2 minute read

Perseverance, the Element of Success

Numerous people feel disappointed in life when they do not achieve their goals. Others make sacrifices and insistently strive to reach their aims. Mondays may not be your favorite day but your requirements and resoluteness can drag you out of bed early in the morning to prepare for work. Our willpower and passion help us to rise above obstacles that may hinder us from attaining our goals.

Finding the driving force that will bring us closer to our dream objective requires daily struggle and planning. We can spot such endeavors everywhere around us; all those small stores and vendors are exemplifying perseverance over and over again to provide for themselves and their families. It is a universal rule that if we want to accomplish something, we must start small, then progress and grow our ambition. If we take a look at the most successful companies in the world, we see that they started with a limited amount of money and generally from their basements or bedrooms. It is their steady determination, paired with persistence that set them apart on the way to success.


Making the right moves demands the right amount of research and planning, which as a result requires our endurance. And maintaining that endurance will lead us to the perseverance we need to carry out our actions without taking on discouragement, opposition, or previous failure. I, too, while on Thursdays’ photo walks, am encountering pertinent examples of such perseverance. Once, when visiting the Bornova flea market, it became immensely clear to me that operating one's own enterprise calls for well-considered steps and savvy investment. See the lady cooking her best gözleme (Turkish style savory pancake) on a rather modern station, which I believe did not exist when she started her profession some decades ago.

Upgrade thyself

Vladimir Jovanovski

It impressed me greatly and showed me that in order to be a good business manager, one must continuously be aware of innovation and renew the tools needed for work. Hence, keeping up with the latest trends and technologies again demands us to stay on track and not lose our perseverance.

Going to places that usually stock and offer items from the past come together with divine moments of precious conversations with those who are more experienced. They are sources of knowledge, positivity, bits of advice, and, most importantly, they stand as proof of everlasting perseverance. For me, it was enough to catch this little moment of cross-generational conversation and to realize how important it is to listen to and respect those who persisted in their lives. For they know that: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

So much to ask, so little time

Vladimir Jovanovski

Regardless of their challenges, people aspire to become successful. Individuals who do not abandon their pursuits but find the strength to cope with their difficulties, eventually achieve their aims. It may seem unattainable until we work towards achieving it. The path to our objective can be rocky. However, we must not quit. Our target may be nearer than we think it is. Perseverance helps us on our rise to success.

Vladimir Jovanovski

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