Vedanta Sandesh_Feb 2021

Page 7

Message from Poojya Guruji

Information and Awakening

V edanta Sandes h

So many people are inspired by the declaration of adhyatmic scriptures that we all are basically poorna, and thus regularly go for satsang, try to get a deeper insight into this proposition. However, even after years of study and shravan something remains lacking. They still continue to seek. They continue to have insecurities and all the related pangs of pain & grief. The objective of satsang is not merely to get information but to help us wake up, and discover ourselves to be complete - one, non-dual, infinite truth - the so called Brahman. Intellectually we know so much about Brahman, but deep down we know that we are still basically an insecure individual. What has gone wrong & where? In the Mundakopanishad (3/2/3), the great Angira Rishi reveals the cause and solution of this problem to his shishya Shaunak. While it is true that by knowledge alone one gets mukti, but as the saying goes, the devil lies in the details, it is about knowing the implication of this ‘knowledge’. It is here that the root of problem lies. Initially knowledge has to be informative alone. In this we come to know the possibility of such a proposition, and also get appropriate information of the nature of self. Informative knowledge is to give us a direction and also motivation - to go deeper. Remaining what we are, if this new found information just gives us some inspiration, a new name and also a new belief to feel about something divine, then we know that fundamentally nothing has changed. Knowldge has to be ultimately aparoksha, not just paroksha. We need to ask this question to ourselves as to who is trying to feel, who is it who is trying to know, who is it who wants to be free? It is the same old me. The same individual who is so-and-so in the world, who is still father or son of someone, husband or wife of someone, the same me who has had a childhood and all its struggles and joys, the same me who has fears of the lingering old-age, diseases and death, etc. If we directly & definitely know that we are still basically all this, then on what basis do we say



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