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Who gains this Vision?
- the higher ways of cultural living. He no longer compromises-he becomes now committed to the ideals he has first intellectually appreciated, ideals to which then he mentally grew devoted to, and the ideals which he tried to practise in life with shy hesitations. Now he cannot but live his new life he can no longer brook any compromises. Just as a river flows down, gushing over the obstacles, swirling along mountains- yet ever lashing and roaring down its own march to the sea, so too a man of character, at this stage, can no longer be halted along his irresistible march in step with his own convictions.
Such mighty men of determination and faith, ardour and convictions alone had reached heights of splendour in their success and they alone guided the later generations to walk the path of culture. Young men preparing themselves to be leaders of men and matter in science or politics, in social work or spiritual life- cannot overlook this essential technique in self-cultivation.
Such persons who have accomplished these four disciplines in themselves really move into a greater life of permanent glory-to a state of beauty and perfection, which is a “point of no return” (f) when their old Vasanas, and the consequent attitudes (sins) get cleaned by knowledge (f).
Once the old Vasanas are blistered in the fire of knowledge, they shall no more rise up to shackle our personalities. The experience beyond the Vasanas is a permanent state of higher evolutionthere is no chance of us turning back again into our older ways of living and