| F.A.C.E. Move W W i n he re
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” - Benjamin Franklin
Valley Life Today Magazine A Publication of F.A.C.E. Media Managing Editor
Findin g the
Linnie Frank Bailey
Path to Wellness
Design + Art Director Hector Chavez Writers Linnie Frank Bailey
Claudette Jack
he path to wellness begins long before a visit to the doctor’s office or emergency room. By then, disease may be present and treatment is necessary. Fortunately, modern advances in medicine can still lead patients back to the wellness road – even when faced with major illness. Nevertheless, lifestyle changes we make before illness strikes such as stopping smoking, exercising, and eating nutritious meals – can significantly reduce our chances for future sickness. Ours is an area with alarming rates of chronic illnesses, including hypertension-related conditions, diabetes, and asthma. We also face a shortage of doctors and medical providers. In this Issue of Valley Life Today we examine what is required to put us back on the road to health. In Part One - Creating a Community of Healers, we look at efforts to improve our access to primary care physicians, including a feature on the UCR Medical School. Part Two – A Place Where My Soul Can Find Rest, examines mental health, nutrition, and fitness. Physical, mental, and spiritual health are within reach in the Moreno Valley area. Healthcare is changing right before our eyes. Wellness will be the focus, instead of illness. Healthcare will be patient-centered instead of cold and impersonal. We are on our way to community wellness! As Renee Zaragoza says - “No Excuses Get Moving!” Wherever you are on the path we encourage you to BE WELL.
Linnie Frank Bailey
Paola Wong-Ringer Wendy Williams-Clark Wendy Smith Photographers Cheryl Leon Hector Chavez Andre Greer Anthony Ambrose Publisher F.A.C.E. – Family and Community Empowerment 14950 Riverside Drive, Riverside, CA 92518 951-697-8803
For more information or an advertising packet: info@vlifetoday.com
Visit o u r we bsi t e : vLif eToday.com
Linnie Frank Bailey Managing Editor
Valley Life Today Magazine
Valley Lif e Tod a y Maga z in e Publish ed by :
F.A.C. E .
Finding the
p at h t o
g i n , a l l l e a d ihn a t n u o m e h t s o f p a t h s udpo e s n ’ t m a t t e r w h i c h p a ot d e r d n u h e r a “There c t i o n , s o i t s t i n g t i m e i s t h e o n e w hy e r i d e m a s e h er in t one wa y l n o e h i n , t e l l i n g ervo v e r b T a t . n e u k o m e h you ta t nd around - Hindu P r u n s a r o u n d sa o r h e r p a t h i s w r o n g . ” one that hi
a Creating ity Commun ers Of Heal odel M e r a C e im 9 . - Th e P r ool Sch R C U 1 6 . - Th e ine of Medic r” o t c o D a n Be 20.-“I Ca
A Place Where m Soul Can Find R y est 2 3 .- Th e Q u e s t f o r Wellness 2 8 .- E v e r y o n e C a n Exercise 3 2 .- V e g a n o r V e getarian?
Valley Life Today visits
h Iss ue in Jun e, vLi feT od ay, alo ng wit ng rni mo r me sum ent rec a On uel and his fam ily, vis ite d On e cov er sub jec t, Jam al Sam rof it and a fixt ure in the cit y. TH E GR OU P – a Riv ers ide no n-p of TH E GR OU P add res ses iss ues A t the ir bi- mo nth ly me eti ng s, y act ivis ts vid es a for um for com mu nit con cer n in the are a and pro and lea der s. efa tig abl e wo me n: Jen nif er TH E GR OU P is led by fou r ind ene , Ma yes , Vic e-C hai r; Kat ie Gre Vau gh n-B lak ely , Ch air ; Ro se ens , Tre asu rer . Sec ret ary ; and Ola Fay e Ste ph UC R Sc ho ol of Me di cin e De an G. Ri ch ar d Ol ds
o r, S e n a to r S e n io r A d v is , tt e rr a G n A lt o ir e O ff ic e In la n d E m p r e x o B ra a B a rb
r D teache in a , R U S d e e M e t e s s Jo Tr u er RCCD a n d fo r m
War d 1 Rive rsid e City Cou ncil mem ber Mike Gard ner 6
ty W ar d 2 Ri ve rsi de Ci dy Co un cil m em be r An Me le nd re z
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
Valley Life To day Visits THE G ROU P THE GROUP member Ka ti e G re e n e p re se n ts a w a rd to M ik e F in e , R U S D D e p u ty S u p e ri n te n d e n t/ B u si n e ss S e rv ic e s a n d G o v e rn m e n ta l R e la ti o n s
THE GROU P memb ers Katie Green e and Jennif er Vaugh n-Blak ely prese nt award to Dr. Olds, with Jeff Kraus , UCR Gover nmen t and Comm unity Relati ons
S y lv ia M a r t in J a m es and Moreno V a ll e y r e s id e n t and UC B e r k e le y s tudent Jamal Sa muel
vLif eTod ay Edit or Linn ie Fran k Bail ey with com mun ity lead ers Stev e Clut e and Jose Med ina
Jam al’s mo m Cla ude tte Jac k
F.A.C. E. Board memb er, Sylvia Marti n James prays with Jamal Samu el Jose in a a n d d e M , z e ounty M e le n d r e r s id e C iv R , o r g lt h Montene t of Mental Hea n e Departm
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
D r. E m Simmo m a ns, UCR SO M
L e i g h ns, i h c t u H are C e m i Pr
“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” -Hippocrates
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
Na me : L e i g h Hu tc h i n s , P re s i d e n t, N A M M C a l i fo r n i a
Th e P ri meCare Model:
Quality, Compassionate, Neighborhood Care Interview with
Leigh Hutchins, President, North American Medical Management
orth American Medical Management,
Most of our doctors live and work in the
California, Inc. (NAMM) develops and
communities where they practice and are a vital
manages health care provider networks
part of their neighborhoods. It is not unusual for
including PrimeCare -- the largest network
patients to see their PrimeCare physician at the
of independently-contracted physicians in
grocery store, the local school, or at community
the Inland Empire. Here we talk with NAMM
events. Our emphasis is quality, compassionate,
California President, Leigh Hutchins about
neighborhood care.
her background, the local services provided by PrimeCare, and the firm’s commitment to the neighborhoods it serves.
What is PrimeCare? PrimeCare consists of 14 physician networks dedicated to providing personalized care to their local communities. We have served the Inland area since the mid-nineties. In addition to San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, we also serve parts of San Diego.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
PrimeCare of Moreno Valley is one of the 14
Leigh Hutchins advises people to fi nd fun w ays to keep fi t. She is an avid Soccer player who has parti ci pated i n several local l eagues.
According to the California Department of Public Health -among C al i forni a’s 58 C oun t ies, the Inl and C ounti es of Ri ver side and San Bernardino rank in the bottom third (and in some cases the bottom 10) in death rates from most cancers, di abetes, and heart-relat ed condi ti ons.
networks. This network has nearly 20 primary care
private practice in the area and an extensive network of specialists n e a r b y.
People who
live and/or work in Moreno Valley will find a PrimeCare physician near their home or job. In addition, there are several urgent care centers in or near Moreno Valley with extended evening and weekend hours. (see Sidebar) There is a need to recruit more doctors for the R i v e r s i d e a n d M o r e n o Va l l e y a r e a s b e c a u s e t h e physician supply is inadequate to serve the
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are
becoming an increasing part of the healthcare landscape. What is PrimeCare’s involvement? (See sidebar – What is an ACO?) PrimeCare was named as one of the first 32 Pioneer ACOs by CMS (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) in late 2011. This means we are at the forefront of implementing the ACO focus on patient-centered care and prevention.
When we look at diseases such
as diabetes and hypertension we know we can improve outcomes by lifestyle changes. We are committed to providing resources and education for our patients to lower the disease rates in our Inland communities. In addition, we are not just a network for treatment; we participate in health related events including the American Heart Associations ‘Go Red for Women’ campaign. Among others, we also support Breast Cancer, Juvenile Diabetes, and Alzheimer research, treatment and prevention activities at the local level.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
What is an Accountable Care Organization? Accountable Care Organizations, or ACOs, represent a new model for the delivery and management of health care. While still being defined at national and local levels, the triple aim of ACOs are better care for patients, better population health and lower costs. ACOs focus on patient-centered treatment with an emphasis on prevention and maintaining wellness, rather than just treating disease. ACOs ho p e t o ma n a g e s pir a ling he al t h car e co st s, i m p r o ve qu al i t y, deliver personalized care, and improve patient outcomes.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
You are one of several top-level female healthcare executives in the Inland area. What is your background and what do you think accounts for the growing number of women reaching senior management positions in the industry?
»The P ri meC are N etw ork includes over 425 P ri mary C are Physicians and over 2,000 S peci a list s in nei ghborhoods throughout t he Inl and area. P ri meC ar e Physician N etw orks i ncl ude: PrimeCare Medical Group of Chino Valley, Inc. PrimeCare of Citrus Valley, Inc. PrimeCare of Corona, Inc.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in pharmacology from UC Santa Barbara, and a MBA from UCLA. I have been with NAMM for 19 years. I think there are many senior level women in healthcare because the industry has been more accepting of women in leadership roles. Women are not only present in greater numbers on the Clinical Care and Nursing side of health care, but also there are many female managers on the administrative side. Currently, half of my senior management team consists of women. Not because they are female, but because they are highly qualified.
PrimeCare of Hemet Valley, Inc. PrimeCare of Inland Valley, Inc. PrimeCare of Moreno Valley, Inc. PrimeCare of Redlands, Inc. PrimeCare of Riverside, Inc. PrimeCare of San Bernardino, Inc. PrimeCare of Sun City, Inc. PrimeCare of Temecula, Inc. Coachella Valley Physicians Redlands Family Practice Medical Group, Inc. (a PrimeCare affiliate) Valley Physicians Network Prime Community Care of Central Valley
oll oday P om » v L i f e Te website v L if e To d a y. c
( go to th swer) t your an to submi ility, mpatib o c e c n n for w he s insur a Beside t do you look ? n ia hysic w ha ring a P conside k a l l t h a t a p p l y ) (chec Home imity to x o r P o Work □ ximity t □ Pro der n □ G e b e r o f Ye a r s m □ Nu rience from pe x E dation ommen u Know c e R □ e Yo Someon Physician l a spit h □ Ho ssociated Wit is A
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
For more information on PrimeCare community events, MediCare resources, or to locate a PrimeCare physician near you call (800) 9568000. or visit www.PrimeCare.com. PrimeCare of Moreno Valley – pcmorenovalley.com Af f iliat e d Ho sp it a ls • Parkview Community Hospital • Riverside Community Hospital • San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital Af f iliat e d Ur g e n t Ca r es • Apex Urgent Care, Inc. • Moreno Valley Urgent Care • Parkview Outpatient Urgent Care • Perris Valley Medical Group
. t r e p x E e h t k s A
Prostate Cancer is the #1 cancer in men with nearly 200,000 new cases diagnosed yearly. According to the Centers for Disease Control, cancer is the second leading cause of death in men with a 24.3% rate, the first being heart disease with a 25.7% rate. Dr. Shepard states there may be no symptoms of Prostate Cancer that would indicate an immediate trip to the doctor. This is why regular screenings are highly recommended. A simple blood test called a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is all you need to be initially screened for the disease. It will create a baseline for your doctor in order to monitor you. If you have a PSA that comes back with elevated levels then further testing is required. African-American males have an increased risk of Prostate
Cancer; therefore testing should begin early, with the
Dr. Rick Shepard elcome to a new addition to Valley Life Today
recommended age to begin annual screenings being age 40. If you have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer or you
We call this new column “Ask the Expert”.
know someone who does have Prostate Cancer, make
This will be a question and answer type forum; whereby
sure you keep all of your medical appointments and know
you the reader, can ask any question and we will seek an
all your treatment options. If you don’t have a doctor or
“expert” in the area/field of your question to provide an answer. There will be different contributing writers for the column. Submit your questions to info@vLifeToday.com.
According to the American Cancer S o c i e t y, m o s t m e n d i a g n o s e d w i t h prostate cancer do not die from it. More than 2.5 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some poi nt are sti l l al i ve today.
It is estimated that 1 man in 6 will b e d i a g n o s e d w i th p r o s ta te c a n c e r duri ng hi s l i feti me.
Prostate cancer affects Afri can-Ameri cans at a hi gh er rate than any other ethnic group i n the U ni ted S tates.
The theme for this month’s publication is healthcare; therefore keeping in line with that theme this initial article is concerning Prostate Cancer. The “expert” on Prostate Cancer is Rick L. Shepard, M.D. a leading urologist in the Riverside/Corona area. Dr. Shepard is a board certified diplomate with the American Board of Urology, and is a leading expert in the field of urology and men’s health. He has spoken to various physician and patient groups on the diagnosis and treatment of Prostate Cancer. Dr. Shepard is the Medical Director with PrimeCare of Corona and has been the Chairman of the Department of Surgery with Corona Regional Medical Center and Inland Valley Medical Center. 14
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
would like a second opinion, Dr. Shepard is top rated in his field. Check with your insurance carrier to see if Dr. Shepard is listed as a specialist, if he is call and make an appointment. Additionally, there is a Prostate Cancer support group that meets monthly in Riverside, for more information check out their website: http://www.rivfound.org. In conclusion gentlemen, it is up to you to be your own health advocate — get regular checkups. Being your own health advocate means leading a healthy lifestyle. If you smoke – quit. Get regular exercise and watch what you eat, watch your sun exposure (use SPF), and if you drink alcohol keep it moderate. There is nothing you can do if you are genetically predisposed to cancer, but you do have the power within you to avoid the other risk factors. And remember, at all times; be open and honest with your doctor. You might think that some information is trivial and doesn’t need to be shared with your doctor, but that one thing could save your life, so be open and honest. Your doctor has most likely heard and seen worse, there is no need to be embarrassed, after all it is your life. Take good care of it! Submitted by Wendy E. Smith, Freelance writer
Th e ch ie f co n d it io n o n wh i ch , li f e , h e alt h a nd v i g or dep e n d o n , is act i o n . I t i s b y act i o n t h at a n or g a nis m d e ve lo p s i t s f acult ie s , i n cre ase s it s e ne r g y , an d at t ai n s t h e f ulf illme n t o f i t s d e s t i ny . - C o li n P o we ll
• Riverside County faces a critical shortage of primary care physicians. The Inland
D r. E m m a Simmons , UC R
Empire has 37 doctors per 100K patients; the optimum numbers are 80 doctors per 100K patients.
• Nearly 30 percent of physicians in California are over 60 years old and will be retiring in large numbers within the next decade..
• While Latinos represent over 40 percent of Californians, only 5 percent of the state’s physicians are Latinos.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
Dr. Emma Simmons credits “helpers along the way” for shepherding her on a path that began in rural Mississippi and led to her current position as the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at the University of
From a professor at tiny Tougaloo College in Mississippi who insisted she apply to the Brown University Medical Program -- to Dr. G. Richard Olds, one of her early mentors at Brown who is now the Dean of the UCR School of Medicine – she stresses it was her mentors who contributed greatly to her success. These days, Dr. Simmons herself is a mentor. She counsels medical school students and is charged with implementing the K-12 bridge programs aimed at bringing students into the medical profession. Reflecting on her own trek to become a doctor, she says the journey was unexpected. “I knew I wanted to go into the health care profession, but I had no real intention of going to medical school. It was one of my instructors in college who encouraged me to go this route.”
A Humble Beginning Dr. Simmons, who has seven siblings, hails from Laurel, Mississippi, a small town in the rural southeast part of the state. In recalling her background, she describes a warm, nourishing environment, albeit limited by a lack of resources. “My parents pushed us to do well,” she says, “But they didn’t know what was available or how to help us with school. My dad only had a fifth grade education and mom wanted to be a nurse, but options were limited for black women in her time.” Initially, the schools she attended were segregated. By the time she went to integrated schools, she felt less confident. This is where mentors came in, she says. “My teachers (some she least expected) said ‘you can do it’ and stressed the need to ‘succeed to compete.’ I realized that some of my peers were holding me back and I had to choose a different path.” “Some mentors, such as teachers and instructors, are just for a season,” she continues, explaining how supporters outside the family can play a vital role in a child’s development. “Children know their parents want them to be successful, but sometimes getting positive reinforcement from someone else is the key. It reinforces what the parents tell them and they listen.” Simmons’s graduated as her high school valedictorian, and from there went to a HBCU (Historically Black College & University) -- Tougaloo College, a small Christian college in her home state. She credits the supportive nature of the college with increasing her confidence and desire to succeed.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
California, Riverside (UCR) School of Medicine.
Even though, Tougaloo is a liberal arts institution,
“This Community Needs This School”
Simmons knew her interests were in science-related courses. Preparing for a career in nursing, she was instead
Simmons considers herself blessed to be at the
encouraged to apply to a physician training program at
forefront of the UCR Medical School, which is
Brown University in Rhode Island. In her sophomore year
awaiting accreditation this year. The school has
she was accepted into Brown’s medical school program.
galvanized community leaders who are leading
After graduation in 1991, she completed her residency in
the effort to make the school fully funded and
Family Medicine at Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island. She
operational. Once the school receives accreditation
later completed an MPH from Brown University in 2004.
it can admit its first four-year class. Currently, medical students spend their first two years at UCR
Her experience at Brown changed her life in fundamental
for classroom training, and their second two years
ways. She credits Dr Olds as being instrumental to her
with physicians at UCLA. A full, four-year program
success during her first year. However, apart from her
will allow student doctors to serve in the Inland
medical studies – she also met her future spouse at
area where the need is critical.
Brown. She married fellow med student Scott Allen and after becoming physicians, the couple practiced
For this reason, Dean Olds has made it clear that he
in the Mississippi Delta for a while before returning to
will not wait for funding from the state or ‘perfect
Providence, Rhode Island where Dr. Simmons later joined
conditions’ saying it is imperative for the Inland
the research faculty of the Brown University Center for
community to have this School of Medicine. He is
Primary Care & Prevention. It was her former mentor Dr. Olds who recruited her to join the founding staff of the UCR School of Medicine. He says, “I always knew if I had the opportunity to staff a medical school I would want people like Emma Simmons – someone excited about what she does who also understands the importance of mentoring others. She embodies the mission of this school because she lives it! The same with her spouse Scott, who was also a student of mine, I am thrilled they accepted my offer and moved to our area!” Dr. Simmons, her husband and two children (Miles 18, and Kari 11) moved to the area last year after she accepted the Associate Dean position with UCR. They first lived in an apartment in Riverside near the Moreno Valley city limit. Her husband, who is also an Associate Professor at the UCR SOM, accepted a clinical position with the nearby Riverside County Medical Center. She says she fell in love with the city and its surrounding communities and enjoys the many ethnic restaurants, adding, “The warmth and
To d a y d a y.c o m P o l l ( g o to th e webs to s u b m it e it y o
v L if e To
ur answ er) W hat d o y o u think impor t ant re are th as e mos t Schoo ons to have l of Me t dicine he UCR (check ? a ll th a t □ To a p p ly ) attract h ig h q an □ To d r e s e a r c h e u a li t y p h y s ic rs to t ia n s d iv e w o r k f o r s if y t h e p h y h e a r e a . s ic ia n rce an d t wh □ To o a r e c u lt u r r a in d o c t o r s a ll r e p la c e t h e la y c o m p e t e n doctor t. rge s who w il l b e n u m b e r o f the ye ars ah r e t ir in □ To ead. g in enco p r a c t ic u r a g e d o c t o r e in t h □ To e area s to start a enco . the are urage docto r s t o li a and ve the ge □ To c o m m u n it y t in v o lv e d in in . grow t he hea in d lt h t e c □ To u s t r y. h n o lo g y h e lp e nd the shorta c urrent g e in t doctor he I.E .
friendliness of the people in Moreno Valley remind me of my southern roots.” 18
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
UCR School of Medicine looking at innovative, out-of-the box training for his medical students, including
UCR School of Medicine Pathway
sending them out into the field with established physicians for hands-on training.
Programs are designed to recruit future students and support
Both Dr. Simmons and Dean Olds understand the need for more diversity in
existing ones. The goal is to
medicine, especially in an area with a high Latino population. One of the goals
increase the pipeline of students
of the UCR medical school is to reflect the diversity of the campus and the
considering health careers all the
surrounding area. Approximately half of incoming students will come from UCR.
way to the elementary school level. Several programs already
“We have a diverse pool of undergraduate students right here at UCR,” says
exist in secondary schools in the
Dr. Simmons quoting statistics on the dire need for more Latino and African-
area. Other programs include:
American physicians. However, she says recruitment should begin prior to high school to encourage students to prepare for STEM (Science, Technology,
• The FastStart program: helps
Engineering, Math) curriculums which lead to careers like medicine. She
students from disadvantaged
describes several programs – called Pathways -- the School of Medicine has
backgrounds make a strong
developed to support recruitment. (See sidebar)
start in their college studies and acclimate to college life.
The mission of the UCR School of Medicine is to improve the health of the
• The Medical Scholars program:
Inland population which suffers from high rates of cardiovascular disease and
is a community of highly
diabetes. In addition, the area has an extreme shortage of primary care doctors.
motivated students interested in careers in the health
With so many new doctors going into highly-paid specialist fields, there is a
critical need for primary care physicians. Studies show minority doctors tend
• The Health Professions
to go into primary care at a greater rate. Dr. Simmons believes this is because
Advising Center: supports the
they feel more of a responsibility to serve their communities. And, she adds that
aspirations of pre-med and
the majority of doctors start their practice in the area where they are trained.
pre-health undergraduate
This bodes well for the area in economic terms, with the school turning out a
students interested in pursuing
cadre of physicians in the decades ahead.
careers in medicine and other allied health professions.
Enthusiastic and engaging, Dr. Simmons takes her role as advisor seriously.
• The Future Physician Leaders
She hopes to mentor many students in the years to come. Her own journey
program: provides mentorship
underscores the importance of having someone to turn to. “In some cases,
for pre-medical students
students are without someone to say ‘you can do it.’ A mentor pushes you to
who are interested in serving
make you fly. None of us makes it in isolation; someone encouraged us and gave
the community as physician
us resilience; teaching us how to get up from a fall. I tell students ‘It’s okay to
leaders in the Coachella Valley
ask for help. It can be life-altering.’”
and Riverside-San Bernardino regions.
Dr. Simmons sees the future physicians trained at the UCR School of Medicine as being on the leading edge of disease prevention and community wellness, stressing, “This community needs this school -- it will save lives!”
For more information on the UCR School of Medicine, visit the website: medschool.UCR.edu
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
k r a l C e Porch
“I Can be a Doctor!” One Young Woman’s Story By Wendy Williams-Clark
Local writer Wendy Williams-Clark describes her
She remembers, looking at him, and
step-daughter’s quest to become a physician:
wanting to know why she couldn’t do anything to help him. And then it came
“We all know that life is a series of events that
to her, “I can be a doctor.”
At a young
join together to shape our destiny. These events
age she decided, “I was put on this earth
can have a lasting impact on the way we see our
for a reason, to help people, and so that
future and the careers we choose. At age 10,
is what I am going to do.”
Moreno Valley resident Porche Clark started her day almost like any other fourth grader; is your
Not entirely sure where to start, she
homework done? Check. Are your chores done?
understood the need to get good grades
Check. Don’t forget about your brother? Check.
throughout elementary and junior high school.
But it
The path which led my step-daughter to dream
was at Vista Del Lago High
of entering the medical world was one event, a
School in Moreno Valley
brother being born with Down’s Syndrome. Down’s
that her journey took its
Syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is
first real steps. “There were
associated with a delay in cognitive ability and
not a lot of places to go to
physical growth, as well as a particular set of facial
find information about
characteristics. This event, however confusing to
becoming a physician,
a sibling, gave this young woman the drive she
needed to pursue a career to one day “fix his brain
and learn to take care of people who can’t take
care of themselves.”
• The number of African-American students applying to medical school is increasing. Last year African-American applicants increased by 4.8 percent. However, there is still a critical shortage of AfricanAmerican doctors.
• Diversity among physicians is desired to overcome language and cultural barriers, reduce healthcare disparities, and support patient centered care.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
She began researching college courses at
Ms. Clark graduated from UCR with a Bachelors of
Riverside Community College (RCC) and
Arts degree in Psychology in 2011 and is currently
the University of California at Riverside
taking pre-med courses at UCR. She is scheduled
After she graduated from high
to take the practice Medical College Admissions
school, she enrolled at RCC. It was in her
T e s t o r M C AT S i n S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 2 a n d h o p e s t o
freshman year that she first heard about
enter the UC Medical Program in 2013 to become
the possibility of a four-year medical
part of its first graduating class.
school being offered at UCR. Currently, she works at Kaiser Permanente in The UCR/UCLA Thomas Haider Program in
Riverside, and under the tutelage of the doctors
Biomedical Science is currently Riverside
and medical staff there, she continues her goal of
County’s only medical program that
p r o v i d i n g s e r v i c e s t o p a t i e n t s i n R i v e r s i d e C o u n t y.
provides UCR students access to 24-seats
She also has dedicated her time to volunteer work
annually at UCLA.
Students complete
i n t h e c o m m u n i t y, i n c l u d i n g H a b i t a t f o r H u m a n i t y
their first two years at UCR then move
and the Path of Life mobile healthcare vehicle. In
on to take their remaining two years at
addition, she walks in the Relay for Life for Breast
UCLA, receiving their MD degree from
Cancer and volunteers at the Senior Living home
UCLA. UCR is in the process of becoming
at Air Force Village West. Quite a busy schedule
an independent four-year medical school,
for this young woman!
with a target date to open in 2013. In 2013, Ms. Clark’s volunteer work will take her Graduating from RCC in 2008, Ms. Clark
to Ethiopia, where she will work with a physician
was accepted to UCR as a psychology
from Kaiser Permanente at the Learning Village,
She did not immediately enroll
“a community development resource center
into the Haider program, because she
where children and adults, women and men can
wants to complete her education and
discover and develop their natural talents to
graduate with her MD from UCR.
free themselves from the bondages of poverty,
is a certain esteem attached to growing
disease, and harmful cultural traditions”.
up, completing your education near home, and working in the same community. It’s
Porche Clark has already fulfilled her childhood
like giving back!”
mission to help people, and her ultimate dream inches closer -- Porche Clark, M.D.”
Photo of Porche By :Josh Williams
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
y m e r e h w e A Plac t s e r d n i f Soul can • In 2010, adults living below the poverty level were three times more likely to have serious psychological distress as compared to adults over twice the poverty level. In general; minorities have less access to, and less availability of mental health services. (Office of
Minority Health, HHS)
J e n n i fe r VaughnBlakely
• CDC Research has suggested that less
than one-half of people with
serious mental illness receive
st wi th yo ur fir t bu gs in th l al th wi ce “H av e pa ti en wi th yo ur va lu e es ak st mi ur yo e us nf co r ve se lf. Ne ec tl y va lu ab le , cr erf pe a re u’ Yo g. in be n ma as a hu ly be ca us e yo u ex is t.er mp si on rs pe le hi hw rt wo e, iv at hs an d tr ib ul at io ns caisn ev An d no am ou nt of tr iu mp ac ce pt an ce th e lfse l na io it nd co Un . at th ch an ge Fr an ce s de Sa le s t. -S ”. nd mi ul ef ac pe a of co re
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July
The Quest for Wellness By: Wendy Williams-Clark and Linnie Frank Bailey
e l l n e s s a s d e f i n e d b y d i c t i o n a r y. c o m : t h e q u a l i t y o r s t a t e o f b e i n g h e a l t h y i n b o d y a n d m i n d ,
especially as the result of deliberate effort. Making the ‘deliberate effort’ to be physically and mentally well can be challenging in times of economic upheaval that leave families and individuals stressed and frustrated. Add to that the rapid technological changes that have us constantly wired and ‘communicated to’ all throughout our day. People don’t even enjoy events any more, or take down-time, because they are constantly checking e-mail, posts, or tweets. Is it any wonder that mentally so many are on edge and seeking solace?
News reports remind us daily that mental illness can be just as deadly as physical illness – for both the person who is suffering, and their community. Inland cities are not exempt from the ravages of mental illness, including depression, violence, and suicide. Mental illness, like physical illness, has no boundaries of age, race, creed, income, or gender. There is however a stigma to mental illness that prevents people from seeking treatment. “If you have a physical ailment that is keeping you from functioning you go to a doctor; it should be the same if your illness is mental,” says Jose Montenegro, Western Region Outreach & Engagement Coordinator for Riverside County’s Department of Mental Health. “My job is to help reduce the stigma and disparities in our community when it comes to seeking help.” Traditionally, the Latino and African-American communities have been hesitant to identify the need for mental health treatment, thinking it is a disease not prevalent within their ethnic group and that their issues can be solved on their own. Montenegro says, “‘I’m not crazy!’ or ‘I don’t want to talk to a
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
counselor about my issues,’ is something he hears frequently from members of the brown and black communities. “ What they don’t realize is that 80% of people who receive mental health services return to a sense of normalcy and are able to continue their lives.”
According to Vaughn-Blakely, “Not everyone responds to the same type of services. Cultural differences affect the ideas, knowledge, beliefs and values of individuals. There is a real need to have providers in the community that understand these differences and are able to provide services that are culturally relevant.”
Another community member working to bring mental health services to our area is Jennifer Vaughn-Blakely, a community consultant for the Riverside County Mental Health Department. She says her goal is to, “build a community based center to provide services to address the needs of ‘un-served, underserved and inappropriately-served’ individuals in the community.” These needs include making mental wellness information more accessible and more user-friendly, and engaging organizations that local people can
The African-American Family Wellness group meets monthly and is looking for members who can help in defining the needs of the c o m m u n i t y.
Vaughn-Blakely says they are
concerned with recent reports from Moreno Valley and elsewhere in Riverside County which indicate suicide rates for youths have increased. “ We are looking to the community to help us address the mental health issues and needs of African-Americans. Particularly in the areas of prevention and early intervention. Membership is open to all concerned citizens!”
relate to -- such as churches and community centers. One such organization in western Riverside County is the African-American Family Wellness Group, made up of residents and local community and faith-based organizations. Their goal is to ensure that mental health services, awareness, and education, reflect the culture of African-Americans in Riverside County. This group, still in its infancy, was formed in 2011 and is focused on providing needed services to their community.
v L if e T o d a y P o o d a y. c om to ll (go to th e w s u b m it y o u r a e b s it e W ithi nswer n the ) past you o 9 r 0 a d close ays, h expe left y rienced t family m ave e h ou un able e followin mber t o f u your ncti g that ( c h e c k daily life on well in ? a ll t h a t a p p ly □ A ) nxiet y □ D epres sion □ E xtrem e Str ess □ T houg hts o f Suic □ D ide omes tic Vi olenc □ B e i-pola r Diso rder
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
More information can be found by contacting
The African-American Family Wellness Group
The Sundance Company
5198 Arlington Ave. #316
Riverside, CA 92504
E-mail: SnDncCo1@aol.com
Likewise, Montenegro reports there are free mental health wellness workshops held in Riverside that are presented in Spanish. The sessions are held in the Community Room of the Casa Blanca Library – 2985 Madison Street, Riverside, CA 92504. Upcoming sessions include: • August 30 – What is Anxiety? • September 27 – What is Negative Peer Pressure & Bullying? • November 1 – Nutrition and Physical Activity/Exercise. • November 29, Love & Affection – Keys to Child Discipline. For more information on this program contact
Riverside County Cultural Competency Program (951-955-7172). Both Montenegro and Vaughn-Blakely insist that it is imperative to get help when illness strikes. Montenegro offers this additional advice for ALL of us dealing with the stress of everyday life: “Everyday do at least one thing for YOU – something that you enjoy! Even if only for a half-hour, every single day you should do this and on the weekend take even more time. Maybe it’s reading, walking, cooking --whatever positive activity that makes you feel good…do it!” What can you do if you find yourself faced with a mental health crisis? Find treatment (many insurance plans include mental health treatment and there are free services available), find a support group, or visit your local church, spiritual counselor or Community Center. Help is available, resources include: • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline --
1-800-273-TALK (8255) -- suicideprevention lifeline.org
• To f i n d M e n t a l H e a l t h s e r v i c e s i n R i v e r s i d e C o u n t y c o n t a c t t h e C o m m u n i t y A c c e s s a n d R e f e r r a l ,
Evaluation, and Support Line
(CARES) at 1-800-706-7500
• HELPline - 24 Hour Crisis/Suicide Intervention -- Free, confidential Crisis/Suicide Intervention
s e r v i c e 2 4 h o u r s a d a y, 7 d a y s a w e e k .
(951) 686-HELP (951-686-4357)
• Veterans Crisis Line -- The Veterans Crisis Line is a Department of Veterans Affairs ( VA) resource that connects Veterans in crisis or their families and friends with qualified, caring VA professionals. C o n f i d e n t i a l s u p p o r t i s a v a i l a b l e 2 4 h o u r s a d a y, 7 d a y s a w e e k .
Phone: 1-800-273-8255 -- Press 1
If you or someone you know is experiencing a psychiatric emergency call 9-1-1 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room. VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
Fo r adv ert i si n g i n f o rma t i o n : e -m ail: i n f o @ v l i f e t o d a y. c o m o r c all: 26
9 5 1 -2 1 5 -6 2 6 2
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A dv er ti se in
One of the most captivating Magazine / journals in the Area
Display your business, organization, events or campaigns.* ‡
62 Call – 951-215-62.co m
e- m ail – in fo @v lif et od ay ww w. vL ife To da y.c om
* A d s m u s t b e a p p r o v e d b y p u b l i s h e r, F. A . C . E . ‡ Va l l e y L i f e To d a y a n d F. A . C . E . d o n o t e n d o r s e p o l i t i c a l c a n d i d a t e s b u t e n c o u r a g e s e v e r y o n e t o v o t e .
Renee Zaragoza, Co ve r M o d el
ne o y r e v E … s e s u c x No E ! e s i c r e Can Ex Moreno Valley native Renee Zaragoza refused to use her five young children as an
excuse for not exercising. Nevertheless, she is the first to admit it took desperation to get her moving. She
recalls 13 years ago following the birth of her second child when her weight ballooned to 200 pounds, “I knew I had to do something to get in shape but I didn’t know how I could do it since childcare and homemaking took up so much of my time. Then I noticed that my neighbor would run while pushing her baby in the stroller. I decided to try it.” She was off! Renee began running with her two children in a stroller. She soon discovered she was pregnant with twins and slowed down a bit, but got back to it after they were born. By the time she was expecting her fifth child she was able to continue running throughout the pregnancy. Renee kept going and was quite a sight as she ran with five kids in tow. She put the twins in a double stroller, had one child stand in back of them, and strapped the baby to her. The oldest child ran alongside her. She says she was determined to keep fit and eventually started running marathons. She even runs up the path leading up to the infamous ‘M Trail’ in Moreno Valley (the top of the hill where the ‘M’ is located).
t h e w To d a y P e to sub bsite vLife oll (go to To mit yo u r a n s d a y. c o m wer) How Often Do Y ou Ex ercis e? □ Seve ral T imes □ a We Once ek a We e k □ Once a Mo nth □ Rare ly □ Neve r
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July
th e go od co nd it io n “L ac k of ac ti vi ty de st ro ys ile mo ve me nt an d of ev er y hu ma n be in g, wh ci se sa ve it an d me th od ic al ph ys ic al ex er Pl at o pr es er ve it .”
Today, not only is she in great shape, but she is a trainer helping others to get fit and not give up on exercise. Renee works at Fitness 19 on Iris Street in Moreno Valley and leads the popular CrossFit intensive training program. The 35 year old mother of five still spends lots of time with her children, now aged 8 to 15, and along with her spouse, enjoys family hikes, camping, and sporting events. She says that even with busy lifestyles, including work and family responsibilities, people should still find time for exercise, even if they only have a half-hour. “There is no excuse,” says
• What is CrossFit? CrossFit is an
Renee. “You have to find
elite fitness brand consisting of intense
what works best for you and
strength and conditioning training. It
get moving!”
is used by many law enforcement, fire department, and military operations. For more information visit www. CrossFit.com
• Experts say that as little as two hours total a week of exercise will lead to good health.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
Hector Chavez
l i e ' a h t r M ' t &
Do not be surprised to see Valley Life Today’s Design and Art Director, Hector Chavez, around town with his camera on weekend mornings. As our primary photographer (and graphics designer) Hector travels the city in search of images to use in the magazine. Recently he took a trip up to the ‘M’ which is visible to all in the area. Look for his panoramic images of the valley below in this and upcoming issues. Here Hector describes the ‘M’ Trail climb. “I like to hike so I set out on a Saturday morning for the Box Spring Mountain Park – home of the trail that would take me to the ‘M.” I drove to the end of Pigeon Pass Road and parked in a dirt lot. I found the trail and headed up. What I didn’t realize as I climbed higher is that there are several trails and if you’re not careful you will go in circles. (I admit I made a few loops). On the way up I ran into a few people walking down. I guess they had started the hike in early a.m.
It took me about two hours to reach the ‘M’ but I was taking pictures along the way. It could be done in an hour and a beginner hiker could tackle it. Just take normal hiking gear, a stick (although the only animals I saw were birds and lizards), and of course water. I had cell phone coverage the entire time. (This amazed me considering my normal cell coverage is not good! I won’t mention my carrier.) I think I was expecting the ‘M’ to be some kind of paint but it is large white cement measuring somewhere between 30 to 40 feet. Also, it is not a perfect ‘M.’ The dirt around the ‘M’ is loose so I didn’t climb any further. I took great panoramic shots from the top and would recommend the hike to others!” Hector Chavez
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July
“Alimentos Y Alimento“ C
By Paola Wong-Ringer
ebollas, ajos, tomates. These three ingredients bring back such
combination we call adrezo , is the foundation to much of our peruvian cuisine. At a time in which fast foods are abundant and our weight inbalance reflects the habits we have developed, it is nice to be reminded that we have other choices. I want to share with you this simple peruvian dish called
Saltado de Pollo, it is very popular in my country and you serve it next to rice (I have to thank my chinese ancestors for that influence). It will give you an idea of how we incorporate vegetables in our dishes and mix in the necessary starches which complement our daily diets. Keep in mind though, that while it is good for you, size portions matter. Enjoy.
Ingredients: •
Two white potatoes, peeled and cut as french fries
Olive oil as needed
A couple of chicken breasts neatly sliced
One large red onion, sliced
Two large tomatoes, sliced
1/8 cup red vinegar
Garlic, soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste
Directions: 1. Place the potatoes in the oven until cooked (unless you insist on frying them!) 2. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. 3. Season the sliced chicken with salt and pepper to taste.
Fry the chicken until it is cooked.
4. Remove the meat from the pan and with more olive oil, sautee the
garlic and onions for a couple of minutes.
5. Stir the tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes soften. Pour vinegar
and soy sauce as needed. Add cooked potatoes and chicken.
6. Serve next to steamed rice. Paola Wong-Ringer teaches Latino Culture and language to individuals, organizations, and businesses. She can be reached at www.thelatineducator.com,
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
latin roots! Good homemade cooking is so nourishing to the soul. This
nice memories and always a smile to my face when I cook. Oh, my
“Could You be a Vegan or Vegetarian? By: Claudette Jack
“Let’s start with definitions...
DEFINITION OF A VEGETARIAN: A person who mostly eats vegetables and refrains from eating meat, fish, or other animal products; Most vegetarians exclude meat but consume animal products such as butter, cheese, milk, and eggs. DEFINITION OF A VEGAN: A person who excludes all animal protein from his/her diet (including dairy). I am now a vegan, however, I was not raised a vegetarian or a vegan. I was born in the West Indies, on the island of St. Vincent. My parents were farmers and raised livestock, including cattle, goats, sheep, and chickens. We harvested everything that we ate, and there was a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, beans, legumes, and root crops on our dinner table. As I recall, our diet was plant-based even though we had animals. And when we did eat meat, I can assure you that the meat did not taste like the meats you buy from the supermarket today. My father cut and fed fresh grass (elephant grass) to the animals on a daily basis and would sometimes let them graze in the green pastures. There were no hormones given to the livestock. Everything that we cultivated was free from pesticides, and our produce tasted great. How I wish I could enjoy some of those tasty foods again. Our foods were fresh, and now I would say they were ‘organic,’ nothing added. As I can recall, none of us had any health problems, except for the common cold, now and again; obesity was not an issue for any of us. Over the years, I have seen the effects of an unhealthy diet on my family. For quite some time, I thought that we were eating healthy, but in reality, we were not. It manifested itself when my children began to suffer from ailments including asthma and digestive problems. After many allergy tests were done, we concluded that some of the foods they were eating contributed to their ailments, and when those foods were eliminated from their diets they got better; however, I must admit that those changes did not occur overnight. Eventually, I gravitated toward a more plant-based diet and herbal remedies for mild illnesses like colds and indigestion. We have been much healthier because of the changes to out diet. I believe that if there are no underlying factors that prevent nutrients from being properly absorbed into the body, then, chances are, if you change your diet to plant-based, you might live a longer and healthier life. It will also help you to lose weight. Much of our diets today are based on eating meat at every meal. It may not be easy to change overnight, but at least try to eliminate meat one day a week. Some families have Meatless Mondays. Even if you do serve meat, don’t forget to add plenty vegetables; it can’t hurt and just might make you a little healthier!
(Note – Valley Life Today does not advocate the use of any herbal remedy or special diet. Check with your doctor or a nutritionist for guidelines.)
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
Ve gan C o okb o ok s:
Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Healthy, and Creative African-American Cuisine
Mediterranean, Greek, Cajun, East Asian, Italian, and
by Bryant Terry. (2009; Da Capo Press; Available as e-book)
Bean Hummus with Orange, Korean Hotpot, Rotini
Book Description:
Bryant Terry offers recipes that
with Creamy Avocado-Herb Sauce, Moroccan-Spiced
leave out heavy salt and refined sugar, “bad” fats, and
Pumpkin Soup, BBQ Pinto-Portobello Sandwiches,
unhealthy cooking techniques, and leave in the down-
Burmese Ginger Salad, Autumn Harvest Gratin, and
home flavor. Reinterpreting popular dishes from African
Catalan-Style Creme Brulee.
Middle Eastern, and features recipes such as Spicy Black
and Caribbean countries as well as his favorite childhood dishes, Terry reinvents African-American and Southern cuisine—capitalizing on the complex flavors of the tradition, without the animal products. Includes recipes
L ist of Veget ar i an B o oks
Caramelized Grapefruit, Avocado, and Watercress Salad
How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food by Mark Bittman (2007; Wiley; Available
with Grapefruit Vinaigrette; and Sweet Cornmeal-Coconut
as e-book)
Butter Drop Biscuits.
How to Cook Everything: Vegetarian includes more
for: Double Mustard Greens & Roasted Yam Soup; Cajun-Creole-Spiced Tempeh Pieces with Creamy Grits;
than 2,000 recipes and variations-far more than any
The Urban Vegan: 250 Simple, Sumptuous Recipes from Street Cart Favorites to Haute by Dynise
spectrum of meatless cooking-including salads, soups,
Balcavage (2009; Three Forks; Available as e-book)
legumes, tofu and other meat substitutes, breads,
Book Description: Recipes are organized by
condiments, desserts, and beverages.
other vegetarian cookbook. The book covers the whole eggs and dairy, vegetables and fruit, pasta, grains,
themes including cafe culture, breakfast at the diner, lunch cart, urban garden, haute cuisine, “just desserts,” and happy hour. At-a-glance icons
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
signify which recipes are low-fat, fast, omnivore-
Deborah Madison (2007; Clarkson Potter; Available
friendly, kid-friendly, and frugal. Also included are
as e-book)
essential tips covering vegan cuisine, an overview of
Book Description: At the heart of the book is the
the vegan pantry, and numerous menu ideas that will
A-to-Z vegetable chapter, which describes the unique
please even the staunchest omnivores. Includes recipes
personalities of readily available vegetables, the
for: Pecan Streusel Coffee Cake, Chocoholic Waffles,
sauces and seasonings that best complement them,
Rapini Panini, Hot & Sour Coconut Soup, Savory French
and the simplest ways to prepare them. “Becoming a
Terrine and Hedonist’s Stuffed Mushrooms.
Quick-Fix Vegan: Healthy, Homestyle Meals in 30 Minutes or Less by Robin Robertson (2011; Andrews McMeel Publishing; Available as e-book)
Cook” teaches cooking basics, from holding a knife to planning a menu, and “Foundations of Flavor” discusses how to use sauces, herbs, spices, oils, and vinegars to add flavor and character to meatless dishes. In each chapter, the recipes range from those suitable for everyday dining to dishes for special occasions.
Book Description: Quick-Fix Vegan draws upon a myriad of ethnic influences including French, Mexican, Moroccan,
All Book Descriptions are from Amazon.com
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July 2012
Wh ere the pea cef ul wat ers flow , It is the re I will dip my toe s; Wh ere the gra ss is gre en and mow ed,
It is the re I will pla nt my fee t; Wh ere the sky is blu e and cle ar, It is the re I will spr ead my win gs;
Wh ere the gro und is smo oth and soli d, It is the re I will wal k; Wh ere the tra il is lon g and win din g, It is the re I will run ; Wh ere the hill is ste ep and rug ged , It is the re I will clim b;
Wh ere the vall ey is lush and fer tile , It is the re I will gro w; Wh ere the nig ht is dar k and sta rry,
It is the re I will res t; Wh ere the pea cef ul wat ers flow , It is the re I will loo k for the nar row gat e, and ent er.
VLifeToday.com | Discover the Greatness | July