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Martinez ’02: The Confidence to Lead
By Molly Rolon, Editorial Specialist
Angelica Martinez ’02 in the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Martinez, a U.S. Army colonel, is the chief of strategic plans for the U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority.—Photo by Michael Purcell.
VMI was the beginning of many things for U.S. Army Col. Angelica She then completed a master’s degree at Tufts University in preparation to Martinez ’02, Ph.D. The seeds of varied work and career, which have teach in the Department of Social Sciences. taken her around the world, were planted in Scott Shipp Hall. Her belief “[I] absolutely loved it,” she said. “It was just incredible. It really, really that women can meet any standard came from her own experiences as an changed my career, changed my life.” early female cadet, when shades on barracks room doors were one of the At West Point, she learned that she loved teaching and was able to take few visible changes. cadets to several different continents and meet military leaders in other
Martinez’s career began in the Southwest U.S., where she attended the countries. Following her time at the USMA, she spent a year as an interNew Mexico Military Institute. VMI leadership recruited female students agency fellow with the U.S. State Department. There, she volunteered for from NMMI to finish their degrees. A high school and junior military diverse assignments, including observing elections in Senegal and preventing college, NMMI graduates are commissioned second lieutenants after two violence in Central America. years but must complete their bachelor’s degrees at another institution. Martinez then attended the Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies.
Martinez was a 2nd Class cadet, a rat, and a second lieutenant—at the She was slated for a tour in Afghanistan following her SAMS graduation, same time. Martinez explained that the only difference between her and rats but troop levels in south central Asia were decreasing; instead, she went to who matriculated as first-year students was the level of classes she took. She Israel for the first time. took junior-level classes while completing the Rat Line. “There was no easy Following Israel, Martinez applied for and was accepted to an Army way out, no shortening of it,” Martinez remembered about her Rat Line. program to pursue a doctoral degree. She spent 18 months at George
“I think that that really informed me, later on, to say, ‘No, don’t lower Mason University. Then, she went to Izmir, Turkey, working for NATO’s standards for women. Have them meet the same standards, and we will.’ Allied Land Command from 2017–19. Around this time, the internationAnd that gave me a lot of confidence coming out of there to lead, to go to al community, including NATO, was giving serious thought to strategy war, to deal with complex conflicts—like I do now.” regarding Russia.
Martinez is currently serving her second tour in Israel. She gave the in- U.S. strategy had been based on relatively small brigade-level elements terview for this article from her office at the U.S. through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In Embassy in Jerusalem, where she serves as the considering Russia, experts believed larger units chief of strategic plans for the U.S. Security Co- were required. Planners referenced World War ordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority II, Martinez said. “We really had to confront the (a 3-star level command). possibility of large-scale conflict.” At one point,
“We coordinate with Israel and the Palestinian Martinez literally “drove the plan” of action in Authority to enhance security cooperation and the case of a Russian incursion into the Baltics. to advise the Palestinian Authority on security She traveled through many eastern European sector reform,” she explained. “So, day-to-day countries and examined practical needs on the we work with Israeli and Palestinian security ground, including rail gauges and areas for veforces to promote security, safety, and stability hicles to cross water obstacles. in the region. After her time in Turkey, she was handpicked
“We routinely speak with security leaders on to serve as the executive officer for the USMA both sides and have unique access in that when superintendent. She was part of the team that things are escalating, when tensions rise, we try graduated and commissioned 1,000 cadets unto facilitate communication and restore calm,” der the spring 2020 coronavirus restrictions. She Martinez said. “It’s a very fulfilling job because was selected for the U.S. Army War College and you get to know incredibly talented leaders on finished her dissertation on the Israeli-Palestinboth sides. It can also be challenging ... rockets ian conflict. When Army leadership reviewed were flying last night, but it’s an incredible op- doctoral work and matched officers’ topics with portunity to work in the U.S. Embassy and to assignments, Martinez received her current aslive in Jerusalem.” signment in Israel.
The team is nearly 70 people; about one fourth Today, she remains proud to call herself a VMI are civilians, and the rest are military or police. alum. The Institute, she says, “really teaches you It includes members from nine NATO nations and instills in you the confidence and ability to who serve together under three general officers face challenges.” from the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom. Though she doesn’t have a specific timeline,
Martinez began her Army career as a trans- when she does hang up her Army uniform for portation officer. Like most Army personnel in good, Martinez would like to find herself in a the early 2000s, she soon had several combat familiar, but still challenging environment: A deployments. The young officer went to Kosovo classroom. and then to Iraq twice. She applied to and was “I really do enjoy [teaching]. I think [it] is inaccepted to teach at the U.S. Military Academy. credibly important and fulfilling,” she said.