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Force Protection Centre
January 2022 saw the formation of the fourth and newest pillar of the RAF Force Protection (FP) Centre, the Air FP Collective Training Squadron. The formation of Air FP Collective Training Squadron has realised a long-term ambition to create a dedicated unit that can service all of the FP Force’s collective training requirements, whilst providing continuity for FP Force Defence Engagement activities with our international partners.
The formation of the Squadron will provide dedicated support to deliver leading Air FP collective training to the entire FP Force, ranging from the delivery of command and control training to RAF Police Officers undergoing Phase 2 Branch training and RAF Regiment Corporals undertaking Further Training 3, to its main effort of supporting FP Wing training as they prepare to undertake deployment and readiness commitments.
In Summer 2022, Collective Training Squadron will deliver its first of these training events, supporting 3 FP Wing with observers and mentors throughout live field exercises and facilitating their command and control training and mission rehearsal event.
The command and control element will be the culmination of 3 FP Wing’s preparation for a planned deployment that will include a training package designed to develop a deeper understanding of the Air FP planning process.
Delivered over 10 to 15 days in the RAF FP Centre’s Synthetic-Complex Air Ground Environment training facility, Exercise AFRICAN SHAURI will exercise the FP Wing’s ability to plan and execute Air FP operations that they may face whilst deployed. The Air FP Collective Training Squadron is commanded by Sqn Ldr Jean-Baptiste Borgeais, the FP Force’s French Air Force Exchange Officer, and currently comprises of the Command and Control Team that previously sat within the Air FP Development Squadron.
Exercise GLOBAL EAGLE 21 In November 2021 the RAF FP Centre delivered Exercise GLOBAL EAGLE 21, an operations planning event including personnel from 5 FP Wg, 51 Sqn RAF Regiment, the United States Air Force (USAF) 820th Base Defence Group and French Air Force Brigade des Forces Spéciales Air. The GLOBAL EAGLE annual series is a UK, US and French interoperability pathway, which seeks to enhance learning between Air Force Protection partner forces and develop the ability to successfully operate together. Having seen recent GLOBAL EAGLE events postponed due to the COVID pandemic, this was an excellent opportunity to re-establish relationships ahead of Exercise GLOBAL EAGLE 22 in June 2022, which will see a larger deployment of personnel from all 3 nations for a tactical training exercise.
In addition to the exercise, the
RAF FP Centre hosted a visit by the Commanding Officer of the USAF 820th Base Defence Group, Colonel Wayand, and the French Air Force Brigade des Forces Spéciales Air liaison officer, Lieutenant Colonel Pibarot.
RAF Regiment Corps Study Day As part of the 80th anniversary of the RAF Regiment, the RAF FP Centre organised and hosted the RAF Regiment Corps Study Day, which was live streamed to maximise the ability for RAF Regiment personnel to attend. The day started with an introduction from Gp Capt Holland, Station Commander RAF Honington, in which he opened up a day of insightful presentations and discussions, many of which explored a variety of issues relevant to the RAF Regiment and the wider FP Force in 2022 and beyond. Gp Capt Sutton, Gp Capt Air FP, followed by providing the RAF Regiment Strategic Context in light of recent key events such as the UK Government’s Integrated Review in 2021. Following on from Gp Capt Sutton’s updates into the RAF Regiment Strategic Context, Gp Capt Langley and Sqn Ldr Quinney, RAF Regiment Officers serving within the Cabinet Office, kindly gave their time to provide a Cabinet Office perspective on the current and future challenges that the UK Armed Forces face.
Other notable events during the day involved Flt Lt Fraser, 51 Sqn RAF Regiment, delivering an account on his recent operational experiences in Iraq. This vignette covered advancements in adversary technology and techniques being employed against UK Forces in the Middle East, plus insights into how the RAF Regiment and FP Force might develop to combat these threats.
Finally, Gp Capt (soon to be Air Commodore) Thompson, the incoming FP Force Commander, brought another successful learning event to a close. Great thanks are given to all the personnel within the RAF FP Centre who facilitated the day and to all of those that gave up their precious time to make it the success that it was. We now look forward to the delayed RAF Regiment Corps Formation Dinner in May 22. 7th May WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN DAY
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