1 minute read
Eccentric animals are everywhere; it is just a matter of paying a little attention to be able to discover them. Would you help me look? Grab a pen and paper, and investigate your pet (or your neighbors’), some bird in the park, or a bug from the garden. Closely observe what they like, what they do throughout the day, and what is their favorite food. Once you have enough information, you can ask for help to write their biography. Lastly, draw them or take a picture.

It really likes to eat: It spends the day doing the following:
It likes to play:
It characterizes for:
Curious or fun anecdote:
Biographies of eccentric animals
© Mari Pérez Pantoja
© Escrito con tiza, 2021
¡BaPUM! Collection
ISBN: 978-956-6049-22-7 www.escritocontiza.cl contacto@escritocontiza.cl

Santiago de Chile
Editing of Carla Morales Ebner
Design: Francisca Choy
Printed in China
The total or partial reproduction of this book is forbidden without the permission of Escrito con Tiza.
This eccentric book finished taking shape in the finished in the year of the metal rat, almost a decade rat, almost a decade after the first texts that gave it life after the first texts that gave it life appeared.
Illustrations were completed with paper shavings, printings with Illustrations were ink, and coloring pencils for the details. ink, and coloring pencils for the details.