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E DITOR’S FOREWORD Welcome to the first issue of 2023.
As the saying goes, time waits for no one and this quote is so true, where are the months going? In a blink of an eye the festivities ended and we were all back to work. 2023 started in the same fashion as we ended 2022, the tempo on station remained high and despite this, I do hope that you all managed to have some time to relax and enjoy much needed quality family time.
In this edition, we will bring you all up to date with some of the amazing exercises our personnel have been involved in, including the latest from RAF Falcons winter training ahead of their 2023 display season as well as a catch up with the activities on the UK largest RAF Station.
2023 is without a doubt going to be a magical year, we have so much to look forward and I will be extremely delighted to bring your stories to life. This is your magazine and without your input the magazine would not exist. Please keep your stories coming to us this will enable us to showcase your achievements, share your experiences or to conjure up support.
Every day the nights are getting lighter, a sign of spring and that in itself is exciting.
Until next time.
Anita – MCO Editor 51 Degrees North
Your article should aim to be between 300-500 words in length, with a high resolution picture over 1MB for every 100 words you write. You should ensure that personnel/activities in photos are named and that you provide the author’s details, in case we require any more information. Send your completed articles to BZN-51DegreesNorth@mod.gov.uk. We look forward to receiving your articles and make every effort to publish as many of them as possible.