The Weekly Journal - Wednesday, March 23, 2022

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Wednesday, March 23-29, 2022 - // no. 152

Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

Plans for travel declining due to global conflict P6 Not enough surveyors for reconstruction P8 Tourism has the engine for economic development P10

Video game industry:

Is Puerto Rico ready to be Player One? Esports generate more than $50 million annually in the island


Juan A. Hernández, The Weekly Journal

The taste of whiskey P15

echnology consulting firm Activate estimated that in 2021 esports in the U.S. had more viewers than every professional sports league, except the National Football League (NFL). Activate’s estimation was that there were about 84 million esports viewers, which was higher than the 79 million viewers that Major League Baseball (MLB) had, or the 63 million the National Basketball Association (NBA) mustered. That is still below

the 141 million NFL viewers. Furthermore, market and consumer data analyst Statista estimated the esports market at $947 billion in 2020, and projected $1,617 billion by 2024. As it stands now, the esports, or video game industry, has already surpassed the combined revenues of the music and film industries. In Puerto Rico alone, esports, also known as cybersports, is an industry that generates more than $50 million a year from direct sales, events and related activities, according to José Julio GO TO PAGE 4

The Weekly Journal > Wednesday, March 23, 2022 >


The primary cause of the United Way of Puerto Rico is early childhood. That is why we are working with the United Ways of Poland, Romania and Hungary to support children and families displaced by the violence in Ukraine. The efforts include the provision of resources such as transportation, shelter, food, medicines, personal hygiene products, child care supplies, such as formulas and diapers, among other aids.

Your donation is very important, no matter the distance. Donate now to this vital cause by visiting or call us at 2-1-1 of Puerto Rico (787-268-5353). You can also send your donation to United Way de PR, PO Box 191914, San Juan, PR 00919


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

a week in review United Retailers Association Joins CryptoCurious The Puerto Rico Blockchain Trade Association (PRBTA) and the United Retailers Association (CUD) are collaborating to offer educational workshops and meet-up events for CUD members through the CryptoCurious initiative. “Since we began CryptoCurious last October, we have been able to impact over 1,000 individuals through in presence and online events highlighting fundamental concepts about the beginnings of blockchain and cryptocurrency, expanding into new concepts to keep the Crypto communities in Puerto Rico at the forefront of Web 3,” said Keiko Yoshino, Executive Director for the PRBTA. For his part, Jesús E. Vázquez, President of the CUD commented on being optimistic with this educational alliance, “The United Retailers Association has always anticipated changes in commercial scenarios, seeking to provide our small and medium business members with continued education and tools to adapt and succeed”.

Tito’s Vodka Terrace Bar Opens at Distrito Tito’s Vodka officially opened a new cocktail bar in the Coca-Cola Music Hall, at the Distrito T-Mobile center. The perfect place to grab a drink before sitting down to watch a show or during an intermission, the Tito’s Handmade Vodka terrace bar offers drinks showcasing Puerto Rico’s flavors such as an espresso martini made with Puerto Rican coffee, and Moscow mules prepared with infusions of local fruits. Tito’s Vodka is distilled from corn, making it 100% naturally gluten-free, and was born and raised in Texas. If you’re looking for an alternative to your favorite Russian vodka, give Tito’s a try. Stop by for a refreshing drink - the bar is located on the third floor of the Coca-Cola Music Hall.

Powered BY El Vocero de Puerto Rico, 1064 Ave Ponce de León 2nd floor San Juan, PR Postal Address: PO Box 15074, San Juan, PR 00902

Berklee in Puerto Rico Invites Applicants Berklee in Puerto Rico, a program that offers participants access to the Berklee music education method, is back for its 27th edition. Applications are open from now until April 15th to residents of the island who are at least 15 years old and have at least six months of study in their main instrument or voice. Those accepted to the program will participate in workshops offered by 12 Berklee College of Music teachers for one week, from May 31 to June 5, with a final graduation recital held on June 5. All events will take place at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón in Santurce. In addition to its regular program, the week-long intensive will also offer the Songwriting and Production track, allowing students to immerse themselves in the art of composition, interpretation, and musical production. Outstanding participants will receive financial aid to study at Berklee College of Music in Boston. President Salvador Hasbún

VP of Accounting Félix A. Rosa

Human Resources Director Arlene Rolón, PHR

Vp of Marketing and Business Operations Michelle Pérez

VP of Production Eligio Dekony

VP of Editorial Content Juan Miguel Muñiz Guzmán

Multi-Platform Graphic and Technology Director Héctor L. Vázquez

Phone: 787-622-2300, 787-721-2300

Multi-Plataform Digital Director María Arce

Customer Service: 787-622-7480


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Video gamers compete during the Winter Clash 2022 at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico. >Juan A. Hernández / The Weekly Journal


games. So, we proposed governor Wanda Vázquez to expediently approve the necessary regulations Aparicio, co-founder of Red Rooster, Puerto Rico’s given the emergency created by the pandemic. esports team, and co-producer of Winter Clash Unfortunately, the regulations were not approved,” 2022, Puerto Rico’s efighting games tournament. Aparicio deplored. “This is a new and up-coming industry in Puerto The gaming aficionado speculated that, once the Rico that has been developing incentives are specifically defined in an organic form without –and having 74 percent of homes any government assistance or with at least one game console– incentive,” said Aparicio. “Events the conditions for success are a like this [Winter Clash 2022] have given. always been very well received When questioned how Puerto In 2021, esports and are economically successful… Rico compares with other in the US had more and this is without any, or very countries in Latin American in viewers than every little government support. the development of this industry, professional sports league, Imagine if we did receive it.” except the National Aparicio said, “the island is Football League (NFL). According to Aparicio, 74 a player” but is behind the Source: Activate percent of all homes in Puerto Dominican Republic. Rico have at least one gaming “In Latin America the console, and 64 percent have at Dominican Republic is number least two consoles. one. They are ahead of us “This is fertile ground to because they are already in develop the industry,” assured Aparicio while the process of turning esports into ‘a national admitting there is a possibility for some form of interest,’” said Aparicio, quoting from a Dominican government incentive. “Esports are included in newspaper’s article about a bill that spells out the the Puerto Rico’s Incentives Code, but it only says government’s commitment “with the maintenance, ‘esports’… there are no regulations to specify protection and construction of the infrastructure what activities or events qualify for the incentives. need for such endeavor.” We don’t know if the incentives are for the The bill also seeks that gamers be considered development of video games, for events like this… professional athletes and receive the same there is no indication on how the incentives should classification within the DR’s General Sports Law be used.” 356-05. In an analysis memorandum prepared by In the meantime, it wasn’t until last week consulting firm Inteligencia Económica, it is stated that the Puerto Rico Department of Sports that current circumstances, and the effects of the and Recreation (DRD, for its Spanish acronym) Covid-19 pandemic make it necessary “to look informed Aparicio it will be developing regulations for new ways to innovate in the entertainment for esports, including play time, training and industry to increase economic activity and exercises, and other conditions. government revenue.” For Aparicio, part of the problem is that esports The document, titled “High economic potential are currently regulated by the Puerto Rico Gaming for the esports industry,” states that Puerto Commission. Rico could become an industry leader “if it takes “Originally, the Gaming Commission was to advantage of the new global economic and social regulate all betting activities on the island, and conditions, and if it promotes the development of esports were included in that. But the whole thing this industry using its current regulations.” is counterintuitive because esports are mainly “After all sports were canceled because of the a family event,” argued Aparicio while assuring pandemic, the eyes of the world turned to video conversations are already underway to separate

In fact,

This is a new and up-coming industry in Puerto Rico that has been developing in an organic form without any government assistance or incentive. José Julio Aparicio Co-founder, Red Rooster

esports from the Gaming Commission. “We at Red Rooster do not promote betting in esports,” said Aparicio, who did not reject –totally– such possibility. For the last years, there has been an esports association in Puerto Rico organized under the bylaws and regulations of the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce’s (PRCC) committee on the New Economy. This association and the PRCC emphasize on working with the government to achieve the necessary structuring of the industry.

Where The Money Is

Aparicio says there is also money to be made in the developing and production of the video games themselves. “This is not just about the events, which are very important, but also about having the companies that develop the video games because they don’t just develop it, they sell it, they include ads in the game itself,” Aparicio said. To get to that level, though, Puerto Rico also has to promote education in the technical fields associated to the industry. But, as of today, only three academic institutions offer programs in design and development of video games: Atlantic University College and NUC University and the Inter American University. By contrast, the bill already under consideration in the Dominican Republic would order the


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Tourism officials say they are committed to support emerging creative enterprises. >Juan A. Hernández, The Weekly Journal

ministries of Education, Higher and gaming, to position Puerto Education and Science and Rico as a technological and Technology to include esports gaming destination,” Arocho in the Physical Education added. curriculums in public and private According to the Tourism schools, to develop the skills executive, the company’s focus The League of Legends World and interests of students on this is to develop the sports tourism Championship attracted activity. segment, including esports, more than 73 million Tournaments and competitions surfing, paddleboarding and concurrent viewers at its at different levels also offer athleticism among other sports. peak. a possibility for increased The PRTC signed last year government revenues. a strategic alliance with Red “This kind of event [Winter Rooster to sponsor three of Clash 2022] is produced to be in its events that would promote a physical venue, even though Puerto Rico into a more it could cost a lot less if we were to do it online competitive position among similar destinations in because it is more effective. Aside from the fact the region. that these events generate direct jobs, which benefit the economy in general, they also attract more sponsors, particularly in a post-pandemic scenario… people, families have been cooped-up for too long and they yearn for activities outside their homes,” Aparicio argued. But these events not only attract the gaming family. They also attract people from abroad for international tournaments and competitions. As a matter of fact, the League of Legends World Championship, an annual tournament hosted by Riot Games which pits the best League of Legends esports players against each other to win a grand prize pool, attracted a record of more than 73 million concurrent viewers at its peak. The event took place in Reykjavík, Iceland, and while it was heavily mediated by the effects of the pandemic, the fact is that it poses a great opportunity for tourism and destination marketing. “The Puerto Rico Tourism Company continues to bet on tourism for the resurgence of the island’s economy,” said Irmaris Arocho, Chief Marketing Officer for the PRTC. “We are committed in supporting emerging League of Legends video game. >Courtesy creative enterprises, in areas such as video games

In fact,

In Latin America, the Dominican Republic is number one. They are ahead of us because they are already in the process of turning esports into a national interest. José Julio Aparicio Co-founder, Red Rooster


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Amid Global Turmoil, Travel Plans Decline in the U.S.

Puerto Rico’s tourism industry continues to improve despite it all


Zoe Landi Fontana, The Weekly Journal


or some, the war in Ukraine might feel a world away, and maybe inflation isn’t at the top of everyone’s mind, but nevertheless, the travel industry could continue to suffer as the recovery of global economies drags this year. According to Destination Analysts, a travel and tourism market research firm, gas prices have been one of the top indicators used over the past two years to predict travel sentiment in the U.S. Thus, in light of the Only 39.2% current situation, with rising order and the leadership that of U.S. travelers feel gas prices caused by the war in the government has exercised. that their household Ukraine, eagerness to travel may Restrictions are important for the will be financially diminish going forward. health and safety of all. Still, as better off in a year, Currently, 41.2% of travelers the pandemic evolves, we must decreasing from from the U.S. agree that now is a adapt to the new reality and 45.1% at the end of good time to spend on trips, while give way to measures that also January. another 61.5% have identified promote economic recovery, and travel as a high-budget priority that was what happened with over the next few months. the decision to ease restrictions,” Despite these encouraging said José Suárez, President of the numbers, financial strain from the Board of Directors of Discover Puerto Rico. persisting pandemic, global upheaval, and inflation 2021 was a record year for Puerto Rico in has dampened some would-be travelers’ attitudes. terms of revenue generated from short-term Only 39.2% of U.S. travelers feel that their accommodations, despite the island’s strict household will be financially better off in a year, mask and entry requirements. The leisure and decreasing from 45.1% at the end of January. hospitality service industries encompass around Congruent with that is the fact that fewer U.S. 80,000 jobs on the island, according to data from travelers plan to take at least one leisure trip in the the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. next 12 months - over the past month, this number Further supporting the tourism industry, the fell six points to 87.2%. Projected travel plans and Puerto Rico Tourism Company (Spanish acronym, spending on travel have both decreased because CTPR) launched an initiative to promote the 10 bed of rising prices - 58.5% of respondents agreed that and breakfasts (B&B) that participate in the Puerto travel prices are generally too expensive now. Rico Bed & Breakfast program. This initiative gives the program a new brand Puerto Rico image, a workshop on human-centric customer While these trends will inadvertently affect experience, and more significantly, grants each Puerto Rico, the island has been faring better since B&B an incentive of $5,000 for use in the purchase the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. After weeks of of uniforms, employee training, marketing efforts, decreasing cases of infections, authorities released improving facilities, and standardization of rooms. a new executive order relaxing mask usage and B&Bs provide a different experience, far more required entry documentation. intimate than a hotel stay. These accommodations “We appreciate the changes in the executive are the smallest type of inn, with a minimum of

In fact,

Restrictions are important for the health and safety of all. Still, as the pandemic evolves, we must adapt to the new reality and give way to measures that also promote economic recovery. José Suárez President of the Board of Directors, Discover Puerto Rico

three rooms and a maximum of six (at which point it becomes just an inn). The host and operator is also a resident of the property, distinguished by the breakfast service provided to guests. Those who decide to stay in a B&B discover local culture and tourist attractions in a different way, with specialized service from a local family. “We are excited about this initiative that not only helps improve the image of these accommodations in Puerto Rico, but enriches the visitor experience, an essential element in making Puerto Rico a top destination internationally,” said Brad Dean, chief executive officer of Discover Puerto Rico.

/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Traveling From Home - The Tourism Industry’s Next Trend?

The Metaverse could be a tool for businesses


Zoe Landi Fontana, The Weekly Journal

he Metaverse is the internet’s new frontier - but, we already knew that. Decentraland, one of the most popular 3D virtual worlds, is even hosting a fashion week, in which designers like Tommy Hilfiger plan to participate. Will the Metaverse eventually become a part of everyday life and business, or is it only for those interested in virtual reality and building cryptowallets? First of all, virtual reality and the Metaverse are not one and the same. Virtual reality isn’t necessary for the Metaverse to function, but it does provide for a very immersive experience as web developers continue to create online interactive spaces. And that is precisely what the Metaverse is - an unlimited collection of virtual worlds, centered around forming and developing social connections. Although it merely sounds like the internet’s next buzzword, the Metaverse is seen by some as an emerging tourism trend because of its accessibility, immunity to COVID-19, and functionality as a tool to increase the quality of guest experiences and customer service. Interactions and transactions would be based on blockchain technology, ensuring secure payments and ID verification. Some vacation rental companies, like Vacasa, already utilize a similar model. Their website features an option to take a virtual tour. Upon clicking, the viewer is transported to a 3-D dollhouse-like model for each of their available properties, which

allows guests to know exactly what they are getting by enabling them to virtually “walk” through the premises. Virtual tours like these inspire potential guests to complete their bookings as well as increase their comfort upon arrival. Everything you can do in real life, you can do online - albeit in a less fulfilling way, perhaps. We’ve already seen work-from-home and online school, so what else can be transposed online? Not everyone can participate in concerts, conferences, or fairs because of financial or geographic restrictions, but the Metaverse could change that. By using virtual reality or augmented reality, organizers can create interactive online versions of their events, thus increasing attendance and overall exposure without the need for a physical venue and additional security. Theme parks, zoos, and museums are also contenders for “metaversification”. Virtual theme parks could forgo the bounds of gravity and safety regulations that constrain it IRL, creating limitless rides, games, and attractions. Virtual zoos would qualm even the most concerned animal rights activist while giving children the chance to get up close and personal with all sorts of animals, like the Javan rhino, which would never be on display in real zoos because of its rarity and the difficulty of replicating its dense tropical environment. A question some may ask is - are the Metaverse and tourism industries compatible, or does the success of one mean the downfall of the other? We have yet to see, but in future broad-based applications, the Metaverse might offer another avenue for direct-to-consumer interaction, a chance to meaningfully connect with clients who would traditionally be inaccessible because of physical limitations.


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Shortage of surveyors could delay reconstruction projects

There are only about 300 certified surveyors currently in Puerto Rico


Juan A. Hernández, The Weekly Journal

uerto Rico faces a shortage of certified surveyors that could very well impact the island’s reconstruction process after Hurricane María. “This is not only in Puerto Rico. There is a global shortage of surveyors. The difference between Puerto Rico and other countries is that some recognized the crisis early on and have been taking steps for decades to prepare and recruit surveyors. They have gone to schools to motivate students or have reached out to other professionals that may not feel totally satisfied in their fields, to convince them to come into the surveying field,” said Ruth L. Trujillo, former State Surveyor. Currently, there are about 300 certified surveyors in Puerto Rico and, even though Trujillo admits the government and professional organizations have taken some steps to deal with the shortage, she argues a greater effort must be made because there are several thousand reconstruction projects pending. “Before an engineer or an architect can start designing anything, a surveyor has to come and generate the data these professionals need to start working,” she said. Surveyors measure the location and dimensions of the plots where a project is to be developed and its location within the plots. He or she also collects information about the terrain and the natural resources that may impact it. “The surveyor’s professional expertise contributes to the design of strategies and policies

need for the socio-economic development of the country,” said Trujillo. But, while Juan Alicea Flores, president of the Puerto Rico Engineers and Surveyors College (CIAPR, for its Spanish acronym), coincides with Trujillo in terms of the shortage of surveyors and the need to increase their numbers, he considers there is no crisis yet. “There are approximately 600 civil engineers

Before an engineer or an architect can start designing anything, a surveyor has to come and generate the data these professionals need to start working. Ruth L. Trujillo

authorized to practice as surveyors in Puerto Rico,” said Alicea Flores, who argues that between the civil engineers and the surveyors they can attend to all the reconstruction projects pending. “We aspire to grow in this area [surveyors] but indeed, we don’t have as many surveyors as we used to,” he added. Alicea Flores admitted that, very much as Puerto Rico’s population grows older, so is the community of these professionals. Nevertheless, the CIAPR president urged his retired surveyor colleagues to “roll-up their sleeves and come out of retirement –at least temporarily– to assist in solving Puerto Rico’s present situation. Trujillo anticipated that if there are not enough

surveyors, the reconstruction of Puerto Rico could be delayed. She also warned against the possibility of “out-sourcing” -bring surveyors from other jurisdictions- because “it could be dangerous.” “Surveying is tightly linked to current laws and regulations, and if you bring a professional from abroad, he or she may not be versed in the law –despite being a professional surveyor– and that could be very dangerous,” Trujillo argued. The former State Surveyor explained there are several laws affecting the practice of surveying, such as the Puerto Rico Civil Code, mortgage laws and land registry laws, among others. “Each country tells its surveyors how they will collect their information and the quality standards he must meet.” As an example, Trujillo compared the regulations of Puerto Rico and those in the Philippines. “In Puerto Rico, horizontal measurements have a 2.0-centimeter tolerance, whereas in the Philippines, the law allows for a 5.0-centimeter tolerance. While they may be able to use less accurate equipment in the Philippines, here we would be breaking the law,” she explained. Trujillo recognized the local government’s rigorous regulation may be having an impact on the number of people interested in pursuing the profession. In an attempt to deal with this situation, conversations are taking place about the possibility of relaxing some of these regulations. In the U.S., for instance, several state governments have lowered the number of academic credits a person needs to complete to become a surveyor, along with the relaxation of some of their regulations. “We are in a collaborative economy where the client looks more for quality than for a professional with a license saying he is authorized to do the work. This is a very fine line… Nevertheless, Puerto Ricans are still very conservative in these matters, and that [relaxing regulations] is not being considered for the near future,” Trujillo said.

/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Prince William and Kate attempt to boost UK bonds with the caribbean Countries in the region are considering to sever ties with the British monarchy


Jill Lawless, The Associated Press

rotesters in Jamaica raised their fists Tuesday as they donned T-shirts emblazoned with a pair of shackled Black wrists surrounded by the phrases “Seh Yuh Sorry!” and “Apologize now!” as they demonstrated just hours before Prince William and Kate arrived. The protest in front of the British High Commission in Kingston comes a couple of days after dozens of prominent leaders in Jamaica publicized a letter demanding that Britain apologize and award its former colony slavery reparations. They also decried the weeklong Central American and Caribbean tour that the Prince William and his wife Catherine embarked on a tour to Central America and the Caribbean. Duke and Duchess of Cambridge embarked > Chris Jackson/Pool via AP, file on Saturday, which coincides with Jamaica’s 60th independence anniversary and the 70th celebrating the crown.” Demand An Apology anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. Prince William and Kate are scheduled to spend The British Empire controlled Jamaica for more “Kings, Queens and Princesses and Princes two days in Jamaica, where they’re expected to than 300 years and forced hundreds of thousands belong in fairytales, NOT in Jamaica!” read one meet with government officials and tour Trench of African slaves to toil the island under brutal poster held aloft by a young girl who joined the Town, the gritty birthplace of rocksteady and conditions. Sugar replaced tobacco and cocoa protest. reggae where Bob Marley grew up. as the main crop, with some 430 sugar estates The royal couple’s trip, which began with a stop Ahead of their trip, Jamaican singer Beenie Man reported by the mid-1700s, up from 57 nearly a in Belize followed by scheduled visits to Jamaica told TV show Good Morning Britain that the U.K. century prior, according to Jamaica Information and the Bahamas, was organized at the queen’s still controls the commonwealth of Jamaica: “It’s behest as some countries debate cutting ties to the Services, a government agency. all about the Queen, and the Queen serve and the The group protesting the royal visit noted in monarchy like Barbados did in November. Queen this and that – but what are they doing for its letter that the British raped Mike Henry, a veteran Jamaican Jamaica? They’re not doing anything for us.” and killed thousands of slaves lawmaker, said in a phone The monarchy has said that Britain and Jamaica as it sought an apology for 60 interview that while the topic has have a strong trade relationship, with the island reasons, including “for refusing been discussed, he worries that exporting goods including rum and raw cane sugar to acknowledge the historic trade demands for an apology and to the U.K. It also noted the creation of programs in Africans as a crime against reparations would be rendered The British targeting poverty, security, natural disaster humanity,” and for “pretending moot if the island stopped Empire controlled management, social issues and the economy. that the British led the abolition pledging allegiance to the queen. Jamaica for more An estimated 55,000 British citizens live in movement, when our ancestors Maziki Thame, a senior lecturer than 300 years. Jamaica, while some 800,000 people of Jamaican worked, prayed and fought hard at the University of the West descent live in the United Kingdom. The for this.” Indies, noted that Jamaicans have relationship between the two countries soured in Tames, the university been seeking reparations for recent years after some Caribbean people who professor, said she and many decades. had long lived in Britain legally were denied jobs, other Jamaicans are not celebrating what is known “This is not a new cause,” she said in a phone housing or medical care, with some deported as the queen’s Platinum Jubilee. interview as she prepared to join the protest. because they didn’t have the required paperwork. “That doesn’t speak to us in the way they “The question is whether it will get any traction… Britain has since apologized and pledged whether the British are ready to contend with their might imagine that speaks to us,” she said. “In compensation. the 20th century, Jamaicans have moved beyond history.”

In fact,


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

opinion Edward Zayas Torres

Chief Strategy Officer, Discover Puerto Rico

Tourism Drives Economic Recovery


ravel is, without a doubt, a key driver of economic growth. Why? Because in Puerto Rico, more than one worker in ten is employed in the tourism industry. This economic sector also accounts for more than $2,500 million in spending annually, contributing $99 million in tax revenue last year and putting 80,000 people to work. But the travel and tourism sector were the hardest hit by Hurricane Maria and the pandemic. When travel slowed, and businesses shut down to protect public health in our community, these shutdowns disproportionately affected the tourism industry. One in three people who lost their job during the pandemic worked in the hospitality and leisure sector. Discover Puerto Rico is tasked with promoting our Island. We work every day to tell the world what makes this place unique. Our mandate is to attract leisure travelers who eat and drink in our restaurants and shop in our stores and groups who fill our hotels and have meetings and events here. We know that effective destination promotion is crucial to bringing back the travel and tourism industry. When we attract visitors to Puerto Rico, we attract new spending in our community and, more importantly, the hospitality and service sector employees go back to work. And the benefits of destination promotion are not limited to the tourism industry. Destination marketing raises the profile of Puerto Rico, creating a positive brand that encourages businesses to locate here, leads to investments, contributes to our arts and cultural industries, and makes Puerto Rico a better place to live. Destination promotion is for the benefit and wellbeing of every person in the community. It is an essential investment to develop opportunities and build quality of life to benefit the people here, whether in Ponce, Jayuya, Maricao, or Cabo Rojo. The promotions during 2021 helped pave the way towards our industry’s economic rebound. By December, the leisure and hospitality sectors employed as many people as pre-pandemic levels. And not all sectors related to the tourism industry have recovered completely, so it’s easy to think that the figure could continue to grow. During the most challenging days of the pandemic, we never stopped marketing and showcasing Puerto Rico to the world, but now is the time to strengthen our investment. Research shows that intent to travel is higher now than it

Destination marketing raises the profile of Puerto Rico, creating a positive brand that encourages businesses to locate here… and makes Puerto Rico a better place to live. has been since the pandemic. Metrics like visits to our website and group sales inquiries tell us that more travelers than ever are considering visiting Puerto Rico. This means that our work is more crucial now than ever to ensure that our Island can compete with other destinations for our share of visitors.

Puerto Rico invests every year $25 million in destination marketing. Some of our closest competitors spend way more than that. Jamaica, for instance, invests $49 million, the Dominican Republic about $44 million, the Bahamas $40 million, and Aruba $37 million. Even with that spending limitations, Puerto Rico has a rising tourism demand. The rate per available room is at its highest at least in the past four years. Basic economic thinking tells us that as demand continues to rise, driven by our spectacular offerings, marketing, and sales efforts, so will the offer, wealth, and job opportunities for all Puerto Ricans. We all want economic growth, more and better jobs, and better opportunities for our residents, so they don’t have to migrate in search of opportunities. We know that Puerto Rico counts on us to promote our communities. We take that responsibility seriously because we know that what we do is helping to drive our economic recovery.



Beach Club GUIA le invita a su decimocuarto seminario GUIAeduca relacionado con la transformación de la infraestructura de Puerto Rico. Además, se hará una presentación donde se compartirán estadísticas de un estudio que tiene como objetivo ayudar a comprender mejor el sentimiento del consumidor sobre la consideración, la adopción y el comportamiento de compra de vehículos eléctricos. MODERADORES:


Ileanexis Vera

Jorge Suárez

Hon. Pedro Pierluisi

Gobernador de Puerto Rico


Lcdo. Joel Pizá Batiz

Director Ejecutivo Autoridad de Puertos de PR

Lcdo. Edison Avilés Deliz

Presidente Negociado de Energía de PR

Yasmin Rotger

Country Manager Cisneros Interactive

O LLAME AL (787) 303-0334

Desayuno Buffet y Registro de 8:00am a 9:00am | Seminario de 9:00am a 12:00pm | $99 + IVU & fees Localización: Vivo Beach Club @ 7000 Carr. 187 RR2, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00979


< The Weekly Journal > Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Transformación de la Infraestructura de Puerto Rico



/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Oscar predictions:

Will ‘Power of the Dog’ reign supreme?


Lindsey Bahr and Jake Coyle, The Associated Press

head of the 94th Academy Awards this week, Associated Press Film Writers Lindsey Bahr and Jake Coyle share their predictions for a ceremony with much still up in the air.


The Nominees: “Belfast”; “CODA”; “Don’t Look Up”; “Drive My Car”; “Dune”; “King Richard”; “Licorice Pizza”; “Nightmare Alley”; “The Power of the Dog”; “West Side Story.” BAHR: At this point it really feels like the award will go to “The Power of the Dog.” It is paradoxically both a safe choice and a game changer in that it would be a first best picture win for Netflix after years of trying. Jane Campion’s last major shot at

picture (and director) was with “The Piano,” but in 1994 that basically stood no chance against “Schindler’s List.” This time, it’s her film that has the leg up on the Spielberg. COYLE: I’m calling the “CODA” upset. The smart money is on Campion’s film. But the win for “CODA” at the Screen Actors Guild — where “The Power of the Dog” failed to get nominated for best ensemble — suggests strong passion for the film, and maybe a crowd-pleasing advantage on the academy’s preferential ballot. Either film, though, will symbolize the ascent of streaming in Hollywood.


The Nominees: Jessica Chastain, “The Eyes of Tammy Faye”; Olivia Colman, “The Lost Daughter”; Penélope Cruz, “Parallel Mothers”; Nicole Kidman, “Being the Ricardos”; Kristen Stewart, “Spencer.” COYLE: This has been the cruelest of categories,

laying waste to most expectations and some very sensational performances. Yet, surprisingly, a very Oscar bait-y performance from a movie released early in the season — Jessica Chastain as the televangelist Tammy Faye — has moved to favorite status after winning the SAG Awards. That may partly be because Chastain, a three-time nominee but never a winner, is one of Hollywood’s best actors and the time has come to honor her, for a film she steered into existence. I think she’ll win, but Olivia Colman — typically brilliant in “The Lost Daughter” — could sneak in for her second Academy Award. BAHR: Chastain should have already won several Oscars at this point, and not even necessarily for the ones she got nominations for (“The Help” and “Zero Dark Thirty”). However, improbable for a movie that has some big issues, including the way it turns a blind eye to Tammy Faye’s complicities in the scam, the tide has shifted


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

in her favor and she’ll probably get her win. Still, I still think there’s a small possibility that it will go to Kristen Stewart, who has been on a rollercoaster path after starting the season at the top.


The Nominees: Javier Bardem, “Being the Ricardos”; Benedict Cumberbatch, “The Power of the Dog”; Andrew Garfield, “tick, tick … Boom!”; Denzel Washington, “The Tragedy of Macbeth”; Will Smith, “King Richard”. BAHR: It’s always a bit of a snooze when categories are locked for months, but it would be a major surprise if Will Smith didn’t get his first Oscar win for “King Richard.” After a period of giving some possibly TMI interviews, Smith stepped back from the spotlight, let the race play out and still emerged triumphant. COYLE: Smith will over-share his way to the Oscar, a deserved win for one of the movies’ most insanely charming stars. Smith might have already won best actor (for “Ali”) if not for Denzel’s titanic performance that year in “Training Day.” This time, it’s Smith’s turn. If I could add someone here, it’d be Adam Driver in “Annette.”


The Nominees: Jessie Buckley, “The Lost Daughter”; Ariana DeBose, “West Side Story”; Judi Dench, “Belfast”; Kirsten Dunst, “The Power of the Dog”; Aunjanue Ellis, “King Richard.” COYLE: Thanks to her show-stopping, breakthrough performance in “West Side Story”, DeBose has had this category locked down all season, and it’s hard not to be moved by the historical symmetry. Sixty years ago, Rita Moreno won for the same role, Anita, in 1961’s “West Side Story,” making her the first Latina to win an Oscar. We’ll have to see if DeBose is as brief as Moreno was accepting her award. (Her total speech: “I can’t believe it! Good Lord! I leave you with that.”). BAHR: I was prepared for Kirsten Dunst to finally get her moment up on that podium but Kiki’s shrimp will have to wait. At least she broke the seal and got a nomination. And DeBose should definitely be ready with a killer speech. Do you think she’ll take Moreno as her date? Maybe she’ll don the black and gold dress Moreno wore in 1962

West Side Story. > © 20th Century Studios / Courtesy Everett Collection

and famously repeated in 2018.


The Nominees: Ciarán Hinds, “Belfast”; Troy Kotsur, “CODA”; Jesse Plemons, “The Power of the Dog”; J.K. Simmons, “Being the Ricardos”; Kodi Smit-McPhee, “The Power of the Dog.” BAHR: Among mostly first-time nominees (save for J.K. Simmons, who previously won for “Whiplash”), “CODA’s” Troy Kotsur went from breakthrough to frontrunner over the past couple months, winning at SAG, BAFTAs and Critics Choice and he’s likely to continue that streak come Oscar Sunday. The support for Kotsur and “CODA” has only become more enthusiastic recently and it would be a history-making win. COYLE: It’s a very likeable group of performers but Kotsur has this one in the bag. I think it will be one of the night’s best moments, not just because of the historic nature of Kotsur’s win, but because it’s just reward for an actor who has long toiled and thrived on Los Angeles stages.


The Nominees: Kenneth Branagh, “Belfast”; Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, “Drive My Car”; Paul Thomas Anderson, “Licorice Pizza”; Jane Campion, “The Power of the Dog”; Steven Spielberg, “West Side Story.” COYLE: Campion has long been the frontrunner. For the trailblazing filmmaker, who nearly three decades ago became only the second woman

Will Smith in the film King Richard.

nominated in this category, it’s a coronation long in coming. Campion, the first woman ever to be twice nominated for best director, will win, and her cinematographer, Ari Wegner, will become the first woman to win that award — a triumph that should have happened long ago for women behind the camera. BAHR: Yes, but will she thank Sam Elliott?


The Nominees: “Encanto”; “Flee”; “Luca”; “The Mitchells vs. the Machines”; “Raya and the Last Dragon.” BAHR: “Encanto” is certainly the juggernaut in this category, with the triple threat of Disney, Lin-Manuel Miranda and a massive hit song that we won’t talk about here (no, no, no). And under normal circumstances it’d be the easy frontrunner, but Disney has not had a good few weeks not to mention the fact that the studio has three nominations in the category which could split votes. Plus, there is massive industry goodwill for “The Mitchells vs the Machines” and it won the Annie award, which is why I think there may be a (good) upset in store. COYLE: I think “The Mitchells vs the Machines” pulls it off. “Encanto” may be the favorite, but it’s a funny kind of juggernaut. The Disney release didn’t make a huge impression in theaters but once it hit streaming, its songs turned it into a sensation. Some voters may feel “Encanto” is great for the music, while “The Mitchells vs the Machines” is the better movie overall. I think so, anyway. So come on, academy. Do it for Monchi the pug.

Nominees for the Oscar for best animated feature. From left, “Encanto,” “Flee,” “Luca,” “The Mitchells vs. the Machines,” and “Raya and the Last Dragon.” >Disney, Neon, Disney, Netflix, Disney via AP


/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra Welcomes You Back to the Concert Hall With the launch of a new image, the orchestra appeals to everyone


Zoe Landi Fontana, The Weekly Journal


he Puerto Rico Symphonic Orchestra (Spanish acronym, OSPR) has a fresh coat of paint on its return to the Centro de Bellas Artes in Santurce. Under the direction of creative director Miguel Miranda Montes, CEO and principal of Muuaaa Design Agency, the OSPR’s logo transitioned from letters reminiscent of Brutalist housing blocks to something contemporary and organic, a concept based on melodic diversity and the diversity of the orchestra’s members. This pandemic glow-up is a new approach towards promoting classical music. Maximiano Valdés. The State Of The Orchestra Today Puerto Rico has a long tradition of classical Maximiano Valdés, Music Director and Principal music-making. Seventy years ago, Pablo Casals Conductor of the OSPR, told THE WEEKLY moved from Mayagüez to San Juan, where JOURNAL of the underlying motivations behind the he founded the Puerto Rico Conservatory of bright new brand campaign. Music, OSPR, and the Festival Casals. He also “This happened because we are facing several implemented free music schools for children who problems, some of which are affecting all wanted to learn a musical instrument. orchestras - the pandemic, diminished audience, “This is an orchestra that is flexible, that so we played for ourselves and recorded. Second can perform different types of of all, the island has gone through a repertoire. [There are] two good, process of redistribution of wealth large halls. So, the conditions for and control of public expenses music-making here are very good,” losing budget like other institutions. Valdés explained. This creates fear and uncertainty for The OSPR represents the best our players,” Valdés explained. musicians on the island and Because the OSPR is 100% is relatively young. Of the 80 government-funded, like orchestras musicians, (currently numbered in Latin America and Europe, at 75 as they hold auditions for they are financially limited to the open positions), almost half are decisions of policymakers. Unlike under 40 years old. An estimated orchestras in the States, which are five members are from abroad, billed as private institutions, it is although the majority of the difficult for the OSPR to receive Maximiano Valdés, Principal orchestra’s musicians received additional financing through Conductor of the OSPR. professional training at top fundraising or private donations. > Courtesy OSPR conservatories in the United States. Muuaaa Design Agency stepped “What I want for this orchestra is for it to have in to aid the orchestra - changing the logo and financial stability, to allow us to concentrate on our brand image to symbolize a new beginning - to music. For musicians to do exactly what we have bring people to the concert hall, produce revenue, to do study and produce music. I want them to and increase the orchestra’s appeal to people of all be what they already are ambassadors for Puerto ages with its creative designs. Rico, high-quality people who show their identity “The island has a considerable amount of local through their repertoire,” Valdés wishes for his talent - this island produces good musicians, orchestra. particularly singers. There’s something in the culture, the Caribbean weather - it helps the vocal cords. It was quite evident during the The Design Process opera that our local people are as equally good In a conversation with THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, as international singers,” praised Maestro Miranda Montes elaborated on how the agency

produced the new designs. “Part of the process is that we tried to engage with [the musicians] as much as possible - there were interviews, conversations, back and forth. One of the things that they highlighted was how diverse they are,” he explained. The new logo is composed of letters, developed by imagining the letters OSPR as music notes. After combining numerous renditions in an algorithmic process, Muuaaa ended up creating completely original typography, representative of fluidity, melody, and movement. The colors that dominate the palette are violet and orange, chosen to characterize the orchestra’s personality. “[We were] aiming to have a duality of night and day. The orchestra itself can be really dark or really bright. Our intention is that people engage with this new brand - refreshing, a little more ‘pop’, accessible. We avoided having this corporate, elegant, or super luxurious feeling that we usually associate [with orchestras] - gold, silver - we avoided it. We brought a little tropical to it, and at the same time, a little brightness. More out there and less shy,” Miranda Montes described.

Upcoming Concert

This Saturday, March 26, Valdés will be conducting a concert in honor of Krzysztof Penderecki. Penderecki was a renowned Polish composer who served as artistic director of the Casals Festival from 1993 to 2002. The program will include the commissioned piece In Memoriam Krzysztof Penderecki, by the Puerto Rican composer Alberto Rodríguez. The orchestra will also be performing Symphony No. 5 in E minor, op.64 by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and Largo for Cello and Orchestra by Penderecki, with invited soloist Luis Miguel Rojas.

/ Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Arturo Savage, Johnnie Walker’s whiskey Sommelier.

Discovering the joys of whiskey

Tastes range from sweet to spicy to smoky and beyond


Juan A. Hernández, The Weeky Journal

There will always be that sense of curiosity around the single malt. Nevertheless, the blended whiskey will always be king.

obel Prize laureate writer William Faulkner once said: “… the tools I need for my trade are Arturo Savage Sommelier paper, tobacco, food and a little whiskey.” While technological advances have almost done away with whiskey? Its diversity, aside from the fact that it is the use of paper among us who write for a living, an unique product,” said Arturo Savage, Johnnie the rest of the quote seems to have withstood the Walker’s Sommelier, pointing to the definition of test of time. Not for me, though. I’m not a smoker the spirit itself. nor a whiskey drinker… Still, I “Single malt means that the do aspire, if not a Nobel, to a whiskey comes from a single Pulitzer Prize. distillery. And with 126 distilleries As I was saying, I’m not a in Scotland, there is a wide range whiskey drinker. That is, until of flavors to taste and choose. Of last week, when I was invited to There are course, not all distilleries offer a whiskey tasting. Right of the 126 distilleries single malts. As a matter of fact, bat, I admitted to the limitations throughout most don’t. For every 100 Scotch of my palate but everybody Scotland but not whiskies, only 20 are single malt” urged me with a friendly advice: many distill single Savage said. “Hey, you must never turn down malt whiskeys. Singleton has a smooth texture a free drink, plus maybe you’ll and a sweet and fruity taste, learn something new.” whereas Talisker has a denser So, I approached the texture with an aggressive peppery opportunity for a free drink as first impression that mellows out into salty, smoky a learning experience. And I must say it was very taste as it runs its course through your mouth, and illuminating. maybe a hint of ginger as an aftertaste. The tasting, courtesy of the Johnnie Walker “There will always be that sense of curiosity house, consisted of five new (I least for me), and around the single malt. Nevertheless, the blended not so new spirits: Singleton; Talisker; Johnnie whiskey will always be king. Why, you may ask. Walker’s iconic Black Label; Johnnie Walker’s Gold Because of its drinkability; because as you drink Label Reserve, and Johnnie Walker’s Blue Label. it evolves. It is a very complex spirit,” Savage The first two being single malts, which is currently explained. a strong preference among whiskey drinkers. The other whiskeys offer in the tasting (Black “What is so fascinating about single malt

In fact,

Label, Gold Reserve and Blue Label), confirmed the Sommelier’s assertions. Particularly, the Blue Label, which started with a smooth and sweet taste that evolve into a mix of spicy smokiness that lingered for a while after the drink. Of course, this is the house premium whiskey. As for the Gold Reserve, I must say it was the smoothest of the lot, and –at least for me– the least impressive (again, remember this is a layman writing). “Gold Reserve was originally crafted to be like a very amicable whiskey for the uninitiated whiskey drinkers… it acts like the front door for luxury whiskeys,” Savage said. The industrial engineer turned Sommelier differentiated whiskey’s processes and characterized each. “Distilling is a scientific process that requires painstakingly accuracy and consistency to achieve your goals. Blending is an art form. This doesn’t mean that one whiskey is better than other, but that you will be able to choose which do you like best,” he said.

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