47 minute read
I used to be afraid to talk to people. It's turned out to be a big problem, because I wanted have friends, but at the slightest attempt I paralyzed, went blank, shivered like jelly and my face turned red. I thought they were going to make fun of me or that they would change my name to a nickname of those that hurt, those that show you that the rest believe that you are not the same as others, but different.
It was something very rare. I accepted myself with my virtues and defects, but it seemed to offend others and they took care to remind me all the time. I It made me very angry, it frustrated me. for them it was something very normal to forget that people are more than A nickname. Long-nosed, long-eared, dwarf, giant, four eyes, olive; they were all equally hurtful.
That happened at my old school. from one day to another I stopped being Sofía and started calling myself the head of copper, among other things that I do not want to remember. Was both the bullying that I suffered from my classmates and classmates that in the end I not only I had to change house; my family decided to move to another region.
That was how my dad, my mom, my brother six-year-old and I came to live in the house where We spent our vacations in Robles Viejos, a town rural foothills of the Los Aromos locality, to the South of Chile. When we came in summer with Maxi we only worried about having a good time, playing most of the day in the yard and at night dodging to the mosquitoes Everything seemed to work, but it would be something very different to live the whole year. so that that happened, we had to recondition the house: enlarged give the pantry, install a fireplace and wood stove, buy a radio communicator to keep us in contact with the neighbors, and reinforce the roof and the windows. Outside they installed some drums to harvesting rainwater, they built corrals for the animals, and they expanded the cellar to store firewood, foliage and tools. It was all very nice but when it started to get cold I longed to be in the city; open the water faucet and it came out hot, watch TV quiet and warm with a shawl or go out with an umbrella on a rainy day he changed for being worried that at the first windstorm we will run out of light and until our house is going to blow up, added to the fact that on cold days the pipes freeze. To bathe we have to heat the water on the fire. How can I forget the times I fell at the beginning for the frost on the ground that turns into a rink! Now I'm more used to it.
Robles Viejos is known for the Apple Festival and the Costumbrista Fair that are held in January. Then various activities are carried out and They sell village products such as honey, cakes, fabrics and handicrafts, as well as delicious jams.
Rojas that Maite's family prepares and packages.
She is my one and only best friend in this place. We share a lot of things. we like the same music, we are partners and we even travel on the same school bus. Every summer, Maite I watched her share with other girls in the Plaza of Robles Viejos, but I did not dare to play or talk to them. Until last year, when I started going to school here, I had to use the position space next to her in the classroom. I was very nervous and when I sat down I dropped backpack. She picked it up, passed it to me, and then gave an eraser.
Welcome her said with a smile.
From that day we became inseparable. Be the Maite's best friend made my school days They'll start to get cooler and less harrowing.
I say less because nothing is perfect. During the journey to and from school we have to share bus and air with the heavy ones from The PINK. Priscila, Inés and Karen insist on making fun of us and try to get others to do it. it's kind of Fixing. They think they are part of royalty and they expect to be treated that way, even though no one in the school bus does.
But one Friday, when Maite had already gotten off, I was sick of them making fun of the wool cap with ears that my mother had knitted for me and I barely got to I saw myself doing something at home that for no reason He had to do.
Shut up! My hat is warm! I yelled at them enraged, with the gate half open.
They were silent. I'm sure I know They even listened to the crickets.
When the bus started to move I saw the rest of the classmates laughing and I realized what have done. I felt despair; I ran down the road towards the house and I threw myself on my bed crying. "By why am I so dazed? The PINK are going to charge me Monday, for sure!”
I knew that this would be the start of something worse, that the problem would escalate by leaps and bounds. Me too I didn't want everything that happened to happen again. fact that with my family we had gone to live to field. I figured we'd have to change from home or look for another alternative to not use that bus school, which I would never get on again. But, unlike the previous time, my family was happy in Robles Viejos, so phrases like “everything goes to improve", "there is no other option", "it is safer to school bus” they made a wall before my requests, and my mom's great solution to the school drama that he was living was a lapidary: "don't pay attention to them". The following Monday, she would have to endure stoically
The PINKs until Maite joined the journey.
My life was over.
The other day, my mom hadn't changed her mind. Depressed and all, I felt a little luck when dad asked me to come with him to buy the people.
Sofía, hurry up he said while I was still tying my shoes. I don't want us let's spend forever on shopping that your mom ordered - her voice was losing strength until that was heard as a lament ; I was sure that it was parsley, but she says that it is cilantro and that She needs it urgently for lunch tomorrow...
—But if it's the same, a twig with green leaves that…
It's not the same flavor Mama clarified, suddenly appeared behind us. Tomorrow Los Montes come to have lunch. Seeing my face surprise he put his arms on his hips. Do not tell me that you forgot it…
I didn't say anything and hurried to get in the truck because yes, I had forgotten. the next day it was the turn of the Montes to visit us. They live three kilometers from my house on the sidewalk in front towards the mountain range and I like almost all of them very well. They have a daughter and a son: Eloísa, who studies in my school a couple of courses higher than me, sometimes use the school bus and in a remote time, when I she was much younger than now, she was our babysitter on holiday; and Lucas, the hateful one, who has my own age. “Maybe what nonsense he will come up with tomorrow,” I thought. I didn't understand why he would visit MY house and play with MY brother very easy if he had been able of inventing that my family had a vampire dog and moreover, he had told it on the school bus. As If this were not enough, Lucas always laughed with his friend Agustín Toro of the teasing that The PINK us they did to me or to Maite. For all these reasons, in the little secret list of my enemies he had earned a deserved place.
It was only when I got out of the truck that my mind agreed that it was very possible that some or all of The PINKs would coincide. I hit my forehead. He didn't know why he had forgotten that Robles Viejos is a small town, in which one of the few panoramas is walking or shopping in stores Around the square. As if that were not enough, for more that I try it did not go unnoticed; my red hair in the sun it seems to shine. I hadn't even been walking half a block with my dad when Inés, one of The PINKs, made a contempt for me from the sidewalk of the forehead.
When we entered the bakery, my dad told me dropped a bomb:
Sofía, it seems to me that I will have to wait for your mom's order. He looked at his screen cell phone. Could you go to the post, please? Perhaps the letters from your grandmothers have already arrived.
I walked out of there a nervous wreck; that of I wasn't good at talking to people. Neither him The Furious Bees keychain, the women's team of football at my school that Maite had given me, it made me feel better. It wasn't working for me either a lot of repeating to myself at each step "I can!" My mind only showed catastrophic scenarios of what what could happen and all I thought about was how save me from them When I was in front of the main entrance of the Municipality caught my attention a poster of yellow color. I approached: announcing a contest literary.
A little warmth filled my heart, which began to beat in a different way. I read so concentrated that I memorized what it said there. I smiled without noticing, and from the hook where various papers with the requirements I took one.
I was determined to participate and I was very happy.
The contest was about writing a story about a new place in Robles Viejos to attract tourists. Traditional activities were ruled out activities: the Apple Festival, visits to the Park National or the Costumbrista Fair. The prize would be publication of the story in a book and a diploma of recognition. He had three months to present it.
I was clear about what I was going to write and even It ticked all the boxes. I felt a certainty inside my heart, warm and throbbing like a horse enjoying its freedom. My idea would exceed the expectations of those traditions and make that, in the near future, people everywhere of the country and even the world would travel here to meet him. By the way, they would stop nickname me "copperhead" because at last I would be visible for who I was and not for my hair color which, although I loved it, is not my name, but a feature. I, Sofia Catalina, would write about "The Hill of Desires", a legend of this town that cried out to be told and read. In fact, I had that hill right in front of my house.
For me it was a fabulous idea.
Mom, do you think we can climb the hill of the wishes a weekend?
Although he had looked for her throughout the house to ask him, I hesitated. Permits with my mom were serious thing.
No. she said. It felt like a slap to my face. I didn't even know my whole idea and I was already denying happiness . You know that your brother is hyperactive, so I can't keep an eye on both. You would have to look for someone older so that accompany us...
I'm older than Maxi.
I mean someone responsible...someone like Eloísa.
—I am super responsible.
My chest swelled with pride and I ignored the proposal.
Last night the chicken pen did not say the same. And I don't know why you claim so much, if I'm giving you permission if Eloísa goes, who is older than you and responsible…
Good! But when I'm fifteen I'm going to climb the hill alone!
—We lowered the tone —he warned with a serious face breast—. If you continue like this there is no permission.
It was foolish to start arguing with her, endangering the permit, but I was angry that For a simple oversight, he would accuse me of being irresponsible. I'm not! I just forgot with the matter of the contest.
When the annoyance passed, I focused on the important point: it all boiled down to talking to Eloísa to accompany me to the hill. I was more how sure he would accompany me; maybe the idea It would even excite her. So, I would notify Maite. I would capture everything in a draft notebook. "Yeah, yeah! That's a good idea. It will even have a name secret, something like Secret Expeditions. No! Best Expedition Number One. Yes! That will make it ring interesting”, I amused myself thinking, and immediately I decided that I would have to hide it out of reach from Maxi, who seems to have the soul of a spy.
With the idea that seemed to flow like water through the estero I only had to organize my times, since for three months I would concentrate on writing about this particular hill.
Legend has it that if you make a wish heart the hill grants it, but only if each one does his part. When it is fulfilled, the form of retribution is to plant a flower or a tree on the top.
How did I know it was true?
Because he had taken the test. Last year, when we came with my family to live in Robles Viejos, I made three wishes: that people see me for what that I am and not by a nickname, to have a group of people to share with and, lastly, to find a best friend. I can't speak about the first two. but the third did come true. what else test what that?
I had everything planned down to the last detail. Only He still needed to talk to Eloísa to set the day and time, climb to the top and done.
Aren't you dressed for lunch with the Montes? But Sofía… —My mom's nailed her eyes in my clothes; it was not a good time for claim. You should be getting ready...
Just that I had found the topic to write and my mom reminded me about the visits. In my mind, the change of clothes had passed like an eighth level of importance because lunches with the Montes they were always the same. The only one that kept me excited was that I was confident that Eloísa would say yes to my proposal to climb the hill of the wishes.
It was going to be a memorable evening.
We had a leisurely lunch and snowy milk that the Montes brought as dessert.
After dinner, the boys, that is, Eloísa, Lucas, Maxi and I, we went on a small expedition towards the estuary that marks the limit of the plot going ropes, a change of clothes for my brother (who always had strange coincidences) and even a stick that my mom insisted on adding. the lord who He helped us with the irrigation and the work of the land it had taken three days to tunnel through the middle de las blackberries to go straight to the estuary without have to turn around.
We set off on an adventure. The tunnel looked gloomy, ready to devour us at the slightest mistake with the thorns that were interwoven like a great spider web giant. As we got closer, the sound of the water grew stronger. Lucas, astonished, walked only a few steps and stopped.
Not coming? asked Eloísa. if not, you go to be alone
Those thorns look very sharp...
Maxi showed him the battle wounds he had received won by browsing in the middle of the works of pruning.
According to him, he respects blackberries. whispered Eloísa, smiling mischievously , but the truth was that once fell and was all scratched. It they had to take out with a ladder… epic!
My face of pain must have been noticed for miles. Some time I had happened to take with a branch and I was left suffering in silence, but Lucas had gone like two levels further with that drop.
How could you! Did you tell him? The face of Lucas turned all colors. Those things I don't know count! He was so upset that his eyes seemed about to shoot lightning bolts, but the second he dedicated to us a contempt. Besides, it wasn't like that...
You don't even know what I told him.
It wasn't like that and that's it! he yelled at her sister.
Eloísa faked a bored yawn and Lucas went towards the tunnel of blackberries. He was walking in stooped, turned into an ogre with heavy steps, very angry, so much so that not even Maxi dared to ask what were they talking about and I just hurried on her bouncy curls.
They say that this hill fulfills wishes I aventured to change the subject.
It's true replied Lucas, who was looking at the water, fulfills all wishes...
It isn't true! Those are people's gossip Eloísa said in such a low voice that I wondered if she had heard well.
—As? So, does not fulfill the wishes?
No! she replied and frowned.
I was stunned. I could not believe it! The only one person that I was hyper sure was they had fulfilled their wishes was telling me that it was not true.
At that moment Lucas approached me.
Bah! What happens is that she did not fulfill a I wish, that's why she always says those things he whispered to me with the face of having a secret choked.
But it is supposed to fulfill them, everyone here says That…—I couldn't help my curiosity. That wish did not come true?
No idea he replied, and shrugged.
So that was the reason.
Suddenly I had a new mission: find out what it was what Eloísa had asked for. "Able that I can help and by the way I get him to accompany me to the hill ”, I thought and believed that I had everything solved.
I woke up just in time when Maxi already he was bent over untying his slippers. Both we smile knowingly when we hear the “wow!” of Lucas for the umpteenth time. As long as came reacted the same; it was as if for the first Once I knew an estuary. Sometimes he even said it was "orphan of estuary", as he used to call misfortune of not having one in your backyard.
We approach the shore and look for a small pool to cool us off from the heat. The depth the creek was no higher than my knee, but Maxi liked it It came to mid-thigh, so it had to be more pending so that he did not have one of his bad coincidences.
—The tunnel of blackberries was opened so that we could come here and thus not have to give each other the back I explained to Eloísa.
And what's up there?
Water and rocks I answered Lucas the obvious.
Then it's okay if I stand on that rock to see if it's true.
I live right here! How can I not know what Is there more above? I answered annoyed, but he didn't he cared, because he skipped away with short steps between rock and rock. "That of jumping tempting luck It won't lead to anything good," I thought. had a brother who did the same thing all the time. I would have a little more care —I alerted when he approached “The Wailing Swamp”, a false land near the shores with small stones and some colored undergrowth dark brown, a trap in which you hardly put a foot, bye One sinks like sand shifty.
—Noooo!" —we shouted in chorus with Maxi when We saw him go backwards and fall like in slow motion in water.
We ran to try to get him out, but one of his legs had plunged knee-deep into the swamp, immobilizing it.
Eloísa burst out laughing, infecting Maxi.
Don't keep laughing at my misfortune! Help me! Lucas shouted, burying himself deeper with each movement to break free. Eloísaaa!
It only occurs to you to jump the rocks. It was one bad idea! His sister replied with a laugh . Just get out of there!
Can't! He's got my foot! insisted with a broken face I'm going to stay for all eternity here. The mud is eating me Leg!
Just come out and that's it, Lucas!
I told you I can't! I have my shoe trapped! Mom is going to punish me for life if I I lose. Nooo! Is going to kill me! To his own son! If I die swallowed by the mud tell dad I love him a lot…
Don't be dramatic, Lucas! interrupted him Eloisa Stop complaining and just get out of there.
Yes, of course! You say it because the one who will do badly will be me... I'm going to die here! You will be left without a brother! What will be of me? I'm too young to die like this swallowed by the mud... Tell Agustín that...
No one will give your friend a message! it only comes out thence! As soon as he said this, Eloísa seemed to change her idea—. Although it wouldn't hurt to be an only daughter…
Eloísaaa! You can´t say that. I am your favorite brother! You are supposed to be the oldest here and we you had to take care...
Oh no. Maxi is whole and that is the most boy…
Stop laughing and help me out! I don't want to die like this!
Maxi threw my shirt and indicated a corner of the blackberries. I knew what he was referring to, but I refused to accept it.
—Okay, I got it… —I grabbed Maxi's hand before his insistence—. Yes, we are going to remove it.
I sighed deeply and cheered myself up. I removed my sneakers and told Maxi to do the same. Eloísa stopped her laughter and imitated us. Lucas followed distributing his inheritance of toys and comics.
When I got closer to him he blushed.
It doesn't give us time to cover you from the sun I said.
He stammered and then fell silent, watching me kneel near his leg.
—Be thankful that Sofia will save your skin —Eloísa said—. If it's me, I'll leave you right here or call Mom to take you out with a challenge.
Bad sister! Lucas grumbled.
I put my hands in to locate the shoe; the mud it came to about my shoulders. I snorted a few strands of hair that tickled me and I did several attempts to grab it until all that diving paid off.
—Is that your foot? —I said turning to look at him. He claimed with the head—. Good. I searched with attention for my brother, I was expectant. Maxi, help to Eloísa to bring the big shovel and that stick that happened to us the mom. Carefully! No bringing him crazy!
I was left alone with Lucas.
—Will you get me out?
—We're going to deal with that... you, don't worry —I tried to encourage him, but my words sounded more like intriguing.
—What do you have in mind? Because I want my leg...
I didn't know whether to explain my idea to him, considering that he had been lamenting over his slipper and because supposedly he was going to die swallowed by the mud.
Tell me already. What is your idea? he insisted, concerned Will I walk out with my whole leg?
I didn't say anything, and when Maxi and Eloísa came back, the three of us took positions to get Lucas out.
Ready? I asked.
—Yeah! —they shouted.
—On the count of three!
Eloísa winked at me and I understood what she meant. When my count got to number two they pried and I pulled on the sneaker. It jumped mud to all sides. My calypso shirt was any color, Maxi's colorful curls no longer moved, Eloísa's pants were stiff and to the person affected, with luck, you could see his eyes.
When we were about to lose hope, after the thirty-eighth attempt The swamp of wailing released Lucas's leg including the sneaker. We remain seated on the rocks, catching my breath.
You owe us your life, Lucas Eloísa said, almost fainting. Surely you are going to take care of taking it out on my face for the rest of my life he replied to his sister.
When we showed up at the house, instead of punishing us, the adults burst out laughing. Lucas they had to hose down to remove the mud that he had impregnated, and he had to go with a shirt mine as a unicorn and my mom's diver pants.
The following Monday the clouds were loaded with rain. My head ached, I wanted to vomit and that a meteorite, the chupacabra or a road cut prevented them from boarding the school bus with The PINK. But nothing happened, and the sound of a horn pulled me out of my thoughts When I boarded they shook me legs, and I went observing my enemies for the reflection of the window until Maite got on.
Relax, they're not going to tell you anything she reassured me with a big smile. If not, I defend, that for that they are the best friends. My fear calmed down a bit, but she stayed there like a chicken seeing a grain of wheat. I almost walked to your house, I'm dying to know what the contest is about. The Internet was intermittent and your messages They arrived cut. What are you going to write about?
About The Hill of Desires.
Talking worms! she exclaimed The hill of wishes for the contest? But how cool…!
—Shht! —I silenced her and looked in alarm towards her everywhere—; I don't want you to know...
I'm sure no one is interested... for example, look at Agustín, who is with his new gift…
Every Monday, Agustín Toro used to talk to The PINK about their greatness: that she had gone to the snow, that they had given her a console of video games or a new mountain bike, and other things like that.
I turned stealthily; he was hidden behind the cover of a magazine where his grandfather appeared.
I haven't heard him say anything...
—Perhaps he comes dozing and covers himself with that magazine…
—...seriously, Agustín —Lucas said to his friend settling in his seat—; I am an expert in The Hill of Desires. I know him completely I know all your secrets, I could go up with my eyes closed. I know everything about that hill...
My heart stopped.
This is horrible! I whispered in alarm to Maite . Listen to Lucas. He's talking about The Hill of the wishes!
Don't worry, that must be a coincidence...
I tried to look at him through the reflection of the window, but the first drops of rain prevented me, forcing me to turn almost full body.
I was born almost in front of the hill, I know it from its beginnings, I know everything. All! he emphasized. I can name to all the people who go up to pay for their wishes compliments.
If you know that much, I suppose you'll write too on the hill for that literary contest of the Municipality added Priscila, smiling.
If Lucas participates, he will surely win; is the best friend of Agustín, the grandson of Arnaldo Toro, the illustrious footballer from Robles Viejos. Obvious! celebrated Inés.
My illusion began to crack like the frost on cold days.
You're going to write about The Hill of Wishes, right? Is it true yes? Karen asked. —Well, the truth… I do…
Said yes! Yeah! The PINKs and they smiled wryly at me.
While the bustle of the group was drowned out by a thunder with which we were almost glued to the ceiling and that ended up unleashing the rain, in my mind I saw Lucas receiving a diploma from the hands of the mayoress, and me, little girl in a corner, suffering because someone else stole my dream.
I began to cry from sheer impotence and doubted go ahead, but the warmth in me was stronger heart and rage for injustice. I wiped away the tears and breathed.
I, Sofía Catalina, had decided to write about The hill of desires and I was not going to give up without giving the fight.
I spent the entire school day with my mind elsewhere. I was counting the hours to return to my home and write about The Hill of Desires, but I realized that I was missing something essential: knowing the unfulfilled wish of Eloísa to accompany me to the hill.
I told you Lucas would write my story! I lamented with Maite . It went all the way saying that he was an expert. It makes me so angry! And to worse, Eloísa does not believe in these things and hates the hill, and My mom won't let me climb to the top if I don't it's with her...
How do you hate him? Because?
—Lucas told me that she didn't get a wish. Impossible!
It seems to be possible. Eloísa does not want to know anything about the issue. I had everything planned to ask him, but Just Lucas fell in The Swamp of Wailing... I got frustrated just remembering it. Able to have planned before! That's how I took the opportunity for her sister to accompany me... Maite squirmed with laughter when I told her about the fall of Lucas and how we all ended up for saving him. He left us completely muddy, from hair to toe, and that was not all. I just had to bathe with the water just iced because the gas was running out.
No one messes with my best friend! We let's find out about the unfulfilled wish of Eloísa and we are going to beat Lucas.
When we left school we got on the bus and found it empty. This meant that the route started in reverse, that is, that the next stop It would be at Lucas's school and we would finish with The PINK.
Unfortunately for Maite and Eloísa, our school and Lucas's share an ancient alliance; only the separates a large gym that occupies an entire block in Los Aromos. We entered through Avenida Margot Loyola corner Arturo Prat, and his, who is only for men, you enter from the other side, which is the Eleodoro Campos street. That place is noisy. In general, shouts of last names and other things are heard that we would like to forget. Getting down for air means avoiding objects that usually fly: balls, clothes balled up, papers, backpacks. you have to be pay attention, because they play push each other for any circustance.
It's her!
As soon as we stepped onto the road, I heard a boy scream; I didn't pay much attention to it because I assumed that someone else was referring to. But after a few minutes we saw each other involved in a kind of avalanche of children like our age asking questions all at the same time. I thought they were talking to Maite; maybe the recognized as one of the players from The Furious Bees.
I think they're talking to you she said, looking at me so surprised like me.
Me? I think it's you, you are one of the goal scorers of the last match...
Let's see, let's see, make way! Agustin Toro shouted among the crowd and brought order. Make way! Make way! he insisted, losing patience, and the questions were gradually diminishing.
The uproar died down when Lucas made an appearance, carrying a black bag
Is it her or not? asked a boy.
Yes, she was the one who saved me Lucas said and took out his muddy slipper from the bag . Here is the proof of such a feat!
—Ohhhh! —A great chorus was heard.
I did not fit in my astonishment. How was it possible for him to wear the shoe to school? It must have been fetid.
You told me that they helped him Maite secreted to me in his ear , but he says you're his savior.
Don't know. I felt stunned I told you the true. I don't know what Lucas is trying to bring those disgusting sneakers.
With a retinue of unruly children we return to the bus, and with more questions than answers we headed towards Esmeralda González Letelier street, which is where The PINK school is. I had all the impression that Lucas was occupying his shoe as a smoke screen, those that make magicians to hide their tricks, and that he only wanted scare me into not competing against him.
When we were going back to our houses, Priscila appeared next to us.
Is it true that you saved Lucas's life? she asked and squeezed us as hard as he could in the seat.
What thing?
I was even more confused. It was strange and uncomfortable to see her so close, since none of The PINK spoke to us, except to annoy us. I felt like part of an interrogation.
Lucas told us that you saved his life.
I turned to look at him and Lucas showed me his sneaker with mud smiling at me, which irritated me. Who would I know more?
—Well... the truth is...
—Yes, she saved him —Maite interrupted me. His voice sounded just as convincing as she used to be.
It's true! Priscilla raised her voice to her friends . It's true!
And he, will he have told the part that assured that his mom was going to ground him for life or he was going to die swallowed by the mud?
And what did he look like, how was he dressed? did you save it in the river? Ugly, normal, and it's an estuary, not a river Maite replied laughing.
That's one of the differences between us. Maite is always the one who speaks with certainty and I the one who knows It makes her so nervous that she stays quiet.
—Ugly? —Priscilla was serious; the humor of Maite didn't even tickle him.
—As you see it.
The girl was baffled by the information and within seconds she returned to the other PINKs.
Talking worms! Maite grumbled ; It's that I couldn't stand it. They never speak to us and more to know if you saved him or not they cared if Lucas it looked good. It does not matter! In any case, she will tell The PINK that it looked beautiful, a ten ... no You know that the exaggeration almost made you sign his will and he was not going to leave them anything at all.
I tried to forget the matter and accepted the other earphone so that we could go away listening to music in the journey.
All that week we tried to find out what Eloísa had requested from The Hill of Desires. We had about ten thousand theories, which of all more crazy. It was so much that the soul of spies and We follow her everywhere. But we didn't get any result until Friday that, after school, we went with Maite for a while to the center of town. I stayed as a bicycle caretaker while she bought two juices at the store. Within minutes, he came in a mad dash and stopped right in front of me with a face like stuck.
You don't know what I have to tell you! This is atomic! No, mega atomic! you have no idea what I just heard… she breathed as deeply as when preparing to swim underwater. Now I understand that popular saying small town big hell.
You said it backwards. I smiled, but not in a mocking way. It was very common for Maite to say the proverbs like that.
She exploded with laughter.
—You understand me. —she hugged me sideways. —I went to buy the juices at the store she interrupted with a bit of a cough and you have no idea who I'm with I found.
With everyone, according to the saying.
Listen, this news is going to leave you stuck in the head tip of the great oak. She adjusted her ponytail. The neighbor from Emilia, my friend from The Furious Bees, has a sister who is a companion of Eloísa, and knows about her I wish… He says he has a relationship with a boy. And it's Joaquin!
Joaquin? What Joaquin? I asked why not I knew who he meant. I didn't know many people; that of being sociable was not my thing.
Joaquin! Joaco, Joaquin! The eldest son of the Robles Viejos veterinarians.
Ahh! That's his name, I had no idea... but what? Does it have to do with Eloísa?
Eloísa asked him to speak to her.
—Talking worms! —I exclaimed with my hands covering my mouth that I opened from the shock when I finally understood , this is atomic! But how is it that they have not spoken in all this time?
It must be because Gaspar Toro, his best friend, is Agustín's older brother, who just so happens to be who is Lucas's best friend. There is the problem. Imagine, it would annoy her if she talks to a guy, or worse, I would be a detective. You are lucky that Maxi is not be concerned about those things. —But… but it's just making them talk. How hard can it be to talk to a guy?
Suddenly, Maite pulled my arm and pointed to a boy who was walking down the street from in front.
Look! He is Joaquin!
Instantly, and without stopping to think about it or anything, I ran down the sidewalk, crossed the street, and when I caught up with him, I stood in front of him, blank.
Hello! he greeted me, smiling—, you are… you are Maxi's sister, the boy who wants to be a vet when he grew up he spoke like a thousand hours a day, it seemed as surprised as me . Do you have a dog that calls... Charles!, yes, but they call him Charly. It's a dog very intelligent and special, it's good to know that you family loves animals.
I did not explain how it was that I was in front of him. According to me, I had imagined running, but everything indicated that it was true. never in my short life we had talked about something. Not a hello. Although I already liked him, because he did not reach the scope of our hair colour, and called my brother by name, like my dog.
I have noticed that all your animals have names of writers, writers or characters from books, well, except Charles. Do you like it read?
I still had no reaction. Moult.
My mind wandered between the math homework and the language test. And, I don't know why, but I spoke to him like we've known each other our whole lives.
I love reading so much that we have a reading club, to which you are invited I told him most smiling . We will meet this Sunday in my home to choose our next reading.
Oh! What did I say!
Sounds like a good idea for a Sunday panorama. What time will they meet? Silence.
Alert! Alert! Calling Sofia! Alert! Sofia, you just invited him to something that doesn't exist!
At four in the afternoon Maite said, appearing behind me. That?
At four in the afternoon, then. See you in your house, right?
Yes I answered, sure of myself.
When I was about to convince myself that had a rebellious inner voice, it declared itself president and left me as a spectator.
You have to bring collaboration, you know, something to eat I added calmly You tell me something and so remove from the list This time, I'm in charge...
Nooo…! But Sofia, react! Sofia!
I was stunned. I didn't know how to return time. That of making friends on the street it was not my way of being.
Like what things do you have on the list?
I don't know I looked at him almost like a horse with two heads.
I started to panic. it was so much easier say “I didn't hear you”, but no. What did I do? I told that he did not know, and that which seconds ago finished him to point out that I was responsible, so it was I supposed I knew. My inner voice rebelled and I was embarrassed.
I tried to hide my nervousness. I figured that I could see a large sign on my face that read “trapped”, because I was. And in an act of desperation I turned as if in slow motion towards me best friend.
—You know, cakes, juice... —Maite said. She did know. She helped me with examples, but I didn't know about where the conversation started. What we eat in the book club she spoke to me slowly to give me time to figure it out, when we we meet, what do we eat?
Time seemed eternal to me as on a cloudy day. It was when I ordered my ideas and found him meaning to the conversation.
Ahhh! I already remembered I smiled ; cookies, cakes, juice... what you can contribute.
I was having the shame of my life. He said goodbye to us and my apparent tranquillity vanished.
Yeah, yeah, don't make that face. Maite showed me her arm muscle and kissed his The Furious Bees keychain. She said it gave strength. Now there is than to make it up and make it look as real as possible our book club...
The book club?
My eyes almost popped out of shock.
Yeah, don't you remember? She smiled satisfied . You invited him to participate in our book club, that it does not exist, and that their meeting will be this Sunday at…
Now he was in big trouble. Back to my house, we should create a book club nothing, see how we could convince Eloísa to participate with enthusiasm, and most importantly, get the permission of my mother, who already had me between eyebrows and eyebrow for leaving the chicken coop open the other day.
On Saturdays I like to get up a little more late and lengthen the comfort of my bed, but that one day in particular i wished i was anywhere else except in my house.
Much to my misfortune I have Lucas as a neighbor towards the side of the mountain range, and on the other, nothing less than cousins Priscila and Karen, from The PINK are of birthdays with very little difference and always the celebrate together, what was going to happen that day, party to which neither Maite nor I were invited. Hear their laughter is torture and humiliation, and for avoid it, last year my mom improvised a walk to The Hill of Desires. That's when I asked mine.
Get ready, Sofia! my dad said, closing the door truck door ; today the best awaits your panorama of the world!
We went to look for Maite and we went to walk in bicycle to the Plaza de Robles Viejos. It is a unique circuit, with closed corners that test our abilities, and since it is not paved completely vibrates such extreme adrenaline like when I go to the chicken pen to feed them and they all come at me. Nothing terrible, but your heart races.
So we spent the afternoon forgetting about the matter of not having been invited to the celebration of a birthday, and while we rested, Maite indicated to one side of the square.
Talking worms! Aren't those Augustine and Lucas?
I stood up because I couldn't see from where we were sitting.
I couldn't say I hesitated . Is not it supposed to would they be at The PINK's birthday?
That's what I knew... oh, no! seems to come towards here… what will have happened? wait…they come with Eloísa! We can invite her to our book club…
—Don't even remind me —I replied tiredly—. It still seems so strange to me to see them for these sides... I expected torture on the bus with what of the most atomic birthday in the entire world.
When they reached our side not a hello came out of my mouth; I did not forget that Lucas would write my idea for the contest. Within seconds, the boys they went to play with Maxi and we stayed with Eloísa hiding her curiosity.
How did the birthday get cancelled? Maite was as incredulous as I was. All week The PINK didn't stop talking on the school bus about this “mega atomic event” —she said simulating open air quotes—. That they are here in the square and not on the birthday I just can't believe it possible.
Believe me that for me it is and continues to be so surprising how to see them here Eloísa settled on the bench and heaved an exhausted sigh. My brother knows He returned home with Agustín and there they convinced me to come to the square. The truth, between not doing nothing and being here there was nowhere to get lost because, actually, I don't know how long I would have been. Put up with your nonsense.
But what happened?
My curiosity was at an all-time high.
What happened was that the cows broke free and passed to run the chicken coop, so there was quite a ruckus Lucas said, slumping on the bench forcing us to squeeze.
They managed to save the cake added Agustín, who with his arrival he left us almost dangling. What about me I was going for that, I couldn't even try it. He was more sincere than we expected to hear.
The thing is, the cows got so scared that they destroyed everything just when they were about to sing happy birthday. The table wobbled and the candles lit, they shot out Lucas said, and then he paused for what seemed like an eternity . The dad and Priscila's grandfather tried to put out the fire and we were crowded into a corner.
When we believed that everything had passed the fire was fanned with wind. They went to your house to ask for help he added to pointing at me , but you weren't there, and the firefighters…
—They were gigantic flames —Agustín added standing up to show us with his arms the size ; I thought I was going to grab the house... in the end they suspended the birthday, they sent us all back and they didn't even send us cake for the home, nothing.
There wasn't even a piñata Lucas claimed. I believe that we managed to spend half an hour at most…
The boys continued telling the details of the unbirthday Meanwhile, I signalled to Maite to entertain them while I approached Eloísa.
Eloísa… can I talk to you about something…
It's going to have to be for the other one Agustín jumped out and left came into my field of vision. I didn't see anyone else than to him . We have to talk about something urgent.
He walked to the side waiting for me to continue and I was suspicious of his attitude. until a few minutes back, for him it was serious not having been able to eat the cake birthday, but now he walked with that step as if he were the owner of Robles Viejos. Not much convinced I went to the side of the square.
What's so urgent? I said emphasizing at the word “so” and my voice came out shivering.
You will see. His fingers played with each other. Wanted to ask you a favour.
A favour?
Yeah. You are the only girl I know who has an estuary near his house, for which we wanted to know with Lucas if it is possible that some classmates course…
Do you want to visit the estuary? I completed his asked with some caution and my voice dropped his tone . It's?
No, I mean, yes... he said, seeming more nervous that I.
Yes or no? I pressed him, because I didn't trust his words. I didn't want to fall into a trap where they will make fun of me.
—Yes and no —he answered more confidently—. You know that Lucas's sneaker...
How I hate Lucas saying that story to everyone!
—The mud must be dry and without footprints… —I tried to get away.
Come on, Sofía; you know that it may be intact, he tried to convince me . They would only be few people, the president of the course would come...
Aren't you supposed to be the president?
I knew it because Maite told me that sometimes Agustín was visiting the Toro Veloz farm, which belonged to his family, and where she lived because her parents were the caregivers.
—No, I resigned from that position. —He looked down and I don't know why I felt he was hiding something else. The case is that the president of the course and two delegates would go.
I don't think it could be.
I closed myself off to the idea out of fear.
Come on, Sofía, we'll be there for about half an hour and then we leave. We will bring food...
I don't care about food! fear spoke for me . Also, I'm telling you that it's possible that there is no trace because the mud dries up. Besides, they don't let me go to the estuary without someone older and responsible, unless you want my mom to accompany.
—Lucas can convince Eloísa —he suggested—. I promise. I am Agustín Toro and I keep my word.
With that promise, he did not know that he was giving me the opportunity to talk to Eloísa about the book club.
Well, tomorrow, Sunday, I can.
—Tomorrow? Couldn't it be another day?
—Tomorrow or tomorrow — I said, blinded by his promise and looked at my The Furious Bees keychain.
Yeah, tomorrow he agreed . What time?
After lunch, around half past three in the afternoon.
I didn't know my voice could sound so confident and firm. It was amazing. After that we go back with Maite to the house for our sleepover and without having managed to talk with Eloísa.
During our sleepover, my mom was the most enthusiastic about the idea of the book club, so much so that He helped us make the credentials. only had objections to the unexpected visit of Agustín Toro and his retinue; while calling his mom on the phone, with Maite between laughs we remembered the mess.
It was atomic when you approached Joaquín and you talked to him like it was nothing. Sure, that was before realize that your inner voice was part of this plot. I couldn't stop laughing at the situation embarrassing. —Talking worms! Know so well your face when you go blank that I went out to help… now, explain to me. How did we get by from Joaquín to Agustín Toro? At what point did you did it occur to accept that he came with his entourage?
It's that... I did object, that was until I told him that they would not give me permission if we went alone; so he mentioned Eloísa and that's when I changed my mind, but I didn't think... how are we going to make her stay at my house and they don't?
That is easy. Agustín is allergic to reading. Do not look at me. I know that's a lie, but he tells his Mom when she doesn't want to read the school books.
And what about Lucas? Because he is the brother of...
Lucas? No, he's going to humor his friend she went on with a detective expression , besides that they will be with their visitors and cannot leave them alone Sofia, this couldn't be more perfect! He added with a strange laugh. —You scare me…
I did it!" I made a Machiavellian laugh she added to raising one of his eyebrows with an expression of triumph.
I had lunch on Sunday with a knot in my stomach and my mom didn't relieve him with her instructions because of the visit. With Maite we already had the plan ready.
It was simple. She would take care of Agustín and his friends, while I would convince Eloísa to stay in the reading club, and when Joaquín appeared, he would invite him into the house.
At half past three, punctually, the bell rang we have as a doorbell We peeked through the gate, where the school retinue was waiting for us.
—Hello! —Agustín greeted along with Lucas and two children further—. They are Sofia and Maite; they already know her.
Did you already know them?" I whispered to Maite, hiding surprise.
I suppose, the truth is that I do not retain it in my memory to Agustín's friends when he visits the farm, and except when he behaves like the prince of Robles Viejos.
Your mom already gave me all the instructions we Eloísa greeted , although my brother has been warned.
We walked towards the house and down the steps stone carefully. I smiled when I heard behind my back the impressions of the guests. They lived in Los Aromos, a suburban area that has no field, and seemed to be amazed at so many trees, grass and animals.
—To the right you can see one of the chicken coops. There are Gabriela and Lizzy Binit said Lucas getting ahead.
Bennet, Lizzy Bennet I corrected the last name of a of the chickens, upset that he was acting like a tour guide from my own home.
He turned around and I was surprised to see him smiling at me. My alarms went off. Surely he was being nice in front of his friends.
Where is Papelucho? asked Augustín looking at Lucas.
At his house I answered before he did.
You already heard Sofia.
Lucas bowed to me and I thought he was up to something. He was giddy and fast talk the same as always, but I chased myself with the idea that he read my mind.
Those two are Jo and Meg Marzo
March! I corrected impatiently.
—Ah, yes, it was something like that… details.
You're annoying me? I asked bored that he teased me with his mistakes silly.
I? Not at all. He turned around and nearly fell to the ground floor. Those cows are the adopted ones.
Eloísa laughed slowly. I seethed with rage.
Your brother is very strange I told him in a voice low . What warning did your mom give you?
—Honestly, I see it the same way, although… —he remained would be thinking for a few seconds from the matter of the sneakers walks somewhat mysterious.
You have to watch Lucas. Up close I secreted to Maite I have all the inkling that it will come out with another of his brilliant ideas. It is not going to be that I suspect something from the club...
If I'm not mistaken, here is Perico Lucas said to indicating the corral of the goats , and the mare called Guacolda.
—The best and bravest in the world! —added smiling when remembering the name.
When we arrived in front of the blackberry tunnel Lucas's classmates were stunned and left heard in unison a "wow!"
Is this how city-dwelling they saw me last year? and I believing I didn't notice anything... maybe I looked worse.
Eloísa raised her voice. She sounded so bossy that I remembered my mom, and it stopped them from any intention of dive into the estuary. They stayed formed as if in line, silent, without looking at each other. The second, Lucas couldn't hold it.
This is where I fell he explained, wincing gesture with his hands in slow motion.
Talking worms! exclaimed Maite with surprise . He fell there?
Not even close I replied, and he smiled at me looking at him recount his adventure . But he's a liar! Both somersaults and that spin in the air only happened in your imagination.
Mud looks like cement! was surprised Agustín with his own discovery . You stayed as scanned!
They stared at me and I lowered my fear.
Did I think aloud, Maite? I whispered in alarm.
And why are they looking at me like that?
I was startled when Agustín appeared next to me. He was restless. His face was the same as when Maite was choking on something.
Where's the stick they pried with, Sofía?
We have it saved to use in case of emergencies… —I felt an alert signal in my inside and pointed a finger at Lucas. And you do not be crazy! Don't even think about recreating the fall! Understood?
The boy stared at me for a few seconds wide-eyed, her cheeks flushed red slowly and nodded his head.
After a few minutes, and taking advantage of the fact that the others were far away, with Maite we started the plan we had devised.
We're going to start a book club I commented to Eloísa.
—Oh really? How entertaining! Where? When? —she asked leaning closer to me to listen better.
Now. Here in my house. I tried to be calm so that my nerves would not betray me and that I They will catch you in the lie. You know, my mom reads a lot and we have a family library… —It was time to convince her to join. And today, to what we get rid of with the friends of your brother, we have a meeting to deliver the membership cards and partners, and see what new book we will read by voting.
Today? Oh really? Wow, how bad! It's not I know if I can… she thought aloud . I don't know, able that... I don't know if it's going to work out, it's just that my brother is so stubborn... maybe yes... that, maybe if I'm going to leave home and then come back... I still think that Agustín's father will pick them up here, and I would bet that they will continue their meeting in the Toro's house," I affirmed, pretending to be confident.
Say yes, yes... yes... please...
Yes, it may be... but, will it be possible for me to join the book club?
Eloísa twisted a lock of hair with the end of his fingers while, secretly, I believed that I would discover in full lie.
Of course! I had to hide my excitement, but I suspect it didn't turn out very well. Always there is room for great readers. And does the book club have a name?
—Yes, “We are Phoenix” Reading Club, like the bird that rises from the ashes. Eloísa hugged me, enthusiastic about the idea, and commented for a long time about her favorite books: Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen; divergent, from Veronica Roth; and My First Kiss, by Beth Reekles.
Everything was ready. It was enough that the visitors decided to return to Agustín's house, and that was the problem, because as much as Maite tried to look my house as boring, they were fascinated.
—But a girl saved you... —I managed to hear that one of the classmates told Lucas. His voice was offended.
Yyyyy? —replied, lengthening the letter “y” so much that I got impressed ; I don't mind being helped nor saved by a girl, even more so if it is Sofía.
You listened? Lucas doesn't mind... Maite said and she nudged me.
I don't believe you at all! I interrupted her without wanting to keep listening to it.
The school retinue seemed made of stone; they did not have intentions of returning to Agustín's house or anything. The flame of hope began to go out when we realized that they only entered my house to eat and not to phone Agustín's father to pick them up. My flower clock said fifteen fifty-five minutes, and with Maite we were hysterical with the mind that Joaquín did not show up before the scheduled time. To calm my restlessness I better put on my jacket and went out to the courtyard.
The wind was blowing lightly that afternoon. I walked a few steps until I met Lucas, who she did the same thing. A paper fell from his pocket and the breeze pushed it towards me. I went to pick it up and without realize how my curious fingers opened it wide open my eyes almost popped out when I understood what was written:
"The hill of desires, lies... the legend does NOT exist".
My initial anger with Lucas grew from a flake to a big snowball.
Why do you have this paper? I demanded.
What paper? He looked at me confused.
You cannot deny it! This paper fell out of your pocket! I tossed it to him crumpled into a ball. —That paper! Why do you have that role?
He held it out and seemed to recognize it. He wrinkled his nose and he scratched his forehead.
Ah, this one he said nonchalantly ; he gave it to me Priscilla before coming to your house...
—I knew it! It already seemed strange to me that you came to my house with that silly excuse. All this time you took me hair!
I don't know what you're talking about...
If you know! I'm not silly! You didn't just copy me idea for the contest, but you are a traitor!
I didn't copy your idea and I'm not a traitor! The PINK…
You're a copycat of ideas! That was my idea! I the blood boiled. Find another topic to write about and don't be slandering The Hill of Desires! You're a liar.
I wanted to kick him out of my house.
—I'm not a liar or a copycat of ideas!
This paper says the opposite!" You are a liar! Lucas Montes, you stole my idea. I pressed one of my fists and with the other hand I wiped away my tears. And I don't like you like a kick in the wadding!
His eyes seemed to sink at my last words. He looked somewhere between surprised and confused, but it didn't last long.
I am not a liar or steal ideas! He approached me angry. And you know what else? I was not going to write of The Hill of Desires, but I changed my mind. My story is going to be better than yours! he showed me the defamatory pamphlet from the hill that they had written The PINKs. I'll win that contest, I'll become famous and a millionaire, so much so that I'm going to buy the hill and you will not be able to climb to its top. You're not even going to be able to look at it! Nothing!
—I don't mind! My story will be the best, because I'm not a copycat of ideas.
The hill is not yours! And I know more than you because I was born here... I'm going to beat you, Sofía!
Lucas ran out of my house and I took off to cry with rage. I realized that I was right that I wasn't born in Robles Viejos, so I don't she knew so much about the hill, unlike him. Others looked from the window with curiosity because of the shouts of the discussion and Maite quickly went out to the courtyard to hug me.
Suddenly, the bell rang insistently. My heart stopped and I remembered Joaquin's visit. I let go of the hug and hastened my step in the direction to the gate, but I was startled by the honking of a truck. It was Agustín's father parked. My parents came out to make sure everything was well, but the three of them stayed there talking... and I kept looking at the clock.
At sixteen o'clock, the Toro´s had gone and we were inside the house, very ordered in a semicircle on the dining room chairs, in around the table we used to do homework in the courtyard with the collaborations: jug of juice, glasses, napkins, box with credentials. on a little table side we had the books that we had with Maite been able to collect: Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott; Roald Dahl's Matilda; Papelucho, by Marcela Paz; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, from C.S. Lewis; Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley; and Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.
All ready.
Right at sixteen five minutes they hit to the door. My heart pounded. It was between anxious and expectant. I opened the door and there, wearing white shirt with blue lines, jeans and sneakers, with a bag of chips in hand, was Maxi. My disappointment was evident.
Hello! I come to the reading cub
The red curls moved in her head at the while showing their collaboration. Mama! Mama! I called.
—What's happening…? Oh! Doesn't your brother look cute? No!
Sofía, don't be like that with your brother! He wants participate in the book club.
Eloísa and Maite appeared behind me, exclaiming in chorus how cute he looked.
I want my membesip card Maxi demanded.
—You must read a book and…
My mother held my arm, while Eloísa commented with fascination that my younger brother would have shown up at the meeting.
Your brother just wants to participate for sure it will stay for a while and then he will go to play, it also helps him for...
If it's going to stay a while, it's fine, but the first time thing is going away I sentenced as a self-proclaimed boss.
Are we only the three of us? asked Eloísa with a face curious ; or is someone else missing?
Joaquín”, I thought, but didn't say it. My brain went blank, and despair was so great that I was stuck looking at a page separator from The Furious Bees peeking out of a book.
Eeehhh Maite said as if in the air.
Eeeeeemilia, right! Emily is missing. She plays in The Furious Bees, but cannot always come.
Emilia? I locate a girl named like that, she he photographed his dolls in the Plaza de Robles Viejos. Will it be the same? Eloísa asked expectantly.
Yes the same one. Maite smiled. It's that she wants be a photographer when I grow up.
—Yeah, yes, she is a neighbor of a classmate of mine from the school. I didn't know you also liked to read commented Eloísa at the same time that she took out of her backpack a notebook.
Yes, he loves to read, and he will be very happy when find out about the book club… I mean, let him find out that our book club has more members.
I smiled so much to hide the pain in my cheeks.
As the minutes passed we alone we listened to Maxi chewing the fries while he watched us without being able to hide his expectation.
Joaquín didn't show up. With Maite we had to simulate an impromptu session, because we had we devised a whole apparatus except that detail. We made up an excuse and told Eloísa that she would stay on hold the vote for the new book to read, while assuring him that we would find out what it was what happened with the other members.