Message from Poojya Guruji
V edanta Sandes h
Sanyas Ashram Sanyas Ashram is a very unique system in Vedic way of life. It is the final stage of human life, the fourth & final Ashram. What a beautiful and perfect way of life. First lead a dynamic and complete life and then as one retires from active life & responsibilities, they can sit back and objectively bring to their mind the right lessons of life and also its truth, not only for oneself but also to share the crux of their life to their beloved children in the best possible manner. Sanyas epitomizes the ultimate maturity of human mind wherein the person who has seen life in all its form and possibilities and is now free from all worldly responsibilities and desires by first-hand experiencing it all and also realizing not only its beauty & importance but also its impermanence. If there was that underlining faith in the existence of something permanent, some infinite divinity then obviously there shall be greater inquisitiveness to go into depths of what one always revered and believed in. The entire life has been a first hand live drama which has been intensely lived - and is now all just a memory. It is all gone, never to come back again - just like a sweet or maybe a bad dream. Many people with whom we had been associated closely are also gone and so are the ups & downs of life. Apart from the various experiences one more thing is pretty obvious, and that is the impermanancy of life. We always believed in something permanent, and now is the time to