Vedanta Sandesh_Apr 2021

Page 9


One becoming Many How does One become Many has been pointed out by various Acharyas of Vedanta with the help of various analogies. The three well-known analogies are: Pratibimba-vada, Avacchedavada, and Abhasavada. Let us briefly see what they are.

Pratibimba-vada : When Brahman is reflected in the total cosmic upadhi maya, it becomes Isvara; and when reflected in the individual adjuncts, the avidya, it becomes the Jivas. The reflected images (pratibimba) are affected by the media. When a reflected image is affected by the changes in the particular medium, other reflections are not affected very much. This explains the different conditions of the different jivas though all the jivas are reflections of the same Brahman. When the reflecting media are done away with, the reflections too disappear, leaving only the original intact. This view was propounded mainly by Padmapadacharya and his successors. It is one of the characteristic features of the Vivarana School. This analogy is based on the Pañcapadika Vivarana of Prakasatmamuni.

Avaccheda-vada : V eda nta S a n d e s h


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