Product Information : The Story Behind •
In 1818, the Russian Imperial had specified that she wished to receive a cognac of “excellent, very old, gold-coloured eau-de-vie of the very finest quality” to celebrate the 42nd birthday of her son Tsar Alexander I.
Today nearly 200 years later, based on the unique recipe, Hennessy has recreated Paradis Imperial made from the rarest and finest eaux-de-vie from the Founder’s Cellar
Paradis Impérial is a blend of the finest eaux-de-vie matured with individual care and attention for between 30 and 130 years in old casks. After this maturation process, only 1 out of 1000 eaux-de-vie of a given vintage will become part of the Paradis Impérial blend. This finest cognac brings to mind the freshness of the first flowers of summer with wonderful floral harmony on the nose. A lightly smoky note appears, complemented by a gentle waft of spice, all building to a sumptuous finish.
Stéphanie Balini, a rising star of contemporary design, was invited to create a stunning decanter, with a luxurious crystal stopper and an 18 carat gold ring
Each decanter is unique and individually numbered.
軒尼詩百樂廷皇禧 由來 •
1818年,俄國皇室意令軒尼詩精選卓越、古老、色澤金黃的「生命之水」,專 門調配成一款極致干邑,慶祝俄國沙皇亞歷山大一世的四十二歲誕辰。
二百年後的今天,軒尼詩依據此秘方以珍藏於創始人酒窖中的稀世陳年「生命 之水」調配了這款皇室佳釀。
百樂廷皇禧干邑從窖藏至今的生命之水中選出千分之一的最佳者,以過百種陳 存最少30年至130年歷史的生命之水調配出這款彌足珍貴的干邑。這款干邑餘 味悠長,質感精緻。酒香如夏花初綻,巧妙中和了花香的清新,加上略帶煙火 氣息的辛香,只有最爲珍罕的干邑能夠擁有如此持久的餘香。
法國天才設計師史蒂芬妮•巴厘妮(Stéphanie Balini) 創作出新穎的瓶身。酒樽以 一枚圓形的水晶瓶塞作爲冠冕,纏繞瓶頸的18K鍍金酒標,讓人聯想到宮廷的精 美服飾。
Product Information : Packaging