2 minute read
2. Message of P. Guruji
from Poojya Guruji
The objective of fulfillment of every desire is finally the very fulfillment itself. In that moment of fulfillment, there is no desirer or the object of desire - just the experience of fulfillment. While everyone does aim for that moment, we ‘be’ in that blissful state just for a very short moment. That state is very interesting to observe and study. However, first we need to make it a point to be in that state a bit longer. Try to extend that moment for let us say - two moments and then three and then four. Remember this moment was the very objective of the entire exercise of the fulfillment of a desire. Just be in that state and enjoy the contentment.
If we observe closely then in that blissful moment of fulfillment, there are no thoughts, no stress, and no effort. In fact momentarily the time stops, there is no sense of doership or even enjoyership, because we have already got that. However, we also see that this divine non-dual state of fulfillment is very short-lived, and again we wake up back to the state of duality and try to hold on to things which we think are instrumental to take us to that bliss-
ful state within. So that the thoughts are back, and so also all the efforts to relive that state again. While there is definitely an experience of fulfillment but it is our understanding of that state which is the real culprit to make it so short-lived.
One thing is so very obvious, that mere experience of bliss doesnt imply that it becomes effortlessly available to us all the time. What we seek and how we seek is all decided by our understanding. If this understanding is not valid then we shall indeed lose it, because we will look for something with which it is unconnected. Getting something lovable is not really dependent on our effort alone. It has to be dependent on someone who presides over all the factors responsible for a fruit to come about - which is obviously the omniscient and omnipotent God alone. The wise keep such a God in the center of their lives. Gita calls him as Karma-phala-Data - the dispenser of fruits of actions. Such an intelligence literally stands behind every situation of life we get. We see him with our common sense. One needs to love & respect him. Let us establish a relationship with such a divine power. Situations come & go, but he always is. To love him, to see his presence and finally to be one with him brings about a contentment which is never transient. Such a Tripti is very deep and permanent.
Om Tat Sat,