rhythm: repeat patterns
That’s one of my favorite chapters, just because I really like patterns and repetition. I tried different techniques and used mixed media.
ondon is a city full of different brands and international trade center. I decided to show it through well-known UK and global brands. It’s easy to guess!
This is the pattern which consists of a silhouette of the London areas which reminds me flower. So I colored them black, white and red with link to the Red Rose and White Rose War. I monoprinted map and then traced it
This is monoprint as well. Actually it’s part of London Eye and I like the geometry of it’s structure.
This pattern presents monoprinted London coat of arms, original print and it’s negative, which was a made in second. During the experiments I understood that texture with the colours remind me pebbles - roundshaped smooth stones which you can find on the seaside. That’s the reason for the shape as well.
This pattern consists of two images of Harrods. Black and white image produced with pins in a list of black paper, that reminds me how Harrods looks in Christmas times with all the lights turned on! Orange produced with printing through the holes.