Honington Herald - Spring 2023

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4 HONINGTON HERALD Contents Spring 2023 Station Commander's Foreword ………………………… 5 Station Commander Handover ………………………… 6 RAF Honington - All Change and New Terminology …………………………………… 7 RAF Mildenhall USAF Chief Master Sgts (CMSgts) visit RAF Honington ……………………………………… 8 Armament Engineering Flight news …………………… 10 Catering Flight Success ………………………………… 11 RAF HIVE Information 12 Padre’s Peace 13 Return of a Flying Squadron to RAF Honington 14 Honington Collaboration for Road Safety 16 Charity News - Edinburgh Marathon 17 Force Protection Centre 18 RAF Regiment Training WIng 20 Graduations 22 1 Squadron RAF Regiment 24 Editors: Sqn Ldr Mark Fixter Ext 7176 and Stn MCO Victoria Quamina Ext 7577 Image Editor: RAF Honington Station Photographic Team Ext 7318 Distribution: Media and Engagement Office Ext 7577/7176 Email: hon-heraldgmb@mod.gov.uk The Honington Herald is published by kind permission of the Station Commander, Royal Air Force Honington, Group Captain Piers ‘Dutch’ Holland MBE MA RAF.
Submission Deadline for Articles Summer 05/05/2023 All articles to be submitted to: HON-HeraldGMB@mod.gov.uk This magazine contains official information and should be treated with discretion by the recipent and the views expressed in this magazine, unless specifically stated otherwise, do not reflect MOD, RAF or Station policy and are the personal views of the author. No responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised in this magazine can be accepted by the publishers or printers. Advertisements are included in good faith. Designer: Jo Glen Email: jo@lancemediagroup.co.uk Advertising: Jayne Bailey Tel: 01536 334219 Published by: Lance Media Group Ltd, 1st Floor, Tailby House, Bath Rd, Kettering, NN16 8NL 4 HONINGTON HERALD 16 17 22 18
Editorial Team


As we go to print, I’ll be entering my third month in post as Station Commander, and the eagle-eyed amongst you will know that there’s change afoot (and I’m not just talking about the return of the air cadet gliders!) My appointment signals the new Station constructs being driven by Headquarters 2 Group’s (HQ 2Gp) new operating model. In essence, this will see RAF Stations – or Air Base – all being owned and managed by a single Air Commodore within HQ 2Gp. The Air Wings, or Resident Units (lodger units in old money) are now commanded by separate Group Captains, who in turn work to Air Officer Global Enablement. There’s more on this in the coming pages, but, so what? Well, there will be hierarchical changes in the 2Gp HQ, but at the Station level, for the majority of personnel, your working day should not change a great deal. But what it does enable me to do, as your Station Commander, is to really concentrate on providing the

best support I can to those who work and live on the Station, and to personnel and their families who live in the married quarters and local area.

I see my appointment as Station Commander as an absolute privilege and opportunity of a life time, and my pledge to you is to use all of the levers I have to improve facilities, welfare and the social fabric of our Station and community. I’ll do this mainly by speaking to as many of you and your families as possible, so that I can get a first-hand understanding of the ‘lived experience’ here at RAF Honington. I want RAF Honington to be an inclusive Station, and a Station that people actively want to be posted into. All personnel, from across the whole force should be able to undertake an honest day’s work and feel valued by their peers and their line management. I have already met some of you at the Town Hall and focus groups, which I found really useful (and hopefully you did too!) My aim is to visit your

place of work, have a cuppa (coffee, black, no sugar please), and speak to you about your job and what you think of the Station. I’d like to streamline how I and my team communicate with you and your families so that everyone knows what is going on and the events we have coming up. The feedback so far has been a preference for face to face briefings and engagement,

which I will champion, as well as ensuring the team keep up with the usual social media feeds.

I hope you enjoy this edition of the Herald, with its spread of articles including the great success of our caterers, the impressive work carried out by the Trainee Gunners of El Alamein Flight at the Nunnery Lake Reserve in Thetford, and the reintroduction of flying at RAF Honington by the Viking Gliders of 611 Volunteer Gliding Squadron. Plus all of the great work by the Armourers, the Padres, RAF Regiment Training Wing, the Force Protection Centre, 1 Sqn RAF Regt and the Road Safety Team.

Regards, Max

Foreword HONINGTON HERALD 5 https://www.rafmags.com/magazines/ Honington Herald is now available online:
Wing Commander Max Hayward BEng(Hons) MSc RAF
A warm welcome to the Spring Edition of the Honington Herald. The days are starting to get longer and the temperature is doing its best to creep up. As many of you will already know, this is my first foreword of the Herald, and it gives me great pleasure to introduce such a worthy and useful publication that represents the mix of Station, Resident Unit and Community work and activities that help maintain the fabric of RAF Honington.
I see my appointment as Station Commander as an absolute privilege and opportunity of a life time, and my pledge to you is to use all of the levers I have to improve facilities, welfare and the social fabric of our Station and community
‘‘ ’’

Station Commander Handover

Group Captain Piers ‘Dutch’ Holland MBE MA RAF officially handed over command to Wing Commander Max Hayward BEng(Hons) MSc RAF on the 13th January 2023.

Wing Commander Hayward said: “I am very much looking forward to meeting and working with Station and Resident Unit personnel from across Defence, the Civil Service and of course the many Station Contractors here at RAF Honington. Ultimately my intent is to continue the excellent work that Dutch has carried out during his time in Command of the Station improving the lived experience of Honington for everyone.”

Wing Commander Max Hayward, originally of Dover, Kent, is a Joint Staff Officer, Logistician, and experienced commander of Whole Force personnel. He commissioned into the RAF in October 2003 and following Supply Officer Training he went on to staff appointments at (the now closed) RAF Stanbridge and then Headquarters Strike Command. Most recently he was selected for promotion in 2022 when he moved back to Northwood and into a Capability Support Portfolio Coherence post within United Kingdom Strategic Command. Max is supported by his wife Hesther, a primary school teacher, and their 2 children Leila and Sebastian. His interests (when time allows) include cycling, playing squash, walking, DIY and tinkering with old Landrovers.

Max’s chosen career highlights include previous Command positions as Second-in-Command of Logistic Support Squadron at RAF Lossiemouth, Scotland, Officer Commanding Supply and Air Movements Squadron in the Falklands, and his favourite so

far was as Officer Commanding Logistic Support Squadron at RAF Marham. Max says he is ‘a people person and working with a diverse bunch of Whole Force personnel is my natural habitat.’ Max hopes to ensure that RAF Honington continues to be a great place to work whilst he supports the Whole Force community.

Reflecting on Group Captain Holland’s time at RAF Honington since he took over command in January 2021, it has been a busy and demanding period with extraordinary events and unexpected challenges for the Station and wider RAF. The transition and return to normality following the pandemic, the passing of HRH Prince Phillip, the invasion of Ukraine, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, Station anniversaries, and of course more recently the sad passing of

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Air Commodore in Chief of the RAF Regiment.

Group Captain Holland said: “A privilege of a life-time ends today. 30 years ago, as a young Pilot Officer starting out on my career as an RAF Regiment Officer, had I known that I’d end up as the Group Captain Station Commander of the home of the RAF Regiment and wider Force Protection, I’d have been both amazed and delighted. It’s been an unsurpassable honour to serve, lead and represent RAF Honington, including through its 85th year. My unbounded thanks to all who live and work at RAF Honington, for their selfless service and to the families and our local

communities for the incredible support they provide. Of course when you take your hand out of a bucket of water there are only ripples, no hole and RAF Honington will now move forward to even bigger and better successes and accolades under the leadership of my successor, Wing Commander Max Hayward.

‘Pro Anglia Valens: Valiant for England!”

Don’t forget you can continue to follow Station Commander RAF Honington on Twitter at: @StnCdrHonington


RAF Honington - All Change and New Terminology

The Air Command Review and introduction of new organisations means that there are a lot of changes at RAF Honington. No longer the ‘Home of Force Protection’ or the ‘Home of the RAF Regiment! RAF Honington is simply RAF Honington!

So, what has happened?

The Force Protection Force has spilt in to 2 and now sits in the new Global Enablement organisation which has seen several tactical support forces amalgamate to support battle winning integrated action through agile combat

employment. This was celebrated with a Flag Change Ceremony held at RAF Honington during the Stations Annual Formal Inspection by Air Officer Commanding 2 Group, Air Vice-Marshal Suraya Marshall.

Within Global Enablement the RAF Police are now the Air

Security Force with RAF Regiment becoming the Combat & Readiness Force. The old Force Commander post now sits at High Wycombe as Air Officer Global Enablement and has additional responsibility with the Support Force, Medical Force and 90 Signals also moving into his sphere.

No change to the basic task or roles of the RAF Police or RAF Regiment though:

• The Air Security Force will SECURE the RAF to enable battle winning Air and Space Power.

• The Combat and Readiness Force will DEFEND the RAF to enable battle winning Air and Space Power.

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Welcome to RAF Honington;

USAF Chief Master Sgts (CMSgts) Venning, Weill and Castrovinci of RAF Mildenhall

Following a very successful visit to RAF Mildenhall as part of his Honorary Commander engagement activities, WO Ian Danks of Armament Engineering Flight organised and led a reciprocal visit of USAF Chief Master Sgts (CMSgts) Venning, Weill and Castrovinci to RAF Honington just before Christmas.

The day started with a guided tour of the RAF Regiment Heritage Centre where the history and development of the RAF Regiment was explained, including a handson demonstration of historic anti-aircraft weapon systems. Following a presentation by WO Gaz Elliott, the RAF Regiment Corps WO on current sphere and method of RAF Regiment operations, the 3 CMSgts were taken to a number of engineering areas on unit, discussing advances in RAF engineering activities and automation and digitisation of processes, notably within the station armoury.

Following a very enjoyable visit to 1 Squadron, including briefs on current unmanned air systems, infantry weapon systems, communication equipment, vehicles and anti-armour weapon demonstrations, 1 Sqn presented

each of the visitors with numerous gifts to take away. Late in the afternoon, the CMSgts were then invited to the RAF Regiment Training Wing to undertake infantry training exercises first hand, using the state of the art virtual reality training simulator,

Ready Gunner One that is being trialled by Regiment trainees. Finally, the RAF Honington Station Warrant Officer, and each of the RAF Regiment and Police Professions Advisors met with, and discussed profession and job similarities and differences


between working in the RAF and USAF, to increase awareness and understanding of each other’s normal working practices.

To finish off the visit, the CMSgts were invited to attend the traditional ‘Exchange Drinks’ event, where this year it was the turn of the Officers Mess to host the Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess; during this event WO Ian Danks presented each of the CMSgts with a signed picture, a token of his appreciation of being involved in the Honorary Commander Exchange Programme.

Following the visit and engagement between RAF Honington and the USAF, a number of additional connections have been made between RAF Honington and RAF Mildenhall personnel, which it is hoped will only continue to prove beneficial to both the RAF and USAF in the coming weeks, months and years.


Armament Engineering Flight successfully develops 50 Servicepeople Awaiting Trade Training (SATTs)

With the departure of Air Specialists Dean, Threlfall, Wright (Aircraft Engineers) and Dabski (Noncommissioned aircrew) from Honington after a very productive period of ‘holding’, Armament Engineering Flight (AEF) has now successfully developed, mentored and supported 50 Servicepeople Awaiting Trade Training (SATTs) since beginning the process in February 2021.

Warrant Officer Danks who has led this scheme at Honington, said; “Having the ability to employ SATTs within my area has undoubtably increased the level of support provided by AEF to the Force Protection Force. Identifying numerous engineering, and nonengineering based tasks that SATTs can complete, has not only directly assisted with AEFs high volume and technical workload, but has also enabled the opportunity to expose the most junior members of the Royal Air Force to day to day life in the Service, encompassing all areas that will soon be the norm, after they all finish their trade training and are assigned on their first posting. Having accommodated Aircraft Mechanical, Avionic and Weapons trades, the Flt have also actively employed RAF Police, RAF Regt, General Engineering trades and Computer based specialists within the Flt since Feb 21. Having now wished the best of luck to the latest batch of SATTs, I’m already in the process of engaging with Halton requesting additional SATTs to come to RAF Honington.”

OC Recruit Training Squadron at RAF Halton said; “It is a real source of ‘wider RAF’ exposure to us to be able to provide these opportunities to the SATT – opportunities their peers who go straight to Ph2 will not immediately have. Along those same lines, it also gets them away from the Ph1 establishment of RAF Halton into areas where they can gain very real first-hand experience of how the RAF works – the cogs and mechanisms of how we deliver

both on home base & on Ops.

Holds are designed to give SATTs meaningful employment whilst they await their specialist training. A hold such as this one at Honington evidently goes above and beyond that by developing their GSK and maintains their motivation to serve a military career during what can be a challenging ‘waiting period’ in their career.

The success of this scheme relies entirely on the generosity, time & effort expended by the receiving Unit to provide the best possible experience to the SATT therefore my thanks too in return to RAF Honington. Without Line Managers such as WO Danks to ensure not just that the SCD oversight is maintained for the SATTs, but that the SATTs gain RAF engineering experience within such a critical training establishment as Honington, this hold programme would be DOA.”

AR Threlfall said:

“Working in the Armoury as a SATT was a worthwhile experience. I was able to get a first-hand experience of how life in the RAF is. Working in the Armoury has helped me gain some transferrable skills that I will be able to use in further training. Thoroughly enjoyed myself during my time here at RAF Honington.”

AR Wright said:

“I have had a great time at RAF

Honington on hold, this experience has given me an insight of the real Airforce and what to expect after training. It has been amazing to not only get hands on experience with different types of rifles, but to have met and worked with great hardworking people, as well as taking part and doing jobs, which I wouldn’t be able to do outside of RAF Honington.”

AR Dabski said:

“Got a valuable insight into RAF work as well as RAF life, I have taken part in organised sport by taking part in Jujitsu. Played football of an evening with other members of AEF. I have experienced my social function and was able to be apart of a visit from AOC 2 Group. My time at Honington has kept me motivated and interested while on a longer holding period. Also as a future SNCO I got to see different management styles and how to apply them to a real RAF workplace. I have developed workshop experience, hand & tool skills, problem solving and independence.”



Success for AS1 Jones and AS1 Dixon from the Catering Section when they were presented their well respected promotion from AS2 to AS1 from WO Brewer (Catering) on 6 March 2023.

Amassive achievement for them both who have worked extremely hard to adjust to life in the Military and also learn their chosen trade. Both have been employed within the busy operating Junior Ranks Mess where they have been able to gain valuable on-the-job training in preparations for their future careers.

A notable experience for both was OP Bridge last September; the increased footfall saw the

Junior Ranks Mess feeding strength rise to 650pers with AS1 Jones and Dixon playing a massive part within the team to ensure that catering requirements for the OP were met.

AS1 Jones, currently U’18, has been at RAF Honington since Jul 22 and has been employed within the busy operating Junior Ranks Mess. Over this period she has become an influential member within the wider Catering team and is a very driven individual. Whilst under training she has;

• Worked many Official Mess

Functions (gaining and broadening her wider catering knowledge).

• Was part of the RAF Honington Remembrance Parade in Bury St Edmunds.

• Was selected to turn on the RAF Honington Christmas Lights as the current youngest serving SP on Station.

AS1 Dixon has also been employed with the Junior Ranks Mess since arriving in May 22. An individual who is willing to learn and displays a clear desire to succeed within the RAF. Whilst

under training he has;

• Played for the RAF Honington Station Football team on numerous occasions.

• Worked many Official Mess Functions (gaining and broadening his wider catering knowledge).

We wish them every success for their future careers and especially within the near future as they have both been chosen to represent RAF Honington at the annual RAF Culinary Skills Competition.

Please contact the HIVE for Arrivals and Deployment Information; email the HIVE Officer at HON-SptWgHiveOff@mod.gov.uk



But what lies ahead?

fun at 0700 in the dark.

Well…the mornings are just about beginning to feel lighter, and the journey home at least now starts in the light (even if it ends in the dark).

The suggestion or even promise of lighter days coming is evident all around us…a few snowdrops peeking through the ground, and as I write this February is looming just a matter of hours away so just another 11 months til Christmas!!

As we look ahead though, we hopefully do look to brighter days: we have the King’s Coronation to look forward to, something which has probably been inevitable for a few years but now becoming a reality.

I’m sure a lot of us will have birthdays, holidays and celebrations to look forward to as well, and that’s great – almost like a light at the end of the tunnel being turned on.

Let us not forget to enjoy the now though.

Now is the moment to enjoy, maybe to celebrate, and to be thankful for. Now is here for such a fleeting second…blink and you will miss it!

And what would you miss by blinking?

The smile of a family member, the eye roll of a valued colleague, the peace of a meeting finished, the sound of troops and vehicles manoeuvring around a busy station, the sunshine through the windows or the rainbow following a spell of rain.

It is so easy to wish for time to move on, for things to get better, for the days to get longer; but we need to be careful not to miss the here and now, to count the blessings of the moment, and to value the chance to experience all these things.

As always, though, if things are tricky and you’re finding it hard to see the joy right now, do not be alone in that…Padre Matt and I remain committed to serve the whole force and happy to meet to chat and listen should you feel the need. Appointments can be made by calling our Clerk (Claire Ruston) via Skype or ex 7141.

May God bless you richly, Padre Jo <><

• Would you like some free food?

• Would you like to help others receive free food?

• Would you like to help reduce food waste?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions… we need you!

Work is beginning to establish a Community Larder at RAF Honington, in order to help reduce food waste primarily, but some free food is always a bonus.

As we continue to develop things, we are looking to site a space where food from

supermarkets, the Station Allotments, and those random packets of food in your cupboard can find their way to a new home. Anything that has an expired USE BY date will not be available as this contravenes Health & Safety…this is food that cannot be sold or that may be past its BEST BEFORE date only.

If you want to find out more, please get in touch with Padre Jo @ Chaplaincy, and see how things are progressing and how you can help this new initiative flourish.

Well, January was a dark, cold and grumpy old month wasn’t it? I think I de-iced my car the most times in a month ever this January…not



This month saw the return of a flying Squadron to RAF Honington

Part of 2 Flying Training School, 611 Volunteer Gliding Squadron is standing back up after 8 years of not flying. At the moment, this means lots of Staff Flying to bring everyone up to the correct standard, but the aim of the Unit is to provide flying opportunities to RAF Air Cadets and Combined Cadet forces; both experience flights and also training them to fly solo and beyond at just 16 years old. Currently, the Squadron is operating 2 Viking gliders, 2 weekends a month, but this will soon be increasing to more (both aircraft and weekends) – especially as the weather starts to improve.

611 Volunteer Gliding Squadron have been delighted by the support shown by the Station so far; if you are interested in finding out more about the Squadron, or perhaps volunteering yourself, please contact 611VGS@rafac. mod.gov.uk, or follow their progress on the 611 Volunteer Gliding Squadron Facebook/Instagram page.




The Road Safety Team at RAF Honington have awarded winners from Honington Primary School following a Road Safety poster competition.

Harley Roberts, Eve Hilton and Ayva Iniff were awarded at the school assembly on Friday 24 February with Halfords vouchers, certificates and their individual poster framed. Aviators from RAF Honington invited children from the local primary school to design a poster on Road Safety and what it means to them. All entries were collected into the Station and judged by the Station Warrant Officer who had the difficult task of choosing the winners.

The Mechanical Transport team and Road Safety Committee at RAF Honington work closely with the local communities when it comes to Road Safety with various schemes such as Don’t Drink and Drive and Community Speed Watch.

Look out for the winning posters in the one of the local villages to Honington as they will now be enlarged and displayed on the roadside and within village halls.

Thank you to Honington CEVCP Primary School for providing the photos.

Station Warrant Officer Jerry McGuire judging the competition From left: Warrant Officer Jerry McGuire, Harley Roberts, Corporal Haylee Curtis, Eve Hilton, Flight Sergeant Sarah Davies, Ayva Iniff, Sergeant Alex Clement


Raising money for the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) Benevolent Fund

Flt Lt Alex Hickman and his dad FS Phil Andrews, both serving members of the RAF, have made the decision to complete the Edinburgh Marathon on 28 May 2023. They will be raising money for the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) Benevolent Fund.

DMRC Stanford Hall, formally Headley Court, offers a bespoke rehabilitation facility for all military personnel. The Facility combines technology with proven therapy to deliver the specific functions required for physical rehabilitation.

The Benevolent fund is a volunteerrun charity that provides funding to support holistic, occupational and social integration opportunities for serving military patients at DMRC Stanford Hall, that are not provided by public funding.

The reason the pair have chosen this charity is because it has had a personal impact on Flt Lt Hickman. Alex was seriously injured following a mountain bike accident in 2019 with various broken bones including his back and neck subsequently, he became a patient at DMRC Stanford Hall receiving care and assistance of the staff and facilities that were available.

He was placed under their care for approximately 2 years attending various meetings, scans and courses to help aid his recovery to full fitness. Alex said: “After all the help that DMRC has given to me, I thought it pertinent to give back and help others who may be in my position or worse.”

The pair have begun training for their marathon at their home units of RAF Honington and PJHQ Northwood with various weekends meeting to run together at home in Kent. Phil said: “I started training to run with my son for a cause that without which, he might not have been able to walk let alone run.”

For more information and to follow their journey:

JustGiving page - Alexander Hickman is fundraising for Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Benevolent Fund (justgiving.com)

Charity page - DMRC BENEVOLENT FUND – Home of the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Benevolent Fund (dmrcbenfund.org.uk)



Defensive Tactics continues to run pilot courses with the aim of developing the capability and increasing the number of trainers and instructors required to take it into its next phase. Since October 2022, 26 Basic Operators, 10 Trainers and 4 Instructors have become qualified. 2 German exchange students were part of the trainers qualified in order to share training concepts from partner Nations. Staff from RAF Regiment Training Wing also took part. The phased approach will see integration of the course into the Field Gunners and Junior Regiment Officer Course. Defensive Tactics offers to fill a gap between the ‘shout or shoot’ responses available to

RAF Regiment personnel through training focused on physiological and psychological combative behaviours.

Training Squadron hosted 42 Commando Royal Marines for a 3 week long vehicle training course. The course introduced the Royal Marines to the Foxhound Armoured Vehicle (Wheeled). Over the 3 week syllabus, the team were introduced to the vehicles maintenance and component parts, handling skills, casualty evacuation drills, vehicle recovery drills and plenty of on and off road driving in both day and night. The Force Protection Centre

was asked to provide this training to prepare 42 Commando for an upcoming operation as Foxhound isn’t a platform that they routinely use.

The Counter-Threats Section hosted a working group of cross Government organisations to discuss the threat presented by surface to air weapons. The team hosted personnel from the Department for Transport, National Counter Terrorism Police, British Airways and the National Air Traffic Service. The team provided valuable advice about the weapon types that adversaries may use against civilian airliners.

The Force Protection Centre has also been actively involved in supporting the backfill of personnel during the various strikes that are taking place

up and down the country. This includes members both training for and backfilling the Fire Service, Ambulance Service and Border Force to name a few. The team have pulled together to ensure that we have been able to maintain our busy tempo thanks to the commitment of the team.

Looking forward to the next quarter, Remotely Piloted Air System operators will be deploying to Norway in support of a large scale exercise alongside 16 Air Assault Brigade. This will give a valuable opportunity to test the equipment along with tactics, techniques and procedures in temperatures down to -10 degrees Celsius. This will provide a rare training opportunity to work alongside the British Army and we are sure that key learning points will come out of it.

The Force Protection Centre has entered 2023 with a bang, walking straight into what is proving to be another busy year of providing vital training, important cross defence and government liaison and experimentation support to the Air Security and Combat & Readiness Forces.

No ID? You can apply for free voter ID


Voter ID

The UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections. This new requirement will apply for the first time in England at the local elections on Thursday 4 May 2023.

Which forms of ID can I use to vote?

You may already have a form of photo ID that is acceptable. You can use any of the following:

• Passport

• Driving licence (including provisional license)

• Blue badge

• Certain concessionary travel cards

• Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)

• Biometric Immigration document

• Defence identity card

• Certain national identity cards

For more information on which forms of photo ID will be accepted, visit electoralcommission.org.uk/voterID or call their helpline on 0800 328 0280.

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The RAF Regiment Training Wing at RAF Honington is responsible for Phase 0 (Attract & Select), Phase 2 (Role Specific Training) and Phase 3 (Leadership, Command, Continuation and Specialist) training for RAF Regiment Gunners and Officers –delivering safe, realistic, robust and operationally focussed training to over 2000 personnel per year.

Regimental Training Squadron (Advanced)

Once again, the winter months have proven to be another incredibly busy period for Regiment Training Squadron (Advanced) (RTS(A)). The run up to Christmas Leave often heralds the culmination of the Junior Regiment Officers Course (JROC) and the Further Training 3 (FT3), promotion to Sgt, and this year was no different. The Specialist Courses Flight and Tactical Communications Flight were equally busy, with delivery right up to the block leave. After the well-earned rest the whole Squadron returned to work in the New Year and were straight into

delivery, directly contributing and supporting the Combat & Readiness Force output. All of this has been delivered during the change of command with a new OC, Squadron Leader James Mitchell and Dep Squadron Commander, Flight Lieutenant Campbell Steel, taking post.

The final months of 2022 saw Junior Regiment Officers Course 127 conclude. The 13 graduating officers joined the Corps on 8 December after 27 long, arduous, testing weeks; a testament to their determination and fortitude in times of sheer adversity. This graduation saw the return of VIPs from across the globe including Honorary Air Commodore, Air

RAF Regt Trg
Flying Officer Josh Wells - Awarded the Kapuscinski Sword (Most Potential) Flying Officer Andy Harrison - Awarded the Barratt Sword (Top Student) Flying Officer Ryan Fox - Awarded the Vaux Trophy (Most Improved)

Chief Marshal (Retd) Sir Stephen Dalton, Commandant General, Air-Vice Marshal Mick Smeath and Air Officer Global Enablement, Air Commodore Jamie Thompson. Flying Officer Andy Harrison was awarded the Barratt Sword (Top Student), Flying Officer Josh Wells was awarded the Kapuscinski Sword (Most Potential) and Flying Officer Ryan Fox was awarded the Vaux Trophy (Most Improved). The day and evening were a fantastic opportunity for friends and family to revel in the graduating officers’ achievements and see their loved ones prior to postings and operational deployments proudly commanding the men and women of their new Corps!

Between delivery Flight Lieutenant Moore and Sergeant Woolls visited 2 Infantry Training Battalion at Catterick in order to develop a relationship between Parachute Company and the Pre ParaSelection Course Training Team. This visit forms part of a wider ‘learning from others’ strategy which is being implemented by Infantry Training Centre, Royal Marines Commando Training Centre and the RAF Regiment Training Wing with a view to sharing best practice across respective areas of responsibility. During the visit they completed the Parachute Company 20mile Endurance March, 5 Mile Stretcher Race and observed the Milling event. This has now set the foundations to implement an instructor exchange programme with the intent to invite a member of the Parachute Company

staff on the March Pre ParaSelection Course.

Regimental Training Squadron


Over the winter period Meiktila Flight Trainee Gunner 3-22 transitioned into Module 2 of the course. The team deployed on several field exercises, developing existing skills and honing new tactics in Flight Level Ops and Close Quarter Battle, before embarking on their final summative field exercise, EX OMEGA. 17 Trainee Gunners were successful and made it through to the final phase of the course: Live Firing Tactical Training. An intense 2-week Live Firing package in Sennybridge followed with a much anticipated and thoroughly deserved Graduation on 9 February – see separate article in this edition.

In December, WO Buckley organised a Christmas function in Bills restaurant Bury St Edmunds, enabling staff the chance to unwind prior to a well-deserved break. Immediately following Christmas, the Squadron saw some big changes: Squadron Leader Scott Ripley-Jones and Deputy Squadron Commander Flight Lieutenant Stuart Clark both came to the end of their tenure. They leave the Squadron in a better place thanks to their efforts, and we wish them both the best in their new roles.

January saw Squadron Leader Doug McCorkindale and Flight

In addition to new leadership, the Squadron also welcomed the arrival of Trainee Gunner 5-22, El Alamein Flight. The team took a break from their Marksmanship training to conduct a Community Project helping to improve the Nunnery Lakes Reserve in Thetford. Group 1 uplifted the garden area and removed an old board walk near the pond, levelling the ground and laying

woodchip, their work has meant the public can now enjoy the pond area of the gardens. Group 2 rebuilt a section of walkway around the lakes and laid foundations and boarders for a path. Group 3 built a bird hide for the local Kingfisher population. It is immensely important that the Trainee Gunners are taught the importance of Community Engagement as a Service member and both the El Alamein staff and Trainee Gunners deserve huge credit for such a sterling effort.

Lieutenant Mike Hampton arrive to lead the Squadron into 2023




Congratulations to the 15 members of Trainee Gunner Course 3-22, Meiktila Flight; the newest members of the RAF Regiment to have graduated from the RAF Regiment Training Wing here at RAF Honington.

The new graduates were accompanied with music by the Band of the RAF Regiment, blessings from Chaplain Rev (Sqn Ldr) Critchley and joined by loved ones in the Jimmy James Hangar.

Reviewing Officer Group Captain Wigglesworth, Station Commander RAF Marham, congratulated the new recruits on their future roles and said: “It’s a proud moment for the RAF Regiment as the newest batch of trainees graduate from 20 weeks of gruelling training to earn their ‘mudguards’; and an honour for me to be their Reviewing Officer. What an achievement for these young Gunners!”

On graduating from this course, the Gunners are posted to either

1 Squadron RAF Regt here at RAF Honington, 2 Squadron RAF Regt (RAF Brize Norton), 15 Squadron RAF Regt (RAF Marham), 34 Squadron RAF Regt (RAF Leeming) 51 Squadron RAF Regt (RAF Lossiemouth) or King’s Colour Squadron (63 Squadron RAF Regt, RAF Northolt). They will be trained to such a level that they can immediately commence Mission Specific Training for contingency operations.


Frank Sylvester Trophy: AS2 Marshall

To commemorate her late husband’s dedication to the Corps and in particular to the training of young Gunners, his widow presented the Frank Silvester Trophy for award to the best all-round Trainee Gunner of each course.

The RAF Regt Association Trophy for Drill and Deportment: AS2 Earl

This award is made to the Trainee Gunner who has developed an excellent military deportment, assessed both on and off duty, on the parade square and, most importantly during field exercises

This prize is awarded to the Trainee Gunner who achieves the greatest improvement during the physical development course.

This trophy is awarded to the Gunner who has been voted by his peers on the Course as the most inspirational and supportive member of the Flight. The recipient of this trophy has provided loyalty, dependability and motivation to those around him during the toughest moments of the training


This prize is awarded to the Trainee Gunner who has shot consistently well throughout the course. He would also be the student who has shown consistent military awareness, on battle and fieldfiring exercises, in the selection of his shooting positions and use of cover. He would also be one who has demonstrated consistently a high standard of weapon handling and safety awareness throughout the course.

Cpl Gill

Cpl Bradfield Trophy: Cpl Gill

The Corporal Bradfield Trophy preserves the example of the past embodied by Corporal Bradfield, in the standards set by the JNCOs of today. It is awarded to the Corporal Instructor who has displayed leadership, motivation and above all else has set an exemplary standard for the recruits to follow.

AS2 Christensen AS2 Scarlett AS2 Earl AS2 Marshall AS2 Scarlett WO Ramsey Physical Development Cup: AS2 Scarlett LAC Beard Recruits’ Trophy: AS2 Christensen Luders Champion Shot Trophy: AS2 Scarlett

At the beginning of November members of the Squadron took part in the Remembrance Week celebrations for the Station and the Remembrance Day parade in Bury St Edmunds and took the opportunity during the Station parade to reflect on those who have passed on, with a wreath being laid in the Station remembrance garden by OC 1 Squadron, Squadron Leader Algar. Four members of the Squadron were selected to have the opportunity to take part in the Remembrance festival at the Royal Albert Hall in front of HRH the King, the first remembrance festival following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

1 Squadron RAF Regiment

Squadron Officers and Gunners took part in a charity weighted circuit event in aid of the Centurion Fund to tie in with the 80th Anniversary of the RAF Regiment. The circuit consisted of 10 different stations, each with a weighted powerbag that had to be moved or lifted enough times to equate to 100kg being lifted on each station. The aim was to lift 29200kg over the session, which equates to the same number of days that there are in 80 years1kg lifted for every day since the RAF Regiment has been formed.

The event was a huge success with over £300 being raised for the Centurion Fund and leading to some very sore legs the next day!

The Centenary Dinner for the Squadron was held on the 17th of November 1, 100 years on from the Squadron’s founding as an Armoured Car Company in Egypt. All currently serving officers and SNCOs were invited as well as several VIPs from across the RAF Regiment and also ex-serving and fully retired members of the Squadron. A great evening was had by all who attended, with several vignettes given on shaky legs due by serving members of the Squadron due to the charity physical event conducted earlier in the day. Air Officer Global Enablement, Air Commodore Jamie Thompson, gave an uplifting speech about what direction the RAF Regiment within the new Combat & Readiness Force. The formal dinner was topped off by the unveiling of a new 1 Squadron

March, Swift and Sudden - Far from Home, composed fantastically by the Bandmaster of the Honington Voluntary Band Mr Paul Jackson. Forever keen to keep on top of ground combat skills, in the final week of November the Squadron deployed in two different detachments onto Exercise CHARIOT SPEAR. This ‘back to basics’ exercise had the

flights operating out of a dug in harbour location and conducting deliberate actions and patrols, ending with a night-time ambush action. The gunners also had several refresher lessons whilst deployed, most notably with the Squadron’s paramedic conducting casualty extraction drills, but as the great British weather opened up, it turned the training into more of a mud assault course than an organised lesson! A great bonding experience for all involved and a fantastic steppingstone onto larger exercises later in the year.

Returning from Christmas leave, the Squadron says goodbye and congratulations to Warrant Officer Elliott who has been selected to become the Corps Warrant Officer and hello to Warrant Officer Stanson. 1 Squadron would like to thank WO Elliott for his service to the Squadron during his time with us, and to thank Flight Sergeant Thorp for stepping into the role during the transition period. With an even busier year on the horizon than normal, 1 Squadron (as always) is rising to the tasks in front of us.

Arkish Surrish - Swift and Sudden

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