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Royal Air Force Police (RAFP) Road Safety Campaign
RAFP winners of the best Road Safety Write-up for 2022.
Promoting Road Safety across RAF Benson, RAFP Benson conducted a campaign around Drink Driving. Running with the campaign, the section decided how and when they were to educate all personnel at RAF Benson on the dangers and implications of Drink Driving.
RAFP increased foot patrols around camp on both Domestic and Technical sites, increasing their presence allowed them to identify individuals failing to follow the law of the road.
Two members of the section attended individual messes weekly, handing out pocket breathalysers and providing information regarding legal driving limits, to serve as reminders as to what is acceptable.
Each week during busy periods, vehicle check points were set up to carry out searches of vehicles for any alcohol consumption at the time of driving, and to inform drivers of the implications of drink driving.
After a careful review of each of the Road Safety Campaign write ups for 2022, the RAFP write up was recognised for their fantastic efforts to promote Road Safety at RAF Benson and voted the best.
They were awarded a £100 Halfords Gift voucher on behalf of the Road Safety Committee by Wg Cdr Alex Hunter. The Road Safety Committee’s effort continues at RAF Benson in 2023, with a year planned full of campaigns run by different sections across camp. There will be an award for the best campaign for 2023 – Keeping RAF Benson’s roads safe.