Architecture Portfolio - Vu Ngoc Nam - 2014

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An oppor t uni t yi s hopef ul l y gi ven by t he company,atwhi ch Iper f or m t hi ngs i n accor dance wi t h my abi l i t y,i n or der t oi mpr ove mysel fand cont r i but ea l i t t l et hi ng t ot he company.

Gr aduat ed a degr ee i n ar chi t ect ur e atAr chi t ect ur e SchoolofHong Bang I nt er nat i onalUni ver si t y,Ho ChiMi nh ci t y,2008 – 2013.

08/ 2011 – 05/ 2011 Ar chi t ect ur e – I nt er i or desi gn advi sor and W ebsi t e manager at Net Vi et Desi gn and Const r uct i on Joi n St ock Company. 09/ 2011 – 02/ 2012 Ar chi t ect ur e–I nt er i ordesi gn advi soratGol d Dr agon Const r uct i on and I nvest ment Li mi t ed Company; Long Bi nh Phat I nvest ment and Devel opment Li mi t ed Company. 09/ 2012 – 03/ 2013 Ar chi t ect ur e–I nt er i ordesi gn advi sorand Gr aphi c Desi gnerand Ten Gr oup, Ho ChiMi nh Ci t y. Fr eel anceratThang l ongHa Noiconst r uct i on and t r ade JSC and ot her si n Vi et nam.


Ar chi t ect ur al . I nt er i or . Landscape. Gr aphi c.

Aut oCad. 3D St udi o Max + Vr ay. Googl e Sket chup. Adobe Phot oshop. Adobe I l l ust r at or . Adobe Af t erEf f ect . Mi cr osof tOf O f i ce.

Gui t ar . Or gan. Phot ogr aphy.

0916 172 173 /0978 663 770 [p] kt s. vungocnam@ yahoo. com. vn 55/ 13/ 02, 02 St r eet , W ar d 16, GoVap Di st r i ct , HCMC www. kt svungocnam. bl ogspot . com www. f acebook. com/ vungocnam240389

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Vu Ngoc Nam

Dat e ofbi r t h:24/ 03/ 1989 Sex:Mal e

Gr aduat ed wi t ht he hi ghestmar k atAr chi t ect ur e schooli n 2013. Uni que manager off anpage:www. f acebook. com/ hocki ent r uc

3r d pr i ze ofQui ck desi gn,Nat i onalAr chi t ect ur e St udentFest i val2010.

An 2013 I nt er vi ew: w ht t p: / / desi gns. vn/ t i nt uc/ changsi nhvi -

enki ent r ucnhi eut hamvongvungocnam_12884. ht ml

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