1 minute read
Chief Financial Officer Letter
from Annual Report
Dear Shareholders,
Let's celebrate 2021 and the resiliency of our schools, clients, country, and VLK. Despite the postponement of many bond elections in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our revenue was $63M, down a modest 3%. A testament and result of the commitment of all VLK employees to push forward.
In 2021, we delivered six new high schools. An enormous achievement and a first for the company in 37 years.
We broke ground on our new Fort Worth headquarters. In addition, we expanded into the San Antonio area with the opening of a new office and hiring of a new Principal. VLK now has presence in all of the top 5 most populated cities in Texas.
It's with deepest gratitude VLK wishes Leesa Vardeman, former owner, a very happy retirement. We are grateful for her leadership, mentorship, and friendship over the past 36 years. Leesa you will be missed!
Linsy Grozdanich

Total construction value of the 274 projects worked on in 2021
