Vedanta Sandesh
Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission
Year - 24
Issue 6
Dec 2018
Gita Jayanti Greetings
Cover Page
The cover page of this issue of Vedanta Sandesh is dedicated to the unique event of Gita Jayanti, which falls in this month. Bhagwad Gita is the only scripture of Hinduism whose jayanti is celebrated every year. The discourse of Bhagwad Gita was given by Bhagwan Sri Krishna to the Pandava prince Arjuna on - the 11th lunar day in the Shukla Paksha of the month of Margashirsha, approx 5155 years earlier. This day is thus also called as Mokshada Ekadashi - the Gita Jayanti Day. This falls around Nov-Dec every year. In fact the first revelation of the discourse was much earlier, as Lord Krishna himself says in the 4th chapter of Gita. He first gave it to Lord Sun, who then gave it to Manu, and then it continued further. As per Hindu calendar this is calculated to be around 120.4 million years earlier. To Arjuna it was retold. Bhagwad Gita talks about a Holistic Art of Living by which we not only make the best in this world, but also simultaneously prepare for Moksha. Let us all celebrate this pious occasion by study of Bhagwad Gita and may all our festivities make the world all the more better place to live - for one & all.
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Gita Jayanti Greetings to all of you.
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Vedanta Sandesh Dec 2018 1.
Shloka 5
Message of P. Guruji
Tattva Bodha 9-13
Letter 14-15
Gita Reflections 16-21
The Art of Man Making
Jivanmukta 27-29
Story Section 30-32
Mission / Ashram News
Forthcoming Progs 58
Links 59 3
Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission Dec 2018 : Year 24 / Issue 6
Published by
International Vedanta Mission Vedanta Ashram, E/2948, Sudama Nagar, Indore-452009 (M.P.) India /
V edanta Sandes h
Swamini Samatananda Saraswati
vkReU;sokf[kya n`';a izfoykI; f/k;k lq/kh%A Hkko;sdsekRekua fueZykdk'koRlnkAA
An intelligent person, well-read in scriptures should first resolve all what is ‘seen’ in his Self; and then realize himself as one pure, space-like non-dual Brahman. Atma Bodha - 39 (for Dec)
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Message from Poojya Guruji
Message of Bhagwad Gita
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The message of Bhagwad Gita to the entire mankind is that life can & should be lived lovingly & holistically. Every person deserves to live life fully. Proper understanding of life assures that inspite of all challenges & occasional setbacks, grief need not be there. Grief is an indication of improper, rather wrong understanding of life. Moha alone brings Shoka. The capacity to live life in this way alone is the proof that one has understood the message of Bhagwad Gita and life in general. Bhagwad Gita is basically not a book revealing rituals or practices, but reveals the philosophy of life, the art & science of living life fully. It needs to be a Universal Handbook of Understanding & Living Life Fully. It has been addressed to a thoughtful & intelligent person, who is free to ask questions & raise doubts, if any. The first scene was that of a grief-striken prince, and as is the consequence of such a mind, he had lost his enthusiasm to live. Physically also he had all the symptoms of a neurotic patient. Shaky legs, sweating hands, horripulation, spinning head and awry thinking. By the end of the discourse his mind was clear of not only the effects of that grief & stress but also the very cause of it. He was endowed with a new perspective and he gave out his best and finally won the historical war against all odds. This is what Gita does, it helps to invoke the best out of us, and the best thing is that you become so big that all the successes &
failures they become very small. So nothoing really affects such a person, and there is a continuous movement forward towards a more sublime goal of realizing oneself to be the infinite divinity itself. It is only when our goals are small and we are therefore dependent on various worldly situations, achievements or experiences, that the world can affect us negatively and bring about despondency in the face of any negative turn of events. So Gita talks about the truth of our own identity & reality. It tells us that the manifestation of an individual from the fundamental timeless reality should never be seen as our truth, but just as a small wave in an ocean. The motivation for our day to day life therefore need not be merely worldly acquisitions or experiences, but should be something subjective. It has to be self-actualization and self-purification. One should aim for subjective enhancements rather than objective acquisitions. One point which has been highlighted very nicely is that in our day to day karma, we should have some worldly goals but never just get attached to any fruits of actions, because one is basically inspired by subjective aspirations. To the extent we can remain equanimous in all ups & downs of life, yet giving out our best, prepares the person for the Self-Knowledge.
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The truth of life is not something beyond the clouds, but is manifesting in all the things & beings of the world, one just needs to focus on the life principle more yet taking care of the medium of manifestations. God is to be seen everywhere, because God is not any person, but the timeless reality of life. He can definitely manifest as a person, but is never limited to one manifestation alone. Learn to see that God, connect with him and be His instrument. That way the whole life becomes a matter of great joy comparable to interacting with your beloved. This is what the message of Bhagwad Gita is.
The Enlightened Ones
Swamini Samatananda
Tattva Bodha
n the last edition we discussed how a Man of di-
rect knowledge revels in the state of ‘ahambrahmasmi’ and is thus liberated from all bondages of action. The discussion also revealed the nature of freedom from action.
dekZf.k dfrfo/kkfu lfUr bfr psr~ vkxkfe&lafpr&izkjC/kHksnsu f=fo/kkfu lfUrAA “If this is asked as to how many kinds of Karma are there, then please know that there are three kinds of Karmas. They are Agami, Sanchit and Prarabdha Karmas.” Agami Karma :
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KkuksRifÙk vuUrja KkfunsgÑra iq.;& iki:ia deZ ;nfLr rn~ vkxkfe bfr vfHk/kh;rsA 10
Tattva Bodha “After the direct realization that ‘I am Brahman’, all karmas done by the body etc of a man of knowledge are called as Agami Karmas.” A man of direct realization does not cease to live having awakened into the state of Brahman. His mortal body still lives in this world and various interactions and responses to situatios will go on as long as the body is living. Hence Agami Karmas are those karmas which are done by the body and mind of a man of direct realization as he continues to live in this world. Yet the difference between a mortal ignorant being and a man of direct realization is that an ignorant and worldly being is prompted to compulsively perform actions out of a sense of limitation and thus a strong sense of enjoyership and doership. In contrast to this a Man of wisdom is not compelled to perform actions as a limited being entangled in his own desires. There is no sense of enjoyership and doership in a man of direct knowledge. Yet he dorns a role of the doer and performs and responses to situations as per the requirement of any given situation. So He is a Master of his own doership. He dorns the role of a doer as per his freedom and can give up all actions as per his own discretion and choice. Thus, one can see that since there is no sense of doership or enjoyership in an enlightened
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person, he is free of any fruits of Agami karmas.
Tattva Bodha Let us go into the dynamics of Karma and see how the fruits of an action are brought about. Any action ia brought about with an integrated effort of all the faculties that is the sense organs, the organs of action, the pranas, the mind and the intellect. No action is brought about in isolation of any one faculty. The doer sees the neccessity of a response and with a desire to respond he uses all his faculties to perform an action. Any action is possible when all our faculties are blessed by their particular devatas. In the 18th chapter of SrimadbhagwadGita Sri Krishna tells us that in all there are five factors which contribute to the performance of an action. These are, the physical body, the doer, various instruments, our efforts with these faculties, and finally the daiva. This indicates that the Self is not directly involved in the performance of an action. The Self is the life principle which effortlessly and impersonally blesses all existence and all the faculties to function as per their dharma. But in this entire play the Self is untouched. Just as Gold is untouched by the various designs and forms. In this entire creation all names and forms are superimposed on the substratum but the substratum which is pure existence, consciousness and Bliss is totally untouched. This too is the secret revealed here with regards to a Man of
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realization. A Man of realization is aware of the truth that
Tattva Bodha he is totally untouched by any actions performed by the body. There is no sense of enjoyership and no sense of doership. Yet he performs action but without any identification with the instrumental faculties, the karmas and the fruits of the karmas. As every action is bound to give out the results or fruits of an action, here too the action will result in some fruits of the action. These are called here as Agami karmas. But, just as a knowledgable person has no individual desire or sankalpa to attain something, he is free from any bondages of action. He is untouched by the performance of an action so also he is free of any Agami Karmas. In and through all his activities his actions may be good or relatively not so good but there are no attachments or regrets in him. His cup is does not overflow with superficial joys of success nor nor does he get shattered by failure. Yet he acts with full involvement, sensitivity, creativity and enthusiasm. His wisdom ‘Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya’ is steadfast and clear in all
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situations and all actions.
Mail from Poojya Guruji Make Krishna your Saarathi Hari om !
On the auspicious occasion of Gita Jayanti the best prayer any devotee can do is to pray that just as was in the case of Arjuna, we also need to have Bhagwan Sri Krishna as the Saarathi of the chariot of our life.
Just before the Mahabharat War, when both the parties were busy in getting their armies ready, and also busy in getting more & more people on their sides, both Arjuna & Duryodhana went to Dwaraka to request for Lord Krishna’s assistance. While Duryodhana was happy to have got the great Narayani Sena of Krishna on his side, Arjuna was more than happy to have Lord Krishna on his side as his Saarathi during the war. Saarathi in those days was extremely important person & post. He had to be reliable, completely trust-worthy, intelligent and capable of taking quick decisions, afterall the life of the master was in the hands of the Saarathi alone. The respective requests of both the cousins revealed their respective perceptions & values of life. One valued material possessions more, while the other valued right knowledge and association V edanta Sandes h
of the men of wisdom most. It was this singular decision of Arjuna which made all the difference in the victory of Pandavas over Kauravas.
Krishna had vowed not to fight the battle or even weild any weapon in his hands, but in Arjuna’s opinion it was not the physical fighting capabilities which he wanted, but rather Lord’s wisdom during the most critical moments of his life. If Bhagwan was not there, Kauravas would have won the war without even any fighting.
Gita resides in the heart of Bhagwan Krishna, as per his own words. Bhagwn is Gita, and Gita is Bhagwan. Gita is full of timeless & eternal wisdom of life, and what everyone needs is the right wisdom of life. To begin with just love & respect Bhagwan Sri Krishna, and then slowly & steadily study Gita and make the teac hings of Gita your own vision. This is what is implied by making Lord Krishna as your own Saarathi.
Love & om
V edanta Sandes h
Gita Reflections
V edanta Sandes h
vf/k"Bkua rFkk drkZ dj.ka p i`FkfXo/ke~A fofo/kk’p i`FkDps"Vk nSoa pSok= iapee~AA (Gita 18/14) 16
ñ 16
Components of Karma (vf/k"Bkua
rFkk drkZ------)
Swamini Samatananda
The physical body, so too the agent-the doer, the seperate manifold means, the distinct and diverse activities of the pranas, and indeed, the fifth here, V edanta Sandes h
the presiding deities. Gita : Ch-18 / Sh-14 17
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Gita Reflections
his sloka in the Eighteenth chapter speaks of the
five factors that help fulfill an action. Any action that is brought about undoubtedly characterises these five aspects. In the previous sloka Bhagwan Sri Krishna mentioned that all actions can be performed without any ego-centric desires and attachments to the fruits of action. With this background a natural question arises “What are the factors that make up an action?” Thus Shri Krishna announces to Arjun that he will now unfold the various aspects which fulfill an action, knowing which one learns to be humble while performing the actions as well as get detached from the fruits of action. The Gitacharya goes on to reveal that this philosophy is not from an individual but this is given to us by the Vedas. What then are these five factors? They are the (the adhishthaanam-the seat)which here means the body, (the karta) that is the individual ego which acts as the doer, the various organs of perception, the organs of action, and the presiding deity. Let us see how these five factors function in any action. The (Adhishthanam) body: The word ‘Adhishthanam’ means the basis. Here in this context the physical body is the basis. The physical body is the office from where one functions to fulfill any
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desire. It is from this gateway from where all the karmendriyas,
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Gita Reflections the pranas etc. operate, experience and also respond to various situations. All the stimuli enter through this gateway for the sense organs and the mind etc to respond. Thus the seat for all the activities to manifest is this body. The (Karta) Doer: With the physical body in existence, a question arises as to who initiates an action? So the second component in bringing about an action is the Doer, the Karta. The Karta is also known as the ‘Individual Ego’ where exists a sense of doership and sense of enjoyership. So it is the Karta who takes the resolve-the sankalpa as the doer and also the one who enjoys the fruits of actions. The (Karanam) The Instruments: The third factor is the ‘Means’ the ‘Karanam’ with which the action is performed. These include the five organs of action, the five sense organs, the mind and the intellect. The Mind desires something, the intellect makes a decision and puts up a resolve to do it, and then the sense organs and the organs of action follow suit to translate the desire into action. These means are all manifold and unique and have their own distinct functions. The Pranas: The fourth important factor is the Pranas. the Pranas give us energy without which none of the other faculties
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would be able to function. Without the Pranas the body will not
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Gita Reflections be able to hold the subtle body which further aids the function of all the other instruments. The Pranas perform different activities which are all unique and distinct in themselves. Prana(inhalation), Apana(Exhalation), Vyana(Circulation), Samana(Digestion) and Udana (throws out waste matter). These are the four functions performed by the four Pranas. Pranas are the source of energy without which nothing else would be possible. Daivam: With all the faculties at their best, the fact that we are constantly blessed by Ishvara and the various Devatas serving him. In fact it is only due to the blessings of Ishvara that we are blessed with such a potent body, mind and intellect. Having been blessed by a human body, all the faculties, the organs of action, the organs of perception, the pranas, mind and intellect all are blessed in particular by a Devata which translates itself as a law to function in a particular manner. For example-the eyes are blessed with the capacity to see and the ears to hear. All these instruments work under a specific law, a discipline which is represented by a Devata. But ultimately Devatas are humble servants of Ishvara alone. This is a fact that Ishvara has made this world, He alone is sustaining it. All functioning is possible with the blessings of Ishvara alone. Thus with these five components karma is possible. In this too
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God has given the freedom to function selflessly or with self cen-
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Gita Reflections tricity. Our journey of selflessness begins with Karmayoga and culminates in discovering non-doership through Self knowledge. If we are free of doership then we are free of all actions and its bondages. Yet being free from a sense of doership does not imply being inactive. Life still excudes itself with enthusiasm and dynamism but the very inspiration is not action for joy but action out of joy. Actions expressed out of fulfillment for the welfare of
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The Art Of Man Making
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The Crisis
P.P. Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji 22
The Art of Man Making
uryodhana now commands: *All of
you assume positions in your respective divisions and protect Bhishma alone by all means. These instructions put in other words come to this: ‘Since you all have an no initiative and are even undependable, at least take directions from me and protect Bhishma.’ Bhishma was considered by Duryodhana as the heart of his army, not only because of the grandsire’s power and wisdom, but because all the kings and warriors who had joined the Kauravas’ side had all done so, due to their reverence for Bhishma. There is no statesmanship whatsoever in the impudent remarks of the unimaginative Duryodhana. He brags impertinently and drifts towards damping the zeal of his allies and comrades as they were all put into an uncomfortable mood of revolt and despair. The prudent Field Marshal Bhishma standing not too far away must have overheard the childish prattle of Duryodhana, and the pitiable confusion of the tyrant. The revered grandsire must have noticed the the rising revolt in the eyes of the officers, an unhealthy sign. Bhishma never failed to notice through Drona’s cold silence the outraged tempo of a man of knowledge and action. Taking note of this deteriorating situaV edanta Sandes h
tion, he promptly comes to the rescue of the tyrant king. The
The Art of Man Making situation could be saved only if all those assembled there were kirked out of their present mental preoccupation. He then takes up his conch and blows it, indicating that the war is declared. This sent forth waves of roaring confidence into the hearts of the people manning the Kaurava array. This act though calculated to induce spirit in the mind of Duryodhana, according to the codes of warfare, amounted to an act of aggression by the Kauravas. With this first ‘bullet shot’, the Mahabharata war was actually started and for all historical purposes the Kauravas have literally become the aggressors-who started the first act of war’. The Pandava forces were left with no alternative but to reply to this challenging ‘call’. each of the noted warriors gets up and blows his conch. The wealth of detail that has bean so lavishly squandered in expressing the simple fact that from the Pandava side Krishna and Arjuna answered the battle cry, clearly shows where Sanjay’s sympathies were. Here are the descriptions o:fsitting on the ‘magnificient’ chariot, harnassed to white’ horses. Madhava and Arjuna blew their divine conches are all deliberately used. Sanjay feels that perhaps in the apparent contrast in the two descriptions the blind old king Dhritrashtra may be persuaded, even at this last moment, to order his sons to come
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to a truce. To preserve a country ever in peace or to involve it
The Art of Man Making in ruinous warfare is all in the hands of the ruling power. Now the die is cast and the stage set. Events are heading towards a catastrophe. ‘What is going to be your decision?’ This seems to be the implied question. *The sound raised by the Pandava battle cry resounded in the battlefield and roared up to echo in space, rending the hearts of the Kauravas. Those who feel their cause just will be inspired, will have courage and can readily muster up for action. The Pandavas uproar seems to be penetrating into the hearts of the Kauravas because of their guilty conscience. Even the reprimand of a child is bound to touch an offender to the quick. That Sanjaya’s scales of sympathy lean towards the Pandava side is again seen here, if one compares the description of the war-cries of both forces. It was a poignant moment, the shooting has not yet started-but it was eminent. The crisis has arisen to the highest pitch of its wave. Arjuna now suggests to Krishna to place his chariot in between the two armies, so that the Pandava Prince can see who are the champions of adharma lined up against him in war. Krishna like a true charioteer places it in between the two armies and facing up to Bhishma and Drona says, ‘Behold, Oh! Partha, the Kurus gathered together.’ These are the only utterances of the Lord in the first chapter and in fact they are the
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only utterances of the Lord in the first chapter and in fact they
The Art of Man Making are the sparks that set fire to the egoistic edifice of Arjuna. The word ‘Behold’ speaks volumes. Krishna is forcing Arjuna to get involved in the problem by asking him to ‘see’ the army array. The human mind for the purpose of study can be considered as constituted of two aspects. One facing the world of stimuli that reach it from the objects of the world and the other facing the within which reacts to these impulses. Through our sense-organs of perception all of us experience the world around us. The stimuli that reach our sense-organs create impulses filter deeper down to the subjective mind through the intervening layers of our individual egocentric desires. These impulses react there with the existing impressions of our own past that are stored in the subjective layer of mind and get themselves expressed in the world outside through the five organs of action. Arjuna’s objective mind under the impact of stimuli could not find any response from its subjective aspect. The greatest hero of his times. Arjuna, suddenly became a de-
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spondent neurotic patient.
Jivanmukta Wandering In Himalayas
72 Trilokeenath Excerpts from the Travel Memoirs of Param Poojya Swami Tapovanji Maharaj
Jivanmukta W
hen I started from Rishikesh with
the intention of rambling among the western Himalayas, I had thought about Trilokeenath, but I had no clear idea regarding the route. When I got directions from Kulu about the route to be followed, I decided to include Trilokeenath in my itinerary. My informants told me that the way lay over snow, and was cold and perilous. But the more dangerous it appeared to be, the more eager I became to visit this holy place. The people of Vasishta tried their best to dissuade me. They told me that on the way I should have to cross a pass called Lutang and that during May-June it would be covered with snow for miles. They advised me to postpone my journey by about two months. I could not accept their advice as I did not want to spend many days at Vasishta; I decided to push forward come what may. The prospect of inconvenience or danger did not shake my resolve. A Perilous Journey At vasishta there were seven or eight other sadhus who also wanted to visit Trilokee. But they had not the courage to face the difficulties on the way. The distance was only 63 miles, but the route was known to be dangerous. When the sadhus heard of my decision, they were overjoyed. They then asked to accompany me. Thus I, who had planned to proceed all alone, came to be acV edanta Sandes h
companied by a group of pilgrims. One day, at about two o’clock,
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Jivanmukta after our meal, we paid our respects to Rishi Vasishta and set out for Trilokee. The June sun was blazing hot and we began to experience pangs of thirst. On the way, we drank the buttermilk obtained from one or two villages and continued our journey northward along the valley of Vyasa. When we had covered five or six miles, the ascent began. After climbing about two miles we reached the foot of the snow--covered Lutang Pass by nightfall. We passed the night in the open air, near a Dharamshala named Lal. All the night we lay shivering in the cold. The morning came, and we knew we had to cross the steep Lutang Pass, 13,500 feet high. My companions were all dispirited at the thought of the perils we might have to face. They sat thinking of the dangers ahead. As there was no time to lose, I resumed the journey exhorting my companions to follow without delay. It was a precipitous ascent that we had to negotiate that day. Setting our heart on Trilokeenath, we began to climb again. In ten minutes’ time all of us began to pant like an exhausted horse. Having ascended a mile, we sat down to rest on a broad piece of rock. Here is the source of the Vyasa Ganga. Vyasa’s usual residence was, as is well known, Badrikashram. Perhaps he might have spent some time here also. However, some people hold that “Vyasa” word is V edanta Sandes h
used in relation to the river is only a corrupt form of “Vipasa,” the name of a river celebrated in the Puranas.
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STORY Section 30
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Bheema inspires Arjuna
he incident happened when pandavs were
very young.It happened during one of their dinner occassions. Generally the royal food consists of many dishes arranged in an order .i.e each one of them have a specific place on the thali/ plantain leaf. One night ,during the dinner ,suddenly the lamps were blown off due to heavy winds. So everyone was asked to stop eating & wait till the lamps were lighted again.( as it was a custom not to eat food in the dark.). All the children stopped eating except Bheema. He was unable to resist himself from eating, so by the time lights were lit his plate was almost empty..when asked by his mother, Kunti,that ‘How were you able to eat son?’ Bheema replied that “Once everything has been served on the plate, we all become aware of where and how each food item has been served. I love to enjoy my food with total focus and without any distraction. And so even if it became dark I could eat my food and enjoy it too as I was aware of all it’s placing and was focused and nothing else could distract me”. Everyone was amuzed looking at the integration of Bheema.
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Arjuna too heard and saw everything but more than being
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Bheema inspires Arjuna amuzed, his answer raised a thinking in Arjuna. He thought, if Bheema with his focus and love for food can eat with his perception of things, even without light, why can’t I shoot at the things in the dark because things would be in their place only. So he started practising archery in he dark. One day his guru Dronacharya observed it and was stunned because he didn’t teach this lesson to Arjuna. On learning about Arjuna’s thinking he felt very happy at the interest of his disciple & his keen interest in archery. In this manner Arjuna was inspired by Bheema. At the same time, this ,out of the way of thinking and co-relating every incident to his learning , of Ar-
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juna made him the expert of Archery.
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Mission & Ashram News
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Bringing Love & Light in the lives of all with the Knowledge of Self
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Mission News Gita Mahayagna, Mumbai
30 Nov - 8th Dec 2018
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All 18 Chaptes of Bhagwad Gita
Vivekananda Auditorium, RK Math, Khar
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Mission News Gita Mahayagna, Mumbai
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All Chapters of Bhagwad Gita
Ramkrishna Math Campurs, Khar
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Mission News Gita Gyana Yagna, Lucknow
17th to 23rd Nov 2018
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Talks on : Gita Ch-4 / Vigyan Nauka
Sarveshwarnath Mandir, Lucknow
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Mission News Gita Gyana Yagna, Lucknow
17th to 23rd Nov 2018
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Talks on : Gita Ch-4 / Vigyan Nauka
Sarveshwarnath Mandir, Lucknow
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Mission News Holistic Living, Lucknow
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Manage your Stress
Volkhart, Lucknow
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Ashram News Hanuman Chalisa Satsang: Nov 2018
Ch - 30: Sadhusant ke tum rakhware...
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Asur Nikandan Ram Dulare
Monthly Satsang on last Sunday
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Ashram News Hanuman Chalisa Satsang (contd)
Program starts with Bhajans
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Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa
Followed by Pravachan
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Ashram News Hanuman Chalisa Satsang (contd)
Program concludes with grand Aarti
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Everyone comes and does the Aarti
Finally the Prasad
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Ashram News Hanuman Chalisa Satsang
by Poojya Guruji Swami Atmanandaji
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Going on from last four years
Twelve Pravachans a year
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Ashram News Deepawali Celebrations
Lakshmi Poojan
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Alter Beautifully decorated
Beautifully decorated rangoli & deepak thali
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Ashram News Deepawali Celebrations
Lakshmi Poojan by Swamini Poornananda
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Param Poojya Guruji
Laxmi Arti
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Ashram News Deepawali Celebrations
Eco-friendly Diwali
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Lakshmi Pujan and lighting of Lamps
Group Photo with P. Guruji
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Ashram News Deepawali Celebrations
Group Photo with Poojya Guruji
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Pic of neighourhood celebrations
Asharm Mahatmas with P. Guruji
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Ashram News Birthday Celebration
of P. Swamini Samatanandaji & Swarna Dass
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15th Nov
Blessings from P. Guruji and all Mahatmas
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Ashram News Birthday Celebration
In-house Celebrations
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Cake made lovingly in-house
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Ashram News
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Birthday Special Bhajans
by Roshan Das and friends
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Ashram News
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Das Bagichi Satsang Group
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Ashram News
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All devotee singers were honored
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Ashram News
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Goswamiji garlanding P. Swaminiji
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Ashram News Bhajans
Conclusion was with grand Aarti
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Finally was the Preeti-Bhoj
Snacks for all guests
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General News Birding at Indore
Visit to Kishanpura Talab
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There were many variety of Birds
Many were Migratory
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General News Birding at Indore
Were accompanied by Experts
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Eurasian Wigeon
Siberian Stonechat / Grey Frankolin
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General News Birding at Indore
Male & Female Siberian Stonechat
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Sarus Crane
Indian Roller & Long-tailed Shrike
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Visit News Visit : Thane Creek
Flamingo Sighting Boat Ride
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Boat was from Airoli
Coastal & Marine Biodiversity Center
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Visit News Birding at Mumbai
An hour-long Boat Ride
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Flamingoes / Avocets / Plovers
Coastal & Marine Biodiversity Center
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Forthcoming VM Programs 30th Nov - 8th Dec 2018 GITA GYANA MAHAYAGNA @ Mumbai Complete Bhagwad Gita P. Guruji Swami Atmanandaji 24th - 29th Dec 2018 VEDANTA CAMP @ Ashram, Indore Dakshinamurti Stotra / Gita-16 P. Guruji & All Ashram Mahatmas
4th - 11th Jan 2019 GITA GYANA YAGNA @ Vadodara Kathopanishad 2-2 / Gita-9 P. Swamini Amitanandaji
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17th - 23rd Jan 2019 GITA GYANA YAGNA @ Amdavad Upadesh Saar / Gita-4 P. Swamini Amitanandaji
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Published by: International Vedanta Mission Editor: Swamini Samatananda Saraswati