Fachdidaktisches Zentrum der PhilologischKulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Ass.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Maria Reiterer Spitalgasse 2, Hof 8 (Campus) A 1090 Wien F +43-1-4277-94 52 susanne.reiterer@univie.ac.at http://fdz-sprachen.univie.ac.at/
To the Organizing Committee of the Cognitive Science Research Platform At the University of Vienna
Subject: Letter of Recommendation for Vladan Shutanovac
Dear committee, I met Vladan Shutanovac as highly interested PhD student at the English Department at the
University of Vienna. He appealed to me in my function as researcher on the cognitive neuroscience of language processing during the summer term 2011 when I gave a neurolinguistic seminar about "Neurolinguistic and Brain Imaging aspects of Second Language Acquisition”. I took on partial supervision of his research ideas and counselled him to contact the Cognitive Science platform. Since he wants to pursue a research project at the transdisciplinary borders between theoretical linguistics, applied linguistics (second language acquisition), psychology, philosophy, pedagogy and cognitive science, he is in the rather difficult position that this interdisciplinary terrain is underrepresented at the University of Vienna and thus he cannot easily be integrated into one language department “only”, as would be the case at the “English Department”. His interests seem to be converging to a maximum degree with the study scope of the interdisciplinary platform “MEiCogSci” at the University of Vienna. My general impression of this student is exceptionally good, because he already has broad expertise from his prior studies in Cognitive Science related subject areas and coped successfully with a series of hardships to overcome disciplinary boundaries and be able to come closer to the interdisciplinary field of his project. I wholeheartedly recommend the very enthusiastic student Vladan for a study place within the Cognitive Science platform (Master programme in MEiCogSci), because I think that his enthusiasms will be an enrichment to the programme and that enthusiastic students are the backbone of successful research programmes.
Yours faithfully
Vienna, 4 June 2012
Signature and stamp of the institution