1 minute read
NAME: A cute female dog that looks scary when she’s mad.
ALIAS: Empress.
BREED: Mutterrier bravus.
ROLE IN THE GANG: Spiritual and ethical guide of the Apocalyptic Mutts.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A female dog with a beautiful face and a beautiful body, with long lashes, and a flirty gaze. She shines like a gem among her ugly and smelly sidekicks.
WANTED FOR: Giving birth to litters of stray dogs, howling at the moon and teaching each and every one of her puppies how to howl. She only obeys the park law.
NAME: What an ugly dog, goodness!
ALIAS: Iguana.
BREED: Chileansis shepherd.
ROLE IN THE GANG: In charge of security because with his appearance he scares everyone that threatens the Apocalyptic Mutts.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A dog with crooked fangs, with scabies and almost bald because of it.
WANTED FOR: Scratching himself day and night, constantly scaring the neighbors for looking like a giant iguana, and leading a campaign against the use of bags to pick up dog’s poop. He only obeys the park law.
C957l Cruz Valdivieso, Nicolás, 1981-.
Leo-León : las asombrosas aventuras de un perro campeón / Nicolás Cruz Valdivieso ; ilustraciones de Ernesto Guerrero. –- 1a. ed. -– Santiago de Chile : Pehuén, 2018.
44 p. : il. col. ; 14 x 22 cm. –- (Infantil)
ISBN: 978-956-16-0778-1
1. Cuentos infantiles chilenos. 2. Perros – Literatura infantil. I. t. II. Guerrero, Ernesto, 1979-, il.
© Nicolás Cruz Valdivieso
© Ernesto Guerrero de las ilustraciones
© Pehuén Editores S.A.
Brown Norte 417, Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile
+56 2 2795 71 31 - 32 editorial@pehuen.cl www.pehuen.cl
Inscripción Nº 283.136
ISBN 978-956-16-0778-1
Primera edición de 2.000 ejemplares, enero de 2018
Edición al cuidado de Marcela López O.
Alexandra Niehaus D.
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