Vedanta Sandesh - Feb 2019

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Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission

Vedanta Sandesh

Year - 24

Issue 8

Feb 2019

Cover Page

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The cover page of this year's of Vedanta Sandesh continues to be the theme of - Birds of India. This month we have the huge & gracious Pelican. Pelicans are large water birds found in coastal water bodies. They are found all over the world, with the exception of polar regions. They are mostly resident birds, and inhabit various deep and shallow wetlands, from freshwater to saline, in open or forested areas. They are often seen on large bodies of water, particularly large lakes. They are gregarious birds, travelling in flocks, hunting cooperatively, and breeding colonially. They feed in open water, mostly on fish. They are characterised by a long beak and a large throat pouch used for catching prey and draining water from the scooped-up contents before swallowing. In all there are eight species of Pelicans, mostly of pale color, except one which is bright white and the other which is brown. Our cover page one is the Spot-billed Pelican, also known as Grey Pelican, and was clicked at Agarwa Wetlands in Gujarat by Poojya Guruji Swami Atmanandaji. This species is seen in India & also Pakistan. For this a boat was taken for the shallow wetland, and we got the shot after going to a peaceful & isolated area. In Hindi it is called gokfly. Om Tat Sat




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Vedanta Sandesh Feb 2019 1.

Shloka 5


Message of P. Guruji


Tattva Bodha 9-13


Letter 14-15


Gita Reflections 16-20


The Art of Man Making


Jivanmukta 26-29


Story Section 30-32


Mission / Ashram News





Forthcoming Progs 54


Internat News 55


Links 56 3


Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission Feb 2019 : Year 24 / Issue 8

Published by

International Vedanta Mission Vedanta Ashram, E/2948, Sudama Nagar, Indore-452009 (M.P.) India /


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Swamini Samatananda Saraswati



Kkr`KkuKs;Hksn% ijs ukRefu fo|rsA fpnkuUnSd:iRokr~ nhI;rs Lo;eso fgAA

The divisions of Knower, Known and Knowing do not exist in the transcendental Atma. As it is of the nature of self-effulgent bliss, it reveals by itself. Atma Bodha - 41

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Message from Poojya Guruji

Love Nature We have kept the theme of Birds of India, for the cover page photo of Vedanta Sandesh this year. By this we are also motivating all our readers to give more time to appreciate the beauty of nature in all its diverse forms.

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God is the creator of the world, and the best way to appreciate the nature, knowledge & capacities of God is by looking at his creation. It is by looking at effect alone that one can get an idea of the cause. We are all part of this awesome nature - prakruti. Our lives are run by the powers of nature alone. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the joys we aspire for, are all parts of this big & beautiful world. Everyone needs to not only love nature but also respect it. For this the journey has to begin by getting as close to nature as possible. Go to the mountains, valleys, forests, visit lakes or even oceans. See the diverse life forms. All living beings are part of our big family, and all of them directly or indirectly contribute to the running of the whole eco-system. Those who go near nature, shall always be blessed with better health and nice, peaceful & sensitive mind. Good health and sensitive mind paves the way for better intelligence too, and all this alone is the objective of Yoga. Therefore do take out time to go in the wilderness, go for walks and just see around. So many life-forms exist so happily there. The birds, insects, animals - and all of them so



healthy, active and lively. Everyone gets their food and shelter there. Mother Nature takes care of all her children. Let us learn to see God in the nature. That is what all the Vedic Rishis taught us. Lord Krishna tells us to see the glories of God in the various manifestations around, in fact see the whole Viswa as his Roopa. Various problems being faced by mankind are all a result of our ignoring nature, in fact we have rather destroyed nature in a very big way in our greed. World bodies are discussing problems like global warming ozone depletion and all-pervasive pollution - of air, water & earth. All this can be handled if we once again rejuvenate our old cultural & religious traditions & values of respecting nature. Let us make this habit of going in the lap of nature - silently & peacefully, more to appreciate it more closely. All those who do this shall definitely be blessed in hundreds of ways, including a better understanding of the creator of the world and ourself.

V edanta Sandes h

Om Tat Sat.




Jivanmuktas - Untouched by Karmas

Swamini Samatananda

Tattva Bodha


n this last discussions we tried to understand

what is Aagami Karma and then what do we understand by Sanchit Karma. In this edition we will try and understand what the Acharya explains about Prarabdha Karma. The entire discussion of the three types of Karmas came up with reference to a Jivanmukta-the ‘Liberated One’. As we went on to understand the nature of a Jivanmukta, the Acharya explained that a Jivanmukta is one who is free from the bondages of action. He has transcended all ‘Karmas’. Thus this discussion brought up a question as to what are the different types of karmas which a Jivanmukta transcends. In connection with this we have so far discussed the Aagami and Sanchit karmas. Let us now see what the Acharya reveals about Prarabdha Karmas.

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izkjC/ka deZ fde~\ bna 'kjhja mRik| bgyksds lq[k&nq%[kkfnizna ;RdeZ rRizkjC/ka Hkksxsu u"Va Hkofr izkjC/kdeZa Hkksxknso {k;fefrAA 10


Tattva Bodha ““If this is asked as to what is the Prarabdha Karma, then please know that to be the Prarabdha Karma which having created this body is also further responsible to bring situations which appear to bring joys & sorrows. These Prarabdha Karmas are exhausted only after their fructification & experience. This has been said elsewhere too that ‘Prarabdha Karmas are exhausted only after their experience.”

Prarabdha means ‘that which has properly started. Thus

they are also compared to an arrow which has been shot from a bow and hence it must reach its desitination. One cannot change prarabdha situations. Prarabdha karmas are those karmas which form the basis to give us the present birth and situations and will continue to do so in the flow of life. As we all see that there is so much diversity in the form of every human being and his environment and situations. Often one has a question in the mind that why is it that one person is born in a family with all comforts and conveniences and another is born where even the basic necessities of life are a great struggle. One person is born with an artistic skill and another person is born with a technical mind. Someone is born as a human being and another as an animal or bird. So each living being and individual is born unique, with unique qualities and situations. All

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this is answered by the word ‘Prarabdha’. Prarabdha karmas



Tattva Bodha are the seeds of karmas which we ourselves have sown in our previous countless births and which are now ready to fructify.

Prarabdha karmas are a translation of the law of Karma,

that as we sow so shall we reap. It answers the question and clears the doubts of all such sceptics who feel that God has been very kind to some and unkind to others. We all bear of the fruits of our actions and these fruits of actions are given to us by Ishvara, but here one needs to understand that even though Ishvara is the bestower of all situations he does not do so out of his own whims and fancies. It is not that he has any likes and dislikes towards anyone or does any kind of favouritism. Ishvara gives us the fruits of actions based on the law of karma. Just as in a bank the banker gives us money as per the cheque given to him. He does not do so as per his likes and dislikes. He is only a medium to deliver what ever we deserve. So also Ishvara blesses us only with that which we deserve. Nothing more and nothing less. This is an order in the creation, this is the law of nature which is impersonal and applicable to one and all without any discrimination. If any one points out his finger towards God as being partial then that reflects his ignorance and lack of understanding. One needs to understand that even though we get different situations as per our prarabdha

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karmas we all have the similar pottential of the body, mind and



Tattva Bodha intellect. It is up to us to make the best of this instrument to face all odds and evens of life. Our prarabdha karmas can give us adverse situations but it is in our hands to face and change our destiny. We have the free will to do so. This is the difference we can see in a man of ignorance and a man of enlightenment. An ignorant individual insists on changing the situations outside and suffers where as a man of wisdom in the same situations sees the world as a dream and is unaffected by all the diversities of life. He is neither attached to anything nor has any aversions to anything, yet does what is right in the situation. An ignorant man prays to turn the situations around where a man of knowledge prays for abidance in the knowledge that he is already a fulfilled being.

These are the dynamics of prarabdha karmas, its nature

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and the attitude of facing them.



Mail from Poojya Guruji The Value of Values Hari om !

Yes, there are so many sincere students who have studied or are still studying shastras, but somehow they have been missing out on the direct realization of the so called awakening. They have a natural inquisitiveness as to where are they excactly missing out. Well, this question has been answered in various places and various ways. However, let me refer the mantra number 3/1/5 of the Mundakopanishad in this context.

The mantra says that “When you polish up your values like - truthfulness, austerity, proper knowledge and brahmacharya - then you shall definitely realize that immaculate self in you body.”

Angira Rishi talks about four important values which play a crucial role to help us see’ the meaning of the message of shastras directly. They are Satyam, Tapas, Samyag-Gyana and Brahmacharya. Satya is all about speaking that which we know to be the truth, no compromise whatsoever. V edanta Sandes h

Compromises are for some worldly benefits. Those who dare to stick on to truth are those people for whom there is something more important



than the worldly benefit. Tapas has been defined as alignment of our sense organs and mind, meaning, the capacity to keep our mind where our eyes etc is. Complete attention on things at hand. Samyag-gyana is valid knowledge as revealed in the shastras. The vision revealed in the scriptures is very different than we can ever imagine, so one should be nicely aware of the truth, and finally brahmacharya, is all about living our conviction that our Self is the real source of joy rather than things outside. The experience of things of the world is not the real issue, but the appreciation as to what is the real source of joy. If we alone happen to be the real source of joy, then gratification is indeed the biggest stupidity. The secret of joys outside simply depends on, what do we take important in world. The importance we give to things is directly proportional to the capacity of things to give us joy. Therefore to the extent we appreciate & assimilate these values, to that extent our various impediments get negated and that is how our intellectual knowledge gets translated into direct knowledge.

Love & om,

V edanta Sandes h



Gita Reflections

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lenq%[klq[k% LoLFk% leyks"Vk’edkapu%A rqY;fiz;kfiz;ks /khj% rqY;fuUnkRelaLrqfr%AA (Gita 14/24) 16

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Equanimity - The Greatest Blessing (lenq%[klq[k%


Swamini Samatananda

The wise man, abiding in self, remains equanimous in pleasure and pain, heat or cold, stone or gold. His thoughtfulness remains undisturbed in desirable and V edanta Sandes h

undesirable situations, and also in censure and praise. (Gita : Ch-14 / Sh-24) 17

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Gita Reflections


he Fourteenth chapter of the Gita known as ‘Gu-

natraya Vibhaaga Yoga’ reveals to us the secrets of the variety of the creation made up of the three gunas as well as the profound knowledge of going beyond the gunas i.e. Gunateetah. As the Lord unfolds the play of the three gunas and the truth beyond them, Arjuna’s mind starts bubbling with curiosity. He thus comes up with a few questions and one of them was how does a man of wisdom who has seen himself beyond the three gunas conduct himself. How does He go about in the diversity of the world and situations. As the scriptures reveal that the entire world is made up of the three gunas only, therefore all interaction is nothing but an interaction of one guna with the other. We are constantly interacting with people and things which are saatvik, raajasik or taamasik. Thus we are dealing with people who will sometimes be pleasant, sometimes self-centered, and at times very dull people. Not only this, one and the same person or thing will not retain the same guna also. The mind, body and objects all keep on changing as well. A man of knowledge can see this interflux and change of maya

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and it’s three gunas and therefore remains objective and equi-


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Gita Reflections poised at all times. He abides and revels in his real nature. Aatma swaroopam. Thus whatever situation he is in, He is constantly aware of his true nature and the ephemeral nature of the world. He Knows that He alone is the creator of all situations. It is due to this awareness that he is equanimous at all times of convenience and inconvenience. He neither holds on to convenient situations nor has any aversions towards adversities. Not only this he has no complaints to any person or thing either which has been instrumental in bringing about favourable or unfavourable situations. In fact he has an inner strength and knowledge to respond in a right manner. Righteousness is effortless to such enlightened ones. Lord Krishna goes on to say that similarly they are equipoised towards objects outside too. Be it a rock of earth or be it gold. Wealth will come & go, ups and downs will come and go and so will birth & death. People otherwise give so much importance to wealth and all that wealth can buy that it becomes the nucleus of life. This is the biggest tragedy that one can see all around. Extraneous attitude to life has become the order of the day and it is the folly of human mind that he fails to see that

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acquizition is not the key to happiness but happiness truly lies


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Gita Reflections within ourself. In fact it is our very nature. Wealth is just a means of life not the goal. As long as wealth remains the goal of life, life will continue to remain a suffering and stress at all levels of the body, of relationships, of society and countries. Another thing that affects an individual is what others say about him. It is so important to him that another person’s comment can make or shatter one’s self esteem. A person’s real dignity lies in seeing himself and others as Brahman. Being affected and living life as per what other’s say is giving the string of your life to others. We become a puppet in the hands of ignorant people who have no understanding about themselves, others, the world and Ishvara. A man of Self Knowledge is unaffected by glory and criticism too. Whatever we do some people will glorify; and there will be some other people to criticize. A wise man weighs the merits and demerits of a situation and decides the course of action. For all purposes shastra alone is the pramana for Him. In this manner the ‘Dhirah’ Dhir purusha one who abides in his knowledge in a steadfast manner, is effortlessly equipoised in all situations and at all times. He is the seer of the play of Maya

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and its three gunas and therefore is Gunateetah.


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The Art Of Man Making

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The Arjuna Disease

P.P. Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji 21


The Art of Man Making


he break up in Arjuna’s personality in the

face of a grave situation, which demanded a full mental attention and alertness, is only the eruption of his repressions and suppressions, kept as smouldering lava in the deep recesses of his mind. Fanned by the winds of enmity and jealousy and the Kauravas’ attitude of injustice, these gushed upon the battlefield of Kurukshetra, and the resulting conflagration consumed Arjuna’s reason and balance of mind completely. He felt dejected by his own impotency to face the challenge. In such a situation, a person’s emotions overrun him, and his entire subconscious energies in their gathered momentum run out to burst the-contours of the beauty of his individual personality. A man-or for that matter a nation, a state, a community or a society-in such a condition bursts out in protests of anger to perpotrate henous acts of crime, forgetting its long-standing tradition of knowledge, education and culture. When a leader thus breaks up, the society led by him trails his mad steps to reach the nadir of damnation and disaster. To cure such a leader, then, is to save the community or nation that V edanta Sandes h

follows him from utter ruin.



The Art of Man Making This break-up of personality we shall call the ‘Arjuna disease.’ The ‘Arjuna disease’ is universal-it is common at all times, in all places, to people of all races, classes and creeds and cultures. It is a human disease, natural to any man of action. For this a cure is needed. This cure-the panacea for all mental ills-permeates the entire fabric woven by the eighteen chapters of the Bhagwad Geeta. Nowhere save in the Geeta do we find answers to the whys and the wherefores regarding life and living. For it is only in the Hindu scriptures that the student has the freedom not only to question his teacher at every step, but also a moral right to expect satisfactory answers from him. Krishna in his advice to Arjuna never uses the imperative. Never does he say, ‘thou shalt’ or ‘thou shalt not’-never comands, never insists, never asserts. For, he has to contend with Arjuna-a dynamic man of action an intellectual, and an honest sceptic. All along, now trotting, now cantering, now galloping, the Geeta gives arguments leading up to, and much data that tot up to the final word of advice-which is not for Arjuna alone -but is universally applicable at all times to all those who find

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themselves in such a shattered mental condition.



The Art of Man Making In this the second chapter of the Geeta, we have the dialectics of right living, unravelled with many dashes and more dots. Because the second chapter is a prologue, it gives us a synopsis of all the main ideas to be elaborated upon in the following sixteen chapters. At the end of the first chapter, Arjuna’s collapse is complete. *Vyasa opens the second chapter with a simple verse in which with three deft epithets he potrays the extent of the rupture in Arjuna’s personality-1) overwhelmed with pity-krupayavishtah (2) tears flowing-ashrupoornakulekshanam (3) vishidantam-these denote the mental, physical and intellectual break-up of the personality in Arjuna. When one wants to strike but is unable to do so due to the powerful might of the unjust opponent, the feeling that rises in such a one’s heart is called ‘dejection’. Arjuna and his brothers had always been the underdogs at every turn in their lives, suffering hardships, meeting challenges, overcoming hurdles-all strewn along their path by their ruthless cousins, the Kauravas. Arjuna was a consientious leader of his people and as such was itching to strike Duryodhana and his wicked supporters. But seeing intermingled with them as his own near and dear ones, he experienced this novel dejection, this sense of frustration,

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this incapacity to answer the clear call to battle.



The Art of Man Making He was physically shattered-tears welled up in his eyes: he was mentally blasted overwhelmed by pity; and he was intellectually stunned-swept by dejection and frustration. Here then he stood, with the battle about to begin, for the conches had already been sounded, completely broken at all levels of his personality. Such a shattering can come even to a community or penetrate every unit in a nation. At such periods, history records a benumbing sense of frustration in the generation. Individual despair mounts to collective despair. How are we to come out of this? How are we to break these chains of helplessness? How are we to reconstruct from broken shattered bits a picture whole and beautiful to look at? The Geeta gives completely scientific and cogent answers to these disturbing questions and

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outlines a wonderfully unique way of right living.



Jivanmukta Wandering In Himalayas

74 Trilokeenath Excerpts from the Travel Memoirs of Param Poojya Swami Tapovanji Maharaj

Jivanmukta A

t Lutang Pass we had the same experience.

Reduced to total helplessness, my companions began to cry out with the sincerest feeling of devotion, “Trilokeenath Ki Jai” (Victory to Trilokeenath!”). Though my companions were all sadhus, most of them had not achieved full reliance on God. When I found that their minds were immersed in faith, at least for the time being, I praised God. God’s grace can metamorphose an atheist into a saint. Suddenly we saw a group of merchants driving horses and donkeys laden with merchandise. As soon as we caught sight of them, our hearts filled with joy. We felt that they were guides sent by God to save us from annihilation. When they came up to us we welcomed them cordially, and followed them with renewed courage. They were Tibetan merchants returning home with their women, children and merchandise. Across the pass there are routes leading to Ladakh, Yarkhand, Tibet, and other distant province. From May-June to October-November merchants make use of these routes in their journey to and from from Central Asia to India. We moved slowly over the snow. It was past 9 a.m. The snow had begun to sparkle in the brilliant sunshine and gradually it began V edanta Sandes h

to melt as well. Consequently it became difficult to gain a firm


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Jivanmukta foothold in the thawning snow, and we began to slip and fall. I had known that the crossing of the snow should be attempted before it begins to melt. But it is a matter of common experience that the knowledge of a subject by itself will not enable a person to act accordingly. The path we were now following was precipitous and narrow. In some places it was only a foot or two wide. One false step would be enough to send a man tumbling down into the unfathomed mountain recess. Nothing would obstruct his downward course. He would roll and roll along the steep, slippery side of the mountain until he became one with the mass of snow. No force on earth could save him. His companions could only stand gazing helplessly at the tragic spectacle. When a man stands in the midst of boundless snow fields, his mind is filled with fear. For me, snow is an object of joy; but, in spite of that, on this occasion I too was feeling strained, nevertheless, we moved forwards as well as we could. When we had covered a mile and a half along the dangerous route, we reached an extensive plateau at the top of the mountain. There the snow lay two to eight feet deep. We forgot ourselves and ran about here and there like children playing in the snow. Sometimes we fell down on the snow which lay like

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fine soft sugar all around us and then, quickly scrambling up


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Jivanmukta again, we ran forward. Proceeding thus, we reached the centre of the snow-covered plateau by about 11 a.m. Here, on the crest of the plateau, was a mountain deity, covered with snow. Along with the merchants we worshipped him devoutly. The merchants immediately resumed their trek, as everything was covered with snow, and there was no place to rest. Fortunately, I discovered a little space near the deity where the snow had melted away, exposing the bare surface of a rock. There I sat for a little while resting my weary limbs before I followed my

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companions down the mountains.


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STORY Section 30

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The Way to Give.


nce Krishna and Arjuna were walking to-

wards a village. Arjuna was pestering Krishna, asking him why Karna should be considered a role model for all Danas (donations) and not himself. Krishna, wanting to teach him a lesson snapped his fingers. The mountains beside the path they were walking on turned into gold. Krishna said “Arjuna, distribute these two mountains of gold among the villagers, but you must donate every last bit of gold”. Arjuna went into the village, and proclaimed he was going to donate gold to every villager, and asked them to gather near the mountain. The villagers sang his praises and Arjuna walked towards the mountain with a huffed up chest. For two days and two continuous nights Arjuna shoveled gold from the mountain and donated to each villager. The mountains did not diminish in their slightest. Most villagers came back and stood in queue within minutes. After a while, Arjuna, started feeling exhausted, but not ready to let go of his ego just yet, told Krishna he couldn’t go on any longer without rest. Krishna called Karna. “You must donate every last bit of this mountain, Karna” he told him. Karna called two villagers. “You see those two mountains?” Karna asked, “those two mountains of gold are yours to do with as you please” he said, and

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walked away.


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The Way to Give Arjuna sat dumbfounded. Why hadn’t this thought occurred to him? Krishna smiled mischievously and told him “Arjuna, subconsciously, you yourself were attracted to the gold, you regretfully gave it away to each villager, giving them what you thought was a generous amount. Thus the size of your donation to each villager depended only on your imagination. Karna holds no such reservations. Look at him walking away after giving away a fortune, he doesn’t expect people to sing his praises, he doesn’t even care if people talk good or bad about him behind his back. That is the

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sign of a man on the path of righteousness.


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Mission & Ashram News

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Bringing Love & Light in the lives of all with the Knowledge of Self

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Mission News Gita Gyana Yagna, Vadodara

by Poojya Swamini Amitanandaji

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Subject: Gita - 9 / Kathopanishad 2-2

at Atmajyoti Ashram from 5-11 Jan

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Mission News Satsang of Poojya Guruji @ Vadodara

At Atmajyoti Ashram in Subhanpura

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Warm Welcome by Devotees & Children

12th Jan 2019

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Mission News Satsang of Poojya Guruji @ Vadodara

Welcome by Trustees & Management

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Talk on the word - Atmajyoti

There was great enthusiasm in the devotees

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Mission News Poojya Guruji @ Atmajyoti Ashram

Children welcomed all with Poorna Kumbh

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Swamini Amitanandaji taught the mantras

Devotees were nice & sattwic people

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Mission News Satsang of Poojya Guruji @ Ahmedabad

Residence of Sh & Smt Radhikaben Modi

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Warm welcome followed by Bhajans

Poojya Guruji spoke on the Bhajan

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Mission News Satsang of Poojya Guruji @ Ahmedabad

Guru-Upasadan & Pariprashna

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Modi’s host the stay of Poojya Swaminiji

12th Jan 2019

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Mission News Satsang of Poojya Guruji @ Ahmedabad

Many new & old people were there

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It was a lovely evening

Followed by Prasad for all

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Mission News Welcome of Poojya Guruji at Kalol

The Mahatmas has a refreshing break at Kalol

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Lovely Dinner was organized by Dr Oza’s family

13th Jan 2019

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Mission News Gita Gyana Yagna, Ahmedabad

by Poojya Swamini Amitanandaji

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Subject : Gita-4 / Upadesha Saram

17th-23rd Jan 2018 @ Samutkarsh

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Mission News Gita Gyana Yagna @ Ahmedabad

The Morning Session was of Upadesha Saram

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Specially for Prarthana Parivar Devotees

Upadesha Saram is by Ramana Maharshi

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Mission News Holistic Living Talk @ Mumbai

by P. Swamini Samatanandaji

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Equanimity - The Greatest Blessing

26th Jan 2019 @ Veranda Hall, Mumbai

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Ashram News Ashram Mahatmas visit Kumbh Mela

P. Sw Poornanandaji & Sw Asangananda

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With Rekha & Anagh Sharma

23rd Jan 2019

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Ashram News Republic Day Celebrations at Ashram

Tricolor Hoisted by Col KM Rai (Retd)

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Everyone sang the National Anthem

Followed by Shivji ki Aarti & Prasad

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Ashram News Hanuman Chalisa Satsang: Jan 2019

by Poojya Guruji Swami Atmanandaji

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Chaupayi 32: Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa

27th Jan 2019 - Last Sunday

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Ashram News Hanuman Chalisa Satsang: Jan 2019

Bhajans - Chanting - Pravachan - Aarti

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This was 63rd Talk on Hanuman Chalisa

This Program Series started in 2013

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Ashram News Satsang at Agnani’s in Mumbai

by Poojya Swamini Samatanandaji

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Krant / Vandana Agnani organized beautifully

27th Jan 2019 - Sunday

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Ashram News Satsang at Agnani’s in Mumbai

First there were lovely Bhajans

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Followed by Pravachan by P. Swaminiji

Finally there was Prasad for all

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Birding News Birding in Gujarat

Vadla Wetlands / Agarwa Wetlands / Thol Lake

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Wadhwan Bird Sanctuary / Dwarka

12th / 13th / 15th Jan

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Birding News Birding in Gujarat

Gujarat has Rich Fauna

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Many Water & Land Birds were Clicked

Including Flamingoes & Pelicans

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General News P. Swaminiji visits Flower Show

At Ahmedabad @ Riverfront

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Awesome Flowers and Decorations

Riverfront has become a Cultural Center

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Forthcoming VM Programs 16, 17, 18th Feb 2019 SATSANGS @ Mumbai P. Guruji Swami Atmanandaji 27th Feb - 4th March 2019 VEDANTA CAMP @ Ashram, Indore Gita-16 / Sadhana Panchakam P. Guruji & All Ashram Mahatmas 13th - 19th Mar 2019 GITA GYANA YAGNA @ Lucknow Gita-10 / Mundakopanishad 2-1 P. Guruji Swami Atmanandaji 30th Mar - 5th Apr 2019 GITA GYANA YAGNA @ Jalgaon V edanta Sandes h

Gita-12 / Drg-Dryshya Vivek P. Swamini Poornanandaji

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Internet News Talks on : Gita Complete by P. Guruji (Hindi) Gita Chapter - 6 by P. Guruji (Hindi) Gita Chapter - 4 by Swaminiji (Gujrati) Gita Chapter - 9 by Swaminiji (Gujrati) Dakshinamurty Stotram by P. Guruji (Hindi) Hanuman Chalisa - 64 by P. Guruji (Hindi) PDF Publication Commentary in Hindi on : Tattvabodha Sadhana Panchakam Vishnu Sahasra Naam - Part - 1(1 to 100 Names) - Part - 2 (101 to 200 Names) - Part - 3 (201 to 300 Names) - Vedanta Sandesh - Jan

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- Vedanta Piyush - Jan Photo Albums Hanuman Chalisa:

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Published by: International Vedanta Mission

Editor: Swamini Samatananda Saraswati

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