client: lighting engineering company | feature: main logo stenciled to produce highlight
client: vodka distillery
client: college & publishing house
brief: old english college with innovative approach
client: led lighting suppliers and architects
client: ngo
client: led lights manufacturer
client: chocolatier | brief: street-style marker pen calligraphy
client: ad agency
client: national mortgage bank
client: it/telecom company
client: international money transfer
client: car wash
client: land rover | brief: dealer incentive
client: vodafone
client: local broadband provider
client: embassy
Whole Company
System Engineering Division
Support Division
client: it/telecom company | brief: two departments should be represented as a wholeand individually
client: it/telecom company
client: canon
client: property developer
client: it company
client: jaguar | brief: dealer incentive programme
client: playboy
client: renault
client: yahoo