1 minute read
I brought you to andurriales*, leaving the well-loved, the mother and lady route, your mother and my mother. now that you be patient, We are following an escape.
—To whom, say, mother craving, do you search mischievously?
—Shut up, shut up, don’t scare her: It smells like chinchilla around here. —oh! my mother mentioned* them; but you don’t get those.
But now it’s running and fly look at her, look at her!
“Don’t you see her going ahead of her?” Oh, how cute and how cunning!
“What do you see, say, what occurs to you?”
—Run, run, it’s the chinchilla!
“I see a cloud of dust.” and you scream like crazy. It is left behind that I follow her, let me go I’ll reach it you love her and why do you let others chase her?
Who misses such a cute thing? Shut up, stop, I’ll catch her. she escaped, look at her, look at her, she is already lost in a few quilas *. Don’t let a rogue get it! she is the prettiest Chilean. I’m seeing her bulge in the throbbing grasses.
-LOL. I am a ghost but when she was a living, I never had the luck to be on routes heard. neither in houses nor orchards. Why do you look so sad at me?
-Look at the line it lebirds on the wheat the flight.
—Don’t laugh, maybe they hbird an angel the little beasts. Why not? How is she, little one, that there is still chinchilla sister? They harass and catch them.
Who looks at them covets them, the pawns*, the children, the fox and the wolf. “Hey, did you lie to her* sister?” —Yes, because of the man Francisco what little sister told him to everything she looked at and she gbird breath or heard.
—That, that you tell me long and hard another day. now, mom, I’m sorry not to look at living things. you walk without stopping and I lose what was going, I can hardly see myself, I see waters and little beasts.