1 minute read
UnclePepe andmydad

He took the rest of them and said:”We are going to throw away all the red records”. My dad didn’t like it, because she wanted to tear them up along with his Marxist books, as my mom calls them. He asked him to leave at least the Quilapayún record for him. Because uncle Pepe gave them to him for his birthday. I felt sorry that my mom still threw all of them away. What she doesn’t know is that I hid “El derecho de vivir en paz” The right to live in peace of Victor Jara under my bed.
Apparently this is not over, because I looked out the window a while ago and saw some military trucks go by towards the town that is crossing the Pan-American Highway. And although gunshots and helicopters are heard, I think it’s better to go to sleep. There is nothing else I can do. What will tomorrow be like?
© Valentina Opazo Soto
© Ocho Libros Editores
Primera edición de1.000 ejemplares, impreso en noviembre de 2018 en los talleres de Editora e Imprenta Maval SpA
Registro de Propiedad Intelectual N° 297.060
ISBN 978-956-335-489-8
Impreso en Chile / Printed in Chile
Autora / Ilustradora: Valentina Opazo Soto
Editora: Bárbara Corro Figueroa
Estilo: Francisca Torres Pacheco
Ficha catalográfica
741.092 Opazo Soto, Valentina
El 11. Un día en mi memoria
Santiago, Ocho Libros Editores
2018, primera edición
40 pp. / Ilustrado
Arzobispo Casanova 36, Santiago, Chile
Fono (+562) 23351767 www.ocholibros.cl
Ajuste De Originales
Ocho Libros Editores
Director editorial: Gonzalo Badal
Coordinadora de proyecto: María José Thomas
Editora general: Florencia Velasco
Director de arte: Carlos Altamirano
Ajuste de originales: Michel Contreras
Corrector de textos: Edison Pérez
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este libro por cualquier medio impreso, electrónico y|o digital, sin la debida autorización escrita de los propietarios del copyright.
Proyecto financiado por el Fondo
Nacional de Fomento del Libro y la Lectura, convocatoria 2018.