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Leeming at UKAFDC

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Winter on NUAS

Winter on NUAS

The UK Armed Forces Dressage Championship (UKAFDC) is an annual event bringing together riders from all three services and the emergency services to compete in a range of dressage classes. The RAF was well represented, contributing 12 out the 20 riders who participated across 31 championship classes.

For me and my horse Ash it was our first ever competition. We are a rather new partnership, having only started riding together in March, and attending such a large event was rather daunting. This year’s event was held at Weston Lawns Equestrian Centre just outside Coventry which meant a rather longer journey than Ash or I had tackled before. She travelled like a star and stabling the night before the competition gave us both some down time to relax and run over the tests being performed the next day.

Riding in uniform, was also a whole new challenge. Maintaining a smart, hair free jacket is rather difficult with a grey horse who loves head scratches and the added pressure of not wanting to represent the RAF by falling off!

Luckily all the military riders were lovely, offering lots of advice and help throughout the weekend and made the whole experience a thoroughly enjoyable one. AS1 (T) Holly Croall offered a leading example, also from RAF Leeming Saddle club, she was there representing the RAF Equitation Association as a Senior Rider. She came away with a host of rosettes, two 3rds in Advanced Medium and 2nd in her first ever PSG!

Unexpectantly we also came away with a frilly, coming 6th in the UKAFDC Prelim Championship class, cementing our desire to return next year and do it all again!

Big thanks must go out to Sgt Lauren Sing from RAF Marham who organised the UKAFDC, Keri Bishop for coordinating the event, and all the military riders who made my first competition one to remember.

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