation of a Quality Management System in Drug Testing Laboratories : A Commitment to Quality and Continuous Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Guidelines for Governments on Preventing the Illegal Sale of Internationally Controlled Substances through the Internet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Guide to Implementing Family Skills Training Programmes for Drug Abuse Prevention . . . . . . . . . 27 Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Handbook on Geospatial Infrastructure in Support of Census Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Handbook on Planning and Action for Crime Prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean Regions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 35 Handbook on Prisoners with Special Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 HIV & AIDS in Asia and the Pacific: A Review of Progress Towards Universal Access . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Human Development Report 2007-2008: Fighting Climate Change - Human Solidarity in a Divided World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Human Development Report 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers - Human Mobility and Development . . . 36, 46 Human Insecurity in East Asia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Humanitarian Diplomacy: Practitioners and their Craft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 46 Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: North America. . . . . . . . . 19 Implementing the Monterry Consensus in Asia and the Pacific: Issues, Challenges and Action. . . . . .27 Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council 2006: Organizational and Substantive Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council 2007: Organizational and Substantive Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly 2007-2008: Index to Speeches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly 2007-2008: Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 50 Innocenti Social Monitor 2009: Child Well-being at a Crossroads: Evolving Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. . . 32 Institutional Changes for Sanitation: Discussion Paper on the Institutional Changes Required to Achieve the MDG Target on Sanitation . . . 19 Intergovernmental Negotiations and Decision Making at the United Nations: A Guide (Second Updated Edition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 International Development Cooperation Today: Emerging Trends and Debates. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 International Investment Rule-making: Stocktaking, Challenges and the Way Forward. . . . . . . . . 41 International Recommendations for Distributive Trade Statistics 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 International Trade Forum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


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Guidelines on Representative Drug Sampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

64 Investment Policy Review: Dominican Republic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Investment Policy Review: Nigeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Joint Evaluation of the Role and Contribution of the United Nations System in the Republic of South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Landlocked Countries in South America: Transport System Challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy 2007: 2008 Trends (Includes CD-ROM). . . . . 42 Latin American Development Problem, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Law of the Sea, The: A Select Bibliography 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Law of the Sea Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Law Reform and Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Least Developed Countries Report 2009, The: The State and Development Governance. . . . . . . . . 28 Migration, Development and Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 (Includes the 2009 Progress Chart). . . . . . . 1, 11, 28, 47 Monthly Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (MBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54

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More Secure World, A: Our Shared Responsibility - Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Multilateralization of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Assessing the Existing Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 19 Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General: Status as at 1 April 2009 . . . . . . . . . . 36 Multilateral Treaty Framework: An Invitation to Universal Participation - 2009 Treaty Event, Towards Universal Participation and Implementation (Treaty Event, 23-25 and 28-29 September 2009, United Nations Headquarters) . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 National Accounts Statistics: Analysis of Main Aggregates 2007. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ninth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas: Report of the Conference - New York, 10-14 August 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 51 No Entry Without Strategy: Building the Rule of Law under UN Transitional Administration . . . . . . . 47 ODA Occasional Papers: Assessing the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms. . . . . . . . . 14 ODA Occasional Papers: Conflict of Interests - Children and Guns in Zones of Instability; Panel Discussion at the United Nations (15 July 2008, New York). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ODA Occasional Papers: Developing a Biological Incident Database (23 October 2008, New York). . . . 15 Pacific Perspectives on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse of Children and Youth . . 32 Permanent Missions to the United Nations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Policy Options and Instruments for Financing Innovation: A Practical Guide to Early-Stage Financing . . 42 Population and Vital Statistics Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Precursors and Chemicals Frequently Used in the Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2008. . . . . . . . . . . 42 Progress for Children: A Report Card on Child Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 37 Promoting Sustainable Strategies to Improve Access to Health Care in the Asian and Pacific Region. . . 29 Punishment and Recidivism: The Italian Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Putting Economic Governance at the Heart of Peacebuilding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

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65 Rainwater Harvesting: A Lifeline for Human Well-being. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations - Sixteenth Revised Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations Sixteenth Revised Edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Reforming Child Law in South Africa: Budgeting and Implementation Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Regional Workshop on the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families in Asia and the Pacific: We Gathered Talked Decided & Proposed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board on Follow-up to the Twentieth Special Session of the General Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Report on World Space Week 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rise of Bilateralism, The: Comparing American, European and Asian Approaches to Preferential Trade Agreements. . . . . . 32, 43 Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (Embodying Amendments and Additions Adopted by the General Assembly up to September 2007) . . 47 Selected Decisions of the Human Rights Committee under the Optional Protocol: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Self-made Cities: In Search of Sustainable Solutions for Informal Settlements in the United Nations Commission for Europe Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 38 Social Services Policies and Family Well-being in the Asian and Pacific Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 South Asia in Action: Preventing and Responding to Child Trafficking Child Rights-based Programme Practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Statement of Treaties and International Agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Striving Together: ASEAN and the United Nations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 38 Summaries of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice 2003-2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2007-2008 . . . . . . . . . . 10, 30 Sustainable Urbanization in the Information Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Business of Sustainable Development in Africa: Human Rights, Partnerships, Alternative Business Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Global Economic Crisis: Systemic Failures and Multilateral Remedies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The Globalization of Human Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The Least Developed Countries Report 2009: The State and Development Governance. . . . . . . . . 10 The Natural Fix? The Role of Ecosystems in Climate Mitigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Trade and Development Report 2009: Responding to the Global Crisis Climate Change Mitigation and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 20, 30 Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation and other Exploitative Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 33


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Report of the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus (Doha, Qatar, 29 November-2 December 2008). . 38, 51

66 Trafficking of Men: A Trend Less Considered -The Case of Belarus and Ukraine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Training Resource Manual: The Use of Economic Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 51 Transmonee 2007 Features: Data and Analysis on the Lives of Children in CEE/CIS and Baltic States . . . 30 Transnational Corporations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 UN Chronicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 UN Comtrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 UNECE Countries in Figures 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 43 UNEP Year Book 2008: An Overview of Our Changing Environment (Formerly titled “GEO Year Book”) . . 47 Unfinished Business: The Negotiation of the CTBT and the End of Nuclear Testing. . . . . . . . . . . 16 Unfinished Story of Women and the United Nations, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 UN Human Rights Standards and Mechanisms to Combat Violence against Children: A Contribution to the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against Children . . . . . . . . . . . 33 United Nations and Nuclear Orders, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 52

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United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2008, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 United Nations Juridical Yearbook 2005. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 United Nations Today, The (Formerly titled “Basic Facts About the UN”). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 UN System Engagement with NGOs, Civil Society, the Private Sector, and Other Actors: A Compendium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 52 Vital Forest Graphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Water Quality for Ecosystem and Human Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Weak Links between Exports and Economic Growth In Latin America and the Caribbean . . . . . . . . 43 World Drug Report 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 39, 52 World Economic and Social Survey 2008: Overcoming Economic Insecurity. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 48 World Economic and Social Survey 2009: Promoting Development, Saving the Planet. . . . . . . . . 30 World Investment Report 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 World Investment Report 2009: Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Development. . . . . . . . . 44 World Investment Report 2009: Transnational Corporations, Agricultural Production and Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 World Population 2008 (Wall Chart) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 World Religions and Norms of War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 World Statistics Pocketbook 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 World Water Development Report 3: Water in A Changing World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Yearbook of the United Nations 2005: Sixtieth Anniversary Edition Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Yearbook of the United Nations 2006: Delivering as 1 A Unified Response to Global Challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 39, 48, 52 Year in Review 2007: United Nations Peace Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Year in Review 2008: United Nations Peace Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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