3 minute read
Ramona Parra Brigade
Chilean boy, glow of the new brigade, the streets of the town wake up with your clarity.
Your brush is the song that paints the blue of the sky, that fills the country of light, love and brotherhood.
young comrade, what do you build hope, you light up the walls with red cry of freedom.
your path hides night and pain, longing and value. Lying there you stayed, of dust and blood. The flower that you left grew writing the air, writing the air Comrade, go ahead!
Cai Cai Villa
In this composition, the musician collects the figure of Caicai Vilu, mythological being belonging to the Mapuche cosmogony, which is represented in the form of an oceanic serpent (actually half snake and half fish) possessing power to dominate the sea and everything related to it. Generally Caicai Vilu appears next to her equally powerful enemy –its symmetrical reverse–, Trentren Vilu, terrestrial serpent, whose confrontations are the reason of the current physiognomy of the Chiloé archipelago, according to one of the many versions of the myth that exist.
Instrumental piece from 1972, which was included in the posthumous album Manifesto, released in 1974 in an English edition made by Joan Jara in the studios Abbey Road in London, and that he used as a basis the recovered recordings for the album “Tiempos que cambian” “Times that change”, the one that was left unfinished after the coup and Victor’s subsequent murder.
fragile as a kite on the roofs of Barrancas
The boy Luchín played with his little purple hands with the ragged ball with the cat and with the dog, the horse was looking at him. In the water of your eyes the green light bathed, he was crawling at his young age with the muddy pot, with the ragged ball, with the cat and with the dog, The horse was looking at him.
The horse was another game in that small space and the animal seemed to liked that job with the rag ball, with the cat and with the dog and with wet Luchito
If there are children like Luchín that eat earth and worms, let’s open all the cages so that they fly like birds, with the rag ball, with the cat and with the dog and also with the horse.
Don’t give me the story of indolence
It’s been a while since I waited for you to spin around Bumblebee that stings and stings without consequence runs out of buzz and lancets.
If the mountain does not come, walk towards it
Recabarren’s goals are the stars.
What a beautiful thing it is to be a volunteer building neighborhood parks building bridges, houses and roads
Moving on with our destiny. Yes!
Give him a peasant shovel, give him the plow
These are better times for your sowing. Give the mine a hammer, give it a miner
Give more roof to the houses of the workers.
You , companion who sweetens the whole earth
Don’t give speculators a break.
The rich man gambles entirely for his own defense He confuses democracy with insolence.
To talk about socialism, study Lenin the revolution is not a game for the bourgeoisie.
If the mountain does not come, walk towards it
Recabarren’s goals are the stars.
What a beautiful thing it is to be a volunteer building neighborhood parks building bridges, houses and roads
Moving on with our destiny. Yes!
Ficha catalográfica
096 García, Pableras
741.092 Víctor Jara. Un canto ilustrado
780.92 Santiago, Ocho Libros Editores
861CH 2018, 1ª edición, 17,5 x 27 cm, 48 pp. / Ilus.
© Pableras García
© Ocho Libros Editores
Primera edición de 1.000 ejemplares, impreso en los talleres de B&B Impresores en enero de 2018
Inscripción RPI 286.226
ISBN 978-956-335-367-9
Impreso en Chile / Printed in Chile
Textos Víctor Jara
Ilustraciones Pableras García
Edición, diseño y producción de originales
Ocho Libros Editores
Director editorial Gonzalo Badal
Director de arte Carlos Altamirano
Editora general Florencia Velasco
Diseño editorial Michel Contreras
Postproducción Gustavo Navarrete
Corrección de textos Edison Pérez
Arzobispo Casanova 36, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Fono (+056) 02 335 1767 / www.ocholibros.cl
Libro impreso en Chile. Apoyamos la industria gráfica nacional y contribuimos a la disminución de la huella de carbono en el mundo.
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este libro por cualquier medio impreso, electrónico y/o digital, sin la expresa autorización de los propietarios del copyright.
Este libro se terminó de imprimir en enero de 2018 en los talleres de B&B Impresores.
Para su composición se utilizó la tipografía ScalaSansLF en sus variables
ScalaSansLF Regular, ScalaSansLF Italic, ScalaSansLF Bold, ScalaSansLF BoldItalic
Para el título se utilizó la tipografía Llanquihue Display